The ABC Homeopathy Forum
mathew on 2004-09-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
it is as possible as it is to have wooden sticks for lunch. in other words: yes it will not kill you, but No it is not the classical way of homeopathic treatment.
there are compounds out that consist of up to 10 different remedies at the same time and i personally doubt they will work and would be surprised if they did:
the one simillimum (most similar - there can be only one) has to work though there are all the others disturbing and interfering with the one right force.
however, on some occasions i have read there were people treted with 2 different remedies at the same time. that didn't mean, the patient got 2 remedies to take in at the same time but they are given one at night and one at daytime. or one during the fever and one during the chills.
there are compounds out that consist of up to 10 different remedies at the same time and i personally doubt they will work and would be surprised if they did:
the one simillimum (most similar - there can be only one) has to work though there are all the others disturbing and interfering with the one right force.
however, on some occasions i have read there were people treted with 2 different remedies at the same time. that didn't mean, the patient got 2 remedies to take in at the same time but they are given one at night and one at daytime. or one during the fever and one during the chills.
itsme 2 decades ago
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