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A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) Page 3 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sympathical Pharmaceuticals prepares all its products in strict accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS), and in compliance with FDA regulations.

Source: http://www.sensuaorganics.com/femcare.html

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Gavini, read the US Pharmacopia or any other pharmacopia first.

Do not give any second hand borrowed, copied information to confuse people.

Pharmacopia do not have any procedure to make a medicine.

And also objective of my this thread is to tell people that if Rhus Tox is grwoing in their backyard, a medicine is growing there.

Your sole objective is to throw Monkey Wrench in all threads.

I believe you are working here on someone else's behalf to sabotage this website.

Or an Idiom: Some one else's Dog.
kuldeep last decade
Dr Deoshlok Sharma has diagonesd a Virus on this website.
kuldeep last decade
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From kuldeep on 2006-11-08

Gavini Gavini Gavini, wish you said anything intelligent.

No standard pharmacopia is available in the world. If it is please name the publisher.

Fathers of homeopathy was making their own medicines. That's we call homeopathy medicine book Materia Medica.
Rhus Tox is materia.

Dear dear nesha.

When you say bhai, you make my diseres distant.

Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08

I. Introduction

Since 1938, lawyers, doctors, homeopaths, historians, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials have questioned the inclusion of the

Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS)
in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).

[1 ] The FDCA defines drug in a number of ways, the simplest being: 'articles recognized in the

official United States Pharmacopeia, the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States

or the official National Formulary or any supplement to any of them.


I think you claim you live in united states, for a few months every year.

And you claim to be a homeopath.

And you don't know that there is an official

'Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS)'


I thought you are a bit more intelligent than your friend.

You prove to be no better.



Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08

The Homeopathic Pharmacopia of the United States (HPUS) has been in continuous publication since 1897, when it was first published by the Committee on Pharmacy of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Prior to that, pharmacopias had been published by Boericke and Tafel (1882) and Jahr (1841). In recent years, homeopathy has seen a great resurgence in the United States, increasing the need for an updated edition of the HPUS since its last publication in 1982.

In reality, the HPUS has consisted of several different books: the HPUS Eighth Edition, Volume I (1979); the Compendium of Homeotherapeutics (1974); and Supplement 'A' of the HPUS Eighth Edition (1982). This system of three texts caused information to be difficult to access.

To eliminate the difficulties presented by this system, the Homeopathic Pharmacopia Convention of the United States (HPCUS) decided to republish these texts into one compilation to be known as the Homopathic Pharmacopia of the United States Revision Service.

A medicinal preparation of biological (animal or botanical), mineral, or synthetic origin which meets the 'Criteria for Eligibility of Drugs for Inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopia of the United States,' is designated an 'Official Homeopathic Drug' after inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacop?ia.

The HPUS is a cookbook. It tells the pharmacies how to make stuff. If they can't figure out how to make it, then it's not a part of the HPUS. That does not mean that you can't get it (if a pharmacy has it in stock) it just means that it is not an official product. The magnets were dropped simply because the instructions were not clear: Take an amount of milk sugar (how much?) and expose it to a strong magnet (what gauss?) for a period of time (how long?).?

If someone wants to do it the right way by measuring it all, make a new preparation of Magnet, and then do a do a proving, we could get it back in the HPUS. Since Fincke kept careful notes, we still have X-Ray in the book

There is no similar legislation for herbal preparations. The passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in 1994 placed the burden of proving that an herb is unsafe on the FDA, rather than on the herbal products industry, and prohibited the FDA from treating herbs as food additives. Scientific information can be used in connection with herbal products, which are now labeled as 'dietary supplements.'



Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08
Just Google HPUS and you have 111,000 references.!!


Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08
And these people have the cheek to call us names.


Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From kuldeep on 2006-11-08
Dear Gavini

Fathers of homeopathy did not write this pharmacopia, I have a copy of this book. This does not say how to make a medicine. This only says about the toxicity and minimum potency to be sold to public without MD's prescription. That's all.

loree was looking for a way to make mother tinctures, can't Dr. Luc's associate procure pharmacopia.

By the way I told her about this websie and pharmacopia and you stole it from me. You never mentioned this site when she asked here.

Dear Murthy, it looks like you have never read a pharmacopia. First time you heard this word from me.

Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From kuldeep on 2006-11-08
Monkey sees monkey does.

Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08
'The HPUS is a cookbook. It tells the pharmacies how to make stuff.'

Same source as above.


Lies ,lies and more lies.

This is his first statement.

'No standard pharmacopia is available in the world. If it is please name the publisher.'

Now, he says this.

'I have a copy of this book. This does not say how to make a medicine. This only says about the toxicity and minimum potency to be sold to public without MD's prescription.'

He has a copy of this book, and doesn't know that it contains detailed procedure about making remedies.

Another big Lie..

' loree was looking for a way to make mother tinctures, can't Dr. Luc's associate procure pharmacopia.'

Loree was not looking to make mother tinctures. She wanted a book on mother tinctures,which I have provided.

The biggest lie of all..

' By the way I told her about this websie and pharmacopia and you stole it from me. You never mentioned this site when she asked here.'

Do these guys think that people reading this thread can't make out, what is what?

If he has told Loree about pharmacopia, how come he gave the first statement referred above?

When did he give the reference?

Dear Kuldeep

You are crucified.

Any body who googles 'HUPS' will know that it is a standard book, which deals exclusively with the method of making homeopathic medicines.

The article above referred clearly says that, if the method is not clear, it is not included in the pharmacopia.

You stoop down to any level,for no reason at all.

There is no harm in accepting that you don't know about HPUS.

There is no need to utter so many lies to cover it up.

When will you grow up to be a man?

gavinimurthy last decade
He continues to say this.

' Pharmacopia do not have any procedure to make a medicine.'

Repeating a lie hundred times won't make it truth.

How utterly confused is this man?

gavinimurthy last decade
CONSIDER this psychological interpreta'tion, of a back-stabber PERVERT :
('http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/66566/5 , Re: What is Homeopathy)

Back-Stabber = double-talker, untrustworthy, wolf in sheep's coat, betrayer, portrays himself as a sweet & soft talker, highly inquisitive - will attempt to know everything about you to have a upper hand, a schemer, street smart, a meddler in others affairs, hides behind aliases, deceitful, portrays himself as a very nice social and helpful person but actually cultivating hartred, definetly a sadist, fickle minded, sexually overpowering but highly unsatisfied, very very highly jealous, highly unstable - jumps from one issue to another, gets bored easily. whimsical, revengeful, obstinate, thinks high of himself, but actually a loser, self centered but shows otherwise, desire of being a god-father, indirectly vindictive, vexation of mind, always looking for new subjects/ topic discussion to impress others and cultivate attention, faulty childhood, perverted urges,

Nesha-India last decade
The Hom©«opathic Pharmacop©«ia of the United States

HPUS Online Database ¡æ What's This? | Register | Login

HPUS Online Database

The HPUS Online Database is a state-of-the-art tool for industry professionals, product developers, researchers, educational institutions and libraries.

Essentially, it is the most current, updated version of the HPUS Volumes, made available to subscribers online. Moreover, this new, exclusive online database application leverages the power of web programming to provide additional functionality and speed for higher productivity.

Search Monographs: A comprehensive database, searchable by

Drug Name, Biological Classification, Liquid Class, Solid Class and Description. The application allows you to search with any combination of text strings, and incorporates advanced search technology allowing subscribers the power to search 'with all words', 'exact phrases', 'with at least one word' and 'without' words that you determine.

Cross-linked Views: The complete published list of monographs, as

well as the search output from the 'search' application, provides the Drug Name and hyperlinks to views of the full 'Monograph', 'Synonyms', 'Potency Tables' and 'Quality Control Data'. This improved functionality provides 'instant' access to consolidated information, formerly provided with multiple hard copy lists.

Indexed Content: A powerful side menu, fully indexes, and makes

available the General Pharmacy sections, Guidelines and Protocols for Drug Provings, Clinical Verification, Review Procedures, Class Specifications, Homeopathic Good Manufacturing Practices, Labeling Guidelines and Standards and Controls.

Access to the HPUS Online Database

The HPCUS currently provides three subscription options:

(Prices are in U.S. Dollars)

1 Day (24 Hours) $29.00 (1 user)

30 Days $99.00 (1 user)

1 Year $500.00 (1 user)

1 Year Corporate $15,000.00 (unlimited number of users)

Click here to register and choose your subscriber level.

Source: http://www.hpus.com/whatsthis.php


I have to spend just $29 to nail this fellow on his head.

But, I will spend that money for better purposes.

If he persists,I will do it,at my liesure.

Let him keep ****** in his pants.

gavinimurthy last decade
My compliments for the way, you put up the case.

Please study his psyco-profile to understand his A.D.D.

With all the 20 years of Alcohol and wild eczema (see his feet photograph), the mind tends to go unfactual.
Nesha-India last decade
The name Pharmacopoeia originates from the two greek words: Pharmakon, means a drug ; and poieo, means to make.

Definition: It is a standard book containing a list of drugs and medicines, with information about the sources, habitats,descriptions,collections and identificattions of the drugs ;

and also provides directions for their preparations ,

combining.,compounding and standardisation.It is officially published by authority i.e by the government in charge of medical and welfare department ,any Medical or pharmaceutical Society ,either constituted or authorised by the government; and revised at times.A pharmacopoeia published by such an authority is termed as 'official'.


gavinimurthy last decade
Wish you had read a pharmacopia this or that. American, German or Indian.

All copy paste material from websites.
kuldeep last decade
Funniest thing is that two people who could not differentiate a mango plant and Rhus Tox, who never read any pharmacopia are talking about it.

I read a story about cat, who lived in the library. She knew everything about all book, ie which book was moist, which smelled good and which was crispy.
kuldeep last decade
This is an often repeted trick.To stoop down to personal comments,when you are exposed and you can't defend what you said.

I am not going to fall for these baits.

Your nature is thoroughly exposed.

The purpose is served.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Kuldeep

The stench of your words is coming out through my computer screen.

I am getting nauseated.


Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From kuldeep on 2006-11-09
But Gavini you love my presence. You visit all my threads. You are attracted by everything I say. You show great reaction to what I or Joe or Dr. Sharma say. You have dedicated your life over it.
kuldeep last decade
I visit ALL the threads.

I react where ever necessary.

I react more on your threads,because you lie quite often,and have no credibility, and people should stop listening to you.

You are a danger to the patients here, with your q u a c k e r y in the name of homeopathy.

Joe is much better than you.

He doesn't pose as if he knew all about homeopathy,like you do.

You don't know even the basics, never read Organon or philosophy,and have been fooling people around here,since long.

Those days are over.

Think twice before you type.

gavinimurthy last decade
Gavini you are married to our threads. You visit there, you are attracted.

Like a housewife.

You come to my posts for physical and mental satisfaction. To do some nag nag nag also.

You are drawn by the aroma. You make significant efforts to be with us, to please us.
kuldeep last decade
I am amused.

You need to be in a mental hospital.

You should not be allowed to roam freely.It is dangerous for the society.

gavinimurthy last decade
Gavini the best quality in you is that you make lot of noise too.

You just can't live without us.
kuldeep last decade
tiviri isumana tailambu tiyavachhu

cheri mrugathrushna lo neeru thragavachhu

tirigi kundedi kommu sadhincha vachhu

cheri moorghula manasu ranjimpa radu.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thanks for singing for us Gavini.

A picture of Rhus Radix.

Hahnemann proved Rhus Radix but manufacturers use either Rhus Tox or Rhus Radix.

Rhus Tox is also called Poison Ivy and Rhus Radix is also called Poison Oak. At most places genetic mutation is so close that both plants are almost merged and look just same.

Our Gavini thinks it is a Mango Tree.

(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)

kuldeep last decade
Good photos.

Keep yourself busy with this,and don't disturb others.

They have better things to do.

gavinimurthy last decade
Gavini you are married to my posts.
kuldeep last decade
Like a house-wife.
kuldeep last decade
Did you observe that only me and Nesha respond to your posts, that too just to expose your idiocity?

Others have stopped bothering about you and your prescriptions long back.

gavinimurthy last decade
Gavini what are you cooking today at the home for us.

kuldeep last decade
Time to go to office.

We will meet again shortly.

I know you are gay too.

gavinimurthy last decade
Gavini, take care. I am sure that you will come back to your home. At kuldeep's posts. To get physical and mental satisfaction to do some nag-nag-nag.
kuldeep last decade

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