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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

5 month old with chronic congestion

Our 5 month old came down with a cold 25 days ago. The cold disappeared and now all he has is congestion. He used to be a great sleeper 6-8 hours, no fussing. Now he only sleeps 1-2 hours at a time at night. We are so exhausted. His congestion just won't go away. We have tried a humidifier, pedia care, elevating mattress, saline drops, etc. We took him to an allergist, they said he was too young to have allergies. His pediatrician gave us antibiotics and an inhaler. We tried giving him tons of fresh air, and then also tried closing the house down and using air condition. Nothing has changed, except we are all getting more and more rundown. The only thing that makes him go back to sleep is me nursing him. Then 1-2 hours later he wakes crying. During the day the congestion is not as bad and he is a happy baby for the most part, although he is not napping well. He was recently diagnosed with low tone for his upper body, wondering if there is a correlation? Anyone out there have ideas?
  jonahandjacksmom on 2006-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
See other post with baby with similar symptoms. Pulsatilla may help.

Babies are not too young for allergies. If you did antibiotics, you should consider a good probiotic for him. Baby Jaro-Dophilous can be found in fridge section of health food store. Express some milk and put 1/4 tsp. in a little milk in a bottle once a day. May constipate at first but then will regulate. Babies that young cannot regulate the gut and antibiotics will disrupt the balance.

It's also possible he has yeast (also because of the antiobitic). Is his tongue white? Does he have diaper rash? Yeast can cause chronic congestion.

Did this congestion come on after a vaccination? If so, which one? If yes, consider a nosode (remedy of that vaccine). Does he cough?
busymominme last decade

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