The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Autism of my two sons Page 2 of 3
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Jacob,
My elder son was vaccinated against DPT, BCG, rump, measeles and rubella before he was diagnosed austistic. Initially I was not aware of Autism so I failed to observe any significant changes after vaccination. But initially he looked normal and everything looks normal. I suspect that some thing is not normal around the age of one year 3 months . My son was not responding well if I called him by his name.Then I talked to the doctor in Japan but doctor said it is OK even my wife disagreed with me. But ultimately he was found austistic. So, I failed to recognise the effect of vaccination.
In case of my younger son I suspect something is not right around the age of nine months. To me he was not responding 100% if I called him but all others including the doctors in Australia disagreed with me but ultimately at the age of 1.6 year he was also diagnosed autistic. But he was given DPT and BCG before the age of 9 months. Around the 8-9 months he had suffered from severe diahorrea and brobably yeast infection.
This information might help to diagnosis the cause of their autism!!
Many thanks for your cooperation.
My elder son was vaccinated against DPT, BCG, rump, measeles and rubella before he was diagnosed austistic. Initially I was not aware of Autism so I failed to observe any significant changes after vaccination. But initially he looked normal and everything looks normal. I suspect that some thing is not normal around the age of one year 3 months . My son was not responding well if I called him by his name.Then I talked to the doctor in Japan but doctor said it is OK even my wife disagreed with me. But ultimately he was found austistic. So, I failed to recognise the effect of vaccination.
In case of my younger son I suspect something is not right around the age of nine months. To me he was not responding 100% if I called him but all others including the doctors in Australia disagreed with me but ultimately at the age of 1.6 year he was also diagnosed autistic. But he was given DPT and BCG before the age of 9 months. Around the 8-9 months he had suffered from severe diahorrea and brobably yeast infection.
This information might help to diagnosis the cause of their autism!!
Many thanks for your cooperation.
Nitish last decade
Hey Natish,
I'm not sure what country you are in but,if you truly believe that both your sons changed AFTER their vaccinations you might want to look into the THIMERASOL lawsuits we have here in the US. Supposedly the manufacturers of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) shots used mercury chemicals as a preservative. A lot of parents are now trying chealtion. (using homeopathy or dr's to get the metals out of their children's brains.) Some autism is caused by not being able to digest certain foods correctly, some it's caused by chemicals in the brain, some it's caused by a lack of a certain body chemical..on and on. You really need to do some investigation and see if you can figure out what has really gone on with your sons. You may be dealing with two different causes.
I've been investigating my daughter's symptoms for almost 12 years. I'm just now beginning to see a light with her.
So far I've only given her L-Carnitine (helps her focus a little better)B6 (supposed to help build neurotransmitters in the brain & make the correct phenol in her system) and Alpha-lipoic Acid (for chealtion in case of mercury from her vaccinations).
I'm not sure what country you are in but,if you truly believe that both your sons changed AFTER their vaccinations you might want to look into the THIMERASOL lawsuits we have here in the US. Supposedly the manufacturers of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) shots used mercury chemicals as a preservative. A lot of parents are now trying chealtion. (using homeopathy or dr's to get the metals out of their children's brains.) Some autism is caused by not being able to digest certain foods correctly, some it's caused by chemicals in the brain, some it's caused by a lack of a certain body chemical..on and on. You really need to do some investigation and see if you can figure out what has really gone on with your sons. You may be dealing with two different causes.
I've been investigating my daughter's symptoms for almost 12 years. I'm just now beginning to see a light with her.
So far I've only given her L-Carnitine (helps her focus a little better)B6 (supposed to help build neurotransmitters in the brain & make the correct phenol in her system) and Alpha-lipoic Acid (for chealtion in case of mercury from her vaccinations).
PuddysMom last decade
Dear Nitish, hmm, interesting.
With reference to your first son...there can be many effects of vaccination, most of which are not quite as apparent as autism itself, and this may expain why you did not make the connection. Another strong possibility of course is that the cause of the condition in both children has a partial hereditary basis too, as not all cases of Vaccinosis, as we call it, exhibit as autism, and as BOTH children are autistic, I would say this is a very strong possibililty indeed.
Also, can you remember there being any specific event or infection which occurred just prior to you first noticing your son was having problems?
Re your second son, I would think this to be an almost typical case of the condition, but of course without a complete case history this is not something which we can be sure of.
Either way, out of all the cases of Autistic children I have seen, which numbers around ten or so, only one was not related to vaccination.
I hope, from a classical perspective, this information helps.
Best wishes.
With reference to your first son...there can be many effects of vaccination, most of which are not quite as apparent as autism itself, and this may expain why you did not make the connection. Another strong possibility of course is that the cause of the condition in both children has a partial hereditary basis too, as not all cases of Vaccinosis, as we call it, exhibit as autism, and as BOTH children are autistic, I would say this is a very strong possibililty indeed.
Also, can you remember there being any specific event or infection which occurred just prior to you first noticing your son was having problems?
Re your second son, I would think this to be an almost typical case of the condition, but of course without a complete case history this is not something which we can be sure of.
Either way, out of all the cases of Autistic children I have seen, which numbers around ten or so, only one was not related to vaccination.
I hope, from a classical perspective, this information helps.
Best wishes.
Hahnemania last decade
Dear Jacob,
Many thanks for your nice comments. In case of my second son I could remember that he had suffered from yeast infection and diarrhoea for about two months around the age of 8-9 months.
But in case of my elder son I could not recall anything except he has suffered from fever and a fitsula came out in his hip which contains lots of pus(very close to the anal opening).
If you kindly inform me some of the symptoms that is associated with vaccination I could possibly be able to recall some thing! Right now may be difficult to recall.
With regards.
Many thanks for your nice comments. In case of my second son I could remember that he had suffered from yeast infection and diarrhoea for about two months around the age of 8-9 months.
But in case of my elder son I could not recall anything except he has suffered from fever and a fitsula came out in his hip which contains lots of pus(very close to the anal opening).
If you kindly inform me some of the symptoms that is associated with vaccination I could possibly be able to recall some thing! Right now may be difficult to recall.
With regards.
Nitish last decade
Dear Puddysmom,
Many thanks for your information. I am living in Australia. I have been trying to figure out their causes but still did not find anything yet.
With best wishes.
Many thanks for your information. I am living in Australia. I have been trying to figure out their causes but still did not find anything yet.
With best wishes.
Nitish last decade
Dear Nitish.
'But in case of my elder son I could not recall anything except he has suffered from fever and a fitsula came out in his hip which contains lots of pus(very close to the anal opening).'
This would be a very typical example of the after effects of vaccination, and would be viewed as the body trying to eliminate the pathogenic material of the vaccine from the body, when did this occurr?
'But in case of my elder son I could not recall anything except he has suffered from fever and a fitsula came out in his hip which contains lots of pus(very close to the anal opening).'
This would be a very typical example of the after effects of vaccination, and would be viewed as the body trying to eliminate the pathogenic material of the vaccine from the body, when did this occurr?
Hahnemania last decade
Dear Jacob,
It is really very difficult to recall exactly when this fistula came out, but I have talked to my wife and she said it may be around 10-11 months of age after the MMR vaccine, although in Japan, it is given separately. But I just really forgotten whether it was soon after the vaccination or not. But may be closer to one of MMR vaccination.
For my younger son, lot of rashes came out in his neck area along with diarohhea. But it is not soon after the vaccination. May be month after the vaccination. He was given DTP and BCG.
Hope this will be useful for your diagnosis.
It is really very difficult to recall exactly when this fistula came out, but I have talked to my wife and she said it may be around 10-11 months of age after the MMR vaccine, although in Japan, it is given separately. But I just really forgotten whether it was soon after the vaccination or not. But may be closer to one of MMR vaccination.
For my younger son, lot of rashes came out in his neck area along with diarohhea. But it is not soon after the vaccination. May be month after the vaccination. He was given DTP and BCG.
Hope this will be useful for your diagnosis.
Nitish last decade
Hello Nitish,
Son-rise method is very effective only if you do with full focuss. Its difficult and parent has to be very dedicated which i feel you are!
Check the site
you can contact them. first initial 25min call is free.
Yes my son got benefitted.
homeopathy will help you. but you have to find a good homeopath who knows autism very well. In india most of homeopath refer to baryta carb as they think its retardation but we know retardation and autism are not same. Information in internet is so huge and very confusing. But if you keep on searching you may get the right medicine.
I strongly feel that homeopathy can treat autism.
Son-rise method is very effective only if you do with full focuss. Its difficult and parent has to be very dedicated which i feel you are!
Check the site
you can contact them. first initial 25min call is free.
Yes my son got benefitted.
homeopathy will help you. but you have to find a good homeopath who knows autism very well. In india most of homeopath refer to baryta carb as they think its retardation but we know retardation and autism are not same. Information in internet is so huge and very confusing. But if you keep on searching you may get the right medicine.
I strongly feel that homeopathy can treat autism.
Dipika last decade
Hello Dipika,
Many thanks for your nice information. I will talk to son rise program.
It seems you have also used homeopath for your son. What sort of homeopathic medicine have you used for your son that was effective?
Please let me know.
With best wishes.
Many thanks for your nice information. I will talk to son rise program.
It seems you have also used homeopath for your son. What sort of homeopathic medicine have you used for your son that was effective?
Please let me know.
With best wishes.
Nitish last decade
I was checking out Amazon for a good homeopathy guide and the Number One result when you type in the word 'homeopathy' is a best-selling book by Dr. Amy Lansky called 'Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy.'
As you can see, it is highly recommended by peers, critics and users and not just because it's an excellent book. Amy Lansky's autistic son experienced a dramatic cure with homeopathy and other reviewers claim their autistic children have been making incredible progress using her method.
Amy's credentials are impeccable and this is the first thing I would try in your situation. Just google 'Amy Lansky homeopathy' and see what you get.
Good luck.
I was checking out Amazon for a good homeopathy guide and the Number One result when you type in the word 'homeopathy' is a best-selling book by Dr. Amy Lansky called 'Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy.'
As you can see, it is highly recommended by peers, critics and users and not just because it's an excellent book. Amy Lansky's autistic son experienced a dramatic cure with homeopathy and other reviewers claim their autistic children have been making incredible progress using her method.
Amy's credentials are impeccable and this is the first thing I would try in your situation. Just google 'Amy Lansky homeopathy' and see what you get.
Good luck.
busybutterfly last decade
With homeopathy, the cause does not matter. Homeopathy treats the current symptom and personality picture in totality. It does not look at cause.
However, in the case of vaccine damage, it is sometimes necessary to use the vaccine in potency to clear the path for the constitutional to work.
After effects of vaccines can be exhibited years later. There does not have to be an immediate 'reaction.'
There is indeed a genetic susceptibility to vaccine reaction and as such, autism. Because both of your boys are on the spectrum, this is most likely. But it is *not* a genetic inheritence of autism. It is an inherited *predisposition* so the circumstances are right for the autism to occur, especially given the vaccines.
Jacob, I have had parent after parent tell me their child was never vaccinated only to find out they did indeed receive HepB at birth. I don't know the practice in India but in the US and some of the other countries, HepB at birth (within 24 hours) was the mandatory standard - with or without parental consent. In my son's case, I told them I did not want him to have it and as soon as he went to the nursery, they gave it to him anyway.
I am sure we will find HepB at birth to be one of the greatest atrocities committed against our children. Not only did it contain mercury but it also is grown on Baker's yeast. Thus yeast and thrush has become rampant in our children. The HepB shot at birth is the magic potient for autism in my opinion and its prevalence as mandatory at birth coincides with the massive epidemic of autism we are now seeing in kids born after 1997 when it was incorporated.
While I totally agree there are many roads to recovery, homeopathy was the single most important thing we did (coupled with the diet and NAET) to recover my son. And I think the only thing that can truly bring children back to full recovery with no issues (including social). There are many, many children that are 'recovered' that still have social issues or still have little tweaks here and there. I honestly believe homeopathy could bring them all the way. However, I also think there are some children who will never fully recover. The goal shouldn't be 'full recovery' whatever that may be. The goal should be a happy, healthy, functioning child.
While I always kept chelation open as an option - it should be used as a last resort. Chelation is dangerous and can cause permanent damage to anyone, children or adult. It is not an easy, take this pill and your body will discharge the heavy metals. It moves heavy metals around in the body and in the case of ALA, crosses the blood/brain barrier. Heavy metals can thus become trapped in the brain and cause even more symptoms. It can also deplete essential nutrients like copper and zinc and cause further issues. It must be done under close medical supervision with someone who knows what they are doing.
We chose to use homeopathy to help his body naturally chelate and that is exactly what has happened. But that takes time.
A good homeopath can look at your child's symptoms and choose a good match. One I recommend who works long distance is Deb Olenev. You can google her to find her site. There are several good homeopaths who will work long distance. Each has a different approach but they follow the basic principles of classical homeopathy.
Tinus Smits has an amazing section on his website regarding autism and homeopathy. He has an excellent understanding of the biological issues of autism including glutathione deficiency which is one of the key medical predispositions for our children. While I don't necessarily agree with some of his high potency dosing methods, he also talks about addressing vaccine damage with a 30c potency in water (he outlines the treatment right on his site). There is a lot to be learned from his site as well as some fantastic cure stories.
I think in time, we will come to understand the dramatic and colossal damage routine vaccines have done to each successive generation and none more than our own children today. Except of course, their children whose constitution will be even weaker.
Sorry for the long post!
However, in the case of vaccine damage, it is sometimes necessary to use the vaccine in potency to clear the path for the constitutional to work.
After effects of vaccines can be exhibited years later. There does not have to be an immediate 'reaction.'
There is indeed a genetic susceptibility to vaccine reaction and as such, autism. Because both of your boys are on the spectrum, this is most likely. But it is *not* a genetic inheritence of autism. It is an inherited *predisposition* so the circumstances are right for the autism to occur, especially given the vaccines.
Jacob, I have had parent after parent tell me their child was never vaccinated only to find out they did indeed receive HepB at birth. I don't know the practice in India but in the US and some of the other countries, HepB at birth (within 24 hours) was the mandatory standard - with or without parental consent. In my son's case, I told them I did not want him to have it and as soon as he went to the nursery, they gave it to him anyway.
I am sure we will find HepB at birth to be one of the greatest atrocities committed against our children. Not only did it contain mercury but it also is grown on Baker's yeast. Thus yeast and thrush has become rampant in our children. The HepB shot at birth is the magic potient for autism in my opinion and its prevalence as mandatory at birth coincides with the massive epidemic of autism we are now seeing in kids born after 1997 when it was incorporated.
While I totally agree there are many roads to recovery, homeopathy was the single most important thing we did (coupled with the diet and NAET) to recover my son. And I think the only thing that can truly bring children back to full recovery with no issues (including social). There are many, many children that are 'recovered' that still have social issues or still have little tweaks here and there. I honestly believe homeopathy could bring them all the way. However, I also think there are some children who will never fully recover. The goal shouldn't be 'full recovery' whatever that may be. The goal should be a happy, healthy, functioning child.
While I always kept chelation open as an option - it should be used as a last resort. Chelation is dangerous and can cause permanent damage to anyone, children or adult. It is not an easy, take this pill and your body will discharge the heavy metals. It moves heavy metals around in the body and in the case of ALA, crosses the blood/brain barrier. Heavy metals can thus become trapped in the brain and cause even more symptoms. It can also deplete essential nutrients like copper and zinc and cause further issues. It must be done under close medical supervision with someone who knows what they are doing.
We chose to use homeopathy to help his body naturally chelate and that is exactly what has happened. But that takes time.
A good homeopath can look at your child's symptoms and choose a good match. One I recommend who works long distance is Deb Olenev. You can google her to find her site. There are several good homeopaths who will work long distance. Each has a different approach but they follow the basic principles of classical homeopathy.
Tinus Smits has an amazing section on his website regarding autism and homeopathy. He has an excellent understanding of the biological issues of autism including glutathione deficiency which is one of the key medical predispositions for our children. While I don't necessarily agree with some of his high potency dosing methods, he also talks about addressing vaccine damage with a 30c potency in water (he outlines the treatment right on his site). There is a lot to be learned from his site as well as some fantastic cure stories.
I think in time, we will come to understand the dramatic and colossal damage routine vaccines have done to each successive generation and none more than our own children today. Except of course, their children whose constitution will be even weaker.
Sorry for the long post!
busymominme last decade
Please note that I do not think vaccines are the only cause of autism. And it is not just HepB or DPT or MMR (which has not contained mercury but is problematic from the triple viruses). There is some evidence the Polio vaccine is correlated to learning disabilities and ADD.
Since autism is a spectrum disorder, which is diagnosed by symptoms, it also includes children who have other brain disorders, etc. Many parents feel their child was autistic since birth while others see changes after vaccination or other virus. It is hard to tell if children who are autistic from birth are that way due to HepB at birth, pre-existing mercury toxicity in the mother, tunafish, salmon, and swordfish eaten during pregnancy, RhoGam shots during pregnancy (which until recently contained Thimerosal), another shot which name escapes me right now which is given during pregnancy for preterm labor which also contained thimerosal. OR, the flu shot which is now recommended for pregnant women and babies despite the fact it still contains thimerosal!!!
In utero exposure to heavy metals is significantly worse for babies.
In other words, there are many 'causes' of autism. Homeopathy does not need to know the cause.
Since autism is a spectrum disorder, which is diagnosed by symptoms, it also includes children who have other brain disorders, etc. Many parents feel their child was autistic since birth while others see changes after vaccination or other virus. It is hard to tell if children who are autistic from birth are that way due to HepB at birth, pre-existing mercury toxicity in the mother, tunafish, salmon, and swordfish eaten during pregnancy, RhoGam shots during pregnancy (which until recently contained Thimerosal), another shot which name escapes me right now which is given during pregnancy for preterm labor which also contained thimerosal. OR, the flu shot which is now recommended for pregnant women and babies despite the fact it still contains thimerosal!!!
In utero exposure to heavy metals is significantly worse for babies.
In other words, there are many 'causes' of autism. Homeopathy does not need to know the cause.
busymominme last decade
Just a small question as an aside... When you say 'There is some evidence the Polio vaccine is correlated to learning disabilities and ADD', do you know if that includes the Pulse Polio vaccine (drops administered orally as part of the Indian government's polio eradication program) as well? I've always wondered.
Just a small question as an aside... When you say 'There is some evidence the Polio vaccine is correlated to learning disabilities and ADD', do you know if that includes the Pulse Polio vaccine (drops administered orally as part of the Indian government's polio eradication program) as well? I've always wondered.
busybutterfly last decade
Dear Busy, a few points...
'With homeopathy, the cause does not matter. Homeopathy treats the current symptom and personality picture in totality. It does not look at cause.'
This is simply not true. While the presentation of symptoms is of course the MOST important thing in a case, it is not the only thing to be born in mind, and etiology can be EXTREMELY important in the selcetion of a remedy. Let me give some examples, A patient comes to you with a case of recurrent headaches, and the symptoms (by repertorization at least, in the absence of self provings) equate to either Nux Or Cicuta, do you not inquire further into the case to see if there was a blow to the head which would favour the use of the latter over the former? Another example, a patient may come to you with a certain complaint which (using the same methods) works out to two remedies, one of which is an anti-miasmatic, the other is not, do you not look further into the case to establish a possible miasmatic CAUSE of the condition, which would therefore help you to select the correct remedy? What about if you have a patient who has never been well since a certain infection, or any other situation? Etiology, the CAUSE of a complaint, can be just as important in the selection of a remedy as symptomology alone.
'However, in the case of vaccine damage, it is sometimes necessary to use the vaccine in potency to clear the path for the constitutional to work. '
This is really a last resort when all anti-vaccinosis remedies (which are listed in Kent's rep btw), have failed. Just as any 'nosode', they should not just be applied on the basis of contact with the substance, as each patient may react to vaccination in a completley different manner.
'There is indeed a genetic susceptibility to vaccine reaction and as such, autism. Because both of your boys are on the spectrum, this is most likely. But it is *not* a genetic inheritence of autism.'
I did not assert this. What I actually said was 'Another strong possibility of course is that the cause of the condition in both children has a partial hereditary basis too'. It is only logical that in a case where two children in the same family have possibly reacted to vaccination in the exact same manner (which is INCREDIBLY rare btw), for this to have a genetic component, and even if this isn't vaccinosis presenting in either (which it almost certainly is), what exactly would be another cause for this except genetic tendency, given that both boys are suffering from the same condition? Also, not all caseso f vaccinosis lead to autism, in fact comparitively few do.
'With homeopathy, the cause does not matter. Homeopathy treats the current symptom and personality picture in totality. It does not look at cause.'
This is simply not true. While the presentation of symptoms is of course the MOST important thing in a case, it is not the only thing to be born in mind, and etiology can be EXTREMELY important in the selcetion of a remedy. Let me give some examples, A patient comes to you with a case of recurrent headaches, and the symptoms (by repertorization at least, in the absence of self provings) equate to either Nux Or Cicuta, do you not inquire further into the case to see if there was a blow to the head which would favour the use of the latter over the former? Another example, a patient may come to you with a certain complaint which (using the same methods) works out to two remedies, one of which is an anti-miasmatic, the other is not, do you not look further into the case to establish a possible miasmatic CAUSE of the condition, which would therefore help you to select the correct remedy? What about if you have a patient who has never been well since a certain infection, or any other situation? Etiology, the CAUSE of a complaint, can be just as important in the selection of a remedy as symptomology alone.
'However, in the case of vaccine damage, it is sometimes necessary to use the vaccine in potency to clear the path for the constitutional to work. '
This is really a last resort when all anti-vaccinosis remedies (which are listed in Kent's rep btw), have failed. Just as any 'nosode', they should not just be applied on the basis of contact with the substance, as each patient may react to vaccination in a completley different manner.
'There is indeed a genetic susceptibility to vaccine reaction and as such, autism. Because both of your boys are on the spectrum, this is most likely. But it is *not* a genetic inheritence of autism.'
I did not assert this. What I actually said was 'Another strong possibility of course is that the cause of the condition in both children has a partial hereditary basis too'. It is only logical that in a case where two children in the same family have possibly reacted to vaccination in the exact same manner (which is INCREDIBLY rare btw), for this to have a genetic component, and even if this isn't vaccinosis presenting in either (which it almost certainly is), what exactly would be another cause for this except genetic tendency, given that both boys are suffering from the same condition? Also, not all caseso f vaccinosis lead to autism, in fact comparitively few do.
Hahnemania last decade
Hello Nitish,
No till now it did'nt help my child ..but son-rise helped. But now i'm thinking of homeopathy because it helped me many time with depression etc. Some science believe that autism has relation with anxiety and depression. that's why many time they give prozac etc. which has lots of side effect. No body knows really but with characters for example if child is a perfectionist, does'nt like change, very intelligent, hysterical, dwelling in past etc etc. they can be treated by homeopathy.
I have the book suggested by busybutterfly 'Impossible cure'. You will see there she treated her child see his important character ..'very intelligent'in materia medica. It has more stories. But i found none of them matched for my son because its a big spectrum. But u should read it once.
I am thinking of phosphorus ...let's see its work or not.
Have you checked online Remedy Finder in this forum. You just write 'autism' it will come with all characters. Then check the grid it will suggest 12 medicine and read them in mateia maedica which you will get online if you type 'homeopathy book online free' in google search. You will plenty of books which you can read. If you want to experiment any medicine you can ask in forum for the potency of trial. There are many good people in this forum who will suggest the potency because its very important to use right potency and frequency of dose for you child.
Wish you all the best and always let me know if want to know or share anything afterall we are in the same boat.
No till now it did'nt help my child ..but son-rise helped. But now i'm thinking of homeopathy because it helped me many time with depression etc. Some science believe that autism has relation with anxiety and depression. that's why many time they give prozac etc. which has lots of side effect. No body knows really but with characters for example if child is a perfectionist, does'nt like change, very intelligent, hysterical, dwelling in past etc etc. they can be treated by homeopathy.
I have the book suggested by busybutterfly 'Impossible cure'. You will see there she treated her child see his important character ..'very intelligent'in materia medica. It has more stories. But i found none of them matched for my son because its a big spectrum. But u should read it once.
I am thinking of phosphorus ...let's see its work or not.
Have you checked online Remedy Finder in this forum. You just write 'autism' it will come with all characters. Then check the grid it will suggest 12 medicine and read them in mateia maedica which you will get online if you type 'homeopathy book online free' in google search. You will plenty of books which you can read. If you want to experiment any medicine you can ask in forum for the potency of trial. There are many good people in this forum who will suggest the potency because its very important to use right potency and frequency of dose for you child.
Wish you all the best and always let me know if want to know or share anything afterall we are in the same boat.
Dipika last decade
You and I are on the same page. I am not disagreeing with what you said. Only adding to it.
However, one can never know the *true* cause because the reason is endless. Etiology and cause are not the same thing. Hahnemann wrote: 'The physicians calling is not to make countless attempts at explanation regarding disease appearances and their approximate cause (WHICH MUST EVER REMAIN CONCEALED) holding forth in unintelligable words or abstract and pompous expressions in order to appear very learned and astonish the ignorant, while a sick world sighs in vain
for help. Of such learned fanaticism (to which the name 'theoretical medicinal art' is given, and for which special professorships are
instituted) we have had quite enough. It is high time for all those who call themselves physicians, once and for all, to stop deceiving suffering humanity with idle talk, and to 'begin' now to act, that is to really help and to cure.'
It's like asking why my son had autism...
because he received a vaccine...
But why him and not others who also received it?
because he had a sensitivity to it...
But was it the vaccine itself or the thimerosal?
It was both...
But if the thimerosal, why not all others who received it?
because he has a genetic inability to detoxify...
But if the tetanus, why not all others who received it?
because he has a genetic sensitivity to vaccines...
Why does he have a genetic predisposition?
because his mother had a reaction and was sensitive... and because she could not naturally detox...
Why was she sensitive?
because her father (his grandfather) was sensitive and had a reaction to a smallpox vaccine...
Why did he have a reaction...
because his mother (his great-grandmother) was asian and has a sensitivity to...
It just goes on an on! It is never ending. Yes, there are 'exciting factors' which can help lead you to the right remedy but they are not necessarily the *cause.* The same can be said for many of the genetic factors or that which makes up my son's constitution... much of it handed down... miasms, etc.
In *your* method of practice, it is a last resort. For other homeopaths it is not (i.e. Tinus Smits). Our children have never before been assaulted with so many vaccines and the toxins that go along with them. Babies today receive up to 33 doses of vaccine. Thankfully our classical homeopath did not wait through several remedies before giving the DPT remedy.
We are saying basically the same thing regarding the genetic inheritance. I'm not arguing with what you said. I'm saying it in a different way. But they have not reacted to vaccination in exactly the same way - they have different symptoms/behaviors. And actually it is not rare at all. There are many families with more than one child on the spectrum and/or with autism. In fact, if you have a child with autism, chances are 50/50 the next child will have autism. That's not rare if you ask me. And probably in the majority of cases it is the vaccination that is exciting factor for the autism. My point was 'autism' is not a genetic disease.
We are in agreement - I did not say you asserted that - yes there is a genetic component and yes this is most likely vaccinosis. But you said it yourself in your last sentence... it is not a genetic predisposition for *autism.* All cases of vaccinosis do not end in autism.
Please don't look at every response posted as an attack on what you are saying. I have yet to read a post of yours I haven't agreed with! I was simply adding to the discussion. I do not participate on this board to argue practice or semantics with other contributors but to post information that will help those asking for it.
My apologies to Nitish for going off course. Let's get back on topic to helping your sons.
You and I are on the same page. I am not disagreeing with what you said. Only adding to it.
However, one can never know the *true* cause because the reason is endless. Etiology and cause are not the same thing. Hahnemann wrote: 'The physicians calling is not to make countless attempts at explanation regarding disease appearances and their approximate cause (WHICH MUST EVER REMAIN CONCEALED) holding forth in unintelligable words or abstract and pompous expressions in order to appear very learned and astonish the ignorant, while a sick world sighs in vain
for help. Of such learned fanaticism (to which the name 'theoretical medicinal art' is given, and for which special professorships are
instituted) we have had quite enough. It is high time for all those who call themselves physicians, once and for all, to stop deceiving suffering humanity with idle talk, and to 'begin' now to act, that is to really help and to cure.'
It's like asking why my son had autism...
because he received a vaccine...
But why him and not others who also received it?
because he had a sensitivity to it...
But was it the vaccine itself or the thimerosal?
It was both...
But if the thimerosal, why not all others who received it?
because he has a genetic inability to detoxify...
But if the tetanus, why not all others who received it?
because he has a genetic sensitivity to vaccines...
Why does he have a genetic predisposition?
because his mother had a reaction and was sensitive... and because she could not naturally detox...
Why was she sensitive?
because her father (his grandfather) was sensitive and had a reaction to a smallpox vaccine...
Why did he have a reaction...
because his mother (his great-grandmother) was asian and has a sensitivity to...
It just goes on an on! It is never ending. Yes, there are 'exciting factors' which can help lead you to the right remedy but they are not necessarily the *cause.* The same can be said for many of the genetic factors or that which makes up my son's constitution... much of it handed down... miasms, etc.
In *your* method of practice, it is a last resort. For other homeopaths it is not (i.e. Tinus Smits). Our children have never before been assaulted with so many vaccines and the toxins that go along with them. Babies today receive up to 33 doses of vaccine. Thankfully our classical homeopath did not wait through several remedies before giving the DPT remedy.
We are saying basically the same thing regarding the genetic inheritance. I'm not arguing with what you said. I'm saying it in a different way. But they have not reacted to vaccination in exactly the same way - they have different symptoms/behaviors. And actually it is not rare at all. There are many families with more than one child on the spectrum and/or with autism. In fact, if you have a child with autism, chances are 50/50 the next child will have autism. That's not rare if you ask me. And probably in the majority of cases it is the vaccination that is exciting factor for the autism. My point was 'autism' is not a genetic disease.
We are in agreement - I did not say you asserted that - yes there is a genetic component and yes this is most likely vaccinosis. But you said it yourself in your last sentence... it is not a genetic predisposition for *autism.* All cases of vaccinosis do not end in autism.
Please don't look at every response posted as an attack on what you are saying. I have yet to read a post of yours I haven't agreed with! I was simply adding to the discussion. I do not participate on this board to argue practice or semantics with other contributors but to post information that will help those asking for it.
My apologies to Nitish for going off course. Let's get back on topic to helping your sons.
busymominme last decade
Yes, the MMR shots did contain mercury as a preservative. One of my husband's clients sits on the BAR review board of TEXAS, and owns her own law center. She had my daughter tested for just such a thing to include us in one of the lawsuits.
The reason for the ALA is because I want chelation but do not want to use the same procedure used when a young autisic boy died in Houston. This is my only hope. AND, one of the reasons they couldn't find mercury in my daugher's system is because she is 12.
The mercury over time does move around the body and the droplets grow smaller and smaller, and embed deeper and deeper in muscle, organs and fat as they grow older. The ALA is my only hope at this point. Yes, I know it crosses the blood/brain barrier, but I would imagine the mercury already has done so anyway.
Yes, the MMR shots did contain mercury as a preservative. One of my husband's clients sits on the BAR review board of TEXAS, and owns her own law center. She had my daughter tested for just such a thing to include us in one of the lawsuits.
The reason for the ALA is because I want chelation but do not want to use the same procedure used when a young autisic boy died in Houston. This is my only hope. AND, one of the reasons they couldn't find mercury in my daugher's system is because she is 12.
The mercury over time does move around the body and the droplets grow smaller and smaller, and embed deeper and deeper in muscle, organs and fat as they grow older. The ALA is my only hope at this point. Yes, I know it crosses the blood/brain barrier, but I would imagine the mercury already has done so anyway.
PuddysMom last decade
Yes, both forms of the vaccine. It is the altered form of polio that is the problem, not the method of administration. There is some scientific evidence that CFS, learning disabilities, ADD, and other neurological illness is a modified version of polio from the vaccine. When polio existed as a disease and not a vaccine, there were 3 viruses. After the use of the vaccines, there are now 72 different viruses considered 'polio.' Yet another misfortunate consequence of a compulsory vaccine program.
Yes, both forms of the vaccine. It is the altered form of polio that is the problem, not the method of administration. There is some scientific evidence that CFS, learning disabilities, ADD, and other neurological illness is a modified version of polio from the vaccine. When polio existed as a disease and not a vaccine, there were 3 viruses. After the use of the vaccines, there are now 72 different viruses considered 'polio.' Yet another misfortunate consequence of a compulsory vaccine program.
busymominme last decade
I would love to see more evidence of the MMR vaccine containing mercury. Can you please direct me to further info? I have been studying this for 5 years and this is the first I have heard of this. I'm not saying you are wrong, I just want further information as this would be very useful!
As for the ALA, I understand. Every parent must do what they think is best for their child. I am not knocking you for doing everything you can for your daughter. Just so other parents are aware, ALA is still a chelation product that crosses the blood/brain barrier even though it is a 'natural' product.
Many times children on the spectrum will test negative for heavy metals because they are not naturally chelating them. As you said, they are trapped in the body. Everyone is exposed to heavy metals on a daily basis and most people can *naturally* chelate it. It is when you can't that it is a problem.
Are you going to try the NoFenol? Have you done any homeopathy yet?
I would love to see more evidence of the MMR vaccine containing mercury. Can you please direct me to further info? I have been studying this for 5 years and this is the first I have heard of this. I'm not saying you are wrong, I just want further information as this would be very useful!
As for the ALA, I understand. Every parent must do what they think is best for their child. I am not knocking you for doing everything you can for your daughter. Just so other parents are aware, ALA is still a chelation product that crosses the blood/brain barrier even though it is a 'natural' product.
Many times children on the spectrum will test negative for heavy metals because they are not naturally chelating them. As you said, they are trapped in the body. Everyone is exposed to heavy metals on a daily basis and most people can *naturally* chelate it. It is when you can't that it is a problem.
Are you going to try the NoFenol? Have you done any homeopathy yet?
busymominme last decade
Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines
and other products since the 1930's.
and other products since the 1930's.
PuddysMom last decade
Since 1999 thimerosal has been removed from the majority of recommended childhood vaccines for preschool children.
In fact today, with the exception of some flu vaccine, none of the routinely recommended childhood vaccines used in the U.S. contain thimerosal as a preservative. These include vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), polio, influenza (flu) and pneumococcal disease.
What does 'IN FACT, TODAY' mean, unless it's an admission of guilt with actually admitting it? Why then did they 'AGREE TO LESSEN THE AMOUNT DUE TO UPSET PARENTS'?
Draw your own conclusion if you want, but I see a 'cover-up'. The only studies they used were from 3 HMO's. Yeah, HMO's never hurt
In fact today, with the exception of some flu vaccine, none of the routinely recommended childhood vaccines used in the U.S. contain thimerosal as a preservative. These include vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), polio, influenza (flu) and pneumococcal disease.
What does 'IN FACT, TODAY' mean, unless it's an admission of guilt with actually admitting it? Why then did they 'AGREE TO LESSEN THE AMOUNT DUE TO UPSET PARENTS'?
Draw your own conclusion if you want, but I see a 'cover-up'. The only studies they used were from 3 HMO's. Yeah, HMO's never hurt
PuddysMom last decade
Yes, I'm still planning to use the No Phenol. I'm still investigating it. No, I haven't tried any homeopathy yet. I'm not exactly sure what to do with homeopathy, I was just looking into some other alternatives.
PuddysMom last decade
Dear Busy...
I do not think we are, and the specific comments made were pretty much in direct opposition of my own, hence my wanting to go into them further.
'However, one can never know the *true* cause because the reason is endless. Etiology and cause are not the same thing.'
No. There is almost always a defining cause, or series of causes of a disease, whether it be a chronic miasm, or a combination thereof, a corporeal affection (bad living habits, injuries etc) the effects of a chronic infection etc etc, or indeed, vaccinosis. If one searches hard enough, one will always find such causes.
noun, plural -gies.
1. Pathology.
a. the study of the causes of diseases.
b. the cause or origin of a disease.
2. the study of causation.
3. any study of causes, causation, or causality, as in philosophy, biology, or physics.
Causality and etiology, are, therefore, one and the same.
'Hahnemann wrote: 'The physicians calling is not to make countless attempts at explanation regarding disease appearances and their approximate cause (WHICH MUST EVER REMAIN CONCEALED) holding forth in unintelligable words or abstract and pompous expressions in order to appear very learned and astonish the ignorant, while a sick world sighs in vain
for help.'
Well of course I am not just a Homoeopathic Physician, but a Homoeopathic writer. Moreover though, the old man was referring more to the pompous expressions (which were a daily part of life) of allopathic physicians of his day, and apparently not to those following his OWN system. If one takes this passage literally, and in the universal sense, then he was directly contradicting himself by his theories of miasmatic disease, which were obvioulsy nothing more than just this, attempts to explain the causation of disease, or by his assertions regarding corporeal affections, which again are an attempt to explain causality. Hahnemann, great man as he was, did on many occassions apparently 'contradict himself' in such a way, although for the MOST part, this was not really contradiction in the STRICTEST sense of the word, if one understands the man, what he had to put up with by way of scorn from the allopathic community, and where he was coming from. I would though, and for the following reason, completely disagree with his assertion that causation must 'ever remain concealed', as he also states elsewhere in his work that one must know the CAUSE of disease, 'a chronic miasm', and that without this knowledge it was like working in the dark, again, seemingly in direct opposition to the quote you have made above. I have stated many times to others, one will never understand the Organon or Chronic Diseases by quoting specific passages, because they are both such vast works, and the Organon at least, is one of the only works I have ever come across, which must be taken as a whole to fully understand it's meaning.
You have also answered your own questions:
'because he received a vaccine...'
'because he had a sensitivity to it...'
'It was both...'
'because he has a genetic inability to detoxify...'
'because he has a genetic sensitivity to vaccines...'
'because his mother had a reaction and was sensitive...and because she could not naturally detox...'
'because her father (his grandfather) was sensitive and had a reaction to a smallpox vaccine...'
'because his mother (his great-grandmother) was asian and has a sensitivity to...'
I am not suggesting there is only ever one causative factor in a case, there can be many, but they ARE all causation none the less. Moreover though, genetic tendency, or predisposition runs through the whole situation above...
To know the cause of disease, is to fight it rationally, something that Hahnemann himself also stated many times.
'In *your* method of practice, it is a last resort. For other homeopaths it is not'
Then this is up to them, and in your case it was fortunate that this WAS the cause of your sons condition, for most though, so many vaccinations have been given (as you yourself state), that the reaction becomes a general one, and not specific to any particular vaccine. It is the same as trying to antidote specific drugs in a heavily medicated patient, without first trying a dose of Nux or Sulph (where these are indicated) to rectify the situation. If a specific substance is given isopathically, and is NOT required by the individual, it will, more often than not, make the problem worse, and this is why the general approach should ALWAYS be tried first.
'But they have not reacted to vaccination in exactly the same way - they have different symptoms/behaviors. And actually it is not rare at all. There are many families with more than one child on the spectrum and/or with autism. In fact, if you have a child with autism, chances are 50/50 the next child will have autism.'
They both have Autism, and this has certainly not been MY experience, or that as defined by what I have read on the subject, but even if this IS true, does not this alone suggest a strong genetic disposition toward Autistic behaviour?
'My point was 'autism' is not a genetic disease.'
And neither was it mine, I merely stated there HAS to be some genetic factor involved, because again, not everyone who reacts badly to vaccination becomes autistic, which is the extreme, and IS relatively rare.
'We are in agreement - I did not say you asserted that - yes there is a genetic component and yes this is most likely vaccinosis'
I do not think we are, and by bringing this point up you were indeed saying this, and of course, Vaccinosis is not a genetic factor, as it is not a chronic miasmatic condition.
'Please don't look at every response posted as an attack on what you are saying. I have yet to read a post of yours I haven't agreed with!'
I do not, in the slightest, the whole point of discussion is to elaborate on ones assertions and theories, but I do not understand how you can be agreeing each time, as most of your comments are in direct opposition of my own.
'I do not participate on this board to argue practice or semantics with other contributors but to post information that will help those asking for it.'
And neither do I, but I do think it is the responsibility of the Homoeopath to ensure the accuracy of information being presented, for the purposes of educating not only other Homoeopaths, but patients themselves, who have just as much right to know such things.
I do not think we are, and the specific comments made were pretty much in direct opposition of my own, hence my wanting to go into them further.
'However, one can never know the *true* cause because the reason is endless. Etiology and cause are not the same thing.'
No. There is almost always a defining cause, or series of causes of a disease, whether it be a chronic miasm, or a combination thereof, a corporeal affection (bad living habits, injuries etc) the effects of a chronic infection etc etc, or indeed, vaccinosis. If one searches hard enough, one will always find such causes.
noun, plural -gies.
1. Pathology.
a. the study of the causes of diseases.
b. the cause or origin of a disease.
2. the study of causation.
3. any study of causes, causation, or causality, as in philosophy, biology, or physics.
Causality and etiology, are, therefore, one and the same.
'Hahnemann wrote: 'The physicians calling is not to make countless attempts at explanation regarding disease appearances and their approximate cause (WHICH MUST EVER REMAIN CONCEALED) holding forth in unintelligable words or abstract and pompous expressions in order to appear very learned and astonish the ignorant, while a sick world sighs in vain
for help.'
Well of course I am not just a Homoeopathic Physician, but a Homoeopathic writer. Moreover though, the old man was referring more to the pompous expressions (which were a daily part of life) of allopathic physicians of his day, and apparently not to those following his OWN system. If one takes this passage literally, and in the universal sense, then he was directly contradicting himself by his theories of miasmatic disease, which were obvioulsy nothing more than just this, attempts to explain the causation of disease, or by his assertions regarding corporeal affections, which again are an attempt to explain causality. Hahnemann, great man as he was, did on many occassions apparently 'contradict himself' in such a way, although for the MOST part, this was not really contradiction in the STRICTEST sense of the word, if one understands the man, what he had to put up with by way of scorn from the allopathic community, and where he was coming from. I would though, and for the following reason, completely disagree with his assertion that causation must 'ever remain concealed', as he also states elsewhere in his work that one must know the CAUSE of disease, 'a chronic miasm', and that without this knowledge it was like working in the dark, again, seemingly in direct opposition to the quote you have made above. I have stated many times to others, one will never understand the Organon or Chronic Diseases by quoting specific passages, because they are both such vast works, and the Organon at least, is one of the only works I have ever come across, which must be taken as a whole to fully understand it's meaning.
You have also answered your own questions:
'because he received a vaccine...'
'because he had a sensitivity to it...'
'It was both...'
'because he has a genetic inability to detoxify...'
'because he has a genetic sensitivity to vaccines...'
'because his mother had a reaction and was sensitive...and because she could not naturally detox...'
'because her father (his grandfather) was sensitive and had a reaction to a smallpox vaccine...'
'because his mother (his great-grandmother) was asian and has a sensitivity to...'
I am not suggesting there is only ever one causative factor in a case, there can be many, but they ARE all causation none the less. Moreover though, genetic tendency, or predisposition runs through the whole situation above...
To know the cause of disease, is to fight it rationally, something that Hahnemann himself also stated many times.
'In *your* method of practice, it is a last resort. For other homeopaths it is not'
Then this is up to them, and in your case it was fortunate that this WAS the cause of your sons condition, for most though, so many vaccinations have been given (as you yourself state), that the reaction becomes a general one, and not specific to any particular vaccine. It is the same as trying to antidote specific drugs in a heavily medicated patient, without first trying a dose of Nux or Sulph (where these are indicated) to rectify the situation. If a specific substance is given isopathically, and is NOT required by the individual, it will, more often than not, make the problem worse, and this is why the general approach should ALWAYS be tried first.
'But they have not reacted to vaccination in exactly the same way - they have different symptoms/behaviors. And actually it is not rare at all. There are many families with more than one child on the spectrum and/or with autism. In fact, if you have a child with autism, chances are 50/50 the next child will have autism.'
They both have Autism, and this has certainly not been MY experience, or that as defined by what I have read on the subject, but even if this IS true, does not this alone suggest a strong genetic disposition toward Autistic behaviour?
'My point was 'autism' is not a genetic disease.'
And neither was it mine, I merely stated there HAS to be some genetic factor involved, because again, not everyone who reacts badly to vaccination becomes autistic, which is the extreme, and IS relatively rare.
'We are in agreement - I did not say you asserted that - yes there is a genetic component and yes this is most likely vaccinosis'
I do not think we are, and by bringing this point up you were indeed saying this, and of course, Vaccinosis is not a genetic factor, as it is not a chronic miasmatic condition.
'Please don't look at every response posted as an attack on what you are saying. I have yet to read a post of yours I haven't agreed with!'
I do not, in the slightest, the whole point of discussion is to elaborate on ones assertions and theories, but I do not understand how you can be agreeing each time, as most of your comments are in direct opposition of my own.
'I do not participate on this board to argue practice or semantics with other contributors but to post information that will help those asking for it.'
And neither do I, but I do think it is the responsibility of the Homoeopath to ensure the accuracy of information being presented, for the purposes of educating not only other Homoeopaths, but patients themselves, who have just as much right to know such things.
Hahnemania last decade
Hello Dipika,
Could you please let me know how or in what degree son rise program helped your son?
I mean what was the changes? verbal? communication? or others?
I am planning to go to USA for son rise because nothing is really helping my son. I have tried bryta, arnica as well as many more but still helpless.
Please let me know whether you find a significant difference through the program.
With best wishes.
Could you please let me know how or in what degree son rise program helped your son?
I mean what was the changes? verbal? communication? or others?
I am planning to go to USA for son rise because nothing is really helping my son. I have tried bryta, arnica as well as many more but still helpless.
Please let me know whether you find a significant difference through the program.
With best wishes.
Nitish last decade
Dear Jacob,
I have been overwhelmed by your comprehensive information. But could you please let me know what I should do? I do understand that my elder son has suffered a lot more than my younger son through vaccination.
Waiting for your suggestions.
I have been overwhelmed by your comprehensive information. But could you please let me know what I should do? I do understand that my elder son has suffered a lot more than my younger son through vaccination.
Waiting for your suggestions.
Nitish last decade
Dear Nitish, of course.
I had not offered any actual advice, as it seemed you were pursuing other directions.
However, I do not think this is the ideal setting to take a full and detailed case history for such a serious condition, so if you would like to e-mail me privately, I would be more than happy to help.
I had not offered any actual advice, as it seemed you were pursuing other directions.
However, I do not think this is the ideal setting to take a full and detailed case history for such a serious condition, so if you would like to e-mail me privately, I would be more than happy to help.
Hahnemania last decade
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