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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hearing problem from one ear

Hi guys

I am 26y Male I have hearing problem on my left ear and I don´t know when I heard last time from that ear(that means from childhood)my mom said I faced a very serious problem in my throat because of drinking hot milk when I was 2 year old I visited many doctors here in Germany too they did all the tests and tells me that my hearing from left side is not totally dead but is about to 30% that´s like high frequency tones but I didn´t have feeling only thing they can do a opration to ' TRY ' to get back my hearing but he suggest me to not do this, he said that because your right ear is perfecktly good working and from left u never heard might be posible that from ur left side u r not use to be heared and and your hearing seance are disturbed. You cant heard wether they operate it. it have a posiblity to disturb the other side so he said to me to leav it as it is but in future if from right its also slowdown then they can try to correct both side at once but at this time I have more risk.
I want to know if we have any kind of medison in this case if u people can help me i will be very thanks full to you because its very bad feeling that i can´t use my left ear in my hole life........
one thing more i have no kind of feeling in that ear but 3 or 4 time in a year a strange pain I cant explain it but its a pain and when it comes it make me totally disturb.......

  ahadsay on 2008-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
MERCURIUS DULCIS-30 or Kali Mur-30 (3 drops per dose thrice a day) for a week and report.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

thnx u very much i will report u as soon as posible

Thnx again

ahadsay last decade
I just want to say that I found Kali Mur 30 and I am starting with it

thnx again

ahadsay last decade
Hi Ahad,

I have similar hearing problem on my left side (60%). I could hear soft voices and feel fullness. Did you try any medicine and any improvement ?

Would appreciate, if you could share your experience.

Raj Sam
RajSam last decade

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