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Bladder Infection



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bladder infection?

I was wondering if anything would help. It started two days ago and is getting worse. I have a constant urge to urinate even when I don't drink alot of liquids. There is no pain upon urination but I still feel the urge to go after I just finished. Pressure to the abdomen makes the feeling worse. I have a million other problems but I thought I would tackle one at a time. Right now the bladder problem is the worst. I really don't want to go to the doctor and be put on an antibiotic. Please help!

  pauliegirl on 2005-01-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hello pauligirl,
Acute problems always come first!
Homeopathy has some remedies for UTI-to select one we would need more detail-or: I'll give you details and you will choose!

Two days ago-so maybe there is still time for ACONITE 30c which has your symptoms but acts only in the begining.
You may try it (one dose, 1 hr before and after eating-only not gaseous water can be drunk during that time, under clean tongue). You will know within few hrs if it worked.

If not- you may try CANTHARIS, 30C if there is a persistent and violent urging to urinate, with great tenesmus; the urine is passed only in drops and seems like molten lead passing through the urethra, so intense is the burning.
There is with this, usually an aching in the small of the back.

CANTHARIS and NUX VOMICA have also a similarity in the frequent fruitless efforts to urinate. In the region of the kidneys there is cutting pain which extends into the abdomen, the bladder and urethra. The most distressing symptom is the constant urging to urinate, even a few spoonfuls of urine in the bladder bringing on this urging, which is accompanied by the terrible distress at the neck of the bladder. This pain is aggravated immediately following micturition, showing that with this drug the trouble is more urethral.

EQUISETUM HYEMALE acts similarly to Cantharis, but it has less tenesmus and haematuria, and the urine is less scalding. There is pain in the bladder as if it wastoo full, not relieved by micturition; the constant desire to urinate is not even relieved by copious urination. The urine is scanty,high colored and contains much mucus. Much mucus in the urine is more indicative of Equisetum than of Cantharis.

Astra2012 2 decades ago
If you have a million other problems , trying to tackle them one at a time is homeopathically wrong.
You need to treat the whole person not individual problems - in classical terms this only complicates making a correct constitutional diagnosis.
passkey 2 decades ago
This is true in chronic diseases-but when on the chronic background you have some acute ailment it can be even dangerous to give a chronic remedy-you have to deal with acute ailment first.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I agree with Astra.

The acute problem is to be treated first,without bothering about the chronic symptoms.In fact,they recede to the background,when the acute problem is at its peak.

But,while looking into a chronic remedy,all these acute problems,over a period of time are to be taken into account,along with the chronic symptoms.

Why do we suggest 'Arnica' when a person gets hurt?Are we bothering about his chronic problems?

I hope I made myself clear.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
very clear-esp. that it is exactly how I think!
Astra2012 2 decades ago
If the urging is really painless,Taraxacum and cyclamen are indicated.(Boenn)
Tarax ia a three.See if they fit with other "acute" problems.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
OK wiseacres I give up
passkey 2 decades ago
This is the dictionary meaning of "wiseacres"

"An upstart who makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments"

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
which dictionary - chapter-page-para.?.
passkey 2 decades ago
wordweb online dictionary.You can download it and it sits pretty on the taskbar,for easy reference.

Incidentally,is your mother tongue 'English'?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I have some nux vomica 30X. How often should I use it, or do I need a higher potency? It will take a while for me to get a higher dose, because I have to order it online.

I have many chronic problems that I have not been able to find relief from through traditional medicine. I am very interested in trying a homeopathic approach, since I was helped one time with Sepia. It brought me out of a depression that I was going through at the time. I haven't been able to find what my constitutional type is, because I fit many of the descriptions. I have tried a nutritional approach with vitamins and herbs, but they were making things worse. I am now just taking a multi vitamin, some EFA and trying to watch what I eat. I have tried almost every anti-depressant and was hospitalized because I was suicidal. I have extremely low hormone levels and horrible PMS. I have been moody all of my life and I have a constant ongoing irritability. I have found that a glass of wine can usually calm things down inside, but I don't drink it because I am afraid of becoming an alcoholic. I have always had problems with constipation alternating with attacks of diarrhea. I am sensitive to noise and touch. The littlest things bother me. I have a hard time concentrating because my mind is so distracted. I feel like one big nerve. I like things neat and tidy, but I don't think I am obsessive. I think I need a sense of order around the house because my mind is so cluttered all of the time. If the house is messy, I feel like I can not think. I have no self-esteem and have had a rough childhood. I think I have alot of anger deep inside, but I have never been able to express it. If I do let the anger out I feel better at first and then I feel like a complete loser for not being able to control my emotions. The biggest concern I have is that I am so irritated with myself, my children and my husband. I just want to run away from everyone and every thing. I have too many responsibilities and I can't take it anymore. I feel like there is no love inside of me. Everything is a bother and I just want to be left alone. I feel that no one can help me and I am stuck with this mental pain forever. I am losing all hope and faith in everyone and every thing. I am tired of searching and never being able to find the help I need.

I really want help for everything, but the bladder infection is the most pressing issue at the moment.

Thank you for listening,
pauliegirl 2 decades ago
Try Nux.v 30,one dose every three hours.Stop after 6 doses(maximum) and report back.

You can be helped with your other problems also.Don't loose hope.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I'll try the Nux for 6 doses and report back. Thanks for your help.
pauliegirl 2 decades ago
Cant deny the accuracy of that.
passkey 2 decades ago
Hi Passkey

I thought you made that 'wiseacres' comment not aware of the meaning.But,now you confirm that you mean it.!!

I thought you were mature enough,to accept opinions other than your own,but now you prove yourself,not worthy of that benifit of doubt.

All your 'experience' won't make you wiser,if you stop learning.You will be a well in the frog,if you are content with what you learnt ages back.

Can you pl.explain what 'conceited,sardonic,insolent' comments you found in our above posts?

I too can call you many names,but my culture prevents me in doing so.

Take care.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Murthy: do you still have that questionnaire? Pauligirl would fill it for us.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Yes.I will post it tomorrow.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi passkey

Read as frog in the well.I have jumbled the words.What is the medicine for it,in your wisdom?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I wish the two of you every happiness
passkey 2 decades ago
nobody ever accused me of being mature
passkey 2 decades ago
I am anxious to know of what questionaire you speak of. I will do anything in the hopes that I can be healed. This is my last and final effort in trying to find a way to heal!
I will look for the questionare in the forum tomorrow. I only hope that you will not let me down as others have done so often in the past.


3 doses of Nux Vomica 30C, and no change as of yet. I will keep posting.
pauliegirl 2 decades ago
Pauliegirl: Murthy will post a questionnaire for you with many questions-and you'll have a lot of work answering them (and then we'll probably ask you even more questions) and that will help us select the right remedy for you (chronic).

Homeopathy can heal and is never wrong-however homeopaths are humans and err... The chances to find the right remedy are much higher with YOUR involvement-so you'll be quite busy.

ps-you still have the same symptoms after 3 doses of nux?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
The urgency is less and not as frequent, but it is still there.
pauliegirl 2 decades ago

Here is the questionnerie.

Try to answer as many questions as possible.Some may be irrelavent to you.Just skip them.

1.What is the main reason you need treatment?

2.Describe your complaints giving the following details:

a. What does it feel like?
b. When does it happen?
c. What sort of things make it worse?
d. What sort of things make it better?
e. What else was happening when it first appeared?
f. Describe the quality of the pain, being as creative as you can. How would someone else imagine the pain happening to them?
g. What does it look like?
h. Do any other symptoms occur immediately before, during or after?

3. What illnesses have you had in the past?

4. What illnessess run in the family?

5. What do people die from in the family?

6. What medication are you on?

7. What foods do you crave, whether you allow yourself to eat them or not? List from the strongest craving to the weakest.

8. What foods do you have an aversion to? (hatred or repulsion for)

9. What is your level of thirst, and what do you prefer to drink?

10. What foods aggravate you? (including allergies)

11. Do you suffer from any digestive complaints? What is your bowel habit like?

12. What is your level of energy like? Rate it from 1-10 (10 being excellent). How does your energy fluctuate throughout the day (and night)?

13. What is your level of sexual energy like?

14. How is your sleep? What position do you prefer to sleep in? Is there any position you cannot sleep in? Any unusual behaviour during sleep?

15. Have you had any reoccurring dreams or images/ pictures/ themes that repeat themselves in your dreams? Please describe.

16. Describe your menses (periods). Describe any PMS. Have you been through menopause? Any gynecological problems?

17. How does the weather affect you? Are you sensitive to the temperature in any way?

18. Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to, perhaps more so than the people around you?

19. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Describe in detail.

20. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? Why is that?

21. What was your childhood like? Describe your parents and your relationship with them. Describe your relationship with your siblings and other extended family members. Did anything in your childhood have a profound effect on you?

22. Describe the romantic relationship you are currently in. What causes the most problems between you?

23. What is your occupation? What differentiates you from the other people in your place of employment? What difficulties do you have at work?

24. What is your self-confidence like? When is your confidence at its worst?

25. What fears do you have? Do you have any phobias? What things in life do you have trouble facing?

26. What parts of yourself or your life would you change if it were at all possible?

27. What do you do to relax?

28. What is something that you have told nobody else, or at least very few people? Why is that?

Take your time,and answer point by point,in as much detail as possible.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
WOW! This is going to be tough, but I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. I am glad you are asking all of these questions.

Thanks for your concern,
pauliegirl 2 decades ago

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