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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

my son and autism & adhd

hi,im new here and would like advice,my son is 11 with autism &adhd,he drinks cold drinks none stop,eat's junk food.chips.chicken nuggets,hotdogs,sausages.eggs,crisps,choclate,he has lot's of moles,he was born at 33 wks and was janduice,he is overweight as he doesnt know when to stop eating,his life is ruled by rituals and routines and obessive behaviour's,he can be like a time bomb nice one minute explode the next,he can be violent to me at times,he can wake to go to toilet at 2am and then go and check that his shoes are sitting correctly before going back to bed,he will not go to outdoor activites finds mixing in groups hard,i would say that he is 2st over weight and tends to eat at times through boredom,he will at times eat pototoes and peas sweetcorn,he loves milk to drink,i try not to encourage him,i think he has problems with digesting food as his stomach always lookes bloated and times has bowel problems,i am a single parent and dont work due to previous back surgery so i cannot spent loads of money every week,but i do need advice on what would help my son,he has v low self esteem and condifence also.
  KAZZIE on 2005-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Kazzie,
Can you please write more about your child Nature and when were the milesstones reached i.e. Walking, Talking. And how did all this problems start were there any set back he had or any problems you had at time of your pregnency tensions etc.
please write in detail so that we can try to help you out
drkalyan 2 decades ago
From the details given you have already pointed to 3 remedies.
The exploding temper points to Sulphur - is he hot in bed , puts feet out, wool garments next to the skin irritate .
Ars Alb . This is the obsessively tidy remedy and need to control [ control freaks fall into this category]
But the most likely remedy relates to the moles he has . Are there many , what color, are they raised. When he was born [ or even now ] do his eye whites have a bluey tint.
passkey 2 decades ago
i was pregant with twins lost one around 9wks,realationship was bad,a lot of stress, son born at 33wks,he walked at 21mths old.talking and motor skills delayed had speech and language therapy untill he was 6yrs old,can be clumbsy,he is very warm blooded,tends to keep his feet out of bed unless he would be v cold,does not like wool garments against his skin,he has harmed himself a few times,as communication a problem,speech is good,but will only talk to you to ask questions or when want's to know something,he is not affectionate he was 10yrs b4 he would give me a hug,and that's only our heads touching,doesnt like physical touch,he cant tell me or wont tell me when things worry him,his eyes were always blue but the past few yrs they have changed to a bluey/grey.. quite a few moles on his face,i dont think they are raised,and dark,have to double check his eye whites,
he is very sensitive to lights and noises,would take bad headaches occaisonally that would make him sick,and drained and he would lie in bed,and thats how i no it's bad as he is hyperactive,impulsive,no sense of mortality,he thinks he could jump in front of a train,and just get a scratch!! he has a low tolerence to pain,and can be very negative about himself,
i love my son dearly and want to try and help him live a good quality of live and to be happy,,i must add that he was on ritilan for 5 yrs,i stopped it in oct,he is more active and not as down as he was, he smiles and laughs more.
i appreciate any help given
KAZZIE 2 decades ago
hi i forgot to add that my son had the mmr at 18mths old,he was a great contented baby who hardly cried and did nothing but sleep,he was sent to a child developement centre at 3yrs as his developement was delayed,he continued on there then he was diagosed at 4 yrs/5mths old
KAZZIE 2 decades ago
Sounds like the mmr was at least partly to blame.
Eyes - the WHITES of the eyes - is there any bluey tint in that area ?.
Does he sun tan fairly easily?. Sul, Cars & Bar Car seem the most likely at the moment.
passkey 2 decades ago
looking down to the case I feel it is more likely Baryta carb. As all the milestones were delayed and but he being hot I would go for Baryta Mur.
So you can give him
Baryta Mur 200 3 doses at an interval of 8hrs each then wait for a week and tell me how is he feeling after a week. Note down all the changes in him . This would take sometime.
drkalyan 2 decades ago
yes i think there is a bluey tint in white of the eye..yes tann';s easily as he has fair hair and pale complection,are these things tablet's as he cannot swallow tablets and if he has to take one i tend to mix them in his food,can these be used in this way
thankyou for your help
KAZZIE 2 decades ago
hi sorry i dont know anthing about homeopathics,although my mother is a great beliver, what is baryta muriatica for ? what would it hopefully help with,how much do i order and can i do it in liquid form? i live in the uk can i order from this site,
thankyou again
KAZZIE 2 decades ago
Baryta would help him in the Autism and ADHD. You can order from this site. Order them in the liquid form,you get them in liquid form. You can give that in the tea spoon of water with the medicine 5-7 drops added into that.
drkalyan 2 decades ago
Feel the Kalyan does not know miasmatic very well Bar Car is ok but it should be used AFTER a miasmatic remedy . In this case the appropriate remedy is Carsinosin . 1 tablet of 10m at 24 hour intervals before bed. Dir as below.

Website : http://www.symbiosis.com/.
Date. 2005-01-22
DIET.. Avoid where possible:- Pepper , spices , use coffee as weak as possible , red meat . alcohol , i.e. keep intake to minimum tolerable . Use unprocessed whole foods without additives or flavourings ; & preferably avoid cow produced dairy products.
GENERAL. Smoking __________________avoid___________________________
Alcohol ___________________avoid__________________________
Sex ____________________avoid_________________________

EXERCISE . DO NOT GET OVERTIRED.Exercise should be in the hands of experts.
Preliminary Course: Carsinosin 3 x10m 1 tab at 24 hr intervals. Advise after 7 days. completion , before if any query.

[1]Tablets which fall to the ground , or touch other people should be discarded.
[2] Tablets should be tipped from the bottle into the lid and transferred to the mouth, before the lid is replaced on the bottle .
Do not eat or drink for 10/15 min before or after taking a tablet.
Homoeopathic medicines require some special handling and storage - so that they may not lose their power and become inert as a result of contaminatíon. They should always be kept in the container in which they are supplied. They should be kept away from strong líght, from great heat and especially from exposure to strong odours or perfumes, for example camphor, menthol, moth balls, carbolíc soap. The medicines are usually supplied in the form of pills, tablets or powders. The dose should be típped into the contaoner lid and transferred to the mouth, or, if in powder form be tipped direct on to the tongue. No water need be taken to "wash the medicine down". Absorbtion takes place from the mouth - chew or suck the tabfets or pills. Sometimes the remedy is needed to be taken in water. The cup, glass, or spoon used should be "cleansed" before further use for another remedy. The dose should be put into a "clean mouth". It should not be taken until the mouth is free from the effects of food, drínk, tobacco smoke, taothpaste, mouth washes and confectionery. An interval of a quarter of an bour should suffice. While taking homoeopathie remedies it is pr-eferable to avoíd use of other medicines including laxatives, nasal drops and liniments.
passkey 2 decades ago
I think using nosodes at the start of the treatment I wouldn't prefer. My basic principles says Nosodes must not be given in the start of the case unless they are Indicated very strongly. I prefer not to start the case with the Nosodes. And for me he is more of warm blooded than cold, so i prefer him giving the Baryta Mur rather than baryta carb. Can you please give me a reference for usage of Carcinosin infront of baryta carb. I may use carc as only my intercurrent remedy in this case. This case feels he can jump before a train and go away with only a scratch points to more down the order in periodical table ie feels so great about himself. For the fastidiousness Carcinosin has fastidiousness not to be faulted. In general if we study Carcinosin deep according to Fobister the person who proved the remedy the remedy would fall into a mixed picture of Na and Mg. If you have few references about these I would love to read
drkalyan 2 decades ago
I think using nosodes at the start of the treatment I wouldn't prefer. My basic principles says Nosodes must not be given in the start of the case unless they are Indicated very strongly. I prefer not to start the case with the Nosodes. And for me he is more of warm blooded than cold, so i prefer him giving the Baryta Mur rather than baryta carb. Can you please give me a reference for usage of Carcinosin infront of baryta carb. I may use carc as only my intercurrent remedy in this case. This case feels he can jump before a train and go away with only a scratch points to more down the order in periodical table ie feels so great about himself. For the fastidiousness Carcinosin has fastidiousness not to be faulted. In general if we study Carcinosin deep according to Fobister the person who proved the remedy the remedy would fall into a mixed picture of Na and Mg. If you have few references about these I would love to read
drkalyan 2 decades ago
If you study Foubister and look at Prof J H Allen's "Chronic Miasms" you will see that in this case the indications are strong . In any case it is better to use the miasmatic remedy first and then -when the ground is clear - deal with the remaining problems.
Often only the miasmatic remedy will affect autism.
passkey 2 decades ago
thankyou all for your help,i am rather confused after reading all the post's..to be honest i dont know what is best to order ,as ive said ive no knowledge of any homeopathic medication,
and im getting mixed messages as what is best,
KAZZIE 2 decades ago
Hi Karen,
can you get to a homeopath easily from where you are? it is difficult to tell which remedy will fit your son from the information given. Although all of them are quite valid and could help, but it does take a bit more effort to find out which is the correct remedy, and better done in a clinical situation.
It can be done over the net, there are homeopaths that work like this, as you know very little about this subject some of the after effects from taking a remedy may have you wondering what you have done. It is better to be guided specificly by someone who has the time and knowlege to take this case on.
Hope this helps out, anymore questions please post them here.
parachute 2 decades ago
you are his mother stop feeding him crap.lollies marshmallows, chippies, find stuff with out colourings. my son has
A.D.H.D. the diet plays a very important part so does not letting him get away with things it can take up to three weeks to change a habbit.it takes gutts its scary as well i had to put dead locks on the doors and windows to keep him alive. i had to fight the school he needed to eat every two hours.no preservatives pick and read what is in every kind of food he eats try not to give him proteins at night.
i was taken to court over this i won the judge told every one to leave me alone or support me in what i was doing i am now a pruod grandma. ihad to teach social graces how to deal with other people, patience is the key plenty of it and have a break from him now and then
dr james dobson has a book about this
alangail1 last decade
Help! My son was just diagnosed with ADHD and possibly an ASD, his doctor wants to start treatment with Concentra, I researched this and was horrified, it contains Titanium Dioxide! Dioxide is found in plastic and has been linked with learning and behavorial problems! Does this make sense giving it to a child with ADHD? I would like a natural treatment, please help me find one. He has a long medical history as he was born at 24 weeks.
burgess67 last decade

Please write a long note on your mental state during pregnancy.

Please provide the following information in respect of your son.

*his physical symptoms like weakness, pain, sensations, eruptions on the body.
*his mental symptoms like whether he is totally indifferent, angry, over-reactive, foolish, over excited, calm, cheerful, irritable etc
*his thirst like he his thirsty for huge amounts of water and other drinks, he is thirstless, he is thirsty only for sips, he likes warm water, cold water etc
*his liking and aversion to food.
*his sleep ie no. of times he wakes up, any movements or gestures he makes while asleep.
*his thermal modalities like he prefers cold environment, warm environment, open air, being covered etc.
*his time modalities ie at what time of day he is better and at what time he is worse. Like better in afternoon and worse at night.
*any causative factor like the problems starting after vaccination, accident, emotional shock etc.
*his hair texture
*how are his teeth and gums
*what about saliva in his mouth, its excess or less
*how are his lips like dry, cracked etc
*how are his finger nails and toe nails
*how is his bowel movement like whether he is constipated, has loose stools, strains while passing stools etc. how are his stools.
*how often does he urinate?
kadwa last decade
My mental state was just fine while I was pregnant, very excited! Until I ended up in the hospital at 18 weeks, was a complete bed rest for 5 weeks and then had him at 24 weeks.
He never complains about physical pain, he does have some weakness in his left leg, which is possibly nerved damaged due to a blood clot cutting off the circulation after he was born.
Most of the time he is totally indifferent, he does over react to some things, gets angry easily, can act very foolish and calm as anything one minute then overly excited the next. He doesn't really express any emotions, but when he is having fun he does laugh alot. But he doesn't really smile any other time.
He drinks alot, mostly just sips though. He would only ever drink water and milk, now he does drink apple juice and Sunrype's mango pineapple.Does really matter if it is cold or warm. He will i not touch fruit, the only vegetable I can get him to eat is a little bit of mashed potato, but it has to have gravy on it. Mostly eats, bread, cheese (alot!) pasta and crackers, he is not a junk food eater.
He always slept very well, except he does wet the bed and grinds his teeth, and use to snore and wake up coughing but has had his adenoids and tonsils out. He does move around alot and will not stay covered, also he has to have a fan on every night, blowing right on him. Temperate does really bother him, I try to get him to wears slippers in the winter as our floor is very cold, but it doesn't bother him. The heat is the same, he never complain of being hot.
He has different times through out the day that he seems to peak, he is best first thing in the morning and in the evening, unless it is getting past his bedtime and he is getting tired, but we are on a routine he has had his whole life.
I didn't notice any problems around vaccinations, he has always been quite busy.
His hair is a bit of a 'rats nest' in the back, but the rest is normal feeling hair.
His teeth are perfect, dentist never needs to do any work, not even cleaning on his last visit, his gums are healthy too.
His saliva is definitley not excess, seems a normal amount.
His lips dry out in the winter because he is always licking them, so they get sore.
Finger nails and toenails are normal.
Bowel movements are another thing, he has encopresis, so when he does have a bowel movement it is huge and hard. He usually holds it back for days.
He urinates 2 or 3 times a day.
burgess67 last decade
Sorry for the mis spells, didn't notice them while I was typing.
I meant to say, temperature does not really bother him. Even what he drinks does matter if it is warm or cold.
burgess67 last decade
It is very difficult to suggest any remedy with a high level of confidence in such cases.
But i am of the opinion that you should consider giving your child the remedies that form part of the great Hahnemannian Trio i.e. ... Calcarea Carb - Lycopodium - Sulphur - Calcarea Carb ...

The following approach may be followed for selecting potency in which the remedy should be given and for deciding on repetition of the remedy.

1. Take Remedy in 30c potency thrice a day for 1 day and wait for 10-15 days.
2. If the response is favourable and the symptoms that were addressed by the remedy come back, repeat the remedy in the manner explained in point 1.
3. If the action taken in Point 2 is not working, take a single dose of the remedy in 200c potency for only one day and wait for 15 days.
4. If the response is favourable and the symptoms that were addressed by the remedy come back, repeat the remedy in the manner explained in point 3.
5. If the action taken in Point 4 is not working, take a single dose of the remedy in 1M potency and wait for 30 days.
6. If the response is favourable and the symptoms that were addressed by the remedy come back, repeat the remedy in the manner explained in point 5.

So you should start with Calc Carb in the manner explained above, later you should move to Lycopodium and then to Sulphur.

Please have suggestions from other members also regarding the treatment options you have.

Best Wishes.
kadwa last decade
Where do I get these remedies?
burgess67 last decade
You may get these remedies at any homeo medicine stores or pharmacy. You may also procure these remedies online from this website or other websites. You may find on the top of this page at the left side the links to buy these remedies.
kadwa last decade
I'm not sure what you mean by:should start with Calc Carb in the manner explained above, later you should move to Lycopodium and then to Sulphur.
How much later? The same day? Are these in a pill form and are they in seperate dosages?
burgess67 last decade
Please start with Calc Carb and follow the method of dosing given below -

1. Take Remedy in 30c potency thrice a day for 1 day and wait for 10-15 days.
2. If the response is favourable and the symptoms that were addressed by the remedy come back, repeat the remedy in the manner explained in point 1.
3. If the action taken in Point 2 is not working, take a single dose of the remedy in 200c potency for only one day and wait for 15 days.
4. If the response is favourable and the symptoms that were addressed by the remedy come back, repeat the remedy in the manner explained in point 3.
5. If the action taken in Point 4 is not working, take a single dose of the remedy in 1M potency and wait for 30 days.
6. If the response is favourable and the symptoms that were addressed by the remedy come back, repeat the remedy in the manner explained in point 5

So you should give sufficient time to Calc Carb to work, it is better to stay with calc carb as long as gives results however small. Later ie after 1-2 months you should move to Lycopodium and then Sulphur.

All these remedies you should get in pills form or liquid dilution form.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 1 drop in some 10 ml water. Sip up slowly.
kadwa last decade

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