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Recurrent Sinusitis4chronic sinusitis6Severe acute sinusitis2Stress, autoimmune, sinusitis3Nasal polyps with chronic sinusitis2the best remedy for a sinusitis2cold or sinusitis1Dr Kadwa......please help on allergy sinusitis99Sinusitis4Chronic sinusitis2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

dns with spur formation resulting in sinusitis

need help. i have a deflected nasal septum rt nostril with a spur formation in left nostril.the spur is obstructing the sinus ostium and i have recurrent sinusitis , besides recurrent episodes of watering of left eye as at times i guess the nasolacrimal duct is partially blocked. i get post nasal discharge which is whitish and sticky and at times changes to yellow and green when i use antibiotics.i have used differnt homeopathic medicine like bry, puls, nat mur, kali bich. rhus tox,these days i am using tecurium, lamna minor, kalibich and cal flor in 30 potency but not responding. the ent spl says i get spur removed surgically. plz help
  KHATTAK on 2006-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
so very unfortunate no one came out to help
KHATTAK last decade

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