The ABC Homeopathy Forum
My two children, age 7 and 18 months cannot kick the flu virus.We have tried Thymuline and Influenzinnum pellets.
NOTHING is working.
They keep getting it. Over and over and over again.
I have them on vitamin C, colloidal silver, oil of oregano, echinacea, pulsatilla, tons of water, no sugar, no wheat, no dairy.
lisamumto2 on 2008-01-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your kids seem to have water imbalance.I mean to say that water is not balanced in the blood and their immune system is getting effected.If your are living in a dry cold weather ACONITE 30 can help.Use it when symptoms of FLU occur.If one dose works then dont continue.In chronic flu Nat Mur 6x twice a day.If you are living in a rainy or damp area,use Nat Sulf 6x in the same way(as mentioned above).Don't use Nat mur in the fever.
♡ Dr Tahira last decade
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