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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

urinary incontinence Page 2 of 2

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I had been taking ant crud as i told you and then gave it a gap of 4 days. I did feel better in those four days but the underwear wetting problem continued. I have tried to characterize it and it seems it occurs when bladder is full.

Further to add to the picture I have found that after intercouse the rectal inflammation goes up by morning and there seems inflammation in the perineum, scrotum and surrounding area. thanfully burning s not back but it doesn't feel good.

Do you have further suggestions on what to do in this situation. pls advise if you need further details.
terracotta last decade
Canthris should give you lot of benefit.
Try it again.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Varma,

I have cantharis 30 in liquid. Please advise on how to take it and for how long.


terracotta last decade
first three doses ...every two hours.

After that make it every four hours.

Next day...four times a day.

Let me know after one week.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
That shud read: *next day onwards ..for a week.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

My 8 year old son has been diagnosed for Neurogenic Bladder after some investigations like sonography, x-rays etc.

The problem was he was getting his troucers wet quite a few times during day (mostly during day time and once in a while during night also, almost for the last 8 years. When we tell him to pass urine, he will say he don't feel like passing urine and within another few minutes we will see his troucer is wet. Even if we force him to pass urine (I think he has to use some force) only a little urine gets passed and in another few minutes troucer will be wet again. According to the urologist this was happening due to overflow of bladder.

Till recently, i.e. before we did any investigations like x-ray etc, he did not had any bladder pain, urine infection etc. But now for the last two months he is suffering from infection, which is got rid off only when the antibiotics are on.

As suggested by our urologist he was undergoing intermetent caterization for the past few days to get rid of the infection, as according to him urine retention is the main reason for continuanace of the infection.

Latest development is while trying to pass urine he is having severe bladder pain and he is not able to pass urine. Also the overflaws also have become few. Consequently we need to do catheterization more often and that is becoming the order of the day.

Shall be really grateful for your advise.

Arnica 30c therapy as suggested by Mr. Joe De Livera was tried for a few days but problem still exists.

Thanks & regards,
tvrwarrier last decade

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