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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erectile Dysfunction

Hi Doctor,,
I am 28 years old, 5'9", 80 kgs in weight.Till 2001 I had a very healthy sex. I mean never ever faced a Erectile problem..Recently in May when I tried to have sex I found that my Penis is not becoming erect as it used to be earlier bcoz of which I couldnt penetrate at all...That has really affected me psychologically n now am with a feeling that I will never be able to gain my sexual ability...

When I try to stimulate it with my hand it becomes erect but very soft and I am not seeing harder as it used to be earlier..When I try to masturbate it ejaculates very sooner now..

And is there anyway to increase my sexual drive,,I mean can we reduce the time, penis takes to become erect again after having Intercourse...

When I was browsing thru some websites in ED,,have found the below pasted discussion,,,This somewhat seems to be similar to my observation on me...Before to the time I have failed in sex n even now,,,when ever i get stimulated my pants become wet but I do not see full erection...I mean to say there will be continuous semen secretion..

Have suffered from dengue fever exactly 1 year back during which I have been tranfused with 6-8 sachets of Blood Platelets and again in this February have suffered from severe viral fever bcoz of which I continuously took antibiotics...These all go in my mind whether one of these medication had affected my sexual ability...

Contacted one Doctor here,,and he said that its all Psychological problem and prescribed me to take CIALIS for 6 months.But when I have seen the below pasted discussion in a Website,,,I started getting a feeling that even am facing the similar problem...

You suggestions would definitely help me to lead normal life,,,Pls tell me whether I need to come n meet you personaly inorder to undergo any medical tests or if you can suggest whether I have to go for any Testosterone treatment....Pls suggest

leaking issues

I'm not sure if many guys have experienced such a thing, but my penis, for lack of a better word, leaks. Is this normal, and if not, why is this happening and how can I fix the problem?
Concerned Reader

Dear Concerned,

Semen leakage is caused by a weakening of the parasympathetic sexual nerve that keeps the ejaculation valve closed and maintains the erection. If not taken care of, it's possible that maintaining an erection can become a problem as well.

To hold the erection up and tighten the ejaculation valve, you need a basic resting potential in the parasympathetic sexual motoring nerve and a continuous burst of testosterone to charge the nerves during sex. Testicular stimulation during intercourse can help the testosterone burst, and increase penile power and combat seminal leakage that often contributes to premature ejaculation (not to mention potential embarrassment in front of a partner).

There are herbal supplements that can help you achieve the quality sex you want by providing an increase in testosterone as fuel.

Thanking you in advance,
  Ranadeep on 2004-08-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Ranadeep,
The leakage of semen which you tell, is it visible? Please let me know.
sadeqahmed last decade

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