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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dark circles under eyes, depression, mastitis

Hi I am seeking some advice on homeopathic remedies. I am a 27 year old female with one son. My whole life I have had dark circles under my eyes- now it seems that my 5 month old baby also has them. My brother and father are also afflicted. I'm told they are hereditary and for me they have never gone away.

I have recently started a new eating plan consuming a lot more fruit and veges and a lot less sugar and animal fats. I am supplementing my diet with Omega3 and Magnesium. Since starting my new eating plan I have noticed that a hard white lump I had on my arm has vanished- it had been there for years and nothing seemed to get rid of it- now it has gone!

I have a history of depression and anxiety but don't take any meds- I am doing very well at the moment.

My only medical problems have been recurrent mastitis (breast infection) as I am breastfeeding.

Any advice would be very helpful.
  mumtowillau on 2004-08-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
include wider specrtrum of essential fatty acids--more than omega 3----"udo's choice oil blend..." or eqivalent..

what exact symptoms concerning mastitis? please explain..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
how has milk flow been affected?

where exact location of lumps (if any)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what pains/sensations envolved?where exactly?when occur?what aggravates?what ameliorates?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
My family has a 'dark eye' thing going - the doc told my father the eye sockets are deep set and harmless and also hereditary. I am sure to get plenty of sleep, drink plenty and wear a little concealer if it is noticeable!

I cannot comment on homeopathic treatment of mastitis, but I was a sufferer in the past with my two breast fed children.
I used Evening Primrose Oil (1000 three times a day) and recovered. I also made sure to get a well fitting nursing bra. I measured as a 38DD, by the old fashioned method of 'add four inches to underband' - I was in fact a 34G. You need to make sure there is no pressure on any of the milk gland regions of the breast, including across the top and under the arm. Make sure the bra doesn't cut across any of these parts. Also be sure not to stop feeding at these times, you need to keep the milk flowing. Apply cabbage leaves to any areas that turn hot and red, to help remove the heat (it sounds odd but works!)

Bear with John and his homeopathic advice, he seems to know his stuff!
bunbun 2 decades ago
PS - when I say "...be sure not to stop feeding at these times" I mean only when it is 'feeding time' of course, I do not mean for you to be constantly on a feed :)
bunbun 2 decades ago

The 1st time I had mastitis I also had cracked nipples from early feeding- the mastitis was bacterial (I had a fever) and I took two antibiotics but never the whole course. That was the right breast.

Since then I've had it in both breasts, sometimes with fever and sometimes not. Most recently the problem has been in my left breast under the arm and across the top of the breast.

I get a type of sharp pain in my left breast sometimes which I was scared was heart pain but have read that heart pain is not sharp. The pain moves around a bit but always in the left breast/chest area.

I seem to get mastitis when I am stressed or have done too much in the day. The last time I got it was because my bra was constricting the breast and so was a seatbelt as I was in the car all day. I had pus coming out of the breast on that occaision. (Sorry for mentioning that! :-)

I normally use cabbage leaves and paracetemol to calm the infection but twice have had to take antibiotics because the infection was very bad.

Bunbun- thanks very much for your post.
mumtowillau 2 decades ago
John- what is udos choice oil blend? I am in Australia and have never heard it. Can you explain exactly what is in it?
mumtowillau 2 decades ago
udo's choice oil blend = essential fatty acid

product description


order from this address

John Stanton 2 decades ago
how much coffee do you drink?

what medicines use/used (besides antibiotics mentioned)?when?reason(s)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago

I don't drink coffee at all- I quit while I was pregnant. I drink tea a few times a day and usually one or two cups of green tea a day.

I took Aropax an anti-d for four years and came off recently- it is called Paxil in the US and comes with heaps of bad withdrawal symptoms- it is a nightmare drug. Other than that I take no medicines at all.
mumtowillau 2 decades ago
what occur in life prior to taking anti-depressants?please explain..
John Stanton 2 decades ago

I'm not really sure what actually triggered my depression but I know that I had it for a long time before I ever got treatment. I was plauged by anxiety and phobias and terrified of being judged/criticised. My home life as a child was a bit hard- a lot of anger and arguments in the home. I've also experienced a lot of emotional/verbal abuse from my father and boyfriends in the past.

I would say that my condition is very good right now. I'm not sure why- the only thing I can attribute that to is my diet/excercise regime and also perhaps taking Magnesium.
mumtowillau 2 decades ago
Also I forgot to mention one thing. About 8 years ago I developed a lump in my neck just behind my earlobe. A CT scan confirmed a tumour but it was tested as benign. I have had it ever since. My doctor just explained it as 'one of those things' but I would love to know why I have it and how I can get rid of it. I think it's a lymph gland but can't be sure....
mumtowillau 2 decades ago
mastitis--Pain interfere with ''breast feeding"? please explain?

how has milk flow been effected ? please explain

how do you react to stress ? please explain
John Stanton 2 decades ago
getting extra sleep may make your dark circles worse if you are allergic to dust mite droppings ... getting fancy miracle creams may make it worse, if you are allergic to any of the hundreds substances used in them, getting cucumbers carrots and whatever else those homeopathy people suggest may make your dark circles worse - if you are allergic to certain foods ...

first line of treatment is getting skin AND blood allergy tests (skin tests do not detect delayed reaction allergies) and then you can create your treatment plan AFTER you find out which substances build up IgE and inflammatory cells in your bodies, all other treatment options are merely based on luck, i found useful tips at whydarkcirles com and antialleryproducts com

best of luck,
norinp last decade
my dark circles got vanished!!

I run a business and during its initial stages I used to work continuously for 17 hours on a daily basis. This schedule created terrible dark circles and caused lot of embarrassment during my official presentations. I was referred to try a program and I am glad that I did it. The effect was fast and like a miracle I got back my fresh face. If you are suffering like me then just try the program at darkcirclesmiracle com
jennyparker77 last decade
Dermalmd for dark circles has a very pleasant smell which makes you feel fresh. It works quite good for lightening up your skin which is why most people use it for dark circles
isidro 7 years ago
I have under eye dark circle but dnt know what is the reason.
Here i have seen a lot of causes which tends dark circle but which suits my dark circle dont know.one thing in my eyes is that i have irritation and burning and also

water falls from my eyes due to dust in outside only.my eyes always burns and become red too.
I have previous history,suffering from amyloidosis skin disease.
May be that causes.
But when i use potato for a week it became lighter.and when i stop using it came again under my eyes.
So please suggest me permanent solution for my dark circle.i heard cream for this "under eye homeopath cream".
Kindly tell which is the best and from where i bought?

reply soon
JeetuRanjan 7 years ago

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