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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi.can any one suggest me which remedy suits for my condition..i have small tiny warts around neck and tummy and on vagina..all of them look similar.
The one which are located on genital area cause itching..they very tiny most of them located on right side at vagina.they are in group.. rest of warts which are located on body no itching in them..
Age :29 years
Warts present from one year ago.
Weight :67

Normally very happy person. I am just worrying about this
I tried thuja 30c about months it didn't work out and then i tried sepia 30c two months..i have recently contacted a homeopathy doctor she suggest me calcera carbonica1m 1dose..still no change in them.i am attaching a image for reference size and appearance ..can you pleade suggest me best remedy for problem..thank you..
  Suhana1 on 2022-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I am sorry i will attach the image now..thank you
Suhana1 3 years ago
Hi i have sent pictures to your email..can you please check for me.thank you
Suhana1 3 years ago
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thank you..
Suhana1 3 years ago
Nit Acid 30 five pellets 3 times a day.

In addition Nat Mur 6x and Nat Sulph 6x five tabs of each three times a day.

Weekly feedbacks.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I will order them today..i will update doctor..thank you..
Suhana1 3 years ago
Hi doctor Anuj i need to say thanks for considering my case..following changes i have observed while on medication.

Morning stiffness getting better. Sometimes occasionally i feel stiffness far better than before

Runny nose while having hot food is reduced

Warts remain same..no change at all

I barely noticing itching in warts..little white discharge..

Thank you..kindly let me know doctor any changes i need to do..thank you so much for help..sir

I for got mention doctor i was experiencing
Burning sensation while sleeping its getting better as well.

I have been always seen b12 deficiency in me ..can i take b12 supplements along whith remedies..please let me know..sir..thank you ..
[Edited by Suhana1 on 2022-01-30 22:02:04]
Suhana1 3 years ago
You can take B-12.

Same protocol,feedback after a week.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Okay doctor thank you..
Suhana1 3 years ago

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