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Bladder Infection



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bladder infection? Page 2 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
WOW! This is going to be tough, but I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. I am glad you are asking all of these questions.

Thanks for your concern,
pauliegirl 2 decades ago
I took 6 doses of nux vomica 30 and there is no great improvement in my bladder condition. I don't the feel the urge to urinate as frequently, but after I drink something the uncomfortable feeling is there. I am extremely irritable and I really want to get away from everyone. This is the 14th day of my cycle and I typically have severe PMS. I just want to crawl into a hole and go to sleep until everything is better.

I am working on the questionnaire, but I am finding it hard to concentrate because I am so irritated. I will do my best.

Thank you so much,
pauliegirl 2 decades ago
We shall wait for your answers.

Come back,even if you didn't answer the questionnery,if the bladder problem worsens again.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Main Entry: ques·tion·naire
Pronunciation: "kwes-ch&-'nar, -'ner, "kwesh-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from questionner to question, from Middle French, from question, n.
1 : a set of questions for obtaining statistically useful or personal information from individuals
2 : a written or printed questionnaire often with spaces for answers
3 : a survey made by the use of a questionnaire
passkey 2 decades ago
Hi passkey

I am amused.I agree,it is a spelling mistake.Thanks for correcting.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I wanted to know what was the last thing you had eaten. I used to have that problem as well so I will try to help you as much as I can. BTW not to go off the subject but I am studying to be a nutritionlist so I can help people like you.
Maria121104 2 decades ago
While waiting for the questionaire answers, Consider hepar sulph, for the time being.

parachute 2 decades ago
Last thing I can remember eating was 2 eggs with green pepper and a tomato. I also had two pieces of rice bread.

By the way, the bladder problem is better. I am taking a probiotic; could that have contributed to my bladder problems?

pauliegirl 2 decades ago
As soon as I get some extended time at my computer I will type my answers to the questionnaire. Some of the questions were difficult to answer, but I gave it my best shot. I haven't been thinking too clearly as of late.

Off topic question:
I am interested in studying homeopathy and I have no idea of where to start. I would like to study in pursuit of becoming a homeopathic doctor. Any suggestions on where I would start? I live in NJ and I don't think homeopathy is favored in my state. Could I take home courses and still get a diploma or certification?

pauliegirl 2 decades ago
Probiotics should not do any harm. There are many places to study on the internet -just do a search. Many books are available from Amazon.
passkey 2 decades ago
I tried my best to fill this in as much as I could. If you need any more information, please let me know. I don't have much faith in anyone anymore. I have been to so many doctors and no one seems to know what to do. I have tried some homeopathic remedies and they seem to work, but I don't know how to handle a mental problem using homeopathy. Here is my questionnaire:

1.What is the main reason you need treatment?
Mental problems since early childhood

2.Describe your complaints giving the following details:

a. What does it feel like? Like my nerves are constantly on edge. I feel very aware of everything. Every sound, smell and touch.
b. When does it happen? All of the time
c. What sort of things make it worse? When I have too many things on my mind and when I am tired or hungry.
d. What sort of things make it better? My favorite music, going on a long drive in the car, wine and sleeping. Sometimes I feel better talking about it, but not always.
e. What else was happening when it first appeared? Ever since I can remember I have suffered from emotional problems.
f. Describe the quality of the pain, being as creative as you can. How would someone else imagine the pain happening to them?
g. What does it look like? N/A
h. Do any other symptoms occur immediately before, during or after? I don't know

3. What illnesses have you had in the past? Tonsillitis, gall bladder problems, common cold and flu

4. What illnesses run in the family? Diabetes, heart problems, osteoporosis, mental illness

5. What do people die from in the family? Cancer and old age

6. What medication are you on? No medicines. I take a multi vitamin, a probiotic and some other vitamins

7. What foods do you crave, whether you allow yourself to eat them or not? List from the strongest craving to the weakest. Chocolate, cakes, pastries, bread

8. What foods do you have an aversion to? (hatred or repulsion for) peas and cantaloupe

9. What is your level of thirst, and what do you prefer to drink? Level of thirst is normal. I prefer warm drinks such as tea. I hate cold drinks and I like to drink my water at room temperature.

10. What foods aggravate you? (including allergies) Wheat, greasy foods and some fruits such as bananas

11. Do you suffer from any digestive complaints? What is your bowel habit like? I have always suffered from constipation, bloating and severe pain when I eat. I am taking psyllium fiber to regulate my bowels, but it’s not working very well. I have small bowel movements, but it feels as if my intestines are still full even after I have a bowel movement. I am also taking vitamin C and some magnesium.

12. What is your level of energy like? Rate it from 1-10 (10 being excellent). How does your energy fluctuate throughout the day (and night)? Level of energy is a 3. I have a fair amount of energy in the morning, but before lunchtime, I can feel it rapidly fading. After lunch I feel as if I need a nap so I can make it through the rest of the day. The rest of the day I have hardly any energy at all.

13. What is your level of sexual energy like? No sexual desire at all

14. How is your sleep? What position do you prefer to sleep in? Is there any position you cannot sleep in? Any unusual behaviour during sleep? I need at least 8-10 hours of sleep or I feel very cranky. I prefer to sleep on my back or on my side.

15. Have you had any reoccurring dreams or images/ pictures/ themes that repeat themselves in your dreams? Please describe. I can’t remember my dreams at all.

16. Describe your menses (periods). Describe any PMS. Have you been through menopause? Any gynecological problems? My cycle is 30-32 days long and I am always regular. My period is very heavy and lasts for 7-8 days. My PMS starts on the 14th day of my cycle and gradually gets worse until the day I start bleeding. Usually that brings relief. During PMS I am extremely irritated by everything, I hate to be touched, my face breaks out and I have severe water retention

17. How does the weather affect you? Are you sensitive to the temperature in any way? I don’t like the cold weather. I can sense when it is going to rain or storm. I can feel it coming up to 2 days before. I get a headache and my body feels heavy and tired. I get very depressed during cloudy or rainy weather.

18. Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to, perhaps more so than the people around you? I am extremely sensitive to noise, smell and touch. I do not like noises such as people eating or breathing loudly, whistling, tapping noises, dogs barking and I hate the noise that the computer mouse makes when it clicks. Most people can tune those noises out, but I can’t and it drives my crazy. I don’t like the feel of certain clothing on my skin. Sometimes I don’t even want to be in my own skin, if that makes any sense at all. I feel like one big nerve! A glass of wine can usually help me feel better, but I don’t want to drink because my father was an alcoholic.

19. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Describe in detail. My father died in a car accident when I was 5. It was on Thanksgiving Day. I blocked most of the memories out.

20. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? Why is that? Irritability and low self-esteem. It’s hard to show love to my husband and children when I am so irritated by everything. I am so hypersensitive to everything and I feel like I don’t want to get close to anyone. I feel so guilty because I don’t want them to hug me or touch me. I know it hurts my husband’s feelings and that makes me feel like a terrible wife. I can hug the kids, but I don’t like it when they hug me. Sometimes I don’t want to be around anyone because I feel like I have no love for anyone anymore. I don’t even love myself.

21. What was your childhood like? Describe your parents and your relationship with them. Describe your relationship with your siblings and other extended family members. Did anything in your childhood have a profound effect on you? My mother raised my 3 sisters and me by herself after my Father died. My mother was strict and we were never very close. The church we belonged to was very strict and had many rules. They told us what to wear, what to think, what music to listen to and how to feel. My 3 sisters and I were very close and still are. The church’s teaching crushed all of our self-confidence and my sisters don’t have much self esteem either. When my first boyfriend broke up with me, I took it very hard. I wanted to kill myself. That took many years to overcome. I have always been moody, rebellious, irritable and sensitive for as long as I can remember. I never felt good enough, never pretty enough and never smart enough. I always wanted to be someone else…anyone but me. I didn’t have many relationships outside of my immediate family because my mother limited my friends and I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere. I ran away from home when I was 17 and I married my husband 3 months after that.

22. Describe the romantic relationship you are currently in. What causes the most problems between you? My husband and I have been married for 16 years. He is a very patient man and he loves me so much. Most of the problems in our relationship are my fault.

23. What is your occupation? What differentiates you from the other people in your place of employment? What difficulties do you have at work? I am a homemaker and I home school my children. I am so irritated all of the time and that makes it hard to teach them. When it gets too overwhelming, I just want to give up. As long as I don’t get too close to anyone, things seem to go better. I have to detach myself from everyone and then I don’t get as upset.

24. What is your self-confidence like? When is your confidence at its worst? I have very little confidence. I always feel like I am not good enough. It is always bad, but it gets worse before my period, or if I am among unfamiliar people. I am also uncomfortable giving speeches or if everyone is listening to me speak.

25. What fears do you have? Do you have any phobias? What things in life do you have trouble facing? I am severely claustrophobic, I don’t want to gain weight, grow old or let anyone but my immediate family see me without my makeup on or my hair done. I am very uncomfortable until I am showered, dressed and have my hair and makeup done.

26. What parts of yourself or your life would you change if it were at all possible? I don’t want to be so edgy and irritated by everything anymore. I want to relax and learn to let things go. I want to be confident with myself. I want to laugh again, like when I was a child. I want to have fun again. I want to enjoy life. I want to feel love for my husband and my children. I want to be happy.

27. What do you do to relax? I read my Bible or have a cup of tea. Sometimes cleaning the house relaxes me.

28. What is something that you have told nobody else, or at least very few people? Why is that? I don’t think many people know how irritated I am by touch and noises. I have told some people, and they just think I am so strange. No one seems to understand.

I am sorry for the spelling mistakes. I am tired right now and I didn't feel like looking it over. I thank anyone in advance for trying to help me.

pauliegirl 2 decades ago
The bladder infection seems to have cleared up. Now I just have an extreme case of acne. I feel like I did when I was a teenager. Only this time there are hard cyst-like pimples. Any thing I can do? They leave scars on my face and I can't stand it anymore. I am 34 and I don't want to have acne again.

pauliegirl 2 decades ago
Hi Pauli

Glad to hear that your bladder problem is cleared.

You answered the questionnery vey well.We will try to help you.

It may take some time,to come back with suitable prescriptions.But,you must be prepared for a long,association with us,regularly,to get benefit.

You won't get cured in a hurry,the progress will be slow,sometimes may become worse also.

But,if you have the desire and will power,you can be helped.

Thankfully,you are not on any antidepressents,and that should make the progress quicker.

I will take atleast a week's time,to come back.Meanwhile listen to other's views,and respond to other's questions,if they want any further details.

Don't start any medication,in a hurry.Just listen and keep discussing various ideas.

If you remember the homeopathic medicines ,you used so far,their potencies,and if you remember any of them helping you,even for a short term,pl.let us know.

All the best.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I have had a few homeopathic medicines prescribed to me by a natropath in California. I will list them as well as any reactions I had, if I can remember.

Arsenicum Album 200C (3 pellets, 3 times) - I don't remember my reactions to this remedy. There was alot of stress going on in my life at the time and I wasn't "in tune" to my body's reactions. I have since learned to keep a journal of what I eat and any vitamins that I take and I write down any reactions I have after taking anything.

Sepia 200C ( 3 pellets, 3 times, 1 dose per night)- I remember that this one seemed to help, but then my symptoms got worse. My face also seemed to break out after I used this remedy.

Nux Vomica 1M (3 pellets, 3 times, 1 dose per night)- I didn't feel as irritated, but I was taking other remedies, so I don't think I had a chance to wait and see which remedy worked for me.

Pituitary 200C (that's what was written on the envelope, 3 pellets, 3 times, 1 dose per night) - I woke up the next morning and I felt great, like a child again. The effects lasted for two days, and then went away. I haven't felt that good in a long time. I felt normal, not too high and not too low. I felt peaceful, calm and happy.

Silica 30C (3 tablets, 5 doses in one day)- I tried this once and I don't remember anything except for some acne the next day.

Nux Vomica 30C (3 tablets, 6 doses) - I think it helped with my bladder infection.I always seem to feel more irritated after taking the Nux Vomica.

The natropath had me on quite a few remedies, and I am not sure which ones worked and which ones didn't. I got so confused and I wasn't sure of what signs to look for to indicate that a remedy was good or not good for my body. I don't mind the "wait and see" approach as long as I know what to expect. I don't like to be kept in the dark about anything. I want to know what's going on. I know that there is an aggravation sometimes after a remedy is taken, but when things start getting worse I want to give up and stop taking everything. I need constant reassurance that things are going to get better. When I have that reassurance, I can go through anything as long as I know that I will get better. I read somewhere that even when you go through an aggravation, if it is the right remedy for you, there will be an emotional peace inside even though things may seem to be getting worse. Is that true?

If I could experience a peace inside I would not mind the aggravation at all!

Thanks for listening,
pauliegirl 2 decades ago
I agree with Murthy - we will do our best and it may take us few days.

Thank you for the questionnaire-you did a great job!
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I also meant to tell you that things tend to get extremely intense and out-of-control whenever my hormones are involved. When I was a teenager, when I was pregnant and 14 days before my period. The natropath was trying to balance my hormones and I was having so many side effects, that I decided to stop. There has to be something homeopathic that I can do to regulate these hormones.

I also went through a period of anorexia last year. I weighed 150 lbs. and I dropped to 96 lbs.

I started eating healthy since November and I weigh 113 lbs. I tend to gain alot of water weight during PMS, which irritates me because I feel so heavy. I am trying to eat healthier, but whenever I start to feel fat or bloated, I want to stop eating again. I feel my best at 110-112 lbs.

I also wanted to say that todays weather is warm and mostly sunny. I opened my windows and started to clean the house, and I felt good. I seem to get a great burst of energy when the weather warms up a bit.

I don't know if that helps any of you in making a decision about a remedy, but I decided to write it down anyway. If you need any other information, please ask!

Thanks for all of your help,
pauliegirl 2 decades ago
Thank you Pauliegirl. Everything helps.

Could you write more about the discomfort (pain?)when you eat? Always?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
What angers you most (about others)?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I feel discomfort whenever I eat. I either feel constipated and overstuffed, or I have terrible gas pains. I don't think it's ever been normal. I watch what I eat and I have been eating alot of vegetables and nuts, seeds and fish for protein. I will occasionally have a piece of chicken. I alternate with either constipation or diarrhea. There seems to be no happy medium. I started taking the psyllium fiber and my stomach was swelling terribly. I know I need more fiber, but I have no idea which kind of fiber to take. I have learned to deal with constant stomach problems and constipation since childhood and I guess I just don't think about it much anymore. I will make a note of what I eat tomorrow and let you know what my reactions are. I will try to pay attention a little more closely and maybe I will be able to describe the pain in better detail.

Thanks again for your help,

Tonight for dinner I ate a piece of fish, some vegetables and rice. I feel so constipated and stuffed. The portions were small, but I feel full. I alternate with either constipation
pauliegirl 2 decades ago
I am not sure if I feel angry towards others. I am irritated by others and that makes me angry at myself. I think I am angry and frustrated more at myself than others.

Let me think about that question and I will post again tomorrow.

pauliegirl 2 decades ago
Post everyday-it helps a lot!

These gastric problems are very important. Whether c.
or d. depends exclusively on what you eat or is also somehow correlated with your cycle?

Could you please describe your tongue -(does it change)?
the taste in your mouth-salty, sour bitter sweetish-does it change (I mean on awakening or at lest 1 hr after eating)?

Murthy had to leave for a day-I'm sure he will have more questions.
Keep posting please.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I looked at my tongue in the mirror and it looks like it has a white coating on it. I just brushed my teeth and my tongue after breakfast, so I am not sure why it would look and feel "coated".

I am not sure if my stomach problems are exclusively due to what I eat. I think alot of the problems are due to my cycle. I tend to feel full, heavy and tired from the 14th day to the start of my period. It's as if everything slows down and gets sluggish.

This morning I ate 2 eggs and some green peppers. The eggs made me feel nauseous, but I don't feel as full. I have not had a bowel movement yet today. I drank about 20 oz. of water so far and I usually drink 64+ oz. in a day. I try to eat the right things and I still can't seem to get rid of this problem. Constipation is always worse 10 -14 days before my period, but when I start bleeding, my bowels seem to clean out as well.

pauliegirl 2 decades ago
Thanks. Keep posting. Everything is important.

Const. is worse when you have PMS - when is there diarrhea?

When do you usually go? (i.e. which time of the day? any special time or just about anytime?)
Pain (or rather discomfort, right?) in your abd. while eating-what makes it better?
Was itt there before anorexia?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Constipation is worse during PMS. Diarrhea is more frequent after my period has started, or if I eat greasy foods, which I don't do anymore. Sometimes I will get diarrhea when I am under alot of stress or if I am very uspet about something. Like when my grandmother died.

When I drank coffee, I would usually go in the morning after my first cup. Now I don't drink coffe and I don't seem to have have a regular time of day. Sometimes there is pain in my stomach and other times it is just an uncomfortable full feeling. It has been this way since before anorexia. I was using laxatives while I had anorexia, and I am sure that messed up my intestines. Now I just want to get everything working properly. I haven't taken a laxative in two months, but sometimes I am tempted to, because I feel so much better after I am all cleaned out. The feeling is only temporary, because as soon as I start to eat anything, I get backed up again.

I hope I am answering all of your questions thoroughly. It is hard to describe these things because I don't always know the most accurate words to use. Please bear with me.

pauliegirl 2 decades ago
You are answering very well.

Please post what you eat and your sensations on the day to day basis.(I'll be off for the weekend and will love to read it on Monday! But Murthy will probably be here any time now!)

Please read all the posts here again--that will give many ideas what to write.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
For lunch I had a salad with one cucumber and some sunflower seeds. I didn't feel as full after the salad. 3 hours later I had a bowel movement.

I am bloated a little and my legs feel swollen and heavy. I am retaining water, but not all over, I just feel it in my legs. I have been drinking dandelion tea and I hope that will help.

It is now 5:30 and I am feeling edgy and irritable. Any noise seems to bother me and it's driving me insane. I would really love to have a glass of wine to calm me down, but I don't think I will. My mood seems to be more positive, but the irritability is still there. I am having a piece of tuna steak and some brocolli for dinner. I will post after I eat, and maybe before I go to bed.

I don't really notice a distinct taste in my mouth during the day. I'll try to take notice of it in the morning.

pauliegirl 2 decades ago

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