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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

confused! which remedy?

my husband has a few symptoms that make me confused in choosing the right remedy. any help is appreciated.
1. seeing spots in front of his eyes
2. hear a whistle sound in his ears almost always
3. burping loudly after eating accompanied by bringing up foods into his mouth
4. high libido with excessive desire for intercourse (even 2-3 times a day) and aroused easily
5. he loves tomato
as for the personality and temperment
6. low self-esteem but try to hide this in different ways
7. very very clever and intelligent
8. does not have a strong will
last thing I would like to add is that usually he doesn't sleep well. he is not phyically active(no sport).
  phosphor on 2004-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what medicines use /used?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
First of allthank you for your fast reply.
no drug used.
as for homeopathic remedies:
about 6 months ago i gave him 2 doses of Cann. Ind. 30 ch. has some good effects but he somkes and uses mint tooth paste so it antidoted after i guess a week or so.
about 1 months after that I gave him 3 doses of Nux Vom. didn't have a good reaction to that one. He had pain in the centre of his chest and again antidoted.
and finally about 2 weeks ago i gave him 3 doses of Phosphorus cause I am so exhausted by his high sexual demand. for the 3 first nights he had very bad dreams and doesn't feel good mainly because of those bad dreams.
that is all he used so far.
phosphor 2 decades ago
please explain husband's health history in as much thoroughness possible--including dates for chronological references...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
It might be helpful if you know that he is 33 years old right now. I will explain things as they have happened so far so it would be chronological.
He has a history of smoking cigarettes since he was 18 years old and smoking grass since he was 23 years old. Smoking grass is not on a regular basis. Just whenever he finds. But it was times when he had good amount of grass and he smokes sometimes once a week but other than that he doesn’t smoke grass regularly. For example it has been 3 months that he hasn’t smoked any grass. On the other hand I have to admit that this is because he agreed not to do so for a while until I get pregnant for our first baby.
As for the spots he sees in front of his eyes an opticians told him that these are floating particles in his …(don’t remember the name) part of his eyes and advised him to drink berry juices.
But now lets go back to other problems:
About 10 years ago he failed in his business badly although he was very young at that time, but he hurt sooooo much that one morning he got up and he had this whistle sound in his ears. We were friends at that time. Long story short, he decided to continue his studies and so he started his Master’s degree (hardware engineer). The next big thing in his life was me that he loves me so much but because I am 2 years older than him our parents were very angry with our relationship so we had to hide it from them and that was an additional stress. Next thing was submission of his thesis. He did a perfect job on a very new area of his field of study at that time but one of the referees made a nonsense statement while all other referees admired him for his excellent outstanding job, but he got 18 out of 20 and this hurts him so much again (we were living in a country that things are a little bit odd ).
After that we decided to get married and we had a very bad time during the marriage. Especially I know that he has a feeling that nobody was respected him as they should be during this marriage. This was 5 years ago. 1 year after our marriage we moved to Canada. At the same time his family found that his sister is suffering from M.S. so this was another bad thing. When we moved to Canada (Thank God) he found a very good job and he has been promoted since then. So, basically he has a very good position right now but the thing is that he can not speak strongly as a man should. He knows how to do things and he is very very intelligent that he got a few good bonuses during the past 4 years in his work. But still sometimes he has to make lots of efforts to convince his managers for doing something.
next thing: he has been so excited about sexual stuff since I remember(means since 10 years ago). I remember because sexual relationships are forbidden before marriage in our country we had to do it in a hidden place, so we didn’t get many opportunity to do it. I know that he used to do a lot of masturbations. Even after marriage he did that whenever we didn’t have intercourse. Even now sometimes he does.
He sometimes watch porn movies as well.
Another problem in this regard is that he has what I believe you call it premature ejaculation. It was worse before but now he is better and we can have intercourses as long as 15-20 minutes. But even now sometimes he has to masturbate before intercourse to prevent this premature ejaculation.
Another thing is that he likes to be naked. I mean he feels so good without clothes.
He rarely becomes sick. During the past 4 years we spent in Canada he caught cold just 2-3 times.
As for his sleeping he was like this since I remember. He never sleeps good and most of the nights had bad dreams, about death of people, about his colleagues betraying him, about losing me, about his sister who has M.S..
Overall his negative energy is more than his positive. Because he doesn’t have a powerful and strong will most of the time he needs to get positive energy from somebody else (who would be me 99% of the time). He has a very good self-esteem in technical and scientific matters. But in life matters he needs reassurance. He hardly can say no to any request. It is always me who should make the final decision for almost everything in our life.
As for loud burping again he was like this as far as I remember.
In one sentence I guess I can say that he has never been appreciated in his business and scientific life while he deserved to be and deep inside this hurts him. As for high sexual desire I have no idea. One last thing: he is ready to try anything that is somehow not good. I mean he is willing to try drugs, willing to try irregular positions for intercourse, willing to try having sex in places like parks, lakes, …. Willing to eat things that might be not good for your health. And I guess he does these just to prove that he is kind of strong!!!!!!
If there is anything unclear please let me know.
Thanks a lot.
phosphor 2 decades ago
it is of importance to know husband's view---what does he feel is/are his main complaint(s)? (emotional-mental-physical)please explain..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Check the condition of his teeth, and examine the "drug picture" of Staphysagria.

If teeth are blackenned on upper edges....then it is the medicine.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
His teeth are ok and they are not blackened on upper edges although he doesn’t have good teeth and almost all of them have been filled or root canalled.
Here is his view about himself:
His view: He believes that he always has the best and brightest idea in his profession. I mean he expects that at work everybody listen to his ideas because his are the best ones. He is critical and intolerant of disorder and imprecision at his work. My view: he is right because he is very intelligent but I guess sometimes there are other factors at work that play important roles in making final decisions and it seems that he doesn’t like these political/… factors. About being intolerant of disorder and imprecision again he is the same even at home but just about repairs and some stuff like keeping film negatives.
His view: The thing that bothers him so much right now, physically it is the whistle sound in his ears and he said that all of his body is in pain, feel tired, and in some parts feel like somebody pinch him with needles. Mentally it is some philosophical problems that he is looking for an answer for them but still he can not find any. My view: the thing is that he is always thinking about something. Always, I mean even during his sleep he can not stop thinking and sometimes he solves technical problems in his sleep. He thinks very fast, and some times thinking about several problems at the same time. In terms of technical stuff he always finds the best and optimized solution to the problems. As I said he thinks fast, and also he eats fast, speaks fast, driving fast and crazy, but on the other hand he is really fast in physical activities. I mean he is not a fan of physical activities.
His view: I asked him about how successful he feels? He said there is only one thing that he has been successful in and that is his marriage and nothing else. My view: he is always pessimistic. I mean there are lots of things that he can consider himself as a successful man but apparently he doesn’t. He always thinks that he has a bad luck cause every time in his life he was about to get into a happy state he received a kind of bad news. Overall I can say he is pessimistic.
His view: what makes him angry most? NOT being appreciated. My view: Nobody really ever appreciate him the way they should do. so he is not very grateful in return. I mean he seldom appreciates and thanks people.
His view: his greatest hope right now: to find answer for his philosophical questions. My view: I am not sure. He might be right but I know that he is also worried about a few other things as well in the background of his mind, like his sister who suffers from MS, earning more and more money, ….

I couldn’t get more out of him because he doesn’t talk about himself too much and even if you as a doctor try to, he won’t talk.
Well there are a few more points that I should mention:
He is very idealist and perfectionist. May be not about everything but most of the time when we want to buy something or we want to do something he really wants to buy/do the best he can. He is very competitive and I would say an achiever as well specially in technical and scientific subjects.
He has a great sense of competence. Even when he drives he feels that he should be ahead of all other cars and can not tolerate any car passing by him. He has a sense of competence with my father as well. Although I have talked to him several times to make him sure that I don’t compare him with my father but still I can feel it from the way he talks to my father and the way he wants to act in his business life.
His logical part of brain is very strong. He understand logic very well. He is intellectual and he doesn’t believe in any religion but he believes in God.
He has a tendency for violent sexual and he asked me a few times but of course I refused.
Whenever he is angry with a woman expresses his angers by imagination of having violent sex with her. (I am sure that he hasn’t have any sexual relationship with anybody so far. I trust him with all my heart and soul. He is very committed to me). As for his appearance he doesn’t have developed masculine muscles. Dark circles around his eyes. Recently his right under lid moves. I can see it.
He sleeps on his stomach most of the time and right side, and feels cold during night in a way that he asks me to hug him to make him warm.
Another thing about smoking grass is that one time I asked him why and he said he enjoys it!! He said he rarely had fun in his life and when he smokes grass he feels happy and he is relaxed and he can think in away that he can not do other times. There was several times he told me that I am the one who has brought laugh and fun to his life. Please note that I am not describing a love story I ma just trying to reveal his point of view. So you can imagine that smoking grass is a thing that makes his mind free from all the tensions and …
He craves sweet food sometimes and like a sweetened hot tea after each meal. He has a high intake of salt.
I will study Staphysagria to see if it matches him or not. But in the meantime if you think of another remedy please let me know.

All the best,
phosphor 2 decades ago
I am sorry I just realized a major typo in my recent posting: he is NOT fast in physical activities. I forgot "NOT".
phosphor 2 decades ago
sulphur ;phosphoriucm acidum ; nux-vomica are indicated

cannabis' illusion is as such and maintains such a posture of dis-ease(yet not the disease -itself) and must be avoided--and this husband must make choice concerning usage...

start treatment single dose "only" sulphur 30c

MUST avoid all acidic foods and drinks (..i.e..coffee;tea;vinegar;fruits and juices;coca-cola,pepsi and like;alcoholic beverages;..etc) ; milk products; eggs; all sweets (..i.e..refined white sugar products;artificial sweeteners;honey;high fructose corn syrup products:...etc)

Must avoid all other medicines (antibiotics;skin cremes-oils-ointments;aspirin-paiunkillers;...etc) ;drugs (cannibis ;cocaine;lsd ...etc)

restrictions are so to avoid any possible unnecessary complication/aggravtion during treatment...

post back response or lack of response to sulphur 30c
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Can I use liquid form of Sulphur LM1 or LM2 or ... for him? because he somkes cigarettes and this is the only thing that he won't stop it so I guess the CH will be antidoted very quickly. I was thinking of liquid form of LM potency, 1 or 2 times per week. What do you think?
phosphor 2 decades ago
LM ok but need to observe response to single dose sulphur 30c--then 200c before commiting to LM

my suggestion is start with 30c--note response--tobbaco--not so much antidoting is concern but obsitcle to cure --we'll access 30c response and decide course of action--
John Stanton 2 decades ago
His teeth are filled and root canal done only because they became black and infected in the first place.

See the drug picture of Staphysagria and match the symptoms.

To me it appears to be the correct match for the following reasons:

-masturbation.. frequent
-teeth infected
-eyes sunken
-sensitive to people and
angry with them because he is mis-understood or he doesn't express his unpleasant feelings to them (resulting in bottled up anger).

In addition to Staphys, you can give him sulphur ( one dose every week for three weeks..total).

Sulphur will do some blood purification side by side.

If his family has a history of diabetes, then Acid Phos can be appropriate.

Acid Phos person is a sad person. One who might have had a broken love-affair etc.
There will be pimples on the body. Urination at night will be frequent.

Otherwise, Staphys appears to be more appropriate in this case.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
His teeth are filled and root canal done only because they became black and infected in the first place.

See the drug picture of Staphysagria and match the symptoms.

To me it appears to be the correct match for the following reasons:

-masturbation.. frequent
-teeth infected
-eyes sunken
-sensitive to people and
angry with them because he is mis-understood or he doesn't express his unpleasant feelings to them (resulting in bottled up anger).

In addition to Staphys, you can give him sulphur ( one dose every week for three weeks..total).

Sulphur will do some blood purification side by side.

If his family has a history of diabetes, then Acid Phos can be appropriate.

Acid Phos person is a sad person. One who might have had a broken love-affair etc.
There will be pimples on the body. Urination at night will be frequent.

Otherwise, Staphys appears to be more appropriate in this case.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
His teeth are filled and root canal done only because they became black and infected in the first place.

See the drug picture of Staphysagria and match the symptoms.

To me it appears to be the correct match for the following reasons:

-masturbation.. frequent
-teeth infected
-eyes sunken
-sensitive to people and
angry with them because he is mis-understood or he doesn't express his unpleasant feelings to them (resulting in bottled up anger).

In addition to Staphys, you can give him sulphur ( one dose every week for three weeks..total).

Sulphur will do some blood purification side by side.

If his family has a history of diabetes, then Acid Phos can be appropriate.

Acid Phos person is a sad person. One who might have had a broken love-affair etc.
There will be pimples on the body. Urination at night will be frequent.

Otherwise, Staphys appears to be more appropriate in this case.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Dear John and Dear Pankaj,
Could you please both response me on this posting as well? I really appreciate it.
I checked Staphysagria and I have to admit that it matches him except for few things which if you want I can list them in my next posting. His grandmother has diabetes and his uncle (mother’s brother) has a kind of weak diabetes and this uncle smokes grass and drinks alcohol a lot, the other uncle drinks alcohol a lot and another uncle who lives in Paris drinks alcohol a lot and smokes Opium. His father and uncle (father’s brother) has rheumatoid arthritis and he is a kind of apathetic man. His father failed in his business many years ago and since then he (father) stayed at home and instead it is the mother that has been working all these years. My husband loves his mother so much and I believe he always wanted to provide her facilities for better and easier life but he never got the opportunity(Thank God they are in a good condition now). Anyway, I checked Phos-Acid and it seems that there are some matches as well. But he doesn’t have any pimple at all and there is no urination at night at all. He hasn’t had a broken love-affair. The thing is my husband hasn’t have any sudden grief in his life but because of his parent’s situation and then his sister suffering from MS and on top of all these, moving to another country which means we visit our parent just 2 times per year; there could be a gradual grief. I remember for the first 2 years after we moved to Canada he had so many bad dreams about his parent that made him woke up and called them to see if everything was ok. One more thing is that since he found about her sister’s MS he has become kind of indifference toward any other kind of disease. I mean when I catch cold or whatever it doesn’t seem really important to him, although he pretends it is. After all I am Phosphor and I need attention. But I understand this and I don’t complain.
Now I think the idea of trying one dose of Sulphur 30 Ch would be a good idea to see if some of his symptoms breaking out more. I am confused between Staphys and Phos-Acid but I am sure that for now the outset miasma should be one of these two.
Thanks a lot,
phosphor 2 decades ago
if use sulphur 30 ,then no other remedies--allow unhibited response --...also follow other restrictions thta have been listed....so clear accessment can be made..

whatever remedy is chosen --do it singularly--so have vantage point of knowing --what remedy is actually giving response..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I analysed your husband's case a great deal.

Give Staphys. for one week.

Next give CHINA Q.....
This one is specific for loss of vital fluids from the body and also covers"roaring in the ears". Also, eliminates the blackness under the eyes.

He will get more strength do do physical activity after taking these two meds.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
I don't know how the bald guy with the black spectacles arrived next to my name !!!!
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Dear Pankaj,
He took one dose Sulphur 30CH on Friday Oct 1. So far there has been no sign of change except that he has become more sensitive to specific smells. Now as for Staph and China what dose do you recommend? 30 Ch? Please let me know.
Thanks a lot
penfield 2 decades ago
Hmmmm!! apparently the lady whom I share the computer with is using your forum as well. Something must have been been done mistakenly because I just realized that I, (log in as phosphor) posted my reply under penfield name!!! I really don't know how. anyway sorry about that.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
phosphor 2 decades ago
Hello Phosphor,

Staphys 30C ...three times a day for one week.


China Q ( Q - stands for mother tincture)....twice every day......7 drops in a 1/8th tumbler of water.

Post feed back after two weeks. It will work.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Dear Pankaj,
how much water is 1/8th tumbler of water? tomorrow is the last day of taking Staphys and I need to know the amount of water for China.
Thank you,
phosphor 2 decades ago
Take a glass of water and divide it into 8 parts (of water).

Take one part out of the eight parts.....= 1/8 tumbler of water.
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago

Pl.give feed back.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hello everybody,
Hope you all are doing great. My husband hasn't finished the second remedy course yet but I decided to provide a feed back.
it is amazing that sometimes how these homeopathic remedies work. interestingly after 4 days of taking Satphys he decided not to see porn movies anymore. he made this decision happily. I am very glad. he doesn't do any masturbation anymore. he can express himself better than before and doesn't get angry as much as before if people don't appreciate him. still gets angry a bit. he is more nice and kind than before. overall I would say he is much more better than before. now I think it is time to look at his remaining problems:
1. he still have high sexual desire. apparently he doesn't think about sex as much as before but still would like to have intercourse almost every night.
2. still hearing the whistle sound in his ears
3. he is worried about his parents and his sister very much. I am not saying that he shouldn't but sometimes it makes him so misrable that he can not concentrate on anything and he just want to go to sleep. remember that his sister suffers from MS.
4. his sleeping is a little bit better but some nights (especially if he eats something like fish) in the middle of his sleep he feels kind of suffocation. I mean he wants to wake up but he can't so he making sounds that I realized I should wake him up. it is usually like he wants to run away during the dream or to do something but he can't (as he said).
5. as for smoking grass I have no idea. becuase as I mentioned before we are planning for having a baby so he already decided not to smoke until I get pregnant.
that is all I can think of for now. if I remember more I'll let you know.
So what do you think: again Staphys but this time 200 or maybe Nux vom or Lyco?
I said Lycopodium because of low self-esteem, being intellectual, and sexually very active.
Dear Pankaj, and Dear John it would be very kind of you to provide response for this posting as well.
All the best,
phosphor 2 decades ago

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