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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema Atopic Dermititis

I am seeking treatment advise for my son who is 6 years old.

From birth, he has been having some allergy problems like rashed on the face and joints. When I used to feed by son, i used to take egg and orange and slowly, I realised that the allergy was through the egg and orange. I stopped using these whenever i used to feed by son.

By birth, my son had a hair lip problem which was corrected by surgery after 3 months from birth and after the surgery he stopped mother's milk.

After that continuously, my son used to get cold, cough and then leading to wheezing problem. Then to over come this we have to give nebulizer dose and this repeats by itself for almost every two weeks. His nose is always running and never stops.

We have also given him vaccinations to protect him from repeated infections like Hepatisis A Vaccine, Chicken Pox Vaccine, Flu Vax, Tetanuis, HIB Vaccine and the basis vaccines like DPT & BCG. Twice tested for mantoux test and the result was negative, so repeated the dose of DPT & BCG.

We also realized the milk and curd was the main cause of his cold problem, we then reduced the intake.

We used to apply ELOCOM Cream, whenever it shows up on his body. The usual itching problems comes from his scalp itching, arms, face, back of his ear, finger tips, back of his knee and recently on his back say seat.

We have also done the allergy test which revealed that he is allergic to dust mite and casein and milk products. Also came to know that he is allergic to protein content in the food.

Now, we have started Homeo treatment and as a result of the same we have stopped the allopathy treatment now. The rashed on his body is too much now and he is really suffering from the itching problem which is the major disturbances.

Can you suggest a treatment methodology so that at least the itching problem can be reduced. He is also itching the spots till the blood pours out.

Please suggest some remedy to this problem I will be greatly obliged to take your recommendation.

Is there any cream or oil which will reduce the itching sensation.

Mother of 6 year old and a 3 year old
3 year old daughter is perfectly alright.

  radha252 on 2004-08-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
My 5-year old daughter is having a similar problem as Radha's son. She has just started a homeopathic treatment & similarly, more rash appear on her skin when homeopathy remedy taken. The homeopath who I consulted, advised that this is a normal & good reaction to have the rash appear on her skin. However, the itchness of the rash really irritate my daughter as well as myself so much. Bec'os both of us cannot sleep well. However, the homeopath encourage me NOT to stop since it is a normal & good result of taking the treatment & he also suggests to take antihastermine to soothe the itchness of the rash. Anyway, I follow his advice and wish it will help my daughter to overcome her eczema in future.
My doubt on homeopathy is still bothering me & don't have 100% confidence on this type of treatment. Can anybody give POSITIVE feedback on homeopathic treatment. I would love to know it.

mother of a 5-year old girl who suffers from eczema since 2 months old
SWhair 2 decades ago
My Son who is 7 years old has the same problem. He was on Allopathic medicine for 6 years, but no good results were seen. Now he is taking Homeopathic medicine, intially the aggrevation was more during initial doses but then he was stabilised in his condition for three-four months. Now the scratching problem has relapsed again due to not known reasons, he is in a bad shape. Our Homeopath says that we are on right track but I do not know when he will be completely cured.
Although I have seen positive effects after homeopathic medicine, I do not know whether it is a right type of therapy for dermitits patient.
NHDJG 2 decades ago
eczema can be from several onsets for instance vaccines,allergy to foods,or harsh detergents in the wash,laying on chemical treated grass or carpets,inherited factors,etc.
all need a single constitutional remedy and detoxing of what the onset was this is different for each person.100 people can have eczema with 100 different homeopathic results given.i have noticed that if topical methods are used via creams,lotions,cortizones later on this child will have respitory problems such as asthma due to the suppresion of the skin ailment and not treating it properly from within,as the skin is the last organ used by the body to elliminate toxins from within.
tyler 2 decades ago
Dear parents

My sympathies are with you.I studied the literature available on the net about this problem very extensively,and one thing is to be made clear to all of you.

There is no miracle cure for this problem,and even in homeopathy it may take years to get results.

I am not scaring you,but you must foresee the difficulties and be ready to face them boldly.

Take all advise you can, but leave the final decision to your family doctor.Discuss with him all the inputs you get here and elsewhere,but he is the best judge.

Never ever do self experiments.Homeopathy can also have side effects,if handled wrongly.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I have a son 5 yrs who had similar problem, tha is so much itching that it made him irritable, as well as scratch so much that it bleeded. at diff times diff things have worked for him, i ave never beleived in curing skin problems via allopathy, so here are some things that helped him:
1. coconut oil mixed with camphor powder applied regularly, before bath and at night
2. Aveeno anti-itch lotion, not a medicine, a lotion containing calamine in oat extract
3. a pack of multani mitti,generally used for face packs, followed by one of the above two
(you can use any kind of clean and fine mud for the pack, the purpose is to extract the impurities from skin and also to cool it)
4. lots of water to drink
5. remove general irritation causing factors in life, like severe punishment, marital discord etc.
6. last month i gave him a homeo medicine for the itching as well as his other symptoms, which took it away completely for the time being

I have firm faith that the ailments of skin have no final cure in allopathy as it only suppresses the symptoms rather than curing them. homeo will cure, but you must consult an expert, who will take full symptoms rather than just skin.
giant 2 decades ago
It's good to hear from the above replies. However, my 5-year old daughter has started homeopathic medicine 2 weeks ago, the reaction on her skin was severe ( so itchy & lots of rash) in the first 10 days & calm down for about 2 days, unfortunately severe itchness has come back. She has finished the 1st course of homeo medicine (2 weeks), is supposed to go for a follow-up session. However, due to no +ve sign has been seen after the 2-week course, I doubt to go to see the homeopath again. It seems that it doesn't work for my daugther's allergy problem. Another reason why I don't want to go again is I cannot stand for the terrible reaction on my daugther's skin. I think it's absolutely abnormal, but the homeopath said it's on the right track. Please express your view to clarify my doubts on homeopath.

guest user 2 decades ago
regards the aggravation of the rash due after homeopathic treatment.
this is normal and a good indication meaning the active healing forces are doing something. Hannemans Organon of medicine mentions this often. homeopathy has to clear out the toxin from inside the body removing it via the skin so yes there will always be a period where it is worse,but dont worry it will pass.
tyler 2 decades ago
If it is a real medicinal aggravation, then you must see improvement within 2 to 3 weeks of the aggravation.

Normally,it is difficult for parents to judge properly as they are involved emotionally.

So, the best thing is to cosult your homeopath.I hope your homeopath is a competent one.Like all doctors are not good,all homeopaths are not equal.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I agree that parents are involved emotionally hence cannot notice the subtle changes which are happening with the Homeopathic medicine.

But I think what a good homeopath should ensure is that the normal life of the patient is not disturbed.And the parents are continuously updated so that they do not loose their emotional balance.

I wanted following information can anyone help?

1.Make of Avveno Antiitching liquid suggested in this forum.Whether this is available in India?
2.Any diet restriction patient should follow to avoid the onset of itching.
3.Any other moisturizer other than coconut oil which can be used to take care of the rough texture of the skin
NHDJG 2 decades ago
To - Giant

I wanted following information can you help?

1.Make of Avveno Antiitching liquid suggested in this forum.Whether this is available in India?
2.Any diet restriction patient should follow to avoid the onset of itching.
3.Any other moisturizer other than coconut oil which can be used to take care of the rough texture of the skin
NHDJG 2 decades ago
To - Giant

I wanted following information can you help?

1.Make of Avveno Antiitching liquid suggested in this forum.Whether this is available in India?
2.Any diet restriction patient should follow to avoid the onset of itching.
3.Any other moisturizer other than coconut oil which can be used to take care of the rough texture of the skin
NHDJG 2 decades ago
Could anyone tell me where i can get Aveeno cream in Delhi/India
invisible last decade
Hi! I have been suffering from eczema for 32 years and now its getting better... Not doctors, but in sake of the internet.. many sources helped me a lot, but mostly this site, thats why I highly recommend it to you: it is called myatopiceczema com

It is written by one guy who has been suffering from dermatitis / atopic eczema and tried many many treatments, but now he´s really well.

You can find lot of advices here, f.e whih creams should you not use, something about treatments without antibiotics, about sunbeds, probiotics creams, showering and many others...

If you are suffering from atopic eczema, you should really read it! It helps! Good luck!

the blog is called myatopiceczema com .....hope it will help everyone!
lulu33333 last decade
I noticed that this thread dates back to 2004 and has been commented on by a few classical homeopaths all of whom have spread the bad news that Eczema is not curable.

I have proved otherwise and shall share my default therapy which has CURED many patients in a very short time. The difference can be noticed in about 3 days when the skin stops itching and is usually cured in a week.

I would appreciate if anyone reading my post will record how my therapy helped on this same thread.

The remedy for all forms of Eczema is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose which is made up as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

Take a capful of the remedy water twice daily (orally) and also apply the water on your lesions as often as possible.

You should observe some improvement in your condition on about the third day into this therapy.

Please report your response on the third day.

It is understood that you will not take any other drug while using the Arnica therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade

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