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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Role of cinamon in diabetes

It is learnt from this forum that Cinnamon powder reduces the high blood sugar and also the high cholestrol level. I am using the Cinnamon powder for reduction of my cholestrol level since last six month . It is observed that the Total cholestrol level remains the same ( 230). But I can not undersatand why the BG level in PP is increased abnormally though the fasting sugar is below 100. My pltelet count is decreased to 95000. Are all these abnormality is due to high intake of cinamon powder ? I am taking anti-hypertensive drug regularly .
Kindly advice me whether I will continue to take the cinamon powder .
  ranjandr on 2008-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Some adverse effects noticed in patients who were taking cinnamon powder,i.e increase of B.P,burning in urine,hot flashes,etc.To decrease ur cholestrol level organ strengthening is required.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr Tahira,
Thanks for reply . Though there is no increase in blood pressure is noticed but I feel burning in urine . I feel burning sensation before and during passing of urine . OK, I will stop using cinamon powder for lowering my cholestrol level . May I know how long the burning sensation will continue ?

ranjandr last decade
Increase water intake and burning will soon subside.Any food which aggravate burning need to be avoid.

Dr Tahira last decade

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