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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema in 10 Yr old boy

My son aged 10.5 years developed rashes on both arms on the joints around 1.5 months back. They are really bad and very itchy. I showed him to the doctor and he told that it is aczema and gave a steriod ointment, but it is not helping. Gets clear a bit but as soon as I stop applying it comes again.
A little bit of history.....Since age 2 my son had wheezing problem and was very acute. I wrote many times on this site to get medicines. We were in the middle east for 6 years and moved to Canada lat year. He was on both homeopathic and alopathic medication all these days and since 1.5 years is better.Now no wheezing at all but this new problem has started.
Just a heads up...I went to India 2 months back and bought some glass items that were infested by termite in my suitcase in which I bought some clothes for him. The glassware was thoroughly washed before I put in the suitcase but after wearing one of that clothes he complained about this rash.
Please help.

  naushadakhtar on 2009-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
if had some sort skn ill --even small as crable cap ..etc--before thw heezing thing ocured in his life--then child has STRONG vitality to throw thisskin ill to surface (clue ---wheezing better)---thisis corrct direction of health---also note that ineffectiveness of steroids or any topical is actually a GOOD sign--son has strong strong VITAL to keep ill on surface---best leave alone (no topicals) and address inner ill push outwards--BUT BE CAREFUL with homoeopathy --some will prescribe partial and chance of suppression is still possible--as with any antipathic treatment----observing his changes of emotional/,emtal at various points in child's health history will give indictaion to health state and direction ill has taken....all in all much info is needed as well so notgive faulty treatment--not quick fix--but no true cure is---relax--think it over and look into wat i mention of cure direction and suppression--if u grasp this then u will be opened eyeed to what treatmets benefit in truth--but dont overemphasizs NOLT SEEING A SYMPTOM as a sign of cure --look at big picture..ok?
John Stanton last decade

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