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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

urinary incontinence

Hi all,

I have the following problem for the last 6 weeks. It all started with a feeling of burning durining urination. I have done the following regimen of homeopathic treatment so far with mixed results.

I took catharis 30 and china 30 (2 doses each per day) for 4 days. This did not help much. The I took a break for a week then took 3 doses of Lycopodium 10M and immediately had relief for a day but symptoms came back from 3rd day. then I took china 30 alone (4 doses a day for a week).

This past week I took Lycopodium 10M (3 doses)followed by Merc sol 30 for a week.

My chief complaint at this time is that my underwear feels moist at all times and i don't feel any urinary dribbling. I think about this problem all day long so I also feel as if my symptoms of burning come and go. I don't have difficulty urinating or with micturition as is typical in prostate problems (I believe). I have also monitored my body temperature which tends to be around 99 or 99.2 in the evenings but daytime is 98.6 F. Some of the days evening is normal too.

I am a 39 yr married male with 2 children.

Currently, I have taken Lycopodium 10M (3 doses) just 2 days ago and am taking Ant. Crud 30 (4 doses per day) for the last 2 days.

I don't have access to a homeopath here but I have taken these remedies in consultation with a homeopath friend overseas. He feels my symptoms are symptoms of amebiasis.

I'd be grateful for any help on dignosing my problem and recommending a course of treatment.

This is my first posting on the forum and i wanted to describe in detail what my condition has been so far and what i have taken.

Thanks in advance to all the homeopathic doctors on the forum to help me out. This problem is really worrying me.

In good health,

  terracotta on 2006-06-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Attn: Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
I am also going to respond to the questionnaire you typiclly post for your patients (to save time);

1. Name

2. Age 39
3. Sex male
4. Married/Unmarried married
5. weight 162 lbs
6. Height …. 5'10'
7. country indian living in
8. climate moderate (mostly seaside like)
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
1. urinary problem of wetting underwear
2. sometimes i feel as if the anal rectal muscles are dilated.
2. high BP (I am on allopathic meds)
10. Diabetic or non Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
nothing specific
12. Thirst
average (normal)
13. Tongue
white coating
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
without medicine would be high as i am in a high stress work environment. with meds it is controlled to around

15. What exactly is happening ?

I feel my underwear is usually wet (perhaps involuntary dribbling of urine).

16. How do you feel ?
not good at all. very worried.

17. How does this affect you ?
it affects my emotional well being. i am over sensitive to medical problems and fear it is not prostate related etc.

18. How does it feel like ?
This phoenomenon gives me a lot of stress. It is not compelling enough to go to a physician and get a digital rectal exam done - which i know they'll subject me to.

19. What comes to your mind ?
fear of some serious problem. i am only 39

20. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
I am overly sensitive and emotional so i take things to heart easily.
I also over research problems. I am not a physician but with the amount of research i do it scares me because partial knowledge of one thing is not good.
21. How did that feel like ?
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
i like to express with hand gestures.

24. current medicine you are taking
took lycopodium 10M (3 doses ) 2 days back
taking antimonium crudum 30 (4 times daily) for the past 2 days.

25. family back ground
middle class
26. qualification of patient
Masters degrees in engineering
27. Nature of working
computer software

28. desire and aversion of food
average diet and appetite. strictly vegetarian.
29. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email.
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

As I said before, I am of a sensitive and caring temperament. I am nervous of public speaking, not satisfied with job and am under constant stress. I am also of an anxious nature.

Please let me know if you need details about any certain area. Also I should note that it is consultation with a homeopath friend in India that I have taken the meds above. He feels I have symptoms of amebiasis and acidity of lower tract that has gotten into the urinary tract. Is it possible?

Also please refer to my first post about additional details of my case.

best regards,

terracotta last decade
What other illness (es) you had from child hood till now????

do you remain constipated?

Any pain anywhere?

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Eye sight?? eye problems??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Dr. Varma,

Many thanks for a response. I have no eye problems.

I had only had a bout of primary complex (TB) early in childhood that was cured with allopathic. I am now 39. I do have IBS that I have taken long term homeopathic treatment for. Now I don't experience it all that much.

I should certainly emphasize that I am under a constant mental stress all the time.

I await your response.

best regards,

terracotta last decade
I forgot to respond to 2 other questions you asked, viz.:
do you remain constipated?

Any pain anywhere?

No pain at all.
terracotta last decade
You mentioned anal/rectal dilation...is it swollen there....is there a prolapsus of the rectum ?? always/once in a while??

Take three doses of Plumbum Met 200 in a gap of 2 hours each. (no more)....and let me know the reaction.

Meanwhile keep giving more info as I am seeking.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Are you lean and angry kind of guy ??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
No. there is no prolapse It is only a feeling i get once in a while. that is why my homeopath friend may have thought it to be amebiasis.
I should mention that my stool is also much thinner in diameter lately and comes out in several pieces. I do see undigested matter as well - like pulses etc.

The diagnostic philosophy in india is very different from the west. In case of any urinary problem in men the western medicine will always suspect prostate. is that true? it seems in India the thinking is different.

Does plumbum met. still fit the bill? what do you think is going on in my case.

many thanks,

terracotta last decade
I should say I can be an angry person if given the latitude. so i do get angry but am not in a position to vent it.
terracotta last decade
Side note: I used to be a very lean individual till around 30 yrs (typical weight around 45kgs) but now I am almost 75kgs - and that sudden weight gain may have been a cause for me contracting hypertension that I've had for 9 yrs now. My mother is also hypertensive and this is hereditary essential BP.
terracotta last decade
Yes because of your BP ...PLumbum is a possibility...so I asked you to take it and revert with response.

What you have is possibly nephritis...not prostrate enlargement.

The difference is not in the West or East..it is in the understanding and analysis of the doctor !!

Do you feel loss of sexual power...loss of power in your wrists ??

Do you get blood in your stool and in the nose some times ???

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
any problem in the jaw while chewing??

gum problem ?

hair loss problem??

unduely red on the cheeks??

Prone t ofrequent colds and cough...coming from the chest ??

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Any puffiness of the face...and/or swelling else where on the body ??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
nephritis sounds scary!
no loss of sexual power. no loss of power in wrist. no bleeding in stool or nose. no jaw problem or problem with chewing. no gum problems. no redness onn cheeks and am not even prone to frequent coughs and cold or chest congestion. I am otherwise healthy.

I just get this burning sensation off and on and it comes and goes.

Can this be controlled with homeopathy alone?


terracotta last decade
additionally, I have been lately feeling very anxious during meetings etc and sometimes tend to feel I will just pass out. I am not sure this has any relevance to the problem at hand - it could just be due to BP but I am just citing it in case it helps paint a remedy portrait.
terracotta last decade
Stop taking everything else in homeopathy meds.

Not even Plumbum Met.

Take one dose of Phosphorus 200.

After 24 hours start with
Canthris 200 twice a day....for a week.

Only, continue with your allopathic BP meds.

Post feed back.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
A note for all reading these posts:

All water comes thru lead pipes....even mineral water is bottled thru lead pipes in the bottling plant.

Plumbum Met is lead.

so a few doses (2/3) of Plumbum Met in homeopathic form ..... once in 6 months is not a bad idea to remove the adverse effect of lead mixed in water that we drink.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I think you should get ultrasound scan done to check for prostrate enlargement(so taht your doubts are cleared) and tests for nephritis.

Yes ...Nephritis is scary....leads to kidney failure if not checked in time !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Dr. Varma,

Is there a home based kit available in the US for the urine tests for nephritis?


terracotta last decade
Pl. ask your pharmacy.
In Canada it is 'London Drugs'.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Dr Veram,

I went to my GP today who did a urinalysis which is negative with the following results. Based on this thankfully nephritis is ruled out.

I have not taken phosphorus so far. what do you recommend i do.

Urine Appearance Clear
Urine Specific Gravity 1.006 (1.001 1.035)
Urine pH 7.0 (5.0 8.0)
Urine Leukocyte Esterase Neg (NEG)
Urine Nitrites Neg (NEG)
Urine Protein Neg (NEG)
Urine Glucose Neg (NEG)
Urine Ketones Neg (NEG)
Urine Urobilinogen Normal (0.1 1.0) EU/dL
Urine Bilirubin Neg (NEG)
Urine Red Blood Cells Neg (NEG)
Urine Comments Urine microscopic and culture not done, not indicated

best regards.

terracotta last decade
Hello all,

I don't need to rush you but am seeeking advice from anyone who may have some idea of what's going on.

My urinalysis is clear & no culture was done. My general physician did a physical exam and checked my symptoms and doesn't find anything.

My problem is that I still leak a few drops of urine - probably during a full bladder that keeps my underwear wet. This doesn't occur at night.

I also experience a slight burning sensation at the tip of the urethra sometimes.

I tried taking cranberry juice but it seems to aggravate the burning.

Any suggestions as to what this could be, from the experts on this forum would be much appreciated. I just seem to be obsessing over this condition for the past couple weeks.

thanks in advice for any prudent advice.

terracotta last decade
Still recomemend Phosphorus and Canthris as per dosage suggested earlier.

Since you have some knowledge of homeopathy...other meds for this situaion are:

1. Arsenic Alb.
2.Berberis vulgaris.
4.Conium Mac. (weak bladder muscles)

See the drug pictures of these meds and try to match your entire symptoms.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
You should go with Cantharis and Phosphorous as Pankaj told.
girilal last decade
I had been taking ant crud as i told you and then gave it a gap of 4 days. I did feel better in those four days but the underwear wetting problem continued. I have tried to characterize it and it seems it occurs when bladder is full.

Further to add to the picture I have found that after intercouse the rectal inflammation goes up by morning and there seems inflammation in the perineum, scrotum and surrounding area. thanfully burning s not back but it doesn't feel good.

Do you have further suggestions on what to do in this situation. pls advise if you need further details.
terracotta last decade

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