The ABC Homeopathy Forum
some of the bach flower remedies
ByDr. Prasenjit Ray
B.H.M.S. (CAL) PGT (Psychiatry)
Conceals his internal mental torture behind the façade of care-free & cheerful face-weeps inside, laughs outside. MENTAL TORTURE BEHIND 'BRAVE FACE'
Care freeness a masks mental torture-a turbulent state of mind
Seeks excitement the consequences of which can be dangerous and
may bring harm.
Restless at night. Caused by churning thoughts. (See also White
Dislikes being alone-may seek companionship in order to escape
from end and to forget worries.
Under stress, can resort to alcohol or drugs in order to dull
Aspen Remedy:
Apprehensions, Unfounded fears, fear without any rhyme or reason. It may occur at any time day or night. Mortally afraid of something, he knows not what. VAGUE FEARS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN.
Fears, by day or night for known reason.
Apprehension. Terror on awakening-from a bad dream, although
forgotten. Fear of going to sleep again. Terrible foreboding.
* Fear of darkness.
* Fear of death.
* Fear of thoughts of disaster.
* Fear when alone, or suddenly when among friends-inexplicable.
* Afraid to tell her trouble to others.
Does not try to understand or make allowances for shortcomings of others. Critical. Lacking in humility and sympathy. Annoyed at small habits, mannerisms, idiosyncrasies and gestures of others. Must have exactness, order and discipline every-where.
A taskmaster. Complains about others.
Keeps to himself, lonely.
Those who require this remedy find it difficult to understand the
Shortcomings of others. Beech people can be very critical of the
Behavior of those whom they consider foolish, short sighted or
Ignorant and therefore often lack tolerance. They find people
Habits and idiosyncrasies annoying and although they consider
Themselves to be perfectionists, they find it difficult to
Appreciate that others too have their own set of ideals and
Therefore might have good reasons to act the way they do. Beech
People in many ways can appear to be quite patient and calm; yet
Are often seething it irritation inside. The Beech remedy helps
Those of this nature to step for a moment into another's shoes in
Order to adopt a more understanding and tolerant attitude.
Symptoms tends to affect upper chest areas, tension in jaws, arms
and hands from clenching.
Timid, easily imposed upon.
Little strength of will. Doesn't argue or stand up for self, a door mat. Cannot say 'no'
Thoughts, actions often colored by dictates and ideas of others and by conventions. May be bound to family or parent. Servile instead of being a willing helper. People belonging to this sort of a personality are very helpful.
They can never say 'no' to anyone. this remedy gives strength to Lack of will-a-weak. Willed slave doing others job, who cannot refuse to be as a door-mat by others. Persons who appear to have no choice, except to obey others.
Doubts own ability. Seeks advice from one and all, often influenced and misguided by advice of others which can cause dissatisfaction but needs their attention. Lacks confidence in own judgment. Distrusts own convictions. Changeable. Foolish. Talkative. Always asking questions. Tends to sap vitality of others by seeking advice. Has tendency to imitate. Distrust of ones own Judgment. Fails to be guided by his inner voice. Asks others opinion about his personal problems. Confused on getting their conflicting views & usually opts for the wrong choice, finally lamenting knowing that his own judgment was incorrect. Mean while he made a nuisance of himself by asking frivolous questions from others.
Cherry Plum:
Desperation. Verge of nervous breakdown. Near hysteria, can shout for help. Fear of suicide. Fear that mind will give way to doing. Fearful things, Fear of losing control and reason. Fear of insanity.
Possibility of sudden murderous and violent impulses. Desperation. Fear of loosing his minds control over his actions. Can do anything even kill somebody or kill himself at the spur of the moment, without thinking. Unbearable condition of mind. Apt to act on impulse than on reason.
Chestnut Bud:
Takes a long time to learn by experience sometimes fails to do so. Inattentive, Repeats making the same error. Compulsive repetition of what has already been told.
Tries to forget the past but has no guide to help now or in the future. A pitiful situation until mistakes are recognized and thus avoided. This remedy helps those who cannot learn the lessons of life.
When confronted with situations for the second or third time these people do not derive experience from the first incident but keep on repeating the same mistake again and again.
Possessive love.
Easily feels hurt and offended and rejected.
Requires others to conform to their 'high sense of values'
especially those near and dear.
Constant attention.
Talks of 'duty owed to him'
When thwarted,becomes fretful, even tearful.
Poisoned by such emotions.
Dislikes being alone.
Selfish, deceitful, strong willed, talkative, irritable,enjoys
Chicory is the remedy for those who are of a 'mothering' type.
They are kin and loving but have a tendency to fuss and be
overprotective. They are the happiest people when they feel they
are needed by their family members and are contented when they
are asked to manage or organise something. This sort of an
emotion can become overpowering at times causing those they care
for to feel stifled by such a strong emotional embrace. They can
homeo_psychiatrist on 2006-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am using bach flower for my depression.(larch, and rescue remedy).but still i don't have a much a motivation to go interest, sometimes feeling worthless, wants to die..
I read forum about silicea helped depressed person. i like to try. i wonder it's ok to use silicea with bach flower remedy together?
I read forum about silicea helped depressed person. i like to try. i wonder it's ok to use silicea with bach flower remedy together?
shorty last decade
i am using bach flower remeies for my depression.(larch, and rescue remedy). but still i don't have a motivation to go on with interest,bore,time to time feel worthless..wants to die..
i read at this forum about silicea helped depressed person. so i like to try. is it ok to try bach flower and silicea together?
i read at this forum about silicea helped depressed person. so i like to try. is it ok to try bach flower and silicea together?
shorty last decade
Silicea does not work for everyone in the case of depression. There are many other great remedies for depression.
Suggest you consult a homeopath personally instead of just taking BFR. The homeopath will take your case history in detail which you might not find it convenient to post here.
Your depression can be treated safely and effectively. Alot of factors have to be known like the cause of it, your age, gender, are you under any medication etc. Many questions have to be answered.
Wish you all the best and be well again. Cheers.
Silicea does not work for everyone in the case of depression. There are many other great remedies for depression.
Suggest you consult a homeopath personally instead of just taking BFR. The homeopath will take your case history in detail which you might not find it convenient to post here.
Your depression can be treated safely and effectively. Alot of factors have to be known like the cause of it, your age, gender, are you under any medication etc. Many questions have to be answered.
Wish you all the best and be well again. Cheers.
mersing last decade
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