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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need help to cure my Sleep Apnea

1.Age – 33 yrs
2. Sex - Male
3. country - India
4. climate – Pleasant through out the year..not very hot or cold or very humid
5. current complain – Sleep Apnea ( Breathing stops suddenly during Sleep)
6. current medicine you are taking – Some Ayurved medicines to improve immunity and respiratory system
7. sign & Symptom of disease – Breathing stops during sleep or about to sleep.
8. Slight back history – This problem started 3 years back. Earlier the frequency of apnea episodes was once in a week or so then it worsened and started every night. I have done following tests
a.Sleep Test – There were around 240+ apnea episodes and average 70% Oxygen saturation
b.Lung test – Normal
c.Thyroid test – Normal
d.Diabetes – Normal
e.Heart stress test – Normal
f.LIPID – Total Cholesterol – 215, LDL – 139, HDL – 42, Triglycerides – 232
g.ENT – No abnormalities in the ENT area
Others – No asthma, No day time sleepiness or headache, No throat related problems( Cough, Sinus etc), Weight – 66 kgs, Height – 5’ 7’’.
Stress has been increased tremendously over the last 3 years due to problem in Marriage relationship.

9. family back ground – Father – 68 yrs of age Problem of cervical
Mother – 61 yrs..No problems of heart/diabetes/breathing,
Brother – 36 yrs .Cholesterol problem
Sister – 37 Yrs - Asthma
10. qualification of patient – Engineer
11. Nature of working – Project Manager/ Most of the time sitting on Laptop but I do 1 hr workout daily.
12. desire and aversion of food – very controlled diet, pure vegetarian, avoid dairy/ fried/ fast food…no allergies specific to any food….except some food which create acidity and gas.
13. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient – In a nutshell I am not a short tempered guy but hot tempered, I am very patience otherwise. Don’t mix with people quickly, have own standards of choosing friends. Read a lot about mysteries/ health. Workout daily also some breathing exercises.
14. Aggravation & Amelioration – Apnea happens in night or and in the late evening…May be it also happens when I am too tired. The Apea episodes and its intensity has been decreased over the last 3 months and I don’t see any episodes for continues 3-4 days but then suddenly it will come back without any indication.
Please suggest me the treatment and let me know if you need more information.
  indmss on 2006-10-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try aconite Q two drops at morning.

Passiflora Q a table spoon at each night before going to sleep.
kuldeep last decade
The following information is for recoed sake ,to keep available info at one place.

In treating sleep apnea, lachesis and homeopathic opium are useful, depending on the personality type.

Lachesis is recommended for extroverted, charismatic, angry individuals.

Homeopathic opium is prescribed for more temperate people with a history of emotional or physical pain.

Homeopathic practitioners believe that sleep apnea relates to loss of energy. Therefore, diet must be carefully chosen, eliminating sugar and other allergic foods.

gavinimurthy last decade

There have been few studies examining the effectiveness of specific homeopathic remedies. Professional homeopaths, however, may recommend one or more of the following treatments for sleep apnea based on their knowledge and clinical experience. Before prescribing a remedy, homeopaths take into account a person's constitutional type. In homeopathic terms, a person's constitution is his or her physical, emotional, and intellectual makeup. An experienced homeopath assesses all of these factors when determining the most appropriate remedy for a particular individual.

Arsenicum album — for respiratory disorders that worsen at night and are accompanied by fear, agitation, restlessness, weakness, and exhaustion
Lachesis — for conditions that worsen while trying to sleep; this remedy is most appropriate for those who are intense, talkative, jealous, and may feel depressed (particularly in the morning); also may be frightened of going to sleep
Opium — this remedy may be prescribed for individuals with sleep apnea and narcolepsy (inability to control falling asleep during the daytime); this remedy is appropriate for individuals who may be somewhat confused due to the sleep disorder
Sambucus — for difficulty breathing at night; this remedy is most appropriate for individuals who may have nasal obstruction or asthma and actually jump up out of bed with a feeling of suffocation
Spongia — for respiratory symptoms that are worsened by cold air and lying down; this remedy is appropriate for individuals often feel a tightness in the chest area
Sulphur — for chronic conditions accompanied by sleep disturbances and nightmares, especially if the individual also has skin rashes that become worse with heat; this remedy is most appropriate for individuals who prefer cold temperatures and strongly dislike any kind of restriction

Source: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/ConsConditions/SleepApneacc.html
gavinimurthy last decade
I thank Mr. Kuldeep and Mr. Generalmanager for posting reply for my condition. As I spent some time to Zero down on the final medicine to be taken, I further need your help to select a medicine between what Kuldeep and generalmanager has suggested.
Appreciate your reply..
indmss last decade
i agree with murthy.

one dose of LACHESIS 200C or 1M is the required remedy in your case.

do not take more than one dose.
rishimba last decade
When you say one dose..Is it any time in a day? also if I have pills then how many I should take it?

indmss last decade
Another question! for how long should I take this medicine even if symptoms of my apnea is gone.
indmss last decade
any time of the day is o.k.

make sure that there are no odors on you, around you, and in your mouth, while taking the medicine.

You have to take it only Once. NOT EVERY DAY.

Just take 4 pills and observe response.
gavinimurthy last decade
I have taken one dose( 4 pills) of Lechesis 1M and the apnea attacks have reduced to once or twice in the first 1/2 to 1 hrs of sleep.Rest of the night is without any major apnea attack( I dont know the small attackes where the sleep is not disturbed.)
So can you suggest whether I should take another dose of Lechesis or any other medicine to cure my apnea completly.
indmss last decade
No indmss

Lachesis acts for a long time. The medicine worked for you, and there should be progressive improvement, atleast for a few weeks.

Don't repeat the medicine now.

No medicine atleast for a week from now.

Come back after a week.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Murthy,

Thanks a ton for your advise. My apnea intensity and frequency has been reduced to 90%.But still have minor obstructions sometimes in the first hour of sleep.
It has been 3 weeks now after I have taken Lechesis. Can I take another dose to cure my Apnea completely or should wait for some more time?Please suggest..
indmss last decade

Please don't repeat now. Wait for another week atleast, and report.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Mr.Murthy & Rishimba,

This is wonderful.May more patients be healed like this at this forum.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Mr.Murthy & Rishimba,

It has been five weeks now since I have taken the dose of Lechesis 1M. My major apnea attacks have reduced but I still get some small episodes in the sleep.
Please advise.


indmss last decade
As long as the medicine is working, taking another dose, in the hope of hastening the cure will be counterproductive.

You got rid of the major episodes. Bear with these smaller episodes, atleast for a week more,and come back.

gavinimurthy last decade
I am so glad and happy to see that your knowledge someone to help sleep apnea. I want to thank you for writing the source of information which helps others to find other information from that source.
Dipika last decade
Hi Murthy,

There was a lot of relief in apnea but in the last week I had again couple of apnea episodes which were big in intensity.
Please suggest what to do next.


indmss last decade
You take one more dose of Lachesis 1M. Dissolve 4 pills in about 30 ml. of water, and bang the liquid container against your palm for a few times, (keep the container covered with a clean lid while succussing, to avoid spilling) and take as one dose.

No further medicine. Just a single dose.

gavinimurthy last decade

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