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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

son with autism help?

My beautifull little boy age 35 months old was diagnosed with autism in SEPT 2005 since then we have been on the DAN protacol ( diet free casein, no milk etc) we have seen some improvement but he still lacks speech he only mimic sounds like eee, bauh, ouuu, we have now started a genetic program offered through Dr Amy Yasko Of ME USA I am looking for some answers on this board with simalr experiences that you can share with me please any help of any type of products i can use I am new to the world of Homepathy I have read a lot of articles and I am hoping and praying there are some answers out there for what my son has Pleae help
me to beat Autism
  MYSONPETROS on 2006-05-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Oh man!!!!!

You have to get in touch busymominme.

Go to this link and click on her screen name and it will take you to her website where she discusses all sorts of things she has done to bring her son back to life including homeopathy. And you can also contact her by e-mail with questions.

Her website is excellent!!! ABSOLUTELY inspiring!!!


recoveredfromautism dot com.
Pat2006 last decade

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