The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Multiple health problems Please help
Hi,I have a number of health problems for which I need desperate help. Firstly I will give a little breif info about myself. I am 22 year old male who is 5'6 and 128 pounds. My health problems start from my chest. I developed breathing problems about 3 years ago. I use to be a smoker and this might have contributed to the problems. I have shortness of breath and chest pain and chest tightness. No cough no phlem no wheezing. My second problem is stomach related I have been tested positive for H. Pylori and been treated with allopathic medicines which offer only temporary releif. My symptoms are tenderness of the abdomen sometimes pain develops if I stay hungry for long periods. No vomiting no diarehea no costipation but i go to the bathroom to pass stool 2-4 times a day with normal looking stool which breaks up after I flush. My third problems is related to my pelvic region. I have been diagnosed with non-bacterial prostatitis. I have pain in my pelvic region especially a slight tenderness in testicles and prenium pain aswell. Recently I have also developed lower and mid back pain and pain in the knees and fingers. Please help me if you can.
khussain19 on 2009-07-14
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