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Sameer Vermani - please help me improve the quality of my life!

Hi Smaeer,

You are currently helping me with my son in another thread and I am very impressed with your practice. I would like to ask if you can help me as well. I have some minor health issues and would very much like to improve the quality of my life with the right remedy for me.

Here is some information about me and my history:

Female, 32 yrs, one child, natural birth. Average weight, build and height. Fine, wavy, fair hair, fair skin with lots of freckles and moles, green eyes.

I suffer periodically from what I think is called cystic acne. It is large pimples deep below the surface of my skin, which are very painful and very rarely form a head. They can last days and even weeks. I get them on my chin and on the skin between my nose and lips. I have suffered from this for about 6 or 7 years (I do not recall a specific event in my life around that time, but it was not a good time in my life in general), and before then had near perfect skin. I do not have it all the time and did not suffer from it at all while I was pregnant. It has only returned now since menstruation started again when my son was 12 months old. Usually I have a few pimples come at once and then my skin is good again for a few months. Sometimes I also get very painful pimples inside my ears and nose.

I have very dry legs which are very itchy at night time. They drive me crazy sometimes and I can't stop scratching. Nothing seems to help. I have been suffering this since around the time I began trying to fall pregnant, 2.5 years ago. I also get an itchy back, but not as bad.

I get an itchy, flaky scalp whenever the season/weather changes. I did not suffer from this while pregnant or breastfeeding, but it is starting to return now. Sometimes I get little (painless) lumps/crusts on my scalp. It is better after washing my hair.

I have always been an emotional and moody person, but these days my main issue is that I'm very irritable and I hate being like that.

A bit about my history:

As a teenager I suffered from terrible digestive problems. We never got to the bottom of it, but some doctors thought it to be IBS. I had severe stomach cramps, indigestion, bloating and wind. It was worse with stress. It went on for a few years and then stopped when I turned to a vegetarian diet. I've since started eating meat again but the problems have never returned.

I have a strong sensitivity to mould and dust and had some asthma attacks starting at the time my family moved to a humid climate. Mild asthma in my late teens and early 20s, but since living in a dry climate with cleaner air, it is almost non existent.

I suffered from depression for 2 years in my mid 20s and was on medication.

I had a back injury when I was 19 which revealed a squashed disc in my lower back. It was painful for about a year, but after I increased my fitness, the problem went away. During my pregnancy I had terrible coccyx pain and sacro-iliac joint pain.

About my personality:

I have a very busy mind. I am always plotting and planning and organising things in my head. I must have several things on the go at once. I can never just 'be'. I like my hands to be active too, and if possible, my mind and hands at once, but it is much more important that my mind is.

I like to be in control and know exactly what is going to happen. I don't like sudden change - it takes me a while to adjust and I can find it quite unsettling.

I am a shallow breather, so it doesn't take much for me to get worked up, angry, upset or irritated. Equally, I get excited and happy easily too. My mood is much more even these days than it was before I became a mother, but I really struggle with this irritability and impatience.

People have described me as intense, assertive and overly sensitive.

I have a strong sense of fun and I laugh a lot. I feel everything very intensely, and react to most things in an emotional manner. I am also very empathetic and I cry easily when I hear people's personal stories, hear certain music or see images that move me.

It matters to me what other people think and I get very hung up on it when someone doesn't like me. I am always worried that people will misunderstand me. I seek approval from my boss, my parents, my partner. It's important to me that others recognise what I do.

I am a good listener and I give advice readily. I am warm with people I love, but I can be a little cool with those I don't know well.

I think my relaxed, normal facial expression is not an approachable one.

Some other idiosyncrasies:

I have trouble swallowing a lot of liquid. I swallow noisily and cannot drink fast.

I am often thirstless. I can go for a long time without consuming any liquid. The only time this has been different was while I was pregnant and breastfeeding.

I love pickled/vinegar foods. I also have a strong sweet tooth. I love fresh fruit and vegetables. I don't like bland food.

I always have a little swollen gland behind one of my ears.

What else can I tell you?
  littlefinn on 2008-08-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to mention that in recent months I have been suffering from periodic blocked sinuses that cause nasty pressure headaches. I have had it a couple of times before in my life, but it is much more prevalent recently.
littlefinn last decade

This will have to wait for a week or so.

I am completely swamped with ongoing cases and am leaving for a short vacation today.
sameervermani last decade
I understand Sameer. I look forward to hearing from you when you have the time.
littlefinn last decade
Hi Sameer, I was wondering if you have time to look at my case yet please?
littlefinn last decade
I will go through this on the weekend , littlefinn.
sameervermani last decade
Ok thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.
littlefinn last decade
Are you prone to jealousy or suspicion ?

Do you have aversion to high neck clothes or anything tight around your neck, e.g. even a necklace ?

How idealistic are you ?

Do you brood over past disagreeable events ?

Do you ever seek revenge ?
sameervermani last decade
Are you prone to jealousy or suspicion ? I have been this way at times in my life, but not recently. I am more prone to paranoia--thinking that people are saying things behind my back or that sort of thing.

Do you have aversion to high neck clothes or anything tight around your neck, e.g. even a necklace ? Not at all.

How idealistic are you ? I can be quite idealistic (especially in my head), but I am also realistic.

Do you brood over past disagreeable events ? Absolutely. I have trouble letting things go, and although I wouldn't mention it to friends or family, I can carry past wounds, resentments and grievances with me for a long time.

Do you ever seek revenge ? Not at all. Although it takes me a long time to let go of hurt feelings, I am very forgiving and don't stay angry for long enough to be vengeful.
littlefinn last decade
Okay then, 3 doses of Ignatia Amara 30c , equally spaced for 1 day ONLY.

1 dose = 1 tsp (exact same procedure as your son, but 3 doses for you), and then report status in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
I just read a little bit about Ignatia and it rings true. Thanks very much Sameer, I will hopefully be able to get some in the next couple of days and will report one week from taking it.
littlefinn last decade
Hi Sameer. It has been a week since I took the Ignatia.

The day I took it I felt really good. I was on a high all day, as if I had a smile waiting to burst out. I felt a bit like I used to feel when I was on anti-depressants. During the evening I was very dizzy and lightheaded, but still felt good.

That night I had a vivid dream about huge tidal waves. This is a recurring theme in my dreams since I was a child. I have noticed that I usually only have this kind of dream at significant junctions in my life, so it may be important information.

Unfortunately it was very early the following morning when my son fell ill, and I have been so preoccupied with him that I have barely been aware of my own body. So much so, that when I contracted his virus on Sunday, I wasn't even aware that I had a fever until the doctor told me. This is very unlike me - I am usually highly sensitive to my body and its needs and sensations. Therefore I am not sure how much more effect the Ignatia has had.

Emotionally, I have been very stressed and anxious because of what's going on with my son. I have still been quick to anger, perhaps even more so. My period is due this week, and so I am always more emotional at this time anyway. Today I feel very, very depressed.

My physical symptoms remain unchanged. I am still itchy. I have not had any more acne outbreaks since last month, but that is not unusual. I did start to get a sore pimple deep inside my left ear a few days after taking the Ignatia, but it appears to have gone now.

As I said, I contracted the cold/flu virus from my son and have been very blocked up with headaches since Sunday. Yesterday my throat started to get really sore, so I am going to the doctor today as I suspect I have developed a throat infection. I had one about a month ago too - it is a weakness when I'm rundown and stressed.

I feel that my current circumstances my have interfered with this process, however what do you make of all this?
littlefinn last decade
Hmm.. the mental improvement that you experienced initially means that we must wait for another week.

Physical symptoms will rarely change so soon, as it is the mental plane where the first improvements will be felt in chronic problems which have been with you for years.

So, my suggestion would be to take a single 1 teaspoon dose of Ignatia 200c in about a week from now (only if there is no improvement in the next 7 days), and see where it takes you.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, I will. Thank you again.
littlefinn last decade
I have not acted on this at all since I last posted, because I caught yet another really bad cold, and I've been under the weather for the last couple of weeks.

I wanted to tell you that I think I have noticed a minor improvement in my mood, however, seeing as it co-incides with my son being better, I cannot be sure it was the ignatia, if you know what I mean!!!

The physical symptoms are still there, however, there were a few other things I wanted to tell you about it.

My last period came early by about 4 days. This is MOST unusual for me. I cannot remember it ever happening before. It came about a week after I took the ignatia. I also did not get any cystic acne on that menstrual cycle, but I need to see more than one month to be sure about that too. I am currently in the pre-menstrual week, so I am interested to see if my mood deteriorates or any acne appears this time.

The itching is still the same, and driving me crazy as usual.

I currently still have congestion from the cold, and I am snoring quite badly at night, which is driving my husband completely mad. I wake up with a very dry nose and dry throat (we live in a dry climate), and it feels very uncomfortable. I still have a tickly cough too. However, the good news is that I have no sinus pain, which is common for me after a cold, and also just randomly at times for no apparent reason.

When I started to recover from the cold, I had one day where I suddenly felt a lot worse (it would have just over 3 weeks after taking the ignatia). I had a very strange feeling in my ears and throat, something I have never felt before and cannot explain. It cleared up a day later and didn't come back. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but it was certainly something new for me.

Anyway, I'm just wondering if I should still go ahead and take the 200C dose, based on all the information above. Thanks for your time again. :)
littlefinn last decade
I think you can take the 200c dose now, the dose being 1 tsp
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer. It has been 8 days since I took the dose of 200C Ignatia. On the second day after taking it I think I experienced a strong aggravation. I mentioned that I was on the tailend of a bad head cold, and the aggravation took the form of a severe flare up of the cold. My nose was so congested I could hardly breathe. It lasted two days and then subsided.

Since then I noticed no other changes.

Over the weekend, I was visiting family in another state and I think I had a sudden and severe allergy to something in the air (probably pollen). I have not often experienced something like this in my life, but it is not a totally new sensation. The allergy has either flared up my cold again, OR I have caught another cold. Either way, it is an odd situation. The congestion is still only in my nose, and there is a HUGE amount of mucus in my nose and throat, accompanied by a strong sensation of dryness.

What do you think?
littlefinn last decade
And, how do you feel mentally since the dose ?

Any changes there ?
sameervermani last decade
No changes that I have noticed.
littlefinn last decade
Please answer the following:

1)Are you full of cares and worries about domestic affairs ?

2) Do you end up compromising what you want for what your family wants ? Do you compromise your need to be independent due to domestic commitments ?

3)Do you feel better after dancing or exercise ?

4)Do you ever weep and then wonder why you wept ?

5) Do you have a strong desire to be understood and feel very stressed when people don't understand you ?
sameervermani last decade
Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to this, I've been away from my computer for a couple of days. Ok, here goes...

1. I wouldn't say I'm full of cares and worries, BUT I keep a very tight handle on my domestic life - I budget carefully and I am always in control of what needs to be done and when, however, I am not one of those super neat/clean people who keep the perfect house.

2. Yes I do this to a certain extent, however I tend to get resentful about it, and I now actively try to consider my own needs away from the rest of my family. I find this a difficult question to answer though, because I think most women can be guilty of this, especially those with young families who rely on the 'mother' a lot.

3. Yes. I should do it more!

4. Not really. I always know why I'm weeping, although sometimes the reasons might be a bit strange to other people.

5. Absolutely. Very much so.

Are you thinking of a different remedy? The ignatia seemed so appropriate to me, and I am very curious about this extreme nasal congestion I am experiencing, because it is so unusual for me, and ties in with when I first took the ignatia.
littlefinn last decade
Please take 3 doses of Sepia 30c ,equally spaced as below.

Dissolve 2 pellets of Sepia 30c in a 250 ml spring water bottle. You can shake it gently after they have dissolved.

Take a capful from this bottle 3 times in one day, spaced by 2 hours. This is to be done for one day ONLY.

Let me know in 7 days after these 3 doses. I will look forward to your update.


1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be avoided during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer. If you really think I should try Sepia, I will, but I would like to give you a brief chronological rundown of the ignatia doses and the acute nasal congestion that I am experiencing. I believe it must be connected.

These dates are approximate:

September 9th: Took 3 x doses of Ignatia 30C. The following day was when my son got the flu, and was very sick, and a few days after that I was sick myself. I was better by about September 17th.

September 21st: Caught severe cold. Very congested, could hardly breathe. Felt better by September 27th, but the nasal congestion still hasn't gone away, four weeks later.

October 12th: Took 1 x dose of ignatia 200C. For a couple of days after that the nasal congestion appeared to be improving.

October 18th: Sudden reoccurance of acute nasal congestion with lots of sneezing - like severe allergies. Ebbed slightly two days later.

October 23rd (today): Still congested. I have never in my life experienced anything like this. I am not normally one to have a blocked nose for more than a day or two at a time, and never this severely.

I just can't believe that it's not connected to the Ignatia.

I know you are probably looking for a mental change, but perhaps there has been a subtle one that I haven't noticed. Life in general is a lot more pleasant lately since my son has been well, so perhaps I'm not noticing my mental improvement. I really don't know. But I think it's worth considering this connection...?
littlefinn last decade
Ignatia is causing dissimilar aggravations, hence it is not the right remedy.

Go ahead with Sepia.
sameervermani last decade
What are dissimilar aggravations? I've not heard of that before.

I can't get to the dispensary until the middle of next week, so I will get some Sepia then. Thanks for your ongoing help.
littlefinn last decade
Dissimilar aggravations are new troublesome symptoms which were not part of the original natural disease. e.g.

'Still congested. I have never in my life experienced anything like this. I am not normally one to have a blocked nose for more than a day or two at a time, and never this severely. '
sameervermani last decade

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