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Attn. Dr. Hasnaat , Is any cure to Leucoderma 2remedy for hirsutism, piles, leucoderma, etc. ? please help ! 10leucoderma 6Leucoderma 2A case of leucoderma 34leucoderma of my father from last 3 years 10Leucoderma 1leucoderma 5Vitiligo/Leucoderma 11is any cure to leucoderma 6


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Thank you for a quick reply. As far as taking the 3x, as of now I'm having dificulty finding Sulph Flavum 3x. Is it not true that the 10x is just of a more dense concentration level of the same substance?
Prometeus last decade
Please refer to my last post where I informed you that 10x is quite useless.
3x is 10 to the power 3 = 1/1000
10x is 10 to the power 10.

If you work this out mathematically you can see the difference in the 2 potencies. 3x is about 3.33 time more 'concentrated' that the 10x.

You must use the 3x only for your ailment.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi again Joe, I'm having problems finding a company to order Syphilinum 200C. For some reason Boyron only carries 30c plus they want a physician to call it in. Are there some major side effects caused by taking this medicine?
Prometeus last decade
I presume that you have got the Ars Alb Flav 3x and that you are on a daily dose.

You can perhaps get the Syphilinum 200c from the ABC Remedies store. Click the button on the top right.
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes, I have the Arsenicum Sulph 3x, but Syphilinum 200c is hard to come by. They do not have it at ABC
Prometeus last decade
You will have to get the Syphilinum 200 from some source in the country you live in which I presume is the US. You can contact Washington Home Products who stock it. It is available in India at any homeopathic pharmacy.

The dosage for the Ars Sulph Flay 3x is 1 tablet taken twice daily.

Please note that the cure of Vitiligo is not possible overnight. You may have to take it over years but you should see some positive signs of recovery in about 3 months when there should be some darkening of the edges of the light area.

You are advised to take close up photographs of your hands and other affected areas to enable you to compare them with more recent photographs in about 2 months.

Report progress from time to time.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have some white spot on lips,hands may I take following combinaiton medicine
(Hydrocotyl A. 4X, Psoralea
Cor. 4X, Calotropis G. 3X, and Arsenic S.F.
can u suggest me side effect or effect of the medicine
pl mail me manojgwl2001yahoo com or call me on 09893207466
MANOJGWL2001 last decade
mr dr.adviced me to take lecodin minims(hydrocotyl a. 4x, psoralea
cor. 4x, calotropis g. 3x, and arsenic s.f.
can any budy suggest me about this medicine effect or sideffect too
MANOJGWL2001 last decade
My Girlfriend is 25 years old and she is suffereing from leukoderma almost 60% affected... (hands till arms are totaly white, legs till thighs are white, neck and back is also white)
and the deasese is continuesly spreading fast. can any one suggest me a cure for leukoderma... I will be thankful to him/her troughout my life....

Please Help!

abhama last decade
please suggest if leukoderma is curable for a patient suffering since last 10 years and almost 60% body affected.
abhama last decade
Can i use Arsenic Sulf Flavum 6x , instead of 3 X, as i have 6 X only with me for Vitiligo, i see very tiny spots on my right hand, and want to take the medication early to get the maximum benefit. My Mother has Vitiligo.

konathala last decade
To Murali

I have found that ars sulf Flavum in the 3x and 6x potencies is not as effective as Thuja 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. I have since changed the therapy I advocated from 2000 for many years to Thuja 200. Many patients reported that Ars S F was only able to stop the Vitiligo from spreading but not in the re-pigmentation of the discoloured skin which Thuja was better able to do. In any event I would like you to understand that a complete cure will most likely take some years and you will have to be patient.

You can also add Arnica 6c in the Wet dose to your therapy which you will also take twice daily leaving about an hour between remedies.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have a home remedy for Leucoderma.I know someone who has tried
this and is totally cured.
Juice of white onion = 1 table spoon
(crush onion and squeeze it to get juice). Take this juice early morning
before 30 to 40 minutes of breakfast . After a few months you will see
the difference. Have patience and dont stop the treatment until u get
Good Luck :)
darkwood last decade
Well i am suffering from this for the last 1 year. Since dec, i am talking Arsenic SR 30 along with Unani (Aryuvedic) Medi.

Unani med is given by Central Research Institute of unani medi. Hyd. Pls reffer their website. I think its working for me, i am taking both homeo and unanai for the last 2 Months now. U have to go the Hyd, the treatment & medi is free.

Best wishes... to all who benefit
vik320 last decade
Leucoderma has different prognosis in different cases, since it is a varied multifactoral disorder....sometimes we do not find any particular factor as the causative agent. we mostly find a history of many chronic diseases in the parents and grandparents while nothing of significance in the patient as such. Homoeopathy has very good cure rate with those cases that fall in its curable zone. Unfortunately, like in treatment with all other diseases, homoeopathy is highly individualistic. A remedy found effective in one case may be bad for any other case with the same disease. Hence, it is best to take personal advice from your local, QUALIFIED homoeopath. I have worked with the Late Dr Sarosh R Wadia, a Mumbai based very well-known homoepath who was highly experienced in the treatment of this disorder, getting patients from world over... And have seen that every case comes with its own prognosis, its own set of remedy/ remedies in various potencies fot cure. So my advice would be to find a local homoeopath who has the experience with treating this condition, go to him personally and take his/ her advice as to treatment and diet which plays a very important part in its cure. ..
drnivaghosh last decade

Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq Alahis Salam The 6th Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be upon) said “eating beef, cooked with beetroot cures leucoderma (bars)”.

It should be eaten regularly at least once in your daily meal.

All those suffering from leucoderma may try this most natural and simple treatment, continue untill your white patches are fully matched with your body skin.

Stop all the prescribed drugs and discontinue all external application.

A minimum continuous period of at least three months is required to get the best results.

Dr Syed Zaair Husain Rizvi
Dr Zaair Husain last decade
The doctors here suggest any thing they want.. they even do not know the remedies them selves. Dilute 1 spoon from 6c ten times? Rubbish!!!
tipukhan 9 years ago

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