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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hearing issues

I am 6 months pregnant and for the last 2-3 months I've been experiencing some hearing issues/loss. I don't know if it is due to clogged ears, being pregnant, allergies or being sick with head colds off and on since I got pregnant, but it is very difficult to deal with.

It is alomst everyday and it feels like my ears are clogged. If you stick your fingers in your ears and talk, that is exactly what I hear. Sometimes it's only the right ear sometimes both. Sometimes it's off and on all day and sometimes it's only in the morning. It seems to get better during the evening, but not always.
It is very inconsistent.

It is really annoying and I feel like I may injure my inner ear due to trying to pop them with my fingers or holding my nose to blowing, which isn't working anyway. PLEASE HELP!

A week ago I went somewhere and had ear candeling done. She did two tubes per ear and all four tubes had a lot of wax, fluid and yeast in them. There was just as much in the second tube as the first.

I live in Central California and we have a lot of smog, dust and pollen, but I don't have allergies to any of it (at least I don't think I do, I don't sneeze or any obvious symptoms). The only thing I can think of is that I have been sick so many times in the last few months that I have a build up of fluids. Or hormones from being pregnant, but this did not happen during my first pregnancy.
  cali_mama on 2009-07-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hey do you have any pain or discharge form the ears, if pain then is there any radiation (means is the pain traveling to other parts).

do you catch cold easily.
Which part of the body do you prespire (sweat).
If there is discharge then what colour is that?

Try answering them we will get you sorted.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade

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