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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How can I know that eczema getting cured Page 3 of 3

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thanks for your prompt replies. Now am at this stage, some liquid is coming out which irritate me all the day. Itching on higher side, unable to control. Give me the name anti itch creams.
march_24 last decade
Now no liquid is coming, the marks colour has changed slightly to skin colour. But again coming black due to itching.
march_24 last decade
Hi... looks like you're improving... to reduce itching, use Vaseline or Aveeno anti-itch lotion (I don't know if they sell in the country you're in) ask around, there may be other anti-itch lotions as well... Even for me, its been getting better, back to the skin colour, but its itchy every now and then... So its ok.. just try using the cream and be VERY patient =)
abi003 last decade
when you go for homeopathic treatment for skin diseases then some time there may be an aggravation.this aggravation would be of external symptoms viz.. skin symptoms etc but there would be relief in the mental symptoms like if previously bad thoughts were coming in your mind then it may subdue or any other proble which is more deeper would subdue. if you observe this change the you are heading towards cure
gopal18 last decade
when I thought that itching ok (the skin colour also normal), again the problem starting by itching, itz getting red & later by black. Looking ugly.
I asked my homeopath, he suggested only vaseline and I should not use any lotions due to asthama. If I use any lotions & creams, I will get effected by asthama.

Now also u r getting itching. after curing also will we get itch, if so where is the permanent cure for this itching.

My mind is full of doubts, and I didn't know whether I should cure from eczema.

I hv to attend my brother-in-law funtion (brother to my husband) in March. Itz already 4months gone (started treatment).
march_24 last decade
generally we think that skin disease like eczema etc are mere external symptoms and by application of any allopathic ointment if it disappear,we think we are being cured but it is not so. supperation of skin symptoms may lead to more critical problem in future.if you want complete cure then you should go for homeopathic treatment and one more thuing your homeopathic doctor is right in the sense that no ointment is to be applied on the skin.
gopal18 last decade
Hey there,
Actually my excema is not fully cured yet... its only getting better... and as its getting better, it sometimes gets itchy in some places.. but overall, it is improving... just use Vasaline like your homeopath said and be very patient... Your rash will be reduced by March, so don't worry too much... When going out and I have to wear short-sleeve, I usually wear concealer to cover the rash spots... If you need to, you can try that too... =)
abi003 last decade
If itz cured by March, I would be very happy.

Few days back noddulars formed at throat and right side of the breas. But the one at throat, is very much pain when swallowing.

I visited homeopath for this. He simply suggested continue your remedy what u hv.

Can anyone clarify why this happened.
march_24 last decade

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