The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sameer Vermani - please help me improve the quality of my life! Page 5 of 8
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Hi Sameer,
It's been 4 days since I took the sulphur doses. I can't say I've really noticed any changes to my overall condition. Nasal congestion is as annoying as ever and still coming and going without rhyme or reason. Lips still dry, but not as sore or red (I have changed the cream that I'm applying, hoping that it might make a difference, so that might have something to do with it). Haven't noticed the wet, crusty eye thing for the past two mornings, but I would need more time to be sure that has changed.
One thing I did find unusual is that yesterday (thursday), I was in an unusually bad mood. I felt very irritable, irrational, frustrated and close to tears. Admittedly, I was tired and my son was driving me somewhat insane, but that mood seemed over the top and unwarranted, and is not a mood I have experienced for quite some time - probably since before I took the lachesis 200c.
It's been 4 days since I took the sulphur doses. I can't say I've really noticed any changes to my overall condition. Nasal congestion is as annoying as ever and still coming and going without rhyme or reason. Lips still dry, but not as sore or red (I have changed the cream that I'm applying, hoping that it might make a difference, so that might have something to do with it). Haven't noticed the wet, crusty eye thing for the past two mornings, but I would need more time to be sure that has changed.
One thing I did find unusual is that yesterday (thursday), I was in an unusually bad mood. I felt very irritable, irrational, frustrated and close to tears. Admittedly, I was tired and my son was driving me somewhat insane, but that mood seemed over the top and unwarranted, and is not a mood I have experienced for quite some time - probably since before I took the lachesis 200c.
littlefinn last decade
Hmm.. okay then, it is time for Lachesis 1M.
Please dissolve 2 pellets in 120 ml spring water, and take a teapoon from there.
Please dissolve 2 pellets in 120 ml spring water, and take a teapoon from there.
sameervermani last decade
littlefinn last decade
Hi again Sameer. I just want to check something with you. I have a dentist appointment on Thursday morning and they will have to give me a local anaesthetic. I was just wondering if I should take the lach 1M before the appointment or wait until a few days afterwards until that drug has cleared from my system?
Also, last week I had a night out on Thursday where I drank a little bit too much wine, and ever since then I have had a queasy feeling in my stomach that is unfamiliar to me. It peaked with terrible indigestion on Saturday night after drinking a little more wine. I was in agony - severe burning sensation in my upper intestine - which was relieved after taking some alka seltzer. I am not used to this type of thing at all, although I have mentioned to you that I had suffered from similar in the long distant past. I still feel queasy today, especially after eating. I would say it is giving me a mild appetite loss. Do you think this might be a side effect of the sulphur?
My nasal congestion/allergies have not all settled down since returning home and we have been home for 24 hours now. If I blow my nose, nothing comes out and it sets off a big bout of sneezing, and if I sniff or inhale deeply it makes my throat itch intensely.
Also, last week I had a night out on Thursday where I drank a little bit too much wine, and ever since then I have had a queasy feeling in my stomach that is unfamiliar to me. It peaked with terrible indigestion on Saturday night after drinking a little more wine. I was in agony - severe burning sensation in my upper intestine - which was relieved after taking some alka seltzer. I am not used to this type of thing at all, although I have mentioned to you that I had suffered from similar in the long distant past. I still feel queasy today, especially after eating. I would say it is giving me a mild appetite loss. Do you think this might be a side effect of the sulphur?
My nasal congestion/allergies have not all settled down since returning home and we have been home for 24 hours now. If I blow my nose, nothing comes out and it sets off a big bout of sneezing, and if I sniff or inhale deeply it makes my throat itch intensely.
littlefinn last decade
Hi littlefinn,
I do not think it is related to Sulphur.
You can wait until a few days after dentist appt.
I do not think it is related to Sulphur.
You can wait until a few days after dentist appt.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer. A further development I thought you should know about. I have been diagnosed with what is *probably* giardia, and have just taken tinadazole to treat it. I have had giardia before, about 7 years ago, so I know what it's like. Doctors don't tend to do stool samples for this anymore because it's too hard to get the specimen fresh enough, but the symptoms are pretty distinct, so they diagnosed it straightaway. I have had to postpone my dental appointment as well, as I am just too ill, but obviously I will hold off the lach 1M until you think it is safe following such a high dose of antibiotics. Maybe in a week or two? Please advise.
littlefinn last decade
It has always been my intention to say the truth and hence I will tell you what I think is the case here.. It is almost certainly the remedy (Sulphur or Lachesis) bringing out discharge in the form of diarrhea. I just think, the anti-biotic was not quite needed for this as such a situation can easily be tackled homeopathically if at all, an intervention was needed. Remedies will never act the same after such a suppression has been done through allopathic drugs.
I have dealt with many a cases with troublesome chronic symptoms after suppression of such acute diarrhea episodes. Be careful before you take the allopathic route with yet another acute episode.
I have dealt with many a cases with troublesome chronic symptoms after suppression of such acute diarrhea episodes. Be careful before you take the allopathic route with yet another acute episode.
sameervermani last decade
the discharges after lachesis are mainly through the skin or the suppressed periods in females..
diarrhea cannot be termed as a curative discharge.
the reason for the diarhhea is independent of lachesis. however, antibiotics should not have been taken at this time when homeopathic curing is taking place.
diarrhea cannot be termed as a curative discharge.
the reason for the diarhhea is independent of lachesis. however, antibiotics should not have been taken at this time when homeopathic curing is taking place.
♡ rishimba last decade
Yeah, look I knew that you would probably not like that I took it, but seriously, please try and put yourself in my shoes. Working, running a business, full time study, demanding child, looking after the household. I can't tell you how busy I am. I am sick as a dog. I have been feeling sick for days and I did mention this on here to you, questioning if it might be the sulphur. You didn't think so. When this sick feeling began to produce rotten egg smelling burps, a churning gut and foul diarrhoea, I thought I'd better act quick. Like I said, I have had giardia before and I know it's symptoms well. I really could not afford to post on here, wait for you to get back to me, go across to the other side of town in this state to get a remedy, and then run the risk that it might not work. I just couldn't. You are always very prompt and helpful and I know that, but to pinpoint the right remedy has at times taken one or two goes, and sometimes a few extra questions. Neither of us is permanently attached to the internet, so these things do not happen in real time. Unfortunately, this is just one of the pitfalls of online treatment. You must know how much I appreciate all your time and effort, and I am sure it would be frustrating from your point of view to have something like this interrupt the flow, but I am still committed to homeopathy. I just have to weigh things up sometimes, and really, I do think that I have giardia, which is easily and quickly fixed with this drug, so I can get back to normal life and hopefully not pass the parasite on to the rest of the family in the meantime. Please understand my point of view.
littlefinn last decade
Please also remember that I do not take allopathic medicine often at all. In fact, I believe that this is the first time I have taken anything since we commenced the first dose of lachesis all those months ago. I have said before that I would gladly put up with some troublesome symptoms in order to avoid allopathy, but this is unfortunately not one of those times. Giardia is a highly unpleasant illness and can easily be passed onto others.
littlefinn last decade
Once again Mr Rishimba, you are making statements which are totally on flimsy homeopathic knowledge. Do not try to undermine what you cannot undermine, just spend this time learning more about homeopathy :)
I understand the viewpoint but I just wanted to convey to you that suppression of diarrhea sometimes causes chronic problems (both at the mental and physical plane).
I know you are very busy and burdened with a lot of responsibilities, so probably you did not have any other option.
Anyways, please come back once the anti-biotics are over and you are feeling better.
I understand the viewpoint but I just wanted to convey to you that suppression of diarrhea sometimes causes chronic problems (both at the mental and physical plane).
I know you are very busy and burdened with a lot of responsibilities, so probably you did not have any other option.
Anyways, please come back once the anti-biotics are over and you are feeling better.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sameer. It was only one dose of antibiotics, so it is already taken, and began work immediately. I suspect I will be feeling fine in another day or two.
This has raised an interesting question in my mind about whether homeopathy can really fix everything? I can understand the principles of how it works - the curative process and all that. But a parasite? How does it cure a parasite? Can the human body actually expel such a thing by itself? Have you ever treated an acute case of something like that with homeopathy? I'm just curious is all.
This has raised an interesting question in my mind about whether homeopathy can really fix everything? I can understand the principles of how it works - the curative process and all that. But a parasite? How does it cure a parasite? Can the human body actually expel such a thing by itself? Have you ever treated an acute case of something like that with homeopathy? I'm just curious is all.
littlefinn last decade
Hi Sameer. I was hoping that you would respond to my post above...?
Anyway, it's been several more days, and I am ready to move on to the next step. Hopefully I did not damage the case too much.
I am currently suffering acute nasal congestion. It's some sort of aggravation/reaction/allergy to something environmental I think, but I have no idea what. It is behaving very similarly to the way this sort of thing always does with me, but I don't usually have it this acutely for more than a few hours at a time.
The modalities are that it is ameloriated when I go outside in fresh, breezy air and move about. In these conditions it feels as though it has completely gone. Then when I sit still in a warm indoors environment, it flairs up badly. I can't breathe through my nose at all.
It is a little wet, but not actually running.
I am sneezing a lot too. Especially if I blow my nose or sniff deeply in an attempt to clear it.
I have been experiencing some mild pressure headaches that I think are from my sinuses.
I also had a flair up of cystic acne on my chin which I haven't experienced now in several months. And another deep painful pimple in my ear (I had this a few months ago, after I took the lach 200c, but it went away again).
Mentally I don't feel bad, but I have a sense of feeling a bit immobilised. I have all these pressing things to do and yet I am unable to get stuck into them properly. I keep procrastinating. I feel a bit lost and not quite like my usual busy self. I am not particularly irritable or impatient, but I feel a bit like some things are bubbling beneath the surface.
Anyway, it's been several more days, and I am ready to move on to the next step. Hopefully I did not damage the case too much.
I am currently suffering acute nasal congestion. It's some sort of aggravation/reaction/allergy to something environmental I think, but I have no idea what. It is behaving very similarly to the way this sort of thing always does with me, but I don't usually have it this acutely for more than a few hours at a time.
The modalities are that it is ameloriated when I go outside in fresh, breezy air and move about. In these conditions it feels as though it has completely gone. Then when I sit still in a warm indoors environment, it flairs up badly. I can't breathe through my nose at all.
It is a little wet, but not actually running.
I am sneezing a lot too. Especially if I blow my nose or sniff deeply in an attempt to clear it.
I have been experiencing some mild pressure headaches that I think are from my sinuses.
I also had a flair up of cystic acne on my chin which I haven't experienced now in several months. And another deep painful pimple in my ear (I had this a few months ago, after I took the lach 200c, but it went away again).
Mentally I don't feel bad, but I have a sense of feeling a bit immobilised. I have all these pressing things to do and yet I am unable to get stuck into them properly. I keep procrastinating. I feel a bit lost and not quite like my usual busy self. I am not particularly irritable or impatient, but I feel a bit like some things are bubbling beneath the surface.
littlefinn last decade
will clear your queries.
Nasal obstruction ameliorated from open air is a big time Sulphur symptom by the way.
Tell me, how easily do you make friends ?
How vivacious are you ?
will clear your queries.
Nasal obstruction ameliorated from open air is a big time Sulphur symptom by the way.
Tell me, how easily do you make friends ?
How vivacious are you ?
sameervermani last decade
Thanks for the link. :) It will take me a while to digest that, but I appreciate you sharing.
How easily do I make friends? Well, I think I am a naturally warm and friendly person, but I am also shy and find busy social situations intimidating. For example, in a course of study, where there are lots of students, I will keep to myself and not reach out unless I feel secure. Usually, someone else will speak first, and then I will feel ok and initiate further conversation. It's hard to explain. I don't think I always come across as an easy going person, but once the barrier is broken, I find it easy to relate to people and will make a reasonable effort to make conversation and get to know them. I would consider myself as extremely empathetic, and that is where I do best in my friendships, in a nuturing role. Sorry to be so longwinded... it is hard to answer that question when you're talking about yourself!
Vivaciousness, yes, I definitely have that. I am playful with my friends and I laugh easily and frequently.
How easily do I make friends? Well, I think I am a naturally warm and friendly person, but I am also shy and find busy social situations intimidating. For example, in a course of study, where there are lots of students, I will keep to myself and not reach out unless I feel secure. Usually, someone else will speak first, and then I will feel ok and initiate further conversation. It's hard to explain. I don't think I always come across as an easy going person, but once the barrier is broken, I find it easy to relate to people and will make a reasonable effort to make conversation and get to know them. I would consider myself as extremely empathetic, and that is where I do best in my friendships, in a nuturing role. Sorry to be so longwinded... it is hard to answer that question when you're talking about yourself!
Vivaciousness, yes, I definitely have that. I am playful with my friends and I laugh easily and frequently.
littlefinn last decade
Just a bit more on the friendship thing. I guess you could say that I don't find it too hard to make acquaintances, once that social shyness is overcome, but I really find it hard to take friendships to the next level, because I have problems opening up and trusting people.
littlefinn last decade
sameer, can you show us your qualification certificate, i bet you dont have one.
when you said that diarrhoea is a curative discharge after lachesis, i have understood what is the level of your understanding in homeopathy.
all you have done is that you have probably read the organon and some lectures of kent, based on which you are making your judgements. if you had been a real successful homeopath, you wont be spending hours here for nothing.
if you want to know about my credentials, i can publish it here that i am a scholar in homeopathy from the grace medical mission college.
when you said that diarrhoea is a curative discharge after lachesis, i have understood what is the level of your understanding in homeopathy.
all you have done is that you have probably read the organon and some lectures of kent, based on which you are making your judgements. if you had been a real successful homeopath, you wont be spending hours here for nothing.
if you want to know about my credentials, i can publish it here that i am a scholar in homeopathy from the grace medical mission college.
♡ rishimba last decade
just to add, diarhhoea is a natural curative discharge when there is any infection in the digestive system.
but, here lachesis cannot bring about a curative discharge in the form of diarrhoea.
but, here lachesis cannot bring about a curative discharge in the form of diarrhoea.
♡ rishimba last decade
Perhaps Lachesis is your constitutional medicine. You seem to have all the primary symptoms of Lachesis, including jealousy.
Why are you so obsessed with Sameer? You can't seem to forget him even for a moment. He is not coming after you. You are going after him.
Perhaps Lachesis is your constitutional medicine. You seem to have all the primary symptoms of Lachesis, including jealousy.
Why are you so obsessed with Sameer? You can't seem to forget him even for a moment. He is not coming after you. You are going after him.
Dubai2009 last decade
At the same time, Dubai2009, why must you interject in every thread protecting Sameer?
Rishmba has all the right in questioning anyone he wants. He does not have the right to outright insult a person, which he is not doing. Sameer built in reputation on this forum questioning bad practices from everyone. If Rishimba believes this is bad practice, it is his right to bring it out. If Sameer wants to defend or ignore, that is his choice. Why do you need to play bodyguard?
Rishmba has all the right in questioning anyone he wants. He does not have the right to outright insult a person, which he is not doing. Sameer built in reputation on this forum questioning bad practices from everyone. If Rishimba believes this is bad practice, it is his right to bring it out. If Sameer wants to defend or ignore, that is his choice. Why do you need to play bodyguard?
aske123 last decade
btw.. dubai2009,
are you staying in dubai..i was there for 6 years and had a good life before my company transfered me to doha.
well, i am just pointing out that diarrhoea is not a curative discharge after lachesis. thats all.
nothing personal.. infact sameer has started getting personal... check his previous post.
are you staying in dubai..i was there for 6 years and had a good life before my company transfered me to doha.
well, i am just pointing out that diarrhoea is not a curative discharge after lachesis. thats all.
nothing personal.. infact sameer has started getting personal... check his previous post.
♡ rishimba last decade
'well, i am just pointing out that diarrhoea is not a curative discharge after lachesis. thats all. '
There is something called HERING's law of cure, and yeah you will be better served by reading that in detail than my credentials, where the diseases move from 'within' outwards.. and hence the vital force throws out acute maladies on the surface to organs of lesser importance from the inner most and the most important, which is the mental level. All through patient has been saying, she is mentally feeling better, and hence why can't this be the remedy throwing things on the surface ?
Think of the thread where it all started, with someone's hasty prescription of Syphilinum 10M to a child, and hence the revenge seeking behaviour ?
There is something called HERING's law of cure, and yeah you will be better served by reading that in detail than my credentials, where the diseases move from 'within' outwards.. and hence the vital force throws out acute maladies on the surface to organs of lesser importance from the inner most and the most important, which is the mental level. All through patient has been saying, she is mentally feeling better, and hence why can't this be the remedy throwing things on the surface ?
Think of the thread where it all started, with someone's hasty prescription of Syphilinum 10M to a child, and hence the revenge seeking behaviour ?
sameervermani last decade
How is your son progressing?
Any changes for the better?
Hi Dubai2009,
Very kind of you to ask. Thank you. Yes, he is doing really good these days from the eczema standpoint. From the food allergy standpoint, since I am avoiding those items, I don't know, but I suspect he will still have them. People say it is a matter of time before that hopefully goes away. I do know that his reactions compared to when he was an are much better, so I guess it is generally positive.
How is your son progressing?
Any changes for the better?
Hi Dubai2009,
Very kind of you to ask. Thank you. Yes, he is doing really good these days from the eczema standpoint. From the food allergy standpoint, since I am avoiding those items, I don't know, but I suspect he will still have them. People say it is a matter of time before that hopefully goes away. I do know that his reactions compared to when he was an are much better, so I guess it is generally positive.
aske123 last decade
Looks like some of my words got eaten up by a homeopathic gremlin.
I said 'I do know that his reactions compared to when he was an are much better, so I guess it is generally positive.'
I meant to say
'I do know that his reactions compared to when he was a baby are much better, so I guess it is generally positive. As I had posted before, his condition is generally much improved than a year ago, so these days I don't get easily swayed by all the FUD that goes on here about the dangers of not following the Organon :-)) To each his own.'
I said 'I do know that his reactions compared to when he was an are much better, so I guess it is generally positive.'
I meant to say
'I do know that his reactions compared to when he was a baby are much better, so I guess it is generally positive. As I had posted before, his condition is generally much improved than a year ago, so these days I don't get easily swayed by all the FUD that goes on here about the dangers of not following the Organon :-)) To each his own.'
aske123 last decade
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