The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Any remedy for left Maxilla sinus?I feel better in warm inhalation
Feel worse in fresh air
And sunlight
*pain in eye area,watery and Red
*pain in root of the left nose down to Throat
*hard for me to breath through nose
*yellow mucus
*fever(i took belladonna for the pain and fever so far it is working)
* i believe it is from my dust Allergy not From cold.
*despite of taking Belladonna several times i still cant move my eyes everywhere
FarihaPT on 2024-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please list down impact of all medicines you have taken till now
please stop other medicines and arrange kali Carb 200C
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2024-02-15 07:34:13]
please list down impact of all medicines you have taken till now
please stop other medicines and arrange kali Carb 200C
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2024-02-15 07:34:13]
♡ HealthyWorld last year
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