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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cradle Cap & Eczema 6 month old

My daughter developed cradle cap at around 8 weeks. Severe yellow crusts all over her scalp but did not bother her. Unfortunately we went to GP who gave us cortisone cream which stopped using 1 month ago. Now seeing homoepath who has prescribed adaplex VT - fish oil evening primrose oil & zinc as well as bifidobacterium infantis and gave 3 tablets of mezerium 5 weeks ago. That same week develop eczema/rash on chest which has now spread all over torso and a bit into nappy area. Now starting to irritate her. Have been moisturising - sorbolene, olive oil, calendula.
Unfortunately she was immunised at 2 moths & 4 months. Breastfeed but sometimes needs to be topped up with formula (have done so since birth). Born by caesarian. I am new to homeopathy and want to bear with it but now that she is getting worse and I getting alot of pressure from family to follow 'conventional' medicine. Please help
  amberlee on 2006-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
if chid is most part breast fed--mother's state of well being is to be consdiered in part of treatment--also it is as unnecessay for adaplex VT;fish oil....etc--to be taken internally by child--as due to breast feeding---al nutrients as wel as remedies are to be administered to mother only im theses cases..if prescriber fail in this --it only shows their worth---and from this vantage pont tels -the aggravation now occuring is most like unnecessary--and due to improper knowledge and case management..clear?

if need further help--we can continue this discussion--
John Stanton last decade
I appreciate a prompt response - I would like to continue this discussion
amberlee last decade
what need to know concerning case mentioned?write freely
John Stanton last decade
Is it common to get a reaction from taking homeopathic medicines in order for the body to deal with the problem? What changes could I be making to my diet etc to assist the situation. How do you know how the choose the right homeopathic doctor? I do connect well with the doctor I am seeing but I guess I am getting impatient. If it was my health I would wait and let the treatments work however being a first time mother I am trying to the very best by my daughter and do not want her to suffer.
amberlee last decade
what is your current state of health?

what last illness had (describe symptomology thoroughly)?when(date)?how treated?
John Stanton last decade
Daughter born by caesarian November last year. Had some complications with vulva varicosities. Mastitis in one breast and nipple thrush at 3 weeks - antibiotic tablets and drip various in hospital herbal remedies for thrush (vitamin C, lactobacillius, echinacea). Baby had reflux treated with zantac liquid. Currently I am just recovering from a nasty cold which lasted 2 weeks (I normally do not get many colds)
amberlee last decade
Also had iron deficiency during pregnancy - iron supplements caused upset stomach so stopped taking them. Also experienced bad indigestion during pregnancy for which I took prescription medication
amberlee last decade
got you---weeping eczema----

ok 1 pellet pulsatilla 30c in 4 oz water --in clean water bottle..shake/thump (count 3)---i teaspoon of this solution in 4 oz water in drinking glass..stir heavy --1 teaspoon dose of this mix.to be given child and mother in morning on empty stomachs-1 hour before first eating..label (pulsatilla 30c) and save water bottle solution.in frig...discard driking glass mix and wash glass well.

mother/child to avoid all rich foods;all sweets;all fats/oils....no acidic fods and drinks (coffee;all teas:carbonated drinks;fruits and fruit juices;alcoholic beverages;pickled foods;vinegar;..etc)---no products made with wheat at all...no breads/pastas...buckwheat and ruce flour products ok...

no vitamins ;no herb teas;skin coverings;no other meds at all;no remides..

mother only is to use full spectrum probiotic--udos choce super 5 -or good equivalent...

all nutrition of mother is to come from whole food sources adhering to dietary consdierations mentioned..

child is to get nutrition from mother's milk ONLY

all clear? questions?

no repeat dose...and keep me closely informed (daily or as feel need)...
John Stanton last decade
Thank you for reply.
Forgot to mention was given Pulsatilla to give to my child 2 weeks ago - crushed and put into water and sips given over 24 hour period. Did help temporarily with irritation.
Can I still have dairy foods?
What can I put on her skin - very dry especially after bath? Currently using olive oil/almond oil, sorbolene cream, calendula.
I cannot produce enough milk to sustain her have tried to increase supply but no luck - have been feeding pureed organic vegetables -zucchini carrot avocado pear only. have avoided formula for last week. thanks
amberlee last decade
you and child take puls as i mentioned..see if milk increase --treatment includes moher as well aschild---this first step balance health...organic vegs ok as mentioned for child ok--advocado high oil content..use for now--may need remove later--

just use oragnic-cold pressed extra virgin olive oil..use lightly.and as needed..

no milk products at all..

mother and daughter puls 30c as mentioned..access from there..no other remedies or treatments...

keep me informed closely--ok?
John Stanton last decade
Can I use the olive oil on her skin??
What can I do to help with scratches and bleeding on skin?
Can I expect problem might get worse before it gets better?
amberlee last decade
no unnecessary aggravtion..if so only with old symptoms recurring..NEVER new symptoms and NEVER old allowed to have extreme aggravation..this improper--when occurs --close monitoring will keep under control with correct management --

also have on hand nux vomica 200c;sulphur 30c;sulphur 200c;camphor 30c;pulsatila 200c..
John Stanton last decade

olive oil is for skin--but only when absolutely need..

scratching is to be part of treatment--will cease...with proper treatment--
John Stanton last decade
When cutting out dairy products can I have soy to maintain calcium levels - or what else can I have with calcium?
What is reasoning behind cutting out dairy & wheat - could it be that my daughter has an allergy to these things?
What about meat?
Could you explain why to try not to put anything directly on her skin?
amberlee last decade
topcal treatments do not heal--but are pallative by natur-if healed then wouldnt need internal meds (homoeopahic)...using topical changes /alters symptomology-as thisis reason used...masking healing process--what is needd is unadultrated symptoms-so accessment can be clear..this why no mix any form of other treatment..

dairy products and other restrictios of food and drink --is so as NO unnnecessary aggravtion of symptoms occur-due to remdy used and patient presonal sensitive ness that may occur under treatment--or sensitive tha may already exist--precautionary for most part--unnecessary aggravtion or complication is important aspect --

meat ok--no pork ...no fat laddened meat--quality beef /lamb/goat/venison/rabbit.slightly raw-not well cooked...is preferred...--chicken/turkey used sparringly...

the ONLY soy products to be used are organic quality fermented soy...no beancurds;soy mil--none that are devoid fermentation--this in self affect calcium absorbtio..calcium--from other sources--meat;brocolli;kelp;micro algae;..once stablization of case --then organic goat's milk of quality is preferred source..since not availbale readily to most---product called 'caprotein' is vest seen so far ..

al clear?
John Stanton last decade

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