The ABC Homeopathy Forum
A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) Page 2 of 4
Does anyone know if low potency Rhus Tox can be used successfully to prevent development of poison ivy symptoms in those exposed to the plant?
Will88 last decade
You asked: Does anyone know if low potency Rhus Tox can be used successfully to prevent development of poison ivy symptoms in those exposed to the plant?
Yes, scientifically that is one of the the way to prevent allergies. A medical science Immunology is based upon this principal.
To the pollen sensitive patient, a patch of Artemisia absinthium is given to a patient for about half of year at each year. Domestic animals are given a constant dose of Rhus Tox. so they stay immune to poison ivy and poison oak.
This is also called isopathy. Basically it is not homeopathy prinicpal.
Homeopathically a miminum dose of Rhus Tox (Poison Ivy) can be used for many problem. Its cheif line if effect is that it brings inner miasms to the surface. Its action is always on the surface. In faminines and American Civil wars, people cooked and ate the leaves but action was always on the surface.
It is used to cure many ailments but mainly to bring the problem to the surface.
kuldeep last decade
Does it have any fine microscopic needles that can enter the skin like the fuzz on a caterpillar ?
I have never seen the plant growing in Sri Lanka.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
This plant grows at about 7000 feet in himalayas. It is Anacardiaceae family or chashew nut family. Whole family has some effects on skin. Another important homeopathy remedy Anacardim Orientale also shows marked effects on skin but Rhus Tox is most potent.
Many Rhus varieties are present in India but none has the word Toxicodendron attached to them because they are not toxic at all.
I have seen some Rhus varieties in Nuvera Illaya region Sri Lanka and in Western Ghats also but none was Rhus Toxicodendrom and none was deadly.
Plant is vicious. If its oil touches one's clothes and one comes home, childrens and even pets get affected. It contains Formic and Flouric acids plus more.
On the other hand Urtica only has Formic acid. Animals love to eat it and are not affected by it at all. Wherever it does not grow, people make an effort to walk to distances to bring it for their animals because it is good for milking animals. In ayurveda Urtica is added in many animal medicines.
Rhus Tox is just equally bad for animals as well humans.
kuldeep last decade
(No Logic)
1. His fears have no logic.
2. Wants immediate relief
3. Very superstitious
Hey doctor last summer I had this problem, give me some medicine so again this summer I wont have this problem, I feel I am having the same problem. I want relief immediately otherwise my business will be ruined.
I had a bad dream so some thing bad will happen to me today
Today a beggar cursed me that I will die; I am very scared of this thing
Ladys husband drinks too much, lady thinks he will kill her or her in-laws are in conspiracy to murder her. She cant sleep in the fear and suspicion. She wakes up and again and again and checks all around her.
kuldeep last decade
Rhus Tox is also used in rheumatic disorders
Rhus Tox: Ailments are better in movement.
Bryonia: Ailments are worse in movement.
Importance so both remedies on muscular skeleton disorders is because they may push the problem towards outside.
In some cases Rhus Toxicodendron has diverted rheumatic problems into eczema or asthma.
kuldeep last decade
some more questions to you : (please reply for my academic interest)
1. You described that you started this post based 'upon my personal experiences with Rhus Toxicodendron."
that is it translates into as follows :
- that is you have suffered from all the symptoms on your body and mind
- please let us all know of the dosages of RhusTox you have taken,
- whether it was in the split wet dose ... or you yourself home-made the medicines from the RhusTox plant.
- have you fully recovered from all the symptoms
- what are the possibilties of relapse, if recovered
2. From your 'personal' experiences, You described the Rhus Toxicodendron Constitution AS '(No Logic)', that is it translates into as follows ;
- the patients words are really babbling and have no meaningful meaning.
- the patient is hallucinating and highly confused
- the patient first says 'Yes' and seconds it by saying 'No'
- the patient is a multi-faced personality, thinking of mimic'ing different people.
3. From your 'personal' experiences, You described the RhusTox patient to be 'Very superstitious'. that is it translates into as follows :
- the patient believes in anything that his eyes sees
- the patient believes in anything that his ears can hear
- the patient believes in all superficial things in life
- the patient tends to be an escapist
- the patient is a defintely a patiala type boozard
- the patient definetely believes in occult sciences, like 'VOODOO'ism'
4. You said 'Here is something new and 'FRESH' from my experiences.'
that translates into as follows :
- either you have fully recovered from the RhusTox symtpoms or you are still recovering
- what are the chances of RhusTox being the 'palliative' medicine to yourself
- is it not 'too early' to be sure of the cure using RhusTox
- what is the next best remedy for your experiences
5. You said 'I am starting this new post based upon my personal experiences with Rhus Toxicodendron."
- 'gavinimurthy' says : 'rhustox is a very good medicine for voluptuous itching of the scrotum'
The above particular symptom also translates into as follows :
MIND : 'Laschivious perverted thinking', simply because the voluptuous itching of the scrotum, involuntarily causes the mind to consistently and constantly focus on the female sexual anatomy, tormenting the mind with sexual malfunctions like masturbation, impotency, fertility, playing with the genitials (specially when sitting on a computer table ... ), thoughts of having perverted sex with children and so on.
- from your 'personal' experiences, how do you relate the relief (amelioration) or the increase (aggravation) on the symptoms you experience from time to time, if not fully recovered.
To understand such 'PLANT PHYSIOLOGY' or to identify such specific plants / herbs, you need to atleast be a Plant Biologist / Plant Technologist. You are neither. Kindly confim, if you are.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
When you use Bhai word, you break my heart and shatter my dreams and emotions.
Please dont DO that again.
I have a story regarding it but I will put it in your jokes post because story is rather funny.
Your questions are very intelligent, my main concern it that
PEOPLE SAY, Beauty and intelligence never mix.
However I will answer your questions.
Answer to your all 4 questions is that:
I have spent 19 years around Poison Ivy, used it and abused it.
And also you mentioned Plant Biologist / Plant Technologist word, yes of-course only they can evaluate if I am saying is correct not a cell-salt-expert. We have a plant biologist here and she has certified that I am talking about real Rhus Tox.
My reason for this post is that people should keep away from vicious things like Rhus Toxicodendrom or they stick to you like an eczema for ever.
Rhus Toxs viciousness makes people fear things without logic. It is true. Fear becomes their guide and obsession.
kuldeep last decade
Arsenum Album: Skin dry like parchment; pale, shriveled, wrinkled, rough, dirty looking. Eruption like fish scales.
Arsenum album is always better with warmth but keep head cool. Worse cold and scratching. One stops scratching after few scratches.
Rhus Toxicodendrom: Eruption like white powdery scales. Itching, more one scratches, greater the desire to scratch more. Always better with warmth.
White powdery scales is the main indication.
kuldeep last decade
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kuldeep last decade
Bryonia and Rhus Tox are considered sister remedies if focused upon rheumatic symptoms.
Rhus Tox and Arsenum Album are considered sister remedies if focussed upon Skin symptoms + rheumatic symptoms.
Arsenum Album is considered a horse remedy. Arsenic was given to slaves and animals to make them work in more than their capabilities and capacities. It prevented inflammations but poison effected in other dimensions.
I have resolved more back pain cases with Arsenum Album than any other remedy.
I have resolved some arthritis cases with Rhus Toxicodendrom. Rhus Tox, brings the problem to the surface.
kuldeep last decade
dr mehmood last decade
I would like to close this thread by recommending people a way to make this medicine at home.
Do it only if you are familiar with this plant. Use all cautions, don't go near it in the dark because it emits poisonous vapours.
Best time to visit near it is around sunset but never after dark.
Take one wet cotton swab rub the end on the leaf. (There is no need to touch the leaf or plant)
Dip that end in half empty one liter water bottle. Shake/bang the bottle several time. To preserve the medicine you can also add some liquor.
This medicine is at least 10c homeopathy grade. By little knowledge about potentization one can potentize it further in successions.
With the above method I have treated several eczema cases and also some arthritis cases.
In this autumn season, plant is at the peak of its viciousness and also best time to make the medicine.
kuldeep last decade
There is a standard pharmacopia, which details how each medicine must be made, and the manudacturers follow it.
Don't take chances.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
You said that I should not address you as a 'bhai' (brother). But obviously I cannot address you as 'Aunty'. Please enlighten us on your 'usual shattered' dreams and emotions, which you mentioned earlier and how is it linked to your chronic eczema condition and to Rhus Tox.
Please answer the following questions, that are IN CONTEXT with your current topic. (please do reply for my academic interest)
Please try to reply specific, since you gave a very irrelevant and a very vague answer to my earlier questions. Please remember that there are many people reading this post and they should not be confused further.
You described that you started this post based 'upon my personal experiences with Rhus Toxicodendron."
- does the above photograph belong to your hands and feet. Sort of resembles like a hand-cart puller's hands whose feet are totally unwashed with all the dried patiala mud sticking to it.
- since how many years do you have this terrible eczema
- are you still suffering from eczema. If possible, please photograph all of them, for better understanding.
- did you not try the wet fizz...ling dose of Arnica-6c (now upgraded to Arnica-30c). You could have got totally cured within 7 days.
- maybe reading the following links will help you in your cure.
AND, I think, it is very very wrong & irresponsible to misguide the forum members, of the way you have described to prepare the medicines out of RhusTox plant. By doing so, you are putting their lives in great danger. If possible, please do not suggest these dangerous methods. It is morally not good. Please understand what 'gavinimurthy' says 'There is a standard pharmacopia, which details how each medicine must be made, and the manudacturers follow it. Don't take chances. ' Hope you understand this.
BTW, Who is the plant biologist you mentioned earlier. Hope it is not a alias, as usual.
- Homeopathy is not make-believe Forestry medicine, which can be un-authentically prescribed left and right. Homeopathy is a specific and precise razor-sharp science in medicine. Homeopathy requires very specific professional medical knowledge THAN RUNNING A STORE.
The Internet patients are going to be highly confused and misguided and even harm themselves or unknowingly make their case further more complicated. The prescriber cannot be held responsible for left & right prescriptions via Internet since nobody will actually know whether the prescriber is a qualified doctor or a dummy joker. Even if the medicine is not indicated the gullible patient will attempt to try it and may also fail,
- These patients are like our brothers and sisters. Why misguide them ? WHY, Why, why...
CONSIDER THIS once again (by Winston Churchill) :
'A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on'
'A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other'.
(if the above quote is beyond understanding, ask me (who else but 'only' Nesha-India) to explain).
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
No standard pharmacopia is available in the world. If it is please name the publisher.
Fathers of homeopathy was making their own medicines. That's we call homeopathy medicine book Materia Medica.
Rhus Tox is materia.
Dear dear nesha.
When you say bhai, you make my diseres distant.
kuldeep last decade
Since 1938, lawyers, doctors, homeopaths, historians, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials have questioned the inclusion of the
Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS)
in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).
[1 ] The FDCA defines drug in a number of ways, the simplest being: 'articles recognized in the
official United States Pharmacopeia, the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States
or the official National Formulary or any supplement to any of them.
I think you claim you live in united states, for a few months every year.
And you claim to be a homeopath.
And you don't know that there is an official
'Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS)'
I thought you are a bit more intelligent than your friend.
You prove to be no better.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
The Homeopathic Pharmacopia of the United States (HPUS) has been in continuous publication since 1897, when it was first published by the Committee on Pharmacy of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Prior to that, pharmacopias had been published by Boericke and Tafel (1882) and Jahr (1841). In recent years, homeopathy has seen a great resurgence in the United States, increasing the need for an updated edition of the HPUS since its last publication in 1982.
In reality, the HPUS has consisted of several different books: the HPUS Eighth Edition, Volume I (1979); the Compendium of Homeotherapeutics (1974); and Supplement 'A' of the HPUS Eighth Edition (1982). This system of three texts caused information to be difficult to access.
To eliminate the difficulties presented by this system, the Homeopathic Pharmacopia Convention of the United States (HPCUS) decided to republish these texts into one compilation to be known as the Homopathic Pharmacopia of the United States Revision Service.
A medicinal preparation of biological (animal or botanical), mineral, or synthetic origin which meets the 'Criteria for Eligibility of Drugs for Inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopia of the United States,' is designated an 'Official Homeopathic Drug' after inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacop?ia.
The HPUS is a cookbook. It tells the pharmacies how to make stuff. If they can't figure out how to make it, then it's not a part of the HPUS. That does not mean that you can't get it (if a pharmacy has it in stock) it just means that it is not an official product. The magnets were dropped simply because the instructions were not clear: Take an amount of milk sugar (how much?) and expose it to a strong magnet (what gauss?) for a period of time (how long?).?
If someone wants to do it the right way by measuring it all, make a new preparation of Magnet, and then do a do a proving, we could get it back in the HPUS. Since Fincke kept careful notes, we still have X-Ray in the book
There is no similar legislation for herbal preparations. The passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in 1994 placed the burden of proving that an herb is unsafe on the FDA, rather than on the herbal products industry, and prohibited the FDA from treating herbs as food additives. Scientific information can be used in connection with herbal products, which are now labeled as 'dietary supplements.'
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Fathers of homeopathy did not write this pharmacopia, I have a copy of this book. This does not say how to make a medicine. This only says about the toxicity and minimum potency to be sold to public without MD's prescription. That's all.
loree was looking for a way to make mother tinctures, can't Dr. Luc's associate procure pharmacopia.
By the way I told her about this websie and pharmacopia and you stole it from me. You never mentioned this site when she asked here.
Dear Murthy, it looks like you have never read a pharmacopia. First time you heard this word from me.
kuldeep last decade
Same source as above.
Lies ,lies and more lies.
This is his first statement.
'No standard pharmacopia is available in the world. If it is please name the publisher.'
Now, he says this.
'I have a copy of this book. This does not say how to make a medicine. This only says about the toxicity and minimum potency to be sold to public without MD's prescription.'
He has a copy of this book, and doesn't know that it contains detailed procedure about making remedies.
Another big Lie..
' loree was looking for a way to make mother tinctures, can't Dr. Luc's associate procure pharmacopia.'
Loree was not looking to make mother tinctures. She wanted a book on mother tinctures,which I have provided.
The biggest lie of all..
' By the way I told her about this websie and pharmacopia and you stole it from me. You never mentioned this site when she asked here.'
Do these guys think that people reading this thread can't make out, what is what?
If he has told Loree about pharmacopia, how come he gave the first statement referred above?
When did he give the reference?
Dear Kuldeep
You are crucified.
Any body who googles 'HUPS' will know that it is a standard book, which deals exclusively with the method of making homeopathic medicines.
The article above referred clearly says that, if the method is not clear, it is not included in the pharmacopia.
You stoop down to any level,for no reason at all.
There is no harm in accepting that you don't know about HPUS.
There is no need to utter so many lies to cover it up.
When will you grow up to be a man?
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Source:http://www.q u a c k u a c k e r y RelatedTopics/homeopetition/cpg.html
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
You are behaving like a lady in depression who screems without giving any logic.
Take a dose of Rhus Tox, it is for distress without logic.
When sanity is restored. subscribe the site or purchase the book. one day subscripton is $24.
kuldeep last decade
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