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Leucoderma Cure
Hi,I would like to know if leucoderma (pigmentation of the skin) is treatable under homeopathy. Some online homeopathy websites I visted on the Internet are offering cures to this condition. But they are taking a guarantee from the patient that he would not hold them responsible if any other side effects are caused by their medication. Is this just a safety precaution they are taking to protect themselves from any untoward incident or does the medication really cause some side effects. I would like to know the safety of taking homeopathic medicines for leucoderma. I would definitely not risk aggrevating my condition or risk falling prey to some other disease in the name of trying out some cure.
rational611 on 2003-08-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you would like to know more about the side effects of your medications, look them up under:
check under Herbs & Drugs
check under Herbs & Drugs
Simone 2 decades ago
Simone 2 decades ago
yes. my son was diagnosed as having leucoderma by a doctor. We referred him to a local homoeopathic doctor here in Shillong and he was put on medication for about a month and a half. He is since cured, no more patches Thank God.
happyfather 2 decades ago
hey dr ditta u havent told yr email id or address to conatct u. where shud i contact u. im living in london
aa_mittal 2 decades ago
hello, i have got 3 small spots on my leg which r not exactly white but lighter than my skin colour and seems to b vitiligo. but is there any test for checking that it is vitiligo or something eelse. the biggest spot is 1 mm in diametre, and hardly noticeable.i am 33 yrs old female. pls help me to relieve my tension.
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[moved by moderator to related thread]
aa_mittal 2 decades ago
Hello Dr Ditta, aa_mittal,
Please have your discussion on the forum as much as possible, rather than by email. The advantages of this are two-fold:
1) Other people may benefit.
2) As patients have no way of checking credentials online, it is sometimes helpful to have other people around to point out if advice is dangerous or misleading (which I'm sure it won't be in this case - but those are the rules.) Thank you!
Please have your discussion on the forum as much as possible, rather than by email. The advantages of this are two-fold:
1) Other people may benefit.
2) As patients have no way of checking credentials online, it is sometimes helpful to have other people around to point out if advice is dangerous or misleading (which I'm sure it won't be in this case - but those are the rules.) Thank you!
♡ moderator 2 decades ago
What types of herbal remedies would you suggest taking for a cure of vitiligo and how long can it take to cure it?
What types of herbal remedies would you suggest taking for a cure of vitiligo and how long can it take to cure it?
kiran6 2 decades ago
kalibrom 2 decades ago
To the happy father whose son has been cured; how old is your son and what did he take, and how much of it?
I have had Vitaligo for about 10 yrs.; I have gone to dermatologists and endocronolists, who all tell me this has no cure. It started on my neck, and has since progressed to my face. The white spots are getting bigger and wider all the time, and I am so embarrassed. I am desparate for a cure!
I have had Vitaligo for about 10 yrs.; I have gone to dermatologists and endocronolists, who all tell me this has no cure. It started on my neck, and has since progressed to my face. The white spots are getting bigger and wider all the time, and I am so embarrassed. I am desparate for a cure!
maryann 2 decades ago
hi, ihave lucoderma patches for the past three years, taking arsenic sulf but no result though it has stopped spreading
ashish 2 decades ago
10 people with leucoderma may need 10 different homeopathic remedies. For one person ars-sulf may work but for 9 it does nothing (and 3 years are more than enough to decide just that).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Interesting point is homeopaths mostly struck off on just ars sulf and do not move forward beyond that.
Dear, there are so many other remedies for leucoderma. You need to take full case of the patient and prescribe accordingly.
Dear, there are so many other remedies for leucoderma. You need to take full case of the patient and prescribe accordingly.
Maximum 2 decades ago
I'm really worried my niece has just been diagnosed with leucoderma and she is not even two years old. Please advise me as to what treatment is best for children so small. We know very little about this skin disease and are in the process of learning about it
thank you
I'm really worried my niece has just been diagnosed with leucoderma and she is not even two years old. Please advise me as to what treatment is best for children so small. We know very little about this skin disease and are in the process of learning about it
thank you
aicha last decade
my daughter developed patches on face below the right eye and on ear two years came to nails of fingers as homeo treatment since then.
is there any tested remedy in homeo or auyrveda.
vinod k agarwal
is there any tested remedy in homeo or auyrveda.
vinod k agarwal
vinrajani last decade
I have successfully treated a patient with Ars Sulph Flavum 3x taken in the Wet Dose once daily. The patient was also given Syphyllinum 200 (dry dose)once weekly.
The wet dose is made up as follows:
Method to be followed to make the wet dose.
Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml
Put in 3 globules or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottls of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful as recommended above once daily.
Please note that it may take many months to notice any improvement. However in the case of the patient that I treated there was noticeable improvement of the pigmentation returning in 2 months after commencement of therapy.
This gradual re-pigmentation is continuing and I believe that the skin will be completely normal in about a year. This is because the patient sought a cure after 7 years after she first noticed the loss of pigmentation in her skin.
The wet dose is made up as follows:
Method to be followed to make the wet dose.
Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml
Put in 3 globules or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottls of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful as recommended above once daily.
Please note that it may take many months to notice any improvement. However in the case of the patient that I treated there was noticeable improvement of the pigmentation returning in 2 months after commencement of therapy.
This gradual re-pigmentation is continuing and I believe that the skin will be completely normal in about a year. This is because the patient sought a cure after 7 years after she first noticed the loss of pigmentation in her skin.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe
What is the difference between Lichen Sclerosis,Vitiligo and Leucoderma. Are these different names given to same disease
What is the difference between Lichen Sclerosis,Vitiligo and Leucoderma. Are these different names given to same disease
libra last decade
I am copying information about Lichen Sclerosis which must not be confused with Vitiligo or Leucoderma.
Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that can affect men, women, or children, but is most common in women. It usually affects the vulva (the outer genitalia or sex organ) and the anal area. While lichen sclerosus appears predominantly in postmenopausal women, this skin condition is also known to develop on the head of the penis in men. Occasionally, lichen sclerosus is seen on other parts of the body, especially the upper body, breasts, and upper arms.
Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) in the skin, the mucous membranes (tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose and genital and rectal areas), and the retina (inner layer of the eyeball) are destroyed. As a result, white patches of skin appear on different parts of the body. The hair that grows in areas affected by vitiligo usually turns white.
The cause of vitiligo is not known, but doctors and researchers have several different theories. One theory is that people develop antibodies that destroy the melanocytes in their own bodies. Another theory is that melanocytes destroy themselves. Finally, some people have reported that a single event such as sunburn or emotional distress triggered vitiligo; however, these events have not been scientifically proven to cause vitiligo.
Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that can affect men, women, or children, but is most common in women. It usually affects the vulva (the outer genitalia or sex organ) and the anal area. While lichen sclerosus appears predominantly in postmenopausal women, this skin condition is also known to develop on the head of the penis in men. Occasionally, lichen sclerosus is seen on other parts of the body, especially the upper body, breasts, and upper arms.
Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) in the skin, the mucous membranes (tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose and genital and rectal areas), and the retina (inner layer of the eyeball) are destroyed. As a result, white patches of skin appear on different parts of the body. The hair that grows in areas affected by vitiligo usually turns white.
The cause of vitiligo is not known, but doctors and researchers have several different theories. One theory is that people develop antibodies that destroy the melanocytes in their own bodies. Another theory is that melanocytes destroy themselves. Finally, some people have reported that a single event such as sunburn or emotional distress triggered vitiligo; however, these events have not been scientifically proven to cause vitiligo.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
libra last decade
Hello, I have been diagnosed with Vitiligo in my late twenties. My patches are localized on my fingers and tows, after one year some of the spots have spontaneously repigmented. I'm still searching for a permanent cure via homeopathy. I have started to take the recipe from Joe De Livera's post, but it seems to me like the dosage is very low, 1 drop of Ars Sulph Flavum in 400 ml of water, teaspoonful daily appears to be very dilute. Please advise if this dosage was meant to be for a young child. I have the Ars Sulph Flavum 10x in the liquid form, if anyone knows the correct dosage please advise. Thank you in advance.
Prometeus last decade
I am glad that you are using Ars Sulph Flavum for Vitiligo but the potency you intend using 10x is quite useless.
You must use the 3x to be of any use to help you.
If you feel that 1 drop of the Ethanol remedy is not sufficient you may use 2-3 but not more than this number of drops in 500ml spring water.
You are also advised to take Syphillinum 200c dry dose 4 pellets once a month.
Please note that the cure of Vitiligo is not a quick fix and you can expect results provided you use it once daily and also use the Syphillinum as directed.
You are also advised to stay away from Coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats that use Saltpeter like sausages, ham etc.
Report your response monthly and you are advised to take close up photographs of your hands to follow the progress of the treatment.
You must use the 3x to be of any use to help you.
If you feel that 1 drop of the Ethanol remedy is not sufficient you may use 2-3 but not more than this number of drops in 500ml spring water.
You are also advised to take Syphillinum 200c dry dose 4 pellets once a month.
Please note that the cure of Vitiligo is not a quick fix and you can expect results provided you use it once daily and also use the Syphillinum as directed.
You are also advised to stay away from Coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats that use Saltpeter like sausages, ham etc.
Report your response monthly and you are advised to take close up photographs of your hands to follow the progress of the treatment.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you for a quick reply. As far as taking the 3x, as of now I'm having dificulty finding Sulph Flavum 3x. Is it not true that the 10x is just of a more dense concentration level of the same substance?
Prometeus last decade
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