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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Therapeutic of Asthma.

Asthma on lying down at night, dry wheezing respiration when lying on back, with sense of impending suffocation, rapidly increasing dyspnea, loud musical whistlings during inspiration and expiration, but louder during inspiration, inability to lie down, warm, salt, mucous expectoration, greater oppression of right than of left lung, afterwards when lying on right side all oppression and discomfort were in right lung, but on turning over the left lung was affected and the right relieved entirely, constant desire to clear chest of something, all obstruction being during inspiration, on forcible expiration raw, burning, sore feeling behind whole length of sternum and in lungs, most intense behind sternum, in morning easy expectoration of loose phlegm, afterwards fear that right lung is diseased, and cough now and then, with raising of phlegm, which is swallowed involuntarily. Sweat in sleep at night.

Arsenic is one of our prime remedies in asthma, whether acute or chronic, with aggravation after midnight and from lying down. The patient is beside himself with anguish. The case may be complicated with emphysema, expiration being very much prolonged as in that disease. It follows Ipecac well.
As stated above Arsenicum has some similarity to Ipecac, but the time of attacks is just after midnight. The patient has a great deal of anguish and restlessness; he cannot lie down for fear of suffocation. There is anxiety and general sweat, and if the patient drowses off he is awakened with burning pain and soreness in the chest. It is especially the remedy if the disease be chronic and the dyspnea habitual and dry and the patient aged. Apis has a suffocative feeling, and the patient does not see how he can get another breath, and the Bromine patient breathes very deeply as it seems as if he could not get air enough into his lungs, while under Grindelia robusta . the patient on falling asleep ceases to breathe and awakes with a start. Grindelia has been found clinically to benefit humid asthmas and acute catarrhal asthmas, and Halbert states that 5 or 10 drops of the tincture every hour during the paroxysmal state will greatly palliate. Probably in higher potencies it would act curatively for its symptomatology represents the typical paroxysmal features of this disease. It has a peculiar symptom, a fear of going to sleep on account of loss of breath which awakens him. Viscum album is also clinically recommended. It has weakness of the respiratory muscles and stertorous breathing. The asthma of Arsenicum is accompanied by great debility and burning in the chest, and it follows Ipecac well, and is especially useful in anemic persons. Baehr and Jousset place this remedy at the head of our list for asthma.

To be continued.
  sajjadakram635 on 2006-04-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness on awaking in morning. Hoarseness; expectorates thick mucus. Rattling of mucus at every full expiration, which disappears in morning. Excess of mucus in larynx; increased soreness and great disposition to cough. Laryngeal symptoms deep-seated and persistent. As of larynx partly obstructed. About midnight great oppression of breathing, soon passing off, leaving rattling in larynx and trachea. Paroxysms of dyspnea with aching in chest. Violent asthmatic attacks at night; from cold. Loose cough with dry soreness of throat, like catarrh; rattling of mucus; agg. lying down at night. Expectoration thick, heavy, yellowish-white, with continuation of a violent cough. Hoarse, croupy cough with sore throat; rattling laryngeal breathing, swelling of air passages threatening suffocation. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA.
Respiratory Organs. Dry cough, with constriction of throat; causing pain in forehead and abdomen; dry, hacking cough, agg. night and morning; from irritation of larynx or bronchia. Respiration painful, esp. at base of left lung. Breath smells like pepper. Humid asthma; agg. after eating: agg. after smoking a little. Oppression and difficulty of breathing; in paroxysms, like asthma.

This year too, I have given Bacillinum to several patients at the Hospital St. Jacques for the same symptoms and it has never yet failed me. When I am called upon to treat a patient suffering from an obstruction of the bronchial tubes occasioned by mucus, which is frequently thick and opaque and puriform and obstruction extending to the delicate bronchial ramification, and causing oppression more frequently than cough-I turn my thoughts at once to Bacillinum. Bacillinum is a drug for old people or, at any rate, for those whose lungs are old; for those chronically catarrhal, or whose pulmonary circulation is enfeebled without regard to the age of the subject; for those who have dyspnea, and who cough with difficulty from inaction of the respiratory ducts; for the humid asthmatic, the bronchorrheal, who feel suffocated at night; and, finally, for those who, after taking cold, are straightway attacked with pulmonary congestion. Here, I believe, is the exact sphere of action of Bacillinum as a homeopathic remedy.

ASTHMA. ESPECIALLY WHEN ASSOCIATED WITH BRONCHITIS (Bry., Calc-S., Kali-M., Lyc., Merc., Nat-M., Phos., Sep., Sulph., Tab.), (Br.).

Returning to the study of Bromine, we find it useful in affections of the lungs. It is indicated in asthma, when the patient feels as if he could not get air enough into his lungs, consequently he breathes very deeply. The explanation of this lies not only in the lungs, but also in the constriction of the glottis. Although the patient expands his chest well, air does not go in on account of the narrowness of the opening in the larynx. It is especially indicated in asthma coming on, at or near the sea-shore.

to be continued.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness on awaking in morning. Hoarseness; expectorates thick mucus. Rattling of mucus at every full expiration, which disappears in morning. Excess of mucus in larynx; increased soreness and great disposition to cough. Laryngeal symptoms deep-seated and persistent. As of larynx partly obstructed. About midnight great oppression of breathing, soon passing off, leaving rattling in larynx and trachea. Paroxysms of dyspnea with aching in chest. Violent asthmatic attacks at night; from cold. Loose cough with dry soreness of throat, like catarrh; rattling of mucus; agg. lying down at night. Expectoration thick, heavy, yellowish-white, with continuation of a violent cough. Hoarse, croupy cough with sore throat; rattling laryngeal breathing, swelling of air passages threatening suffocation.

Respiratory Organs. Dry cough, with constriction of throat; causing pain in forehead and abdomen; dry, hacking cough, agg. night and morning; from irritation of larynx or bronchia. Respiration painful, esp. at base of left lung. Breath smells like pepper. Humid asthma; agg. after eating: agg. after smoking a little. Oppression and difficulty of breathing; in paroxysms, like asthma.

This year too, I have given Bacillinum to several patients at the Hospital St. Jacques for the same symptoms and it has never yet failed me. When I am called upon to treat a patient suffering from an obstruction of the bronchial tubes occasioned by mucus, which is frequently thick and opaque and puriform and obstruction extending to the delicate bronchial ramification, and causing oppression more frequently than cough-I turn my thoughts at once to Bacillinum. Bacillinum is a drug for old people or, at any rate, for those whose lungs are old; for those chronically catarrhal, or whose pulmonary circulation is enfeebled without regard to the age of the subject; for those who have dyspnea, and who cough with difficulty from inaction of the respiratory ducts; for the humid asthmatic, the bronchorrheal, who feel suffocated at night; and, finally, for those who, after taking cold, are straightway attacked with pulmonary congestion. Here, I believe, is the exact sphere of action of Bacillinum as a homeopathic remedy.

ASTHMA. ESPECIALLY WHEN ASSOCIATED WITH BRONCHITIS (Bry., Calc-S., Kali-M., Lyc., Merc., Nat-M., Phos., Sep., Sulph., Tab.), (Br.).

Returning to the study of Bromine, we find it useful in affections of the lungs. It is indicated in asthma, when the patient feels as if he could not get air enough into his lungs, consequently he breathes very deeply. The explanation of this lies not only in the lungs, but also in the constriction of the glottis. Although the patient expands his chest well, air does not go in on account of the narrowness of the opening in the larynx. It is especially indicated in asthma coming on, at or near the sea-shore.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Periodical suffocation, with fainting, cold sweat on face and loss of pulse (Dig.). Congestive asthma. Oppressed breathing when walking; agg. open air; with anxiety; as from weight on chest (Phos.). Short inspiration; short breathing when walking and when ascending stairs, with palpitation.

Chronic inflammation of larynx and bronchi and hoarseness, chronic cough. Extreme dyspnea on going up the slightest ascent (one of the most marked indications for the drug). Chronic inflammation of the larynx, especially in the upper part. Asthmatic attacks in children, from suppressed eruptions. Ulcers in the lungs, with purulent expectoration. Hemorrhage from the lungs. Calcarea is very frequently indicated in the general cachexia leading to various forms of consumption; the cough is usually troublesome at night and dry, with very free expectoration in the morning; the patient perspires easily and frequently has enormous appetite, though the emaciation is rapid.

Carbo veg. may also be used in asthma particularly in the asthma of old people and of people who are very much debilitated. They look, during the asthmatic attack, as if they would die, so oppressed are they for breath. They are greatly relieved by belching wind. It is especially indicated in asthma which is reflex from accumulation of flatus in the abdomen.

The paroxysms of spasmodic asthma may be arrested by it, and the spasmodic attacks of difficult breathing which accompany emphysema may be decidedly ameliorated by timely doses of Chloral.

Bronchial asthma with emphysema.

To be continued.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Respiratory Organs. Fear of going to sleep on account of loss of breath which awakens him (S). On falling asleep respiratory movement ceases, and is not resumed until awakened by suffocation resulting. Humid asthma from catarrhal bronchitis. Cardiac asthma. Cough from reflex causes. Much tenacious mucus difficult to detach.

Difficult respiration, preventing sleep at night; whistling, wheezing, with copious mucous expectoration; just as he has fallen asleep is aroused and startled by threatened suffocation; must get up to relieve dyspnea; agg. during day. Asthma after suppressed eruption of skin.

Pothos foetida is a remedy you should remember in asthma. It is useful for asthma that is worse from any inhalation of dust, as, for example, the inhalation of the dust in a hay-loft, and that is relieved by stool.


You must also remember Kali bichromicum as a remedy indicated in asthma dependent upon bronchiectasia. The bronchial tubes are filled up with this tough tenacious exudation. But we find Kali bichromicum indicated in another form of asthma, which is worse from three to four o'clock in the morning, and is especially liable to return in the winter weather or in summer time, when chilly. The patient is compelled to sit up in bed in order to breathe. Relief comes when the patient raises stringy mucus. This kind of asthma calls for Kali bichromicum, whether the patient be stout or thin. If you have this after midnight aggravation and relief from sitting up and bending forward, and from the expectoration of stringy mucus, you have a certain remedy in Kali bichromicum. Here is it a perfect complement to Arsenicum, which has nearly the same symptoms, but lacks the tenacious sputum. The low potencies have been most successful
the treatment of asthma. The high potencies have not failed, but in all of the literature that I have been able to see, the low potencies have seemed to be the most successful. Whether this is true or not, I do not know. I only give you the facts as I find them, that you may judge for yourselves.

The potashes produce asthmatic conditions, and under Kali bichromicum we find the attacks coming on about three or four o'clock in the morning, compelling the patient to sit up to breathe; he sits up and bends forward which relieves somewhat, as does also the expectoration of stringy yellow mucus, which is characteristic of the remedy. It is similar to Arsenicum except for this feature of tenacious mucus. Kali carbonicum has asthma worse towards morning, with a feeling as if there were no air in the chest. Kali phosphoricum has been successfully used in asthma, especially in the nervous variety.


Asthmatic, hacking cough, in short but frequently repeated attacks, excited by tickling in throat and larynx. Dry, tickling cough, in evening and at night; with dislodgment early in morning and during day of tenacious mucus or yellow pus of a flat, sweetish or sour taste, which is not expectorated but swallowed. Spasmodic, early in morning, with retching and vomiting. Whooping cough, with inflammation of chest.

Cough day and night; asthmatic; barking; from deep breathing; croupy; dry; hacking; after eating; harsh; from irritation in larynx and trachea; loose; paroxysmal; racking; short; violent; whooping cough. Expectoration: morning; bloody; mucus; white; grey; milk-white; yellow.


Difficult breathing; from exertion, while lying and when coughing; rattling in the chest; short, suffocative, whistling breathing; cough in daytime, morning, forenoon, evening and most severe and constant during the night; cough worse after eating, during fever, lying; the cough is asthmatic and suffocative, racking and spasmodic; dry cough during the night; hacking cough during the night; cough from irritation in larynx and trachea; cough from tickling in the larynx and trachea; the cough is violent, spasmodic and paroxysmal, like whooping cough.

Bronchial asthma with yellow expectoration, worse in the warm season or in a hot atmosphere

.Again, you may find Lachesis of great service in affections of the lungs. We may use it in asthma when there are present one or more of these few symptoms. The patient arouses from sleep with the asthmatic paroxysm, and cannot bear the least pressure about the neck or chest; finally, he coughs up a quantity of watery phlegm with great relief. This last is a neglected characteristic of Lachesis in asthma. I have succeeded with it in relieving an incurable asthmatic for months.

Chest. Slow, weak, anxious respiration. Rattling, stertorous respiration. Obstruction to respiration in region of stomach. Asthmatic respiration as if lungs were incapable of being sufficiently dilated, or as if they were paralyzed. Pressure on chest. Constriction of chest, with oppression. Burning and stitches in chest. In pulmonic affections, where the patient coughs and spits a great amount of phlegm, which is sprinkled over and through with distinct dots of blood; the dots may be close together, or considerably scattered (frequently seen following typhoid pneumonia). Affections of left chest. (The breast-scirrhus swells up suddenly, looks dark and angry, with shooting pains. R. T. C.)

Asthma from nasal obstruction; worse in wet weather.

Paroxysmal asthma, chronic, very distressing, often cured by Lobelia, and nearly always palliated. (Dose 5 to 10 drops every hour or two. )
Lobelia is a remedy which one usually classifies with Ipecac. It has the great oppression of the chest and a weal sensation in the chest which seems to come from the epigastrium, where there is a feeling of a lump; there is nausea, profuse salivation; the attack is preceded by a prickling sensation through the whole system. It is most useful in bronchial and septic asthmas. The breathing is exceedingly difficult, and is relieved by moving about. A pain extending around the forehead from one temple to the other and a pain in the back at the last dorsal vertebra are also useful indications. Arsenicum is quite similar to Ipecac in asthma, and attacks coming on after midnight lead to the use of this remedy. With Ipecac the expiration is especially difficult; vomiting when it occurs is apt to relieve the attack.


Asthmatic paroxysm at night on lying down, also sometimes waking him in morning; at 10 P. M. had to sit up in bed, got to sleep at 12 P. M., but was wakened by paroxysm exactly at daybreak; had to get up and walk about, whereby a slight cough was excited, the more he coughed the worse the breathing became, but each cough brought up a little transparent phlegm, like white of egg, with sourish taste; urine turbid on standing a few minutes, of fetid smell and depositing brick dust sediment; sensation during paroxysm as from inhaling fumes of sulphur, and a general oppression of front part of chest, especially behind upper part of sternum; amel. from ice water, wine, horseback riding. Asthma.

'Much hoarseness, with a burning, dry feeling in the trachea; dry, racking cough. 'Hoarseness, with cough and rawness in the chest; when he has eaten anything, he must cough until he vomits.'-Dr. Link. 'The Mezereon cough is dry, with constricting pains across the chest; or stitching pains; rheumatic in nature, with much pain. 'Asthmatic constriction and oppression of the chest.'Dr. H.C. Allen.

Asthmatic constriction in evening, amel. mucous expectoration. Contractive pains. Hard pressure just above right nipple in afternoon. Tightness across upper part; with pain to right of sternum, just behind right rib, passing under sternum, the spot tender to touch. Uneasy aching in evening, agg. left side. Uneasiness in upper part; uneasiness about left after fasting. Tenderness over sternum. Heat in left, agg. two inches below middle of clavicle, after a moderate walk, with uneasiness and pain

.Respiratory Organs. Respiration: labored and irregular; asthmatic. Cough in incessant paroxysms almost arresting breath. Night cough preventing sleep. Cough with blue or purple face. Expectoration: free, thick, tenacious; almost absent. Cough in violent paroxysms compelling the patient to hold his head for the pain.

Natrum sulph. is also indicated in asthma which is excited or made worse by every spell of damp weather.
Useful in asthma, worse upon change to damp weather. Moist asthma, with a great deal of rattling on the chest. The shortness of breath is especially worse in damp weather (D.).
Grauvogl's hydrogenoid remedies. Its symptoms are moist asthma, with a great deal of rattling in the chest. The symptom of looseness of the bowels after each attack has been repeatedly verified; in one case the patient was worse from aerated waters and alcohol. If symptoms indicating a sycotic taint be present, it will be all the more strongly indicated. The attacks generally come on about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning with cough and raising of glairy slime; expectoration greenish and copious. The asthma of hay fever finds one of its remedies in Natrum sulphuricum, and another in Sabadilla, especially if much sneezing be present.
Another condition is that of humid asthma. If a child has asthma, give Natrum sulphuricum as the first remedy. Asthma, when hereditary, is one of the sycotic complaints of Hahnemann. You will not find that in your textbooks, so do not look for it, but it may be an observation worth knowing. I have cured a very large number
.Mrs. E., a lady under my care the past year for chronic bronchitis and other troubles, was seized, on July 9th, with her third annual attack of hay fever-rose cold, or hay asthma, as you please-having contracted the same in Florida. She had formerly been entirely prostrated and forced to bed by these seizures, and dreads them much. Her husband came to me in the evening, a few hours after the sneezing and harsh breathing began, and begged of me to check it if possible. I learned from him that she could not lie down; her breathing was aggravated upon the least motion and accompanied by arching out between the scapulae. No other point could be elicited that would lead to the more ordinary medicines; indeed, all these had been tried by other physicians in former attacks. I had found . Natrum mur. to relieve her troubles greatly, and so gave Natrum sulph., with strong promise of relief. Nor were we disappointed; she fell asleep in an hour or so after beginning her half-hour doses, and in a few days all signs of asthma were gone. On July 18th no signs of asthmatic breathing could be heard over her lungs, whereas her former attacks had made her wholly miserable for weeks. (Wm. E. Leonard, M. D.)

The asthma of Nux vomica might well be termed dyspeptic asthma; for the gastric symptoms always predominate, and the asthma is of a dry, spasmodic nature, depending upon reflex excitability of the vagi. 'Nux vomica is most appropriate when there is coryza with sneezing, when the attacks come on after eating, or in the morning, and when the patient is subject to hemorrhoids."-Jousset..
Nux vomica is a useful remedy when the asthmatic attacks are brought on by gastric disturbances; simple spasmodic asthmas; there is some relief by belching; the patient must loosen the clothing. It must also be thought of in those who drink much coffee or liquor. Irritable bilious temperaments also correspond to the drug. Zingiber is also a remedy for asthma of gastric origin, and the attacks come on toward morning; the patient must sit up; no anxiety. A good symptom calling for Nux is a constricted feeling at the lower part of the chest. Where there is much abdominal irritation present with much flatulence, Lycopodium and Carbo vegetables should be thought of. Carbo vegetables also corresponds to the asthma of the aged who are much debilitated; they are greatly oppressed for breath and are relieved by belching wind.
ASTHMA from disordered stomach (JTK); asthma with fullness in stomach, morning or after eating (WB)

Asthma. Suffocative attacks; in sleep; and suddenly became blue in face and tried to cough, but had no breath, then deep sleep, with cold sweat. Choking sensation. Dyspnea; as if threatened with pleurisy, and tension in scapulae.

Chronic bronchial catarrhs, with more or less profuse expectoration; also asthma of like character, especially when these always return or increase during the cold season of the year, and only abate on return of warm weather; aged persons and lymphatic youths.

The irritation travels down the air passages affecting the trachea along with difficult respiration; asthmatic breathing; clutching in the larynx; suffocation; dyspnea; spasms and constrictions of the chest.

Asthma. Suffocation; on drinking. Suffocative oppression during the colicky paroxysms. Asphyxia. Dyspnea. Drawing from air, agg. night. Anxious. Impeded. Difficult; compelling him to jump out of bed at night and open the window. Short; on walking, agg. ascending a height, with hoarseness and oppression in region of heart, agg. pressure. Wheezing. Heavy. Sighing; and slow. Intermittent. Slow, expiration stertorous on account of weakness of buccinators. Rapid; during the paroxysms, and short during the paroxysms, sometimes interrupted and choking during attack of colic; inspiration right, incomplete and noisy during the paroxysms, as if checked by the pain; agg. during paroxysms of colic and arthralgia, with noise at entrance of nose and mouth; agg. during colicky paroxysms, and difficult, superficial; agg. during the paroxysms, and anxious, difficult, irregular; and embarrassed; and painful; and anxious; and irregular; and interrupted, panting; in short jerks; and incomplete, short, suffocating and a kind of jactitation; and feeble. Painful. Suddenly cut short. Arrested in afternoon when standing, sitting or moving right arm towards the left, with sticking in sternum.

Have helped in many cases of bronchitis and asthma on this remarkable symptom of relief from lying down.
Adhesive of tough mucus to posterior wall of soft palate, necessitating hawking; adhesive to soft palate to tough mucus, tasting like old chest, coming from choanae, also on posterior wall of soft palate. Scratching in back part, and when leaning backward asthmatic feeling. Swollen sensation in palate. Dryness.
Asthma; chest expands withPERIODICITY: hay fever every year; asthma every winter; cough every winter (2)h great difficulty, worse from sitting. 'Cutting as to knives in the chest, or as if everything were torn.'-Hah. 'Ulcerative pain in chest under the sternum.'-Hah. 'The glands of the neck swollen on both sides; painful to he touch as if bruised.'-Hah. [Chronic indurations of lymphatics.]

PERIODICITY: hay fever every year; asthma every winter; cough every winter (2)

The child chokes after coughing. (Asthma, on smoking, as usual). Oppression as if in the air passages, as if they were pressed from without and constricted, so that for a moment he could not get his breath, in the evening, while standing, entirely without cough. A spasmodic inspiration and expiration that changed to a transient sensation of suffocation, as if one could not get his breath and would die. Difficult respiration, caused by anxiety in the chest, in the morning.


Rattling in trachea; frequent feeling as if she could not get another breath (compare Apis), coughing spells several times a day, lasting one and a half hours at a time and originating in a sense of great accumulation of tough mucus in chest, with increased dyspnea and desire to cough it up, causing a general hot sweat half an hour before spell (increasing during it); cough very hard, with feeling of suffocation, reaching to epigastrium, as if tough phlegm must work up; severe soreness behind whole sternum, spreading to each side; constant but amel. during cough; much tough mucus is brought up during spell; during its continuance feels like killing herself in despair; afterward prostrate and tearful. Asthma.

In spasmodic, flatulent asthma, and fetid bronchitis, and gangrene of the lungs, this Acid is of great value.

Sleepiness, without sleep. Starting out of sleep, at night, with anxiety and shortness of breath, even to suffocation, and with trembling. Slumber with half-opened eyes and mouth; on waking, could not catch his breath; was obliged to sit up, and then the breath was very rapid, with whistling in the chest, as though he would suffocate; he beat about with his hands; the head and hands were bluish and puffy; he was hoarse, without thirst; when the attacks came on he cried; all this happened without cough, and especially at night, from 12 to 4. [A kind of Millar's asthma.] Frequent waking from sleep, as from wakefulness. Restless sleep; on sitting up in bed it seemed as though the symptoms extended downward and she felt easier. Dreams at night. Lascivious dream, with emission.
Asthma with suffocative attacks of breathing; patient may be well enough while awake, but sleeps into the trouble; loud respiration with no mucous rattle. Babies with sniffles, and can't breathe well through the nose. Asthma miliary.
Suffocative asthma, after midnight; much mucus in bronchi. 'In suffocating cough of children, waking them up in the middle of the night; accompanied by rough sibilant, wheezing, and great dyspnea.'-Dr. Bayes. [Acute capillary bronchitis.] 'Hoarseness with much tenacious mucus in larynx.'-Franz..

This is a very useful remedy in inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, and asthma; with tough, rusty-colored sputa; excessive dyspnea; patient on his back, pulse small and quick; second stage. 'Dry cough, with tickling in the throat pit, and a crawling sensation extending down beneath the sternum.'-Dr. Tinker.

Expectoration of blood during violent efforts to breathe. Asthma after suppression of itch, amel. reappearance of the eruption.

ASTHMA: nighttime crisis (2); violent cough, evening after lying (3); must hold chest with hands while coughing (2); must sit up (2)

We also find Silicea indicated in some forms of hay-asthma, especially that which begins with itching and tingling in the nose and violent sneezing and excoriating discharge from the nose.
Humid asthma, coarse rattling, the chest seems filled with mucus, seems as if he would suffocate, especially asthma in old sycotics (JTK)

Dr. A. F. Schulz, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, a very careful prescriber, uses this remedy very successfully in moist asthma with expectoration of large quantities of stringy mucus; rapidly exhausting. It is light colored or yellow. Hale states that horses are cured of the heaves by eating the leaves of Silphium. The 2x trituration is recommended.

15 drops doses to promote expectoration in bronchitis and bronchial asthma in old people. (Eli G. Jones.)

Bronchial catarrh, with wheezing, asthmatic cough, worse cold air, with profuse expectoration and suffocation; worse, lying with head low and in hot room.
Bronchial catarrh, with wheezing, asthmatic cough, aggravated by cold air, with profuse expectoration and suffocation, aggravated by lying with the head low and in a hot room, ameliorated by eating.
Larynx and Trachea: Affections in general of the larynx and trachea - particularly in all such affections as croup, asthma, etc., where everything is perfectly tight and dry, no loose rattling sound appearing in the breathing or cough. Burning sensation is felt in the throat after coughing; suffocative attacks of breathing (as in asthma), without any mucous rattle; respiration loud; very hollow voice, all without any rattling sound, or any looseness.
Severe forms of ASTHMA with DRYNESS of respiratory passages (dry nose, dry throat, dry larynx, dry trachea and bronchi [Cl]), with fear of suffocation (1) and fear of death (2), whistling and wheezing, seldom rattling (JTK); intolerant of DRYNESS and DRY WEATHER (1)

Chest. Obstructed respiration at night, esp. when lying down; or by day, on least movement. Dyspnea, esp. in evening, with sensation of emptiness in scrobiculus, and anguish, which causes the patient (to loosen or) tear his clothes. Oppression at chest when walking or ascending. Asthma when attacks gradually come on, culminate, and gradually decline. Rattling of mucus and wheezing in chest. Agreeable sensation of lightness on taking a full inspiration. Contusive pain in chest. Heavy pressure in chest as by a weight. Tension in chest (hydrothorax). Constriction of chest, sometimes in evening, with anguish. Lancinations in the left side of the chest, during inspiration, or when lying on the right side. Sharp, cutting stitches in left side of chest, agg. from stooping. Burning stitches on left chest, agg. on expectoration. Suddenly, a long stitch in left side of chest beneath axillae, causing fright. Pain, as from excoriation, in chest. Sensation of weakness in chest, as if it were empty, esp. after speaking or expectorating. Itching-tickling in chest.

Yerba santa or the Eriodictyon californicum is indicated when there is asthmatic breathing from accumulation of mucus. There are considerable emaciation and fever.
Among other remedies with much phlegm on the chest are Antimonium crudum and tartaricum, Chamomilla, Belladonna, Calcarea ostrearum, Calcarea phosphorica and Ipecacuanha (in children), Lycopodium, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Balsam of Peru (purulent sputum), Hepar, Scilla, Yerba santa (fever, emaciation, asthma from mucus), Copaiva (profuse greenish-grey, disgusting-smelling sputa); Illicium anisatum (pus, with pain at third cartilage, right or left); Pix liq. (purulent sputum; pain at left third costal cartilage); Myosotis (copious sputa, emaciation, night sweat).

Succinic acid. (Hay-fever. Paroxysmal sneezing, dropping of watery mucus from nostrils; asthma. Inflammation through respiratory tract; causing asthma, chest pains, etc.; itching of eyelids and canthi and nose worse drafts. Use 6 to 30th potency).

There are innumerable cases on record where suppression of eczema brought about violent fits of asthma and the cure of asthma was brought by the restoration of the original asthma.
I know, indeed, of no remedy so frequently beneficial in chronic asthma.'-Hughes. 'Asthma arising from suppressed eruptions, especially itch; or from suppression of chronic discharges; periodical, spasmodic, stinging in the back; congestion to the chest; comes on in sleep, when turning over in bed, or in the evening.'-Farrington. 'Like the congestions and orgasms of the blood in the head, are the corresponding affections of the chest.

Tightness, tensive, stretched feeling across chest, between left breast and sternum, and in left breast, worse on inspiration. [It corresponds to the symptoms of spasmodic and hysterical asthma. It is used as a 'patent medicine specific' for asthma, and with some popularity. A Dr. Weaver, in Investigator, says it works like a charm in asthma, and that it arrested the paroxysm in an 'old case.' I think it will prove useful in cardiac-asthma.---Hale.]

Chest. Rattling in chest and throat. Soreness of chest, with great anguish and inability to retain a recumbent position; in winter, severe bronchial cough succeeded asthmatic attacks; a regular type of chills and fever developed; suffered from this many years ago. Pain in center of chest as if skin were drawn up, on drawing the head back. Lack of sleep produces a sudden faintness and sinking sensation in chest; three spells succeeded each other during a single night. Oppression of chest to such an extent as almost to arrest breathing; asthma caused by sensation as if sternum were being gradually drawn towards dorsal vertebrae; expansion of chest difficult; confusion of mind as if unconsciousness might follow. Sensation of pressure under upper part of sternum. Pain and pressure behind sternum. Angina; ptosis left eye; facial paralysis left side, slight aphasia; impotence (relieved). Eczematous herpetic eruptions on chest.


In asthma, lethal doses will often do wonders, where there is great lung and cerebral congestion; much excitement; nausea, vomiting; loose, rattling, wheezing cough.

Further illustration of this action of Zinc will be found in the catarrhal asthma in which it is indicated. This asthma is accompanied by great constriction of the chest. (Cadmium sulph., Kali chlor. and Cactus g.), and is relieved as soon as the patient can expectorate, like Sepia, Antimonium tart. and Grindelia.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks for this information. GRINDELIA reminds me of a miserable sick boy of 11 years. Had long time asthma, cough and so much mucus.

Found a GRINDELIA plant growing by the road, took the plant and made a U turn to his home. Boy is half cured. Still has asthma but no mucus. His half misery gone.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Sajjad
You seem to know a lot about asthma.please read the post 7 yr ld with nocturnal asthma and kindly give yur advise ,have been desparately looking for a remedy fr my son .Hope you can help.

shiny last decade
Please accept my congratulations on a well presented treatise on the many remedies that can be used for Asthma.

You have done a service to Homeopaths by documenting almost all the remedies used in the treatment of Asthma in alphabetical order and I hope that those who are interested will make a print out of the article for future reference.

It is this form of sharing one's discoveries and experiences with each other that should be promoted in practising Homeopathy, instead of the attitude that has recently been displayed on this and other forums where a few members villify those who wish to help suffering humanity merely because they do not follow the tenents of 'Classical' Homeopathy.

I have used some of the remedies that are recorded and have discovered that Nat Sulph 6c is perhaps the most effective of these remedies. I use it today as my default remedy and it has helped many chronic Asthmatics who were using multiple brands of Inhalers and other drugs to be cured of their ailment. It is only very rarely that Nat Sulph 6c does not help the patient but if it does not help in about 10 days, I then use another remedy.

For those who may be interested I shall copy below my standard instructions below:


Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Drop in 3 pellets or 2 drops of liquid Nat Sulph 6c into the water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 6-10 times by shaking the bottle in your hand hard to aerate the water. This succussion seems to increase the potency of the water which is now the remedy, ever so slightly thereby rendering it more effective in helping the patient.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy into half a cup of water from another bottle of the same water and stir it gently.
Sip 1 teaspoonful of the water from the cup just once daily. The contents of the cup are discarded and a fresh dose is made daily.
When the patient discovers that the remedy is helping the frequency can be extended by using the remedy every other day.
If however it is discovered that the Split Dose method is not helping, the patient can sip a teaspoonful direct from the bottle daily. This method may be found necessary for chronic cases of Asthma who have been on Inhalers and Steroids for many years.

This remedy should be taken daily for some time in the future and you may like to know that many adults who were chronic sufferers from Asthma for many years do not use this remedy any more after about 4 months on this therapy. Others who were not so chronic react favourably in a few days and only use the remedy if and when necessary.

The remedy that I have used when the patient is having an acute attack and is straining for breath is Ars Alb 200c. This remedy is taken dry and just 4 pellets will suffice for a dose which is taken under the tongue when the patient is gasping for breath. This usually opens up the airways in under 20 minutes. If however relief is not noticed in 2 hours a repeat dose may be used.

It is essential that all other medication is stopped if the patient wishes to use this therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you joe for your appreciation.I have no differences with you.You are serving humanity through homeopathy.I like it.

sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear Sajjad Akram,
Some books recommend KALI BICHROMICUM to be taken in 3X potency.

If 6c or 30c is suggested to patient, he be asked to take it every hour for the first few days.
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

6c or 30c,repeated twice daily is sufficient.George Royal was an allopath.He was suffering from some respiratory problem,a homeopath gave him Kali bichromicum in 3x potency and to his astonishment he got cured then he converted to homeopathy.

sajjadakram635 last decade

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