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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How can I know that eczema getting cured Page 2 of 3

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now am using the below pills:
1. Gastrm-2pills morning and night
2. Spm - after completion of 1st
3. Am unable to under his hand writing
Reserve - Nililim

Pls advise
march_24 last decade
Please tell what your opinion after reading the link.

Specially the mind symptoms, do you think they match yours?

Please try to avoid other medication when taking homeopathy.
gumby last decade
r u there>? pls. reply me
march_24 last decade
r u there?
Pls. reply me
march_24 last decade
yes, I do agree few are matching with me.

1. Feel irritation before menses.
2. I can easily influence ( maeans moulding according to me)
3. Disguests, Jealous (but not much I think, ofcourse everyone feels jealous)
4. Weeping

These are matching. others are not related to me
march_24 last decade
Go ahead.
gumby last decade
What about your need for reassurance??

what about your need for company?

What about your shyness and softness?
gumby last decade
what I hv given u is homeopathic medicines only. I hv started to take homeopathy from sept'08. It got increased than earlier. Around neck, elbows, eyes, backside of the ears and now coming up on face also. On scalp pain due to pus & blood discarge. Now itz spreaded to body also. itz worse in condition. Pls. advise me.
march_24 last decade
sorry I understand these remedies.

'1. Gastrm-2pills morning and night
2. Spm - after completion of 1st
3. Am unable to under his hand writing
Reserve - Nililim '

please clarify. also when was the last time you took these, and please write complete names with potency and how many times repeated
gumby last decade
1. Always feel to have company.
2. And I use to think no one should not think about me bad. For that I can do anything means even if itz not convenient also. Earlier I was felt Shy to talk to the new persons ( now am not hving this I think)
march_24 last decade
what about your sympathy for others?

Can you tolerate injustice? what about injustice to other colleagues in front of you?

I still think by the information you have given Pulistilla is the best option.
gumby last decade
when I started this course

1. Amix - bed Time (1/2 teaspoon mixed with water)
2. ATA - In half cup of water (morning & Night)
3. Reserve - ABP/6 - 2 pills for every 15 minutes(during attack of asthma)

II visit

1. ATT - (half cup of water M/N)
2. OMD/B -(AN)(afternoon)
3. Reserve - patrolum (when itchy)

III Visit:
1. ATS-(Half cup of water M/N)
2. OMD/B - Morning and night

IV visit

1. Castrm- M/N
2. SPM - M/N (now I hv to use this)
I am unable to understand his hand writing

This is the complete history of homeopathy I hv used and using

march_24 last decade
1. Easily feel sympathy for easy things also.
2. I can'tolerate the injustice. Hate to talk to such persons.
march_24 last decade
Actually from II visit I hv to take after completion of First medicine I hv to go for II medicine. Due to communication gap I hv taken all at a time.

I came to know this in the IV th visit.

I thought that all are happened because of this.
march_24 last decade
These are not real names of any remedies in the materia medica.

The only word I understand is Petroleum,( given most probably for itching or complaints in the urinary tract)

I think you are using the combinations marketed by many companies.

Please do not take them,

when was the last time how many days since you took these combinations?
gumby last decade
Recently I visited on 11.12.08. I hv completed the first one y'day. From today onwards I hv to start second one.
march_24 last decade
you have to take only one treatment .

Mixing treatments will only worsen you.

Beware of such medicines , they call themselves homeopathic remedies but defy all principles of homeopathy.

They will cause aggravations and complicate your picture and never cure you!
gumby last decade
tell me what I hv to do now.

and how many days it will take cure completely & permanently.
march_24 last decade
r u there?/
march_24 last decade
Only God can be the curator.

I cannot say so, but I can try my best to the best of my knowledge.

Please take Pulustilla as mentioned earlier.

But do not take any other medication until this week and report

report after one week.
gumby last decade
after one week, will I lose all these black spots whereever I hv.?
march_24 last decade
please be patient.

If you are not patient with homeopathy you can never succeed.
gumby last decade
which food is not allowed during the course especially for eczema?

Food Diet

what are the other precautions I hv to take to cure this eczema?
march_24 last decade
Nothing special,

Try to keep a good and balanced diet and intake lots of water.

Just wait for the remedy to work
gumby last decade
Hey there... I don't have rash on scalp... but I have in other places.. like back, neck, chest, legs (behind knees) etc... and at the beginning I also had extreme rashes with liquid coming out.. so I used anti-itch creams to reduce itching...
abi003 last decade
thanks for your prompt replies. Now am at this stage, some liquid is coming out which irritate me all the day. Itching on higher side, unable to control. Give me the name anti itch creams.
march_24 last decade

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