Homeopathic Remedies Explanations on the forum Remedy Relationships i Remedy Relationships ii





Hydrastis and Nux - Remedy Relationships

Enter remedy names and click the red button to find interactions and relationships between homeopathic remedies. The results will tell you if they follow one another well, or can't be taken together.
NB - simply searching for multiple remedy names in the normal search box on any page will also access this page.
≡ ≡ Compare Hydrastis and Nux side by side

Hydrastis Canadensis Hydr > compare
Compare Am. m., Antimonium Crudum Ant. c., Kali Bichromicum Kali. bi., and Pulsatilla Puls. (mucous membranes); Aloe Socotrina Alo., Collins., Sepia Sep., Sulphur Sul. (lower bowel); Berberis Vulgaris Berb., Digitalis Purpurea Dig., Gelsemium Sempervirens Gels., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Podophyllum Peltatum Pod., Mercurius Vivus Merc. (gastro-duodenal catarrh, involving bile ducts); Nux Vomica Nux v. (gastric catarrh of alcoholism); Mercurius Corrosivus Merc. cor., Euphras. (nasal catarrh); Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hepar (syphilitic ozaena, after abuse of Mercurius Vivus mercury or iodide of potash); Arsenicum Album Ars., Baptisia Tinctoria Bapt., Conium Maculatum Con., Condur., Kreas., Phytolacca Decandra Phytol. (cancer of breast); Chininum Sulphuricum Chi. (intermittent); Strychn. (spinal cord); Chelidonium Majus Chel. (cancer of breast; liver affections); Sanguinaria Canadensis Sang. (burnt sensation on tongue); Kali Bichromicum Kali bi. (hair sensation); Arsenicum Album Ars., Aurum Muriaticum Aur. mur., Hydrocot., Antimonium Tartaricum Ant. t., Baptisia Tinctoria Bapt., Thuja Occidentalis Thuj.

Nux Vomica Nux-v > compare
Compare: Kali Carbonicum Kali-carb.; Hydrastis Canadensis Hydr.; Bryonia Bry.; Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc.; Graphites Graph.

Information sources




The links in the left margin point to explanations of remedy relationships on the forum. For a full explanation, please see those threads. Here though is a summary of the terms used:


The remedies are antidoted by the stated remedy, when given in homeopathic doses.

Chemical Antidotes

The remedy antidotes poisoning by these remedies. These are included for completeness, but if you suspect you, or anybody, has been poisonned, you'll obviously be seeking immediate professional medical advice.

Cognates / Similar / Compare

Similar remedies for comparison purposes.
≡ ≡ Compare Hydrastis and Nux side by side


These remedies work well in pairs, with the second remedy given later to finish what the first has started.

Inimical / incompatible

These remedies should not be taken one after another.