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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chalazion Page 2 of 3

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what do you mean by foment it daily? Sorry about this. Thanks for all the advice you're giving me. I live in Australia by the way.
jess 2 decades ago
Fomenting is an age old technique of using damp heat to massage one's body. It helps to increase the blood supply of the affected part thereby helping in its recovery.

You pour boiling water on a smooth old towel and and twist or squeeze it till the water is expelled and the towel is almost dry. When the temperature of the hot towel is comfortable, you then lightly dab your eyelid and as you get used to the heat you keep it on as long as possible. You repeat this process 2 or 3 times and you will feel considerable relief in your eyelid and if you are fortunate, the chalazion may open up and pus may shoot out if it is pressed gently.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
hi , i have exactly the same probleme as jess , my chalazion is too small but it deforme my eyelid , i have it since around 3 year and i need solution now
jackfr 2 decades ago

I have to preface what I'm going to say with "I'm sure homeopathy works differently for different people." I developed three chalazions. First, one in my upper right eyelid, next I developed a second one in my upper right eyelid and finally, a third one in my upper left eyelid. On advice from this site and others I used staphysagria, thuja occidentalis, and arnica 30 none of which prevented me from getting new ones,(the one on my left I developed as I was taking some of these remedies)and none dissolved my existing chalazions. I've had the two on my right eye for about a year now and have been using the remedies for about that long to no avail. The chalazions are still there. There was an initial reduction in size early in the treatment, but I have had no change since then. Surprisingly enough last week I used Ajax antibacterial dishwashing soap to wash my face, because I didn't have any other soap around at the time and noticed a definite, noticeable difference the next morning in the size of my chalazions. I immediately made the connection because the Ajax was the only different item in my routine. Since then, I've continued to use and now the chalazion on my left eye is completely gone and the two on my right are about 90% gone. I know that sounds bizarre and maybe it really isn't the Ajax, but the fact is that's the only thing that's changed in my diet, life or beauty routine. I spent a year trying to get rid of these things through homeopathy with no luck and I'm finally rid of them because I was out of soap ! Go figure. While the herbal remedies did reduce the chalazions they never got me this close to being rid of them completely. I still believe in homeopathy and have had success with other problems using herbal remedies. I don't know why chalazions were so hard to get rid of. So, if your at the end of your rope like I was, try the Ajax. What do you have to lose? There is absolutely no doubt (in my mind at least) that it's why after a year I've finally gotten rid of mine.
Jstanfield 2 decades ago
Just wanted to share my experiences so far in the hopes it may help someone else. I just turned 40, and until three years ago had never had Chalazions, although I had styes from time to time and more frequently than anyone I know (since I can hardly recall ever seeing someone else with a stye), probably roughly 10 styes in my life. Anyway, my first Chalazion developed from what seemed a normal stye. I tried hard not to rub it because I wanted it to go away quickly, but later the doctor said that massaging is good to break it up, especially with hot compresses. Anyway, when it became obvious that this hard lump in my upper eyelid was not going to go away I went to the eye doctor who gave me a shot of steroin? (not sure) on the underside of my eyelid. The doctor said that everyone jumps to surgery to quickly and that he had good luck with this. Sure enough, within a week my Chalazion was broken up and gone.

Unfortunately about 4 months ago I noticed a small bubble on my lower eyelid, which was irritating my eye slightly so I broke it with my fingernail. It went away but the area became infected and this turned into my 2nd chalazion. I went back to the same clinic where a different doctor had me on the table for surgery within 15 minutes. I said, "Hey, can't we try that shot thing?" He explained that the shot was only in the case of small chalazions and that larger ones still required surgery. So they gave me some local anesthesia and proceded to cut a slit inside my lower eyelid and then use q-tips to push the puss out. Relatively painless and quick, only I felt like the doctor hurried because I said I felt a little flush and asked for a glass of water. I don't think he wanted to deal with it if I passed out or something because he was gone in a flash.

Well, the eye healed up quick, but three weeks later there is still some minor deformity left. The shot worked better but took a week, the surgery instantly reduced it, but left some tissue (at least still 3 weeks later).

Anyway 5 days ago, my upper eyelid (the same one) developed another Chalazion. Well this time I rubbed it vigorously, but it didn't break up, although the eyelid became quite swollen. Now knowng to look under the eyelid, I did, and could quite clearly see the whitish center. Not wanting another surgery, or a shot, or to go 3 months with a disfigured eye (AGAIN!!!) I had my wife flip my eyelid inside-out and we lanced it with a sharp sewing needle. My wife didn't feel comfortable sticking the needle in much, so it just drew blood on top of where the center was. Knowing from trying to lance other things like ingrown hairs and such that often a slight scratch above the infected area allows the puss to drain/rise, we decided that was good enough. We tried to sterilize the needle in advance with a lighter and after the needle prick we applied Erythromycin Opthalmic ointment (an antibiotic the doc had given me after the surgery 3 weeks ago) to the inside of the eyelid, and then flipped the eyelid back.

Ok, so then I went and did the hot compresses for 20 minutes and went to bed. Today I awoke to dried green puss in my eyelashes, but the eye is much better with less overall stye swelling and the nodule itself being much smaller.

I just wanted to share my three different experience with everyone I could as I know how hard it is to get reliable information and what works for one person may not work for another. I read this forum about homeopathy before deciding to try the lancing. It just didn't seem like anyone could report consistent success and even the doctors I saw had differing opinions and techniques. I don't necessarily recommend what I did to anyone! I just think the more everyone talks about options the more we can reach consensus of better options, or "what to do when". For example, now I wish the two doctors I saw had talked about how the size of the chalazion factors into shot or surgery. It seems like quick action when the chalazion is just forming is very important, but perhaps it is best to just wait until it becomes inert and hard? I am interested in anyone else's opinions and experiences on this. I think it helps everyone to share.
Stan Tinople 2 decades ago
Good input.stan

It really helps to share information.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Please read my input on page 1 of this thread.

Styes, Chalazions and Blepharitis have been a source of discomfort to many of us and I have found that Arnica is the remedy of choice to keep them at bay. Arnica 30c and 6c are equally effective and I use 3 balls 6c every night to avoid any infection. Arnica also promotes deep sleep.

Do not use a sponge cloth over the eyelids during a bath as I have noticed that scrubbing tends to scar the delicate tissue around the hair follicles of the eye lashes which lead to the formation of the sty.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Joe, you mentioned that it stopped the chronic infections, so you might have better insight into this than I do. What were the frequencies of your infections prior to using Arnica (as well as any other data you feel comfortable in sharing including what did not work for you)?

For example, in my case the doctor told me that he had heard that washing every night with baby shampoo would reduce occurances. However, I have to ask myself, I never had a Chalazion before three years ago and since then only three, translating to about 1 per year. I realize that I am in no position to judge whether preventative measures such as baby shampoo or arnica are having any effect. Even if I went Chalazion free for 5 years, how do I know that the problems didn't just go away as mysteriously as they started? That's why it is important for people who had/have chronic problems share their data as it might provide a better standard of scientific method.

Also, do you know what it is about Arnica that works against infection?

Thanks for the help Joe (or anyone else who can share data)!!!
Stan Tinople 2 decades ago
I first started to use Arnica 30 in 1996 instead of Hytrin which my Uro prescribed for my BPH - (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). I was unable to tolerate this drug which is a powerful Beta blocker and depressed my BP which even today is 120/80 at age 75.

I had used the standard Homeopathic remedies Sabal Serrulata and Conium for BPH but they did not always help but when I took Arnica 30 for a nasty skin wound I discovered that while curing the wound quickly, it was more positive than the other two in helping my condition. I took Arnica 30 twice daily for 6 years up to 2002 when I had surgery for my prostate. I used it both pre and post surgery and took it instead of the Morphine which is liberally used to relieve the pain.

My surgeon and the nursing staff warned me of the dire consequences of my request that they remove the patient operated Morphine syringe from the IV drip, but they did remark on my recovery which they felt was more rapid than usual with hardly any pain.

After 2 months on Arnica 30 after surgery, I stopped using it and discovered to my surprise about a month after, that my Styes started to reappear very frequently on an almost weekly basis, switching over from one eyelid to the other.

I then remembered that I was not taking Arnica anymore and after having the last one scooped out surgically, I started on my regular routine of 3 balls Arnica before turning in for the night. My styes stopped bothering me and I also noticed that I sleep very deeply with 6 hours unbroken sleep.

I now use Arnica 6c every night and believe that it may be the reason for my general sense of wellness at my age with BP 120/80 Pulse 65.

Arnica is known to promote the flow of blood and it is possible that it enables the platelets to pass through the capillaries which usually get blocked with age. My Cholesterol and Tri Glyceride counts are both normal and this may be due to the Arnica.

It is possible that Arnica promotes the circulation of blood to the eyelids thereby preventing the formation of Styes, Chalazions and Blepharitis.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago

I forgot to mention above that I have recommended the use of Arnica 6c to many people who suffered from Styes, Chalazions and Blepharitis and they all have reported that it helped to cure their ailment.

There were some cases that were chronic and one lady was reduced to going out shopping only at night as her eyelids were so swollen and deformed that she did not feel comfortable to show her face to her friends. She had been treated by many eye surgeons for over 5 years and they had scooped the Chalazions several times. She had used antibiotics and steroids through the years but they just kept on recurring.

She contacted me on my email address which she got from this Forum and is now cured after I suggested she use Arnica 6 which she now takes every night.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
i want ask you if , after having chalazion disappear , it still remains an inflammation under the eyelid ? sort of scar tissue

because i had a chalazion 3 years ago it went away last years but now my eyelid is swollen all over and i can feel it when i pinch the eyelid .
moreover , my eyelid doesn't look like as it was before my chalazion and it's bother me much eventhough people told me its hardly noticeable .
specialist told me that surgery would be useless because surgery consist of an excision to let the puss go away and mine don't have puss.
i don't know what to do now , i have tried hot compress , antibiotic and so on

if someone can help me ..

jackfr 2 decades ago
Use Arnica 6 and see if it can help to reduce the swelling. It will increase the blood supply to the eyelids and this I feel, should help to reduce the inflammation.

You can also foment the affected area as often as you can to promote the blood supply to the eyelid.

You mentioned that you can feel the nodule when you pinch the eyelid. This can only mean that the Chalazion has not drained and is still filled with pus. There is a possibility that Silicea 30 can help to drain the pus but this may take some time.

Suggest you consult another Opthalmologist and get his opinion as it is important that the source of your infection is eradicated before you can be cured.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
no no , there is no puss , there no pain , the swelling is really small but it is extend over the eyelid .
there will be no problem if my eyelid was normal but its not .
sure iam gonna see another specialist , but all specialist i saw said that it was impossible/useless to practize an excision and gave me the typical treatment
so maybe my only option is to go to a plastician surgeon and pay 1500 $ to get my normal eyelid back

ps : after having chalazion totaly disappeared does the eyelid come back to his normal form? or does chalazion can lead to definitive distorsion even if they are minor ?
jackfr 2 decades ago

Can you suggest a solution to this problem ?


To: Jackfr

Plastic surgery on the eyelids is not recommended as it may leave you with a permanent droop if it is on the upper eyelid. Let us try to help you with Homeopathy. Please be patient. I believe that a long course of Arnica 6 should reduce the swelling which you state has no pus but let us see what Murthy recommends.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Dear Joe

My method would be like this in such cases.

I will not bother about the chalazion or stye primarily.

I will try to find out about all the symptoms,which are a deviation from the normal,and try to find out a suitable remedy to cover all those symtoms.

I would like to know,about the thermal state,his desires,aversions,response to various stimuli etc..

At the end of the analysis,if the medicine I come up with,has stye within its pathogenetic symptoms well and good.

Otherwise also,I will not bother about the stye,but give a suitable medicine to suit the whole person.

This is the classical approach,and needs patience on the part of the presciber and the patient.

How many are willing to go through this classic approach?

The snapshot prescriptions are possible in acute cases,as most of the time,if you know the modalities,you can choose the medicine easily.

But,when structural changes like this are involved,it becomes rather complicated.

I am not doubting your success with Arnica.The only thing I want to say is it may not suit all cases.

To conclude,I firmly believe,that one should try to cure the patient as a whole,not the stye or chalazion alone.

If the patient is cured these physical symptoms tend to disappear on their own.

Lot of theory, is it not?But, I believe it is possible to go as per theory and get results.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Dear Murthy,

Can you please take over and suggest what remedy can solve the present case ?

I have, as you know, a lot of faith in Arnica as I have used it in so many cases for so many ailments some of which are not covered in the repertories and it has cured so many ailments.

I do realize of course that your method is the Classical Homeopathic approach in diagnosis and treatment but I have used my own method so far and have been able to help many. Whenever I am not successful in solving a case I prefer to leave it to the classical homeopath to do so.

Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Dear Joe

I will try.


Pl.open a seperate topic.It will be convenient.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I've read through this thread, and was hoping to find a 'cure all' for styes / chalazion's, but it seems that there are mixed results or differences of opinion.

My own history with styes is that I've had about 9 over the last 3-4 years. About 5 of these did not go away quickly on their own. In each of these cases, my doctor prescribed a combination of antibiotic pills (Keflex / Cephalexin), eye drops (not sure what kind) and warm compresses. The first few times the medication did not seem to have a direct affect, but everything eventually resolved.

The last stye I had, before now, was on my lower eyelid and became quite large. Doc gave me the usual pills but after a week of that he sent me to the opthamologist, who informed me that it would have to be lanced but that he couldn't use anasthetic to do it. So I had it lanced that day cold turkey. Afterwards, as I'm getting ready to leave, he tells me how well I handled it because a lot of people get queasy afterwards - I said "Yes, in fact I'm feeling that way right now..." Well, apparently I passed out (so much for my manliness and fortitude), but was fine. Anyway, I come back a week later, its still not resolved, so this time he gives me a local and lances it again. I think he also did a more thorough clean out of it, but since my eye was shut the whole time due to the local, I couldn't quite see what he was doing.

After that, I saw the opthamologist a few months later (no styes occured in the interim) and he was unhappy because while the stye was gone, the lower lid was quite red. So he presribed an ointment and tetracyclene which got rid of the redness.

In any case, I've currently got another stye / chalazion, this time in my upper eyelid. Its been there for about a month. In the past two weeks or so, its become quite large. I've been to my regular doctor, who gave me pills and said to do the warm compress thing again. This was about 5 days ago. So far, it seems to be draining but not getting any smaller or otherwise improving. I've also been waking up for the past four days or so with my eye stuck shut due to dried pus.

At this point, I'd really like to find a way to make this go away without having to go through the whole lancing experience again. I want to try some of the remedies suggested here, but which is the right one to try at this point?
skittles 2 decades ago
You can help your present sty to drain out by fomenting the eyelid as often as you can. There may also be some other causative factor that promotes the formation of new styes and you should avoid rubbing your eye lids either with your hand or your towel especially when showering, as any slight abrasion on the hair line of the eyelid can lead to further infection and another sty.

Take a regular dose of Arnica 6c every night. Dose 3 balls. You will also observe that you will sleep very soundly with the Arnica if you take it just before bed.

Do not use any antibiotics as they only make a bad situation worse unless taken on a SOS basis. They reduce your natural resistance to infection and predispose your body to further infections which are more violent than the one you use it for.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
I had very good results
3 pills 3 times a day
(2 hours after meals)
mozzer 2 decades ago
I just wnated to let you know that silicia 30 and hepar sulphris has actualy worked for me I tried every thing hot compress steriod ointment from the doctors. My last resort was surgery, but I was was just messing around and found this web page and one thread said to take the silicia and hepar and it worked not only did it get rid of the new chalazion but it as well got ride of a huge on that I have had for almost a year and since I have been taking this I have had no more eye lid problems. I did not beleive that it would help but I was desparate and desided why not it is only 5 to 6 dollars a bottle and it was worth a shot. thank goodness for this miricle cure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!give it a shot what could it hurt just follow the directions on the back.
good luck..
johnny8571 last decade
Hi. I've had mine under both eyelids for years! It never bothers me except when it swells up for a few days(which rarely happens). I consulted my doctor and she said if it doesn't bother me than leave it alone unless I want surgery. Of course I declined. But has anybody had them for years?
tegct21 last decade
A patient of mine had his 5 year old Chalazion resolved in just 5 hours.

I gave him a dose of Antimonium Tartrum-30 for some other ailment but Chalazion was gone in few hours. His Chalazion was hard as a rock.

Patient claimed he drank Grapefruit Juice after a very long time so who knows, it could be grapefruit or Ant. Crud. Most probably Ant. Crud.
kuldeep last decade
I have always used my favourite remedy Arnica 30c for Chanazions, Acne and Blepharitis which also help to prevent them forming in some cases.

I note that Antimoniom Tart 30 has also helped and would like you to confirm that you used the Tart and not the Crud which you mentioned in your last paragraph.

This is the great advantage of a forum like this where those of us who like to experiment with remedies can share our information with each other.

My recent discovery of Arnica 30c reducing the Blood sugar level is another that is not listed in the MM's and Reps.
Joe De Livera last decade
Correction on line 1 above:

Chanazion to read Chalazion
Joe De Livera last decade
It is antimonium crud not antimonium tart.As you said that 5 year old chalazion disappeared just in 5 hours.It is a miracle.I cannot say any thing about it.Some where in this forum i read probably Bacillinum caused the disappearance of chronic eczema over night.All types of skin diseases are very very difficult to cure.They need considerable time to cure.I dont understand.If we are capable to do this in a few hours or overnight we should immediately shift our clinics in front of hospitals to help people and show others the efficacy of our medicines.I hope the day will come.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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