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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I really need a second opinion and some clarity on the homeopathic regime that I have been on as I don't know if I am having a healing crisis or if I am ill. I started seeing a homeopath in May 2007 for anxiety /depression and have had periodically had Cars 200 with other remedies including Causticum, Nat mur and Ignatia but not in that order. In Oct, I did a Nux V/Sulphur regime to help me reduce the antidepressants that I was on (seemed to go well). In early Dec 07, it felt like I had a virus sitting in my ears and got very blocked up (ENT). The ear thing just sat there. My homeopath gave me pulsatila in mid-Jan and nothing much happened. She then gave me kali bi mid-in Feb. Two days later, I felt awful -- the symptoms went in this order and one at a time -- cough, flu symptoms with temp and chills lasting two days,dryed out and dark red lips, heavy cold, vomiting, lack of appetite. Now I feel achey on my right side (this cleared up temporarily last year but has since returned). The right side thing goes from the back of my head, around the nose-corner of my right eye, into my wisdom teeth (which haven't come out), down my shoulder around to the front of my chest and down to a point in my lower back. Together with the physical symptoms, I have had a flurry of my deepest fears hitting me first thing in the morning. Ironically, before I took Kali bi, I had loads of energy and was feeling really positive. Now I feel really negative, anxious about the future and that life hasn't been the same since I took Kali Bi. I have also had some stresses and strains in the past few weeks (my job has been reduced from 4 days a week to 1 day a week and I'm single and self-employed). I am feeling really depressed, and scared about the future. I saw a different homeopath the day before yesterday and she has given me adrenal and more carsin. I'm feeling really awful and just wondered if you could tell me whether any of this sounds like a healing crisis or whether I'm suffering from depression again. The weird thing is, I felt really good energywise in Dec/Jan despite the ENT thing but its as if all the beneficial effects of the remedies I had taken last year were flushed away when I took Kali-bi. Can anyone shed any light on any of this as I'm feeling like I need to take anti-depressents again. Thanks for your help.
  gladstonepark on 2008-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls send you all compalin at following format
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)?
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in your life around that time? What do u think cause it?
3. What aggravates the CC? (certain types of foods or weather,movement,light,noise,heat/cold,or anything else that you can think of )
4. At what time of the day or night is CC the worst ?specify an hour if you can
5. What symptoms can you identify the accompany the CC?
6. Which position do you dislike the most; sitting, standing, and lying?
7. Do you perspire a great deal? if so, when and where on the body >(feet,head,hair,armpits,etc)
8. What time of day tends to be a down time for u?
9. What do you worry about how do you deal with worries?
10. Do you tend to be neater and more fastidious than those around you, more casual?
11. Do you cry easily? in what situations
12. When you are upset, do you tend to tell a lot of people or keep it to yourself?
13. On what occasions do you feel despair?
14. In what circumstances do you feel jealous?
15. When and on what occasions do you feel frightened ?any fears ?(darkness. being alone,altitude,flying,elevators
16. What is the greatest grief’s that you have gone through your life? How did you react?
17. What are the greatest joys you have had in your life?
18. In what situations do you feel the blues, depressed, sad, and pessimistic?
19. What bothers you most in the other public ?how if at all, do u express
20. Do you have lack of self-confidence and poor sense of self worth?
21. Do you have any recurring dream? What is the dream?
22. What would you need to feel happy?
23. What do u do for work,(ideally, what would to you like to do )
24. If you had an expected week from work, and 1000 what would you do?
25. How do other people view you?
26. What would you like to change most about yourself?
27. How do you feel before, during and after meals? How do you feel if you go without a meal?
28. What would you most like to eat (if you did not have to consider calories, fat, anything you have read about the right way to eat)?
29. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
30. How much do you drink in a day? Includes soda, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water .how much thirsty you feel?
31. What hours do you sleep? Do you tend to wake up at particular time? Why? What makes you restless or sleepy?
32. Do you do anything during sleep ?(speak,laugh,shrick,toss about, grind your teeth, snore)
33. How do you feel in the morning?
34. No. of pregnancies, no of children, no of miscarriages, no of abortions
35. At what age did your menses begin? If you have gone through menopause, at what age?
36. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
37. What about their duration, abundance, color, time of day when flow is greatest; any odor or clots?
38. How do you (did you) feel before, during and after menses?
39. What medications are you taking at present?
40. How frequently do you get colds and flu’s?
41. Have you had any childhood illness twice, or in a very severe form, or after puberty?
42. Have you had vacations since the standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an adverse or unusual reaction to vaccination?
43. Have you had any surgery? What and when?
44. Have you had at anytime (mention year); what therapy was given?
A) Warts: where? When? How treated?
b) Cysts: where? When? How treated?
c) Polyps: where? When? How treated?
D) Tumors: where? When? How treated?

45. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal, vaginal, etc)? color, consistency:
46. Sensitivity:
a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people?
B) Do you need fewer anesthesias than others, or have a hard time coming out of it?
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhaust, dry cleaning fluid, fragrances, etc.?

47. Family history: mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father,mother,sisters,brothers and grandparents on both sides
48. What else would you like to tell me about yourself or your condition?

dr deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
read complain instead of compalin
deoshlok last decade
pls send you all compalin at following format
june 71
9 stone
unmarried, single
1. what is your chief complaint (cc)?
anxiety and fear of the future (but please read original post to get an idea of the homeopathic journey i’ve been on in the past few months)
2. when did this problem begin? what happened in your life around that time? what do u think cause it?
aged 12 when parents separated. trauma caused it.
3. what aggravates the cc? (certain types of foods or weather,movement,light,noise,heat/cold,or anything else that you can think of )
life! winter, cold grey days, things going wrong in my life (loss), lack of practical support. worse when eat bread, drink caffiene and smoke cigarettes.
4. at what time of the day or night is cc the worst ?specify an hour if you can
first thing in morning but bad all the time at the moment
5. what symptoms can you identify the accompany the cc?
achey on my right side (this cleared up temporarily last year but has since returned). the right side thing goes from the back of my head, around the nose-corner of my right eye, into my wisdom teeth (which haven't come out), down my shoulder around to the front of my chest and down to a point in my lower back.
6. which position do you dislike the most; sitting, standing, and lying?
sitting with legs raised or crossed. lying on right side.
7. do you perspire a great deal? if so, when and where on the body >(feet,head,hair,armpits,etc)
no. although my left foot is sweaty and itchy at the moment.
8. what time of day tends to be a down time for u?
9. what do you worry about how do you deal with worries?
worry about: not meeting anyone/not having a family of my own/my mum dying (she has breast cancer); the amount i smoke; losing my house; not being able to work/function because of depression
10. do you tend to be neater and more fastidious than those around you, more casual?
average – organised chaos.
11. do you cry easily? in what situations
at the moment, yes – cry when i think about my worries or after i get angry.
12. when you are upset, do you tend to tell a lot of people or keep it to yourself?
tell those closest to me (mum, sister and best friend)
13. on what occasions do you feel despair?
when there’s a loss in my life or when i’m powerless to help/do something about a problem
14. in what circumstances do you feel jealous?
not really a jealous person but wish i could lighten up andnot be so sensitive about everything.
15. when and on what occasions do you feel frightened ?any fears ?(darkness. being alone,altitude,flying,elevators
fear of hospitals, dentists, doctors, debt, loss, wasps and bees, pain, horror films
16. what is the greatest grief’s that you have gone through your life? how did you react?
parents splitting; breakup of first relationship and the last two (six years ago)
17. what are the greatest joys you have had in your life?
playing on live radio in a band; falling in love; getting my dog; being with my family on holiday in usa
18. in what situations do you feel the blues, depressed, sad, and pessimistic?
in a predictable job where i can’t be creative; winter; around needy people; being bullied or manipulated
19. what bothers you most in the other public ?how if at all, do u express
needy people; manipulative people – i am an avoider.
20. do you have lack of self-confidence and poor sense of self worth?
it seems dependent on what i am doing and where i am at. i attach a lot of significance to my job and that has just been reduced.
21. do you have any recurring dream? what is the dream?
not at the moment but in the past: driving with my feet; the road suddenly stopping; being chased by a psychopath
22. what would you need to feel happy?
stress-free life, some financial security, emotional and practical support, someone to love and to love me, time to myself, creative projects.
23. what do u do for work,(ideally, what would to you like to do )
i am a content-writer editor. would like to have a dog kennels or an orchard and write childrens books
24. if you had an expected week from work, and 1000 what would you do?
go somewhere sunny with a good friend and have massage, eat healthily, swim, read, go to a gig, sleep and rest and nurture myself
25. how do other people view you?
sensitive and witty (when i’m on good form), intense and anxious when not good
26. what would you like to change most about yourself?
my ability to trust people more and reach out
27. how do you feel before, during and after meals? how do you feel if you go without a meal?
i am a picker. don’t like full meals. prefer grazing.
28. what would you most like to eat (if you did not have to consider calories, fat, anything you have read about the right way to eat)?
baked potato with emmental cheese and salad, smoked salmon, nuts, black bean sauce, french bread, goats cheese, pain au chocolat, tea
29. what foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
eggs, vanilla, custard, rice pudding etc.., parsnips, meat
30. how much do you drink in a day? includes soda, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water .how much thirsty you feel?
lots of tea (7 cups a day), some juice (pineapple/apple), water
31. what hours do you sleep? do you tend to wake up at particular time? why? what makes you restless or sleepy?
at the moment its 10pm-5am. this has happened since taking kali bi (please see original post)
32. do you do anything during sleep ?(speak,laugh,shrick,toss about, grind your teeth, snore)
grind teeth, smack lips
33. how do you feel in the morning?
34. no. of pregnancies, no of children, no of miscarriages, no of abortions
1 abortion (aged 22)
35. at what age did your menses begin? if you have gone through menopause, at what age?
aged 12 (nearly 13)
36. how frequently do they (or did they) come? between 25-29days
37. what about their duration, abundance, color, time of day when flow is greatest; any odor or clots? last for 5 days. feel weak for first two days with twingy pains
38. how do you (did you) feel before, during and after menses?
a bit pre-menstral – irritable, slightly hardened breats before and a bit weak after cycle for 2-3 days
39. what medications are you taking at present?
cypralex (2.5 mg every other day)
40. how frequently do you get colds and flu’s?
in past 4 years, nothing until two months ago (see original post)
41. have you had any childhood illness twice, or in a very severe form, or after puberty?
42. have you had vacations since the standard childhood ones? have you ever had an adverse or unusual reaction to vaccination?
yes -- tetnus
43. have you had any surgery? what and when?
tonsils/adenoids aged 3; grommets aged 5 and again aged 7; termination aged 22
44. have you had at anytime (mention year); what therapy was given?
a) warts: where? when? how treated? n0
b) cysts: where? when? how treated? no
c) polyps: where? when? how treated? no
d) tumors: where? when? how treated? no

45. do you tend to have any discharges (nasal, vaginal, etc)? color, consistency: no
46. sensitivity:
a) do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people? yes
b) do you need fewer anesthesias than others, or have a hard time coming out of it? not sure
c) do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? no
d) are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhaust, dry cleaning fluid, fragrances, etc.? yes

47. family history: mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father,mother,sisters,brothers and grandparents on both sides

father’s father:died aged 79 because my grandmother had died although he did have slow progression prostate cancer but it didn’t kill him.
father’s mother: had heart attack, was diabetic (type 2) and died of cancer aged 74
father: still alive – aged 71 – has glaucoma

mother’s father died of stomach cancer aged 54
mother’s mother died of angina aged 84. she also had senile dementia.
mother still alive at aged 64 but diagnosed with early stages breast cancer last year (aged 63)

sister, alive, aged 35 – diagnosed with ocd

48. what else would you like to tell me about yourself or your condition?

1 replies 9 views
i really need a second opinion and some clarity on the homeopathic regime that i have been on as i don't know if i am having a healing crisis or if i am ill. i started seeing a homeopath in may 2007 for anxiety /depression and have had periodically had cars 200 with other remedies including causticum, nat mur and ignatia but not in that order. in oct, i did a nux v/sulphur regime to help me reduce the antidepressants that i was on (seemed to go well). in early dec 07, it felt like i had a virus sitting in my ears and got very blocked up (ent). the ear thing just sat there. my homeopath gave me pulsatila in mid-jan and nothing much happened. she then gave me kali bi mid-in feb. two days later, i felt awful -- the symptoms went in this order and one at a time -- cough, flu symptoms with temp and chills lasting two days,dryed out and dark red lips, heavy cold, vomiting, lack of appetite. now i feel achey on my right side (this cleared up temporarily last year but has since returned). the right side thing goes from the back of my head, around the nose-corner of my right eye, into my wisdom teeth (which haven't come out), down my shoulder around to the front of my chest and down to a point in my lower back. together with the physical symptoms, i have had a flurry of my deepest fears hitting me first thing in the morning. ironically, before i took kali bi, i had loads of energy and was feeling really positive. now i feel really negative, anxious about the future and that life hasn't been the same since i took kali bi. i have also had some stresses and strains in the past few weeks (my job has been reduced from 4 days a week to 1 day a week and i'm single and self-employed). i am feeling really depressed, and scared about the future. i saw a different homeopath the day before yesterday and she has given me adrenal and more carsin. i'm feeling really awful and just wondered if you could tell me whether any of this sounds like a healing crisis or whether i'm suffering from depression again. the weird thing is, i felt really good energywise in dec/jan despite the ent thing but its as if all the beneficial effects of the remedies i had taken last year were flushed away when i took kali-bi. can anyone shed any light on any of this as i'm feeling like i need to take anti-depressents again. thanks for your help.
gladstonepark last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.