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In addition to the hives on my arm, my sleep has been terrible. I would wake up in the middle of the night in fear of the dark, ghosts. My fear of the dark and ghosts is something I've always had, even as an adult, but the past 2 nights they have been worse.
No sexual desire - I wish there was!
No sexual desire - I wish there was!
♡ BOPP 4 years ago
Make Lycopodium 30 like as below.
Take 250ml distilled water in a bottle.
Give 3pills of Lycopodium 30 in water.
Keep the bottle in a cool place.
In the morning, jerk the bottle 4 times and drink only 5ml. And keep the bottle in a cool place to reserve it for using.
Take 250ml distilled water in a bottle.
Give 3pills of Lycopodium 30 in water.
Keep the bottle in a cool place.
In the morning, jerk the bottle 4 times and drink only 5ml. And keep the bottle in a cool place to reserve it for using.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
It has only been one day since I have taken the second dose of the lycopodium ( the first dose was last week). But I wanted to give you an update on my experience. It's been interesting that last week the itch first started on my lower legs. Then after taking the first dose of lycopodium, the itch disappeared, but moved to my lower stomach. Then the next day it moved to my lower arms( this is when you told me to take the second dose). After the second dose, the itch on my stomach disappeared, but then it was my upper chest that started to itch late last night and this morning. Isn't this strange how my itches/ hives have been moving up? Should I continue to wait? Or take another dose?
♡ BOPP 4 years ago
Have you made Lycopodium 30 as I instructed? With water?
If you are not understood how to make, ask again.
If you are not understood how to make, ask again.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Yes, I am familiar with the water dilution ( succussion method).
My lower back and arms continues to be itchy with hives.
Please advise. Thank you
My lower back and arms continues to be itchy with hives.
Please advise. Thank you
♡ BOPP 4 years ago
It has been a little over 5 days since taking the 2nd dose of lycopodium 30.
My skin is much better. My neck is still painful, but I am able to turn a slightly better. I seem to sleep better too. My digestion/bowel movement has also improved.
Please advise what the next step is.
Thank you
My skin is much better. My neck is still painful, but I am able to turn a slightly better. I seem to sleep better too. My digestion/bowel movement has also improved.
Please advise what the next step is.
Thank you
♡ BOPP 4 years ago
My skin has been doing well. I have not had any irritations for over a week.
The movement of my neck has improved. The sharp pain has improved, but tightness is still there with a dull pain.
My skin has been doing well. I have not had any irritations for over a week.
The movement of my neck has improved. The sharp pain has improved, but tightness is still there with a dull pain.
♡ BOPP 4 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Sorry for the late response. There is been a lot going on in my family. My period has always been on schedule, however, they have been very inconsistent in the last 30 days. This month, my period came after 2 weeks. This is not normal for me. So I decided to stop taking the lycopodium until my period is back to normal. It could be due to stress. I am not sure. What do you suggest?
Sorry for the late response. There is been a lot going on in my family. My period has always been on schedule, however, they have been very inconsistent in the last 30 days. This month, my period came after 2 weeks. This is not normal for me. So I decided to stop taking the lycopodium until my period is back to normal. It could be due to stress. I am not sure. What do you suggest?
♡ BOPP 4 years ago
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