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8 mo old infant cold- congested coughing 1



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

8 mo old infant cold- congested coughing

My husband and I both have stuffy noses at night, but my baby has a stuffy nose with discharge. It was green and has now changed to yellow. During the day it runs and is pretty much clear. At night she has a 'wet' sounding cough, although it was better last night. She is breastfed and on some solids, organic baby food and whatever we eat that she can mash up. We live in Austin TX which is the allergy capital of the US. Her pedi gives me a hard time about not vaccinating so I really don't want to take her there!
No other sypms- no fever, no change in stool, activity level, etc.
I DID recently start drinking and eating dairy again...
HELP! This has been going on for a week!
  rideswithchrist on 2008-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please look at PULSATILLA or KALI BICH for other symptoms to select which one to be given.

give in 12c potency every 4 hours for a day or two.
rishimba last decade

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