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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sinus problem

Problem - bad breath.
Cause - sinus - possibly post nasal drip. only from the right sinus. The secreation is thick. Happens only in cold weather when I inhale cold air. Happens all the time in AC. Almost never in warm or hot temperatures. Had atleast 4 surgeries for sinus and snoring problem. none helped. Sinus rinse helps for about 30 mts. never more than 2 hrs. Hot drinks help. again, temporary relief only.

I take N-Acetyl Cysteine (600 mg). Seems to help thin out the mucus. The bad breath is better by 50%, but still there.

I work in a fully AC environment. So, getting out of it is not an option. How can I control or cure this?
  sinus on 2006-11-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I also have eczema. Hydrocortisone helps. Have not tried anything else.
sinus last decade
Dear 'Sinus',

I hope 'Sinus' is not your real name.Because in that case a name change may perhaps help!!Just joking!!

First of all i request you to read the thread on 'theory of suppression'.You will find it on this board just above this thread as i will be sending it up for your benefit.After you have read that thread, a lot of things will become clear to you about a true 'cure' and 'suppression'.Then you can post all the details of your case in great detail.We will try to help you.

rajivprasad last decade
With the name 'Sinus' I was hoping to break the jinx. let's wait and see if that works.

Meanwhile, I read the post on the theory of suppression. Very different from what I have read. I've been suffering from this problem for so long, now, I'm ready for either a cure or a suppression! I prefer the cure though.

Please let me know what kind of details you need and I'll provide that. See if the below helps.

My personality : I'm an above average performer at work. Work is very important to me. Very ambitious. Which is where the bad breath doesn't help! I'm a saggitarius, if that means anything to you. I'm a very optimistic personal and very persistent. I have not given up on my sinus problem yet. It has been 3-4 years now.

My problem :
Acid reflux - used to have severe acid reflux. My doc tried a variety of medications, they helped, but only the symptoms. The problem remained. The doc did not think I was overweight. I went ahead and reduced it anyway and guess what, the acid reflux problem went away! atleast 99% better. So, this is not contributing to the bad breath. (Atleast not anymore)

Sinus - I believe this problem existed from birth. Although I cannot say for sure. I'm from Tamil Nadu, where it's not all that cold. So, it may have gone un-noticed.
My sinus has thick secreations (only the right side of my face. the left side is absolutely fine!). I snore real loud. I had surgeries for both the sinus and snoring. Removed tissue (including tonsills) to help with my apnea, snoring and help drain the sinus better (I think haly my head was removed in the process!).
I've been on a bunch of medications including Mucinex. But N-Acetyl Cysteine helps thin the mucus better.

My only problem is the cold climate. If it's diet or hygeine, I can control it. For the cold, I cannot control it. So, I have to look for external agents for help.

Maybe homeopathy will help? I certainly hope so.
At this point, I'm really frustrated. I'll try pretty much anything... I guess.

Thanks for your help.
sinus last decade
Come on guys! no solution for this?
sinus last decade
you can try a single dose of psorinum 1M.

no odors on you, near you,and in your mouth while taking the medicine.

wait for three weeks and report.

avoid steroid creams totally,and no other homeopathic medication in between.

Use your other allopathic medicines, very sparingly on s.o.S. basis. A big no to steroids.

gavinimurthy last decade
Foods to be avoided:

COFFEE,(a big no), Fats, frozen foods, Fruits, milk.

gavinimurthy last decade

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