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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

heart prob., indigestion, sneezing

Hello to everybody in the forum. I wish to discuss my father’s case. I am very desperate to help him. Though he is trying to lead a normal life, he keeps suffering everyday due to indigestion, fears, (heart trouble in the background in his mind) and great lack of energy. It is difficult to describe the suffering of such persons like us (I too am facing a sort of similar situation). It is easy to imagine the suffering of patients of cancer, stroke, amputation, severe pain and certain diseases but I am sure the expert doctors will agree that ‘great is the suffering’ of those who ‘look to be apparently managing’ the day (without big disease labels on them) but actually are dragging their life, worried/afraid and are desperately searching for relief and normal life.
With the expression that ‘I cannot stress more the suffering of my father in words’ I will stop a general ‘essay’. Instead I come to the facts. I request all doctors available on the forum to put their best efforts and solve my father’s problems.
I had seen the questionnaire on this forum. I printed it and asked my father to fill it. After that I have typed it in ‘MS WORD’ and pasting it below. I have tried not to edit anything at all of whatever my father has filled. I have typed the words, the listing, the style, all as it is. I have corrected spellings at just one or two places to convey the right word.
Later on I have added my comments which I felt were essential to convey a lot of missing information.

I kindly request that the homeopathic doctors synchronize together and let one doctor who has successfully handled such cases help me. This will help me not to get confused with different remedies. I understand it is a ‘forum’ so certain possibilities exist. I had already taken my father to a good homeopath in the city but it has not helped much. All this I shall describe later in my comments.

I also wish to add that once my father gets a certain ‘minimum’ benefit and my family is confident, I am ready to ‘try’ to take my father to that doctor anywhere in India. I shall pay the fees also. I am not too sure of all the forum rules. I kindly request doctors in India to provide their emails and phones because I am trying to put almost all the information here, but there may be a bit of information, though insignificant, but for which I may not want to make it public. That info I prefer to email privately or convey on phone. That may not change the treatment but will bring completeness and allow me to contact the doctor later in emergency.
But if forum rules do not permit that is ok. Still please help.

I am posting the Filled Questionnaire in the next post.
  arb_all on 2009-10-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Patient ID: arb1
Sex: MALE Age: 69 years

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. What brings you to the forum? Describe all your problems, including those that may not exactly be on the top of your mind now, in as much detail a possible.

1. I am a cardiac patient.
2. I have gone through surgery.
3. After surgery problems like gases, acidity, cramps in stomach.
4. Because of above problem uneasiness.
5. Feel pressure on chest because of gases.
6. Because of uneasiness I do not want to travel, I feel uncomfortable.
7. Feel cramps and pain in the stomach.
8. Pain in back of waist.
9. Allergy of I don’t know exactly – ‘Chheenkein chaaloo ho jaatee hain’ (Hindi).
10. Don’t feel like energetic.
11. Morning motion not clear. Feel slight uneasy after motion.

2. How do these problems affect you mentally? How does it affect your family life and inter-personal relations with friends and colleagues?

1. Because of problems mentally disturbed.
2. Because of problems basically wife is more disturbed.
3. Absolutely no problems with friends and colleagues.
4. Naturally because of my problems family is disturbed.

3. What time of the day your problems trouble you the most? Describe the time modalities properly for all your problems.

1. Heaviness in stomach – all the time.
2. Gases, acidity, cramps in stomach, less feeling in morning but gives trouble afternoon and evening, night.
3. Heaviness in chest – every time.
4. Allergy at any time.
5. More effective pain in stomach – Afternoon & onwards.

4. Normally, when you are in a healthy state, what time of the day you are most active and what time you feel lazy and tired?

1. I am active from 12 noon to 6 pm.
2. Lazy and tired around 10:30 am. I take rest for 40 minutes & then go for routine work.

5. Generally, is there some time in the day when you feel extremely irritable?

1. If more discussions held in the office
2. If some House problem (unexpected) arises.

6. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? Give proper details.

Gases and acidity problems may have started after the age of 40.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

1. After taking meals or eating anything. After taking medicine mentally I feel relieved.
Medicines – of Gases & Acidity – like Pantodac.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

1. Yes suffering is stimulated if somebody suggests to go out of station.

9. Which weather worsens your complaints – wet, hot or cold?

I think in Extremely Hot season or Extreme cold also.

10. Which weather do you generally prefer the most?

Normal weather – not very Hot not very cold.

11. Describe yourself as a person in as much detail as possible. Discuss general personality traits; the way you express yourself in social settings, family and work environment, with friends, etc.

1. I am a social man. I like friends relatives but I cannot spend or enjoy with them after a weeks time. Then I think not sure I am uncomfortable.

12. Describe in detail if you harbour any negative emotions.


13. How is your memory?

Not very good. But not bad also.

14. Do you suffer from bouts of anger? If yes, which category do they fall in – frequent, occasional or rarely?

Normally I don’t get angry but if somebody irritates then only I get angry.

15. Which of the following words describe you the best – Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable, Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Irritable, Lazy, Super-active, Tearful, Vindictive, Confused, etc.

1. Moody – I like reading.
2. I think I am mild person.
3. Agreeable & changeable also.
4. Rest- I don’t think so.

16. Please answer the following clearly:
- Do you tend to weep easily?


- How is your memory?

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? Uneasy.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? Yes.

- How sensitive you are to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless weeping, talking to one self etc?

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

I feel family member should understand what I am. This is my expectation.

17. What are your chief fears?

Somebody’s – Death. – I get restless.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

I take medicine like Alprax while sleeping – Then I get a sound sleep.

19. Is there any pattern in your dreams?

Less dreams. No pattern.

20. What all food items do you crave for what all you simply hate to have?

I like all kind of food especially sweet but I can’t eat chilly (spicy) food.

21. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

22. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

23. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?Oily & eat more sweets.

24. Is there any time or occasion when you feel an uncontrollable urge to eat?

25. How would you rank your sweat as– normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?Normal.

26. How is your bowel movement and stool type? Towards Hardness rather –Thick.

27. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

28. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I don’t think I am different than other.

29. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

1.Taking medicine for Heart.
2.Took medicine for gases, Acidity, Stomach Pain whenever required – But I have not relieved yet.

30. Any major diseases running in your family?

1. Father – He could not walk properly.
2. Mother was T.B. patient but slowly it was cured.
3. Brother – He had a Heart problem

31. Describe your overall appearance.

I am a short person having normal features.

If you are not having normal menstrual cycles, please answer the following questions:

- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?


[Another small set of questions.]

1. Describe your main sufferings and other related or unrelated sufferings with exact sensations, locations, modalities and probable causes


2. Write an essay on yourself, your personality, nature, likes and dislikes, thermal preferences, cravings and aversions, fears and dreams, your ambition in life, your inner-most desires, your place in society etc.

1. I want to move /roam anywhere in the country or outside also without any tension.
2. Rest of life should be peaceful.

3. What is your profession? Do you enjoy yourself at work? Is it a profession you have willingly chosen? If not, what would it be as per your choice?

I enjoy myself at work. But because of stamina I try avoid going outside my office unless it is compulsory.

4. What would you like to change in your personality, if at all?

I want to live like a Brave man, not cowardly.

5. Please pick out the adjectives which best describe your personality;

Nervous, Anxious, Shy, Worrying, Paranoid, Proud, Asocial, Guilty, Depressed, Hypochondriac, Untidy, Weepy, Emotional, Impractical, Confused, Suspicious, Jealous, Timid, Aggressive, Headstrong, Forgetful, Follower, Insecure, Immature, Impulsive, Rigid, Restless, Feminine.

The following were ticked by him: Anxious, Shy, Asocial, Depressed, Impractical, Confused.

6. Did you have any bereavement in life? If yes, how has it affected you?


7. Do you often suffer from depression? If so, do you prefer company or solitude during those times?

Not often. I prefer somebody’s company.

8. Do you get angry often? If not, do you feel the anger inside at least? What are the things / issues on which you get angry the most?

No. I don’t get angry often.

9. Do you have any issues regarding your parenting by your guardians? How were their nature / behavior towards you during your childhood and adolescence? How has it affected your personality and thoughts?

No issue regarding parenting by guardians. Guardians – of good natures. Childhood I spent was good. Affected personality – not more.

10. Would you say your sex drive is high, low or average? Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?

1. Sex drive – Average.
2. I think so.

arb_all last decade
In this post I am making my comments on each response of my father. Please compare my father’s answers with mine.

It is important for me to add my comments about my father because I am desperate to help him and cure him with the help of homeopathy. Also I have studied homeopathy out of my interest even though I am not from the ‘medical’ line. So I have given him homeopathic medicines some time or the other by consulting doctors.

My comments are on each of the about questions/points of the questionnaire in the same order but I am repeating the questions for clarity:
1. What brings you to the forum? Describe all your problems, including those that may not exactly be on the top of your mind now, in as much detail a possible.

1. Yes he is a cardiac patient. Problems started around 1992 when he had high BP. My father has not mentioned an extremely important point. That time he was diagnosed with kidney stone. The doctor felt that his BP may be due to stone. Later he kept taking BP medicines till in 1998 he had a major heart attack. Only medicinal treatment was given. Doctor advised angiography, etc. but those things were not done. Recently in 2006, he again had problem of ‘feeling of pressure’ in chest-to-abdomen region, uneasiness, fear, etc. He was admitted for several days. Though there was no heart attack as such. But after discharge from hospital he again complained after 8 days. So, he was admitted elsewhere and ‘Bypass Surgery’ was done since ‘angioplasty’ was not suitable. Four grafts were put. Surgery was successfully done. But he has kept complaining of the same feelings of ‘fullness’, pressure, etc. in neck-to-waist region. This includes what he mentioned of ‘gases, acidity, cramps in stomach’. Once he was having much pain in 2007 end. We went to gastroenterologist. He thoroughly checked. Also did investigations. Again a 10 mm kidney stone was found in ‘left’ kidney in sonography. I myself have been very worried and desperate to solve his kidney stone problem. Since that time around he has always complained of ‘ache/pain/cramps’ in stomach (or what I may call the entire abdominal region). When the ‘attacks’ of pain come in 2-3 months, he has great pain in waist/hips region too. He finds it very hard to move around and sit or stand. We have to apply ‘Voveran’ to waist and hips. He may also take some pain killer like Brufen. I do not know how but the pain subsides in about 2-3 days. This is his major problem.
2. He anyway never moves freely. He takes slow steps as if is lower abdomen were always in some pain or stiffness. Also, he is afraid of losing balance. He requested me to add ‘vertigo’ to his responses to the questionnaire. If he walks, he is afraid to lose balance and has some loss of balance also. He therefore takes support of things like chair, sofa, around if necessary. But when he is better and on his own, he walks for several minutes in the colony. But if he were to walk from one side of a big hall to another or elsewhere, where he would be conscious of the act, he would start to lose balance and look for support. He would walk with a little falling/bending on either side.
3. His every action is quite slow. He sort of drags himself in every physical action as if he were paralysed, tired, exhausted, not having energy at all. It is very painful to watch him. But still he manages enough that he goes to his (own) office from 1pm to 6 pm and others cannot recognize the drag and lethargy in him. (He is an architect.) Similarly, in routine, we family members have adjusted to his way of movements.
4. Interestingly, there is a great contrast in his speed of eating meals and speed for other physical work. He eats meals as fast as he is slow in other works. We family members have regularly interrupted him regularly for years for his too fast eating – for the sake of social manners or for benefit of his health or out of annoyance. While the other person accompanying him on dining table has hardly finished the first ‘roti’, he has already finished his two and is half way through his last serving of ‘rice’. It is an everyday phenomenon with him.
5. Yes, since his bypass surgery in 2006, he does not want to travel at all. He is always afraid that something is happening / would happen. He once went to another city for a week in 2007 and stayed with relatives of his liking. But still he is not confident again. We family members keep on pressing him to go out for a change but he is just not wanting to. I think he becomes too conscious and then worried, afraid and burdened about it. Otherwise how could he travel to nearby places about 100 km away on his own for visiting some sites? The problem is highly psychological. Force from us will be ‘non-homeopathic’ and only burden him further. He needs good medicine(s).
6. He has developed a problem of sneezing since last 20 years. He had gone twice-thrice with some clients in AC rail coaches and lived in AC rooms (for about 2-3 days). Earlier to that he never had experience of air-conditioned atmosphere. We were not rich family. Obviously, his sneezing problem must be connected to digestion. But it is highly unpredictable. It starts in the morning when he gets up. He keeps sneezing loudly 10-12 times. Then, when he goes for a walk, the air may be cool and sneezing again starts 5-10 times. Then, it may be there due to any different or strong smell after bath, or during worship (due to incense sticks). It may be less or absent. Then late mornings and afternoons are ok sort of. In the evening the sneezing suddenly comes on when he reaches home. We have joked also that he ahs allergy to this ‘home’ or ‘wife’. Well, slight psychological burden is quite likely to play a role in aggravating the sneezing. It is important to note that he keeps ‘sniffing’ most of the time as if some watery thing were to come out of his nose and he wanted to prevent. He tilts is head back a little when there is sneezing and tries to ‘sniff/breathe’ back with a jerk. One can also guess he has some irritation in the nose so that he was about to sneeze…The sneezing disturbs his life and peace very much. Long back he would take ‘astemizole’ kind of thing. In the last few years when his sneezing becomes too much due to catching cold or otherwise, he takes Cetzine. Recently I read solution of a quiz on case of sneesing and running and blocked nose on a famous homeopathic website. I found it very similar. So I too gave my father Nux 6. He felt good, and the sneezing decreased a lot. I waited to 5-6 days. The problem came again. So I gave Nux 30. There was not much improvement. I am not going to give him anything further. I must say Nux is very safe for him since he complains of constipation and has irritation that he does not show.
(Very recently in the last one week while I have been typing this, due to frequent weather changes in city, My father is having blocked nose and changed hollow voice as if he had caught cold. Even slight flow/draft of air blocks the nose while on the other hand fans, ACs are necessary due to lot of heat.)
7. I am not sure what kind of stools he has. Occasionally when I went to toilet after him, I felt that water was dark yellow coloured with slight tone of orange. I even asked him if his stool was not too dark coloured or orange like or even slightly red but he denied.

2. How do these problems affect you mentally? How does it affect your family life and inter-personal relations with friends and colleagues?

My mother has become very sensitive due to illnesses in the house. She becomes very worried; uneasy when somebody complains of health problems. My father too is highly affected. I cannot describe much here since I shall drift from the topic, the element of confidentiality will reduce (without helping much) and it will look as if I am criticizing my mother rather than describing my father. Actually the solution to such things is not so much in improving my mother’s attitude but rather removing the root cause – my father’s troublesome (but solvable) health problems (and of others in the family).

3. What time of the day your problems trouble you the most? Describe the time modalities properly for all your problems.

1. Yes, heaviness in stomach and chest is the main trouble with gases, acidity, cramps in stomach, etc.
2. By ‘allergy’ he means ‘sneezing’, violent and unpredictable sneezing.
3. I have been prescribed Lycopodium as constitutional remedy and there are obviously many similarities in my father and myself. His hesitation to take up a new thing or to take responsibility, trouble in lower abdomen, kidney stone, etc. Since past 10 years, my father crosses his legs a little tightly while sitting as if trying to press the scrotum. Earlier I felt shy in asking him. But when it increased 5-6 years ago, I straightaway asked him ‘Do you have any pain in groin or something….Why do you sit cross legged and so tightly not straight…You must tell….?’ But inspite of my insisting, he denied any problem. But he continues to sit that way…slightly better now. His gases, poor digestion clearly showing poor liver function, etc. and so many things all point to Lycopodium. While taking online consultation for another family member from a doctor, I discussed in short about my father too. He prescribed Mercsol 30 and then Lycopodium 30. When I used to give him Lyco 30 one dose each evening, he would feel ok but no better than that. The doctor never asked to give Lyco 200 probably because he never took the case fully.

4. Normally, when you are in a healthy state, what time of the day you are most active and what time you feel lazy and tired?

My father tries his best to keep himself active so that he doesn’t get ‘jammed’. He helps in household work too. In morning he does a little walk, little pranayama (not vigorous), worship (‘pooja’) and other works of drying clothes, etc. A normally fit person may feel ‘tired’ but not ‘lazy’ and ‘drained out’. He feels too tired to do anything at all. (I too have the same problem. We feel as if we are extremely exhausted, sleepy, tired and lazy and that we must lie down somewhere around 10 am to 11 am.) My mother tries to ensure that he gets some rest at 10:30 am.

5. Generally, is there some time in the day when you feel extremely irritable?

1. My father does not like discussions and arguments. He does not make very logical comments in discussions. Generally he has a habit to agree to whatever a person, especially an outsider is saying. He will tend to agree more with outsider than with a family member. He is that typical personality in this respect who cannot say ‘NO’ to others in any matter whatsoever. He used to find it difficult to refuse food like sweets, etc. when somebody was forcing him to take (in a typical manner often present in Indian tradition). Now we have tried to change his attitude and he has changed a bit for the sake of health.
2. There is one very important thing about the manner in which my father interacts and discusses with others. He will never directly talk ‘on the point’; never attack the topic ‘pointedly’, ‘exactly’. Whatever he would comment would be as if he is always trying to avoid the main point of discussion. Also, he always seems to say the opposite of what is most probable. Though there is nothing abnormal mentally and he has normal and good intelligence, it seems strange why he talks as if he did not quite understand. Sometimes his line of speaking is so opposite, it seems as if he were doing it deliberately. Well, one reason I feel why he does so in discussions is that he always wants to show agreement and avoid detailed and complex discussions and take a direction that is pleasing to the person opposite, esp. if the person is not of family. In that attempt he talks differently. Here I have tired to bring the fact but it does not mean my father is terrible or ill-natured, etc.
3. Actually my father feels lethargic, non-energetic, etc. as described so much earlier so people like us can manage with great difficulty to follow a routine. So any sudden change in situation is not welcome and creates burden and stress. Otherwise from the ‘inside’ and long back when my father was healthy, he would rather prefer sudden guests or had no problem with sudden changes in situation. It’s a pseudo problem. If there is great improvement in general health, this problem will automatically disappear.

6. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? Give proper details.

Yes, it all started around the age of 40 as stated by him.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

Yes he is aggravated by after taking meals or eating anything. Sometimes when he used to go to general physicians, they would prescribe him Zinetac, Pantodac or Rabrazole, etc. for gases/acidity/fullness, etc. I recognized from my own problems also that my father has similar problem to that of mine. So, I asked him to take Pantodac 40mg as and when needed but preferably for 3-4 days at a time rather than SOS. It has worked well.
He is really ameliorated if he meets some of his old friends or such acquaintances to whom he can talk freely. He is ok while watching TV also since he can divert his mind there.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

It seems that he just doesn’t like somebody suggesting him to go out of station. I as a son did not realize this until he wrote in this questionnaire. I used to think that he has usual apprehension and fear. But it looks as if he is too disturbed by it.

9. Which weather worsens your complaints – wet, hot or cold?

He used to tolerate cold much better earlier and even now but still in peak winter (slightly cool Indian city, temp. going to 5 deg. C in night in winters) he has many problems from indigestion to sneezing.

10. Which weather do you generally prefer the most?

In the present state, he wants a small range of temperature.

11. Describe yourself as a person in as much detail as possible. Discuss general personality traits; the way you express yourself in social settings, family and work environment, with friends, etc.

He has correctly written that he is a social man. In fact I may say that he needs company. But at times, maybe not,…like Lycopodium. He always wants to be with business friends behave like them, eating, drinking enjoying, etc. But it was good that his family members, that is ‘us’ did not allow him to ‘drink’. On rare occasions when he did, it did not suit him at all and he became sick. In fact, the first time his BP got detected as mentioned above is after he took ‘drink’ on holi afternoon and then by night he had to be admitted. This was also when his kidney stone was detected the first time around 1991-92.

Actually I think he wants to do everything that so called successful people of society do. In that we probably wants to compensate for his old and poor background of childhood and cover up his lack of personality that includes his short height. He is interested in a very general life full of enjoyment, not much of rules or study/academics or social work or system or systematic approach or something like that. But contrast to this, as one will find this in many such persons, he will not harm anybody and always provide monetary or any other help without considering whether the person was genuine or not. I should also point out that he might have developed such pattern due to his upbringing in which his parent were of loving nature but since both were physically unfit, they were unable to train him specifically in anything. He was left more to himself and his friends and my father wasn’t clever or cunning enough. His parents actually had good traits of systematic approach and all that but they actually couldn’t do anything in practical due to health.

He does not seem a perfectionist. We can observe that he would prefer a work that he can keep doing slowly and meticulously and that does not carry responsibility. Work should not be physically taxing. But he has great care for cleanliness in kitchen and tidiness esp. that of his clothes.

12. Describe in detail if you harbour any negative emotions.

I do not know of anything to comment here about my father.

13. How is your memory?

It is important to comment here. His long term memory is quite good. He can recall things that were much in the past, esp. things like films. He recalls the roads in city very well. But he finds it difficult to recall names. Similarly, his short time memory is not ok in the sense when suddenly asked about any information like name,place, etc. he is overwhelmed with the question and is not able to immediately recall and answer. In the evening he starts narrating something interesting but always forgets the name he wanted to refer to. We have to help him recall.

14. Do you suffer from bouts of anger? If yes, which category do they fall in – frequent, occasional or rarely?

In friends and relatives my father’s image is that of ‘shaant’ (cool) person. By nature he is a silent person also and talks less. (Though with age and due to our requests, he talks much more now.) To some extent that is true.
But my mother and myself have slightly different view of him. We have also observed that he quickly has indignation and off-mood on opposing him. His face drops the very moment you oppose him or disagree with him or say no or force him to do something. He is not hot tempered but he has anger and annoyance to an extent much more than what is visible. The annoyance is hidden. It is a kind of irritation too at times. (That is why I tried Nux as I had mentioned.)

15. Which of the following words describe you the best – Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable, Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Irritable, Lazy, Super-active, Tearful, Vindictive, Confused, etc.

1. Yes he is moody and likes reading but he basically likes all sedentary things; sitting type of work where one can slowly and repetitively keep doing it without much responsibility, something that does not invite spontaneity, suddenness, swiftness. If you say to him, ‘….are you doing it…please do it quickly…’, he will look up surprised and with a little anger.
2. He is mild as he wrote about him but still he immediately loses mood when opposed or due to discomfort etc.
3. But having said all the above he has changed himself enough during age 45 to 65 so that he fought away his lazy and slow style well. With health problems the typical bad things have come up with great intensity. I guess he likes to travel and move around in general except for the recent fear.

16. Please answer the following clearly:
- Do you tend to weep easily?

He has not written anything. But I wish to tell that he never weeps. He doesn’t like to weep and doesn’t like others to weep. If somebody, esp. my mother keeps weeping and crying making ‘oonnooo, mooo’ kind on noise he is very annoyed and dislikes this very much. Till today I have never seen him cry/weep of any reason.

- How is your memory? He has written ‘normal’ which I feel is ok.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? He wrote ‘Uneasy’. Well I did not know that.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? He wrote ‘Yes’. Well….yes.

- How sensitive you are to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? As I have already written a lot, many external stimuli like smell, or maybe a little tenseness bring on sneezing.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless weeping, talking to one self etc? He has written ‘NO’ but at times he does certain things highly repetitively like catching and rubbing nose externally continuously, rubbing the cheeks/jaws as if thinking hard or checking the quality of shaving. He does few things continuously when family members have put a question and he is a bit tense.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

There is nothing to comment on what he has told.

17. What are your chief fears?

My feeling had been that he was quite concerned and worried about his own health troubles since those lead to troublesome treatments and investigations (esp. by allopathy), other than fear of ‘death’. He has also seen my (his son’s) severe illnesses and harsh treatments so he may be afraid of such things. But he has written only about ‘somebody’s death’. Well, fear of death and illness are much related, at least in his case.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

Since last several years he has been frequently or regularly taking Antax/Alprax 0.25mg. I do not think he has slept well and got up fresh for several years. Except that it seems that Antax suits him and then he gets good sleep, so he gets up relatively fresh even though with the help of medicine. As his son, I will be most happy to stop his Antax for sleeping.

19. Is there any pattern in your dreams?
I do not know anything about his dreams obviously.

20. What all food items do you crave for what all you simply hate to have?

Actually my father (and myself) have great craving for sweet food. When we are in good health, it will be hard for us to finish a meal without a small piece of sweet. My mother usually tries to provide a little sweet everyday after lunch. He has no diabetes.
But when there is indigestion, there is not much inclination to eat sweet.
He is aware that he should eat controlled diet so in actual he eats very little sweet in routine.

Until recent 5-6 years, he used to tolerate slightly spicy food well. But in the last 5-6 years, the use of green & red chilly has almost stopped in our house since my mother cannot tolerate it and I too was asked to avoid it as far as possible due to ulcers, etc. Therefore, my wife and my father who would otherwise eat a little more spicy food than us have lost the habit. But so much indigestion problems has also decreased my father’s ability to eat even less spicy/chilly food. In originality he has had good tolerance but no special liking.

21. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? He wrote ‘normal’. That seems ok.

22. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Many times he told me that he did not feel ‘nicely hungry’ in the past several years. When I gave him some allopathic medicine like Pantodac or any homeopathic medicine like Nux/Lyco, etc. he did say once or twice in the last 3-4 years that he felt ‘good hunger’ in several years.
(If a person has great biliousness and excessive secretion of gastric juices as well as acidity, then, medicines like Pantodac/Zinetac, etc. provide a lot of help and comfort and the person feels nice hunger initially contrary to the thought that antacid-like medicines will reduce hunger. Of course, with long term use, one stops feeling ‘great hunger’.)

23. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?
He means to say he cannot tolerate ‘heavy’ food. Be it oil or panner or lots of groundnuts or dry fruits or any such thing. You will find his comment also like ‘Arg. Nitr.’ Though he has craving for sweet, if he eats much sweet, he cannot tolerate. (I do feel like he is Arg. Nitr.)

24. Is there any time or occasion when you feel an uncontrollable urge to eat?
By ‘NO’ he means ‘no’ in recent 5-6 years. Actually we have seen that due to different allopathic medicines or due to morning jobs at home, he suddenly wants food at around 10:30 am and gets quite uneasy if he doesn’t get it. (This is the same time he needs rest too.)

25. How would you rank your sweat as– normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?Nothing specific to comment.

26. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
My father has complained several times in the recent years that he never felt that he was able to empty the bowels. He keeps taking ‘isabgol’ (husk) regularly. But whatever else be also done, he never feels ok with stools. Many times I tried to tell him that since he ate just enough, he may not feel enough pressure to go everyday and there was no need to worry. But all in all he keeps looking for ways to remove the so called ‘constipation’.

27. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

I have nothing to comment.

28. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
My father says he is not different from others. In a way, that is correct. There are no specialties in his personality. Of course, one should give due respect to the ‘uniqueness’ of every person.

29. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

He has been prescribed common medicines by his heart surgeon in 2006 end and he keeps taking them – Losar-H, Ceruvin, Atorac, etc. For stomach he takes Pantodac 40mg frequently or Zinetac, etc.
When he was not feeling well at all and his kidney stone re-detected in 2007 and other family members had gone else where, I was very worried. I took him to a good homeopathic doctor in the city. The doctor took the case well and said to me that my father was clearly a ‘Camphor’ patient. He started with Camphor ‘0/3’ or some potency. The treatment kept on going for several months, may be 10 or more. I asked my father to keep continuing the treatment for long and complain immediately and ask for some medicine if he did not feel well. He did that. Well, thereafter during those 8-12 months his complaints of pressure/cramp and all those reduced. His digestion did not improve much though. When there would be more problem, I used to ask my father to force the homeopath to do something about it. My father used to have that lower back pain on occasions. Once the doctor asked me to give only one dose of Arnica 30 and then requested us to send somebody for the more appropriate medicine prepared in his own clinic. I feel that the doctor was good and he used to give only one remedy at a time. I do not think he really ever changed from Camphor.
But the effect probably saturated and the overall improvement in my father was perhaps no more than 25%. So, slowly father started to get reluctant to contact him and send somebody for medicine. In acute problems like great back pain, there was not much benefit. Similarly, condition of digestion hardly improved. Soon, I too was tired to urge my father to follow up and slowly the connection has been lost since the past several months.
Other than that I have given him Dulcamara (long back), Mercsol, Lyco, Nux or bio-chemics, esp. Natr. Phos and Natr. Sulph and, may be a few more….all in 30 or 200. Several years back I had given him Arsenic Alb. 0/5 few doses and he felt well. But since normally he does not have fever symptoms, I did not continue on my own and stopped.

30. Any major diseases running in your family?

My father’s brother-in-law is a doctor. He used to say that my grandfather could not walk properly since some nerve in the spinal cord had got ‘pressed’. My father’s father used to drag himself while walking and could not walk without support or stick. Several people had suggested use of wheel chair, etc. but he never liked it and never used it. He had one problem that is in me (patient’s son) and I guess is present in my father in slightly modified form. My grandfather frequently used to feel pressure in his blood vessels around the neck after eating, esp. after excess eating. Of course, there would be some pressure further down near chest/upper abdomen too. He needed somebody to massage around the neck and shoulders. (Grandfather developed high BP after 65.) I think my father has similar problem of pressure but still with modified locations and form.
My father’s mother was T.B. /pleurisy patient. In an early age, one of her lungs had been removed. She had great craving for sweets and needed a lot of good food to eat. But she was very thin. She had aversion to heat sources, esp. of kitchen, like burner, stove. Way back in 1980 or so at around 63, she had stopped going near the gas-burner. It was said that she would feel intolerable heat. Interestingly, she had great aversion to air from even fans and draft of air. She and even my grandfather lived for many years in 47-48 deg. summer with no or little fan.
My father’s elder brother had pleurisy, high BP and heart trouble. He died at 68 or so. He was considered sick all the time and treated delicately in such a way that he never really did any regular job throughout his life.
My father has an elder sister who is also stiff and ‘gouty’ sort of. She too drags he legs while walking since early age. She says she feels well by use of Zincum Met. for her leg pain.

31. Describe your overall appearance.

My father is about 5 feet tall. He has definitely had some complex regarding his low height and other people around you will generally incline you think. Yes he has normal features. But he has wrinkles on forehead seen even at the age 35 when I was small. (Lyco again?) He developed baldness at very early age, probably 25. I have seen him partially bald since my child hood. The front baldness, I may say. It increased successively but stopped and he is not totally bald even today.

If you are not having normal menstrual cycles, please answer the following questions:

- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?

[Second small set of questions.]
1. Describe your main sufferings and other related or unrelated sufferings with exact sensations, locations, modalities and probable causes

I have already commented a lot.

2. Write an essay on yourself, your personality, nature, likes and dislikes, thermal preferences, cravings and aversions, fears and dreams, your ambition in life, your inner-most desires, your place in society etc.

As I had mentioned, even though my father may seem very reluctant to do physical work, esp. swift type, but he wants to freely roam around, visit a foreign country, etc.

3. What is your profession? Do you enjoy yourself at work? Is it a profession you have willingly chosen? If not, what would it be as per your choice?

He chose his profession and business (instead of salaried job) and is happy all these 35 years, doing business in his own style. He did not like and does not like intervention/suggestion of others.

4. What would you like to change in your personality, if at all?

My father never wept and was never afraid of anything be it insects or be it travel without preparation or jumping into business without backing or overeating or under eating or anything else. But after his health problems increased at 50 and sometime after he had a heart attack, he developed a fear which he is just not able to throw out or reduce. After the problems, he has become totally different in certain aspects. He think of ‘jaggery’ after banana, looks for ayurvedic tips and many such things that he never knew and were esp. not a part of his nature. He is always worried if his 5-6 year old grand daughter would fall or hit the table corner, etc. Physical activities of any kids always keep him worried of injuries.
In that sense he wants to become a brave man ‘again’.

5. Please pick out the adjectives which best describe your personality;

Nervous, Anxious, Shy, Worrying, Paranoid, Proud, Asocial, Guilty, Depressed, Hypochondriac, Untidy, Weepy, Emotional, Impractical, Confused, Suspicious, Jealous, Timid, Aggressive, Headstrong, Forgetful, Follower, Insecure, Immature, Impulsive, Rigid, Restless, Feminine.

Already ticked by him.

6. Did you have any bereavement in life? If yes, how has it affected you?

Maybe as he says he does not have bereavement but I am sure in the recent past he is quite displeased with his fearfulness and great lack of health and energy.

7. Do you often suffer from depression? If so, do you prefer company or solitude during those times?
I have nothing special to add again.

8. Do you get angry often? If not, do you feel the anger inside at least? What are the things / issues on which you get angry the most?
I have written much on it.

9. Do you have any issues regarding your parenting by your guardians? How were their nature / behavior towards you during your childhood and adolescence? How has it affected your personality and thoughts?
Yes, as written by him, he did not have any problem with his guardians which were his parents. He feels they were of good nature.

10. Would you say your sex drive is high, low or average? Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?
No comments.
arb_all last decade
Nobody has replied yet. I am really desperate to get some solution for my father.
I hope I have done the correct thing by writing all details at once and made it convenient for homeopaths to analyze.

I shall try to be patient. I assume that it will take a little time for anybody to read the entire case and analyze....but PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!
arb_all last decade
Dr Sameer, Dr. Niel, (or anybody else) please take the full case and help! Curing my father shall help 4 other people in the family.
arb_all last decade
I hope somebody has analyzed the case or is analyzing it and going to help soon.
I am waiting for help!
Is there anything wrong or missing? Please let me know. I shall try to correct.

Till somebody replies, I wish to add some summary points in my father's case:
1. He wasn't overweight. He did not have cholestrol problems. He does not drink or smoke. He does not have diabetes. These modern day problems are not associated with him.
The problem is elsewhere and one might add the hereditary factor.
(His bypass surgery with 4 grafts was done successfully and there seems nothing wrong due to surgery. Blood vessel was taken from leg for grafts. There were enough blockages not to allow angioplasty.)
2. I feel that there is problem of the circulatory system. The blood circulation in the entire body is not too good. Just a lot of improvement is blood circulation would help him a lot.
3. An associated problem is the poor functioning of liver. Lots of ill people have this. This also connects to anger, mood and fear with biliousness as an intermediate thing.
4. He has had high blood pressure since age 40.

I again mention some key problems in short:
Fear, fear that people around may stumble or hit something or step on something imp by mistake,
Vertigo kind of loss of balance or such feeling, esp. in open large places,
Passing gas frequently and soon after eating and with biliousness,
Slowness, dislike for sudden actions, sometimes suddenly surprised when neeeded to do sudden action, adamently not doing it, surprised,shocked by action of children around with fear that they may injure themselves,
Speed of eating too fast in contrast, mixes up all food in the plate and starts eating fast,
Some complex about short height but presently also dislikes the fear he has developed,
Indignation, anger, disappointment on even slight opposition (but does not directly show it), sort of suppresed annoyance, talks the opposite (just what we want) very negatively when opposed or stopped, talks to please others, etc.,
Lots of sneezing randomly throughout the day but esp. in morning and late evening, nothing seems to stop sneezing, it dies on its own after 3-4 minutes,
Discomfortable with digestion or sneezing or fear or lack of physical energy whole the time, throughout the day, keeps suffering....

Please please help...
arb_all last decade
My father really needs help. Why anybody is not replying? Have I put anything wrong? I am sure I have given the details above.
I shall have to make repeated requests till somebody listens.
I find that most of the requests are being answered but not mine, inspite of giving all the details?
Dr. Sameer, Dr. Neil where are you?
Please help.
arb_all last decade
Waiting for help....
Please somebody...

arb_all last decade
Hi arb_all,

Will get back in a day or 2.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Dr. Sameer!
It is great to see a reply!!
I had almost lost hope of any replies. So that I did not visit the forum yesterday.
Thanks, thanks.
Waiting for reply,

arb_all last decade

Tell me about Lycopodium and Sulphur.

When were they given, and how many doses ?

sameervermani last decade
As far as I remember I do not think he has taken Sulphur in the last 2-3 years. The recent treatment by homeopath was also about an year back as I had mentioned and he always gave him Camphor starting with 0/3.
Earlier to that my father had tried 2-3 homeopaths. I do not know if any of them ever gave Sulphur.
Coming to Lycopodium, I had given him Lycopodium 200 long back (say 3 years). I must have given about 5 to 7 doses intermittently 3 to 5 years back. My father never reported any significant improvement.
Later 2 years ago (as I have mentioned), on recommendation of a classical homeopath, I gave him Lycopodium 30 once in the evening everyday for several days (3 weeks). He used to feel just ok with respect to his digestion and apprehensions. But there was no further improvement. The doctor once asked me to give placebo. I gave a 'Lyco-2' to my father. But my father soon reported that the new 'medicine' did not help. So I was asked to revert back to Lyco 30 (4 pills once in evening).
Since the doctor was unable to take full case from another city, he asked me to stop.
I used to be very surpirsed when he would not get benefitted enough by Lyco 30 (or even Lyco 200 long back).

I just saw thread by Dr. Deoshlok Sharma for high BP.
One person 'sthillaiah' has mentioned this:
'AGRIMONY, also know as Agrimonia eupatoria, is a homeopathic remedy for the jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body. They hide their cares behind their humer and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess to stimulate themselves and help bear their trials with cheerfulness.'

My father has similarity to this nature. Though he is not exactly humorous, he is always trying to be cheerful, jovial, etc. and as I have stressed so much and he has mentioned himself, he is distressed by arguements, quarrel. He tried to hide his troubles in front of others. Always very strongly says, 'I am fine/wonderful'. My father will agree to others, he is that type who cannot say 'NO'. One reason must be 'to avoid arguements...'.
There is restlessness and worry in mind.
As I already told, my father also had liking for alcohol. (Though luckily he never actually became a regular drinker. He must have consumed alcohol about 7-10 times in 15 years.)

Generally if anybody tried to analyse him from homeopathic viewpoint he/she would be inclined to think he is 'Lyco'.
arb_all last decade
He is a heart patient..routine homeopathic medicines will give only a minimal benefit.
With single remedy approach..you will probably end up seeing any result only after a few months.

Will have to do a diet change with addition of dietry supplements ..which will show quick and lasting results.

The life of by-pass surgery is 10 years average, stents embedded in blood vessels in heart area also have a similar life span.

The entire living style has to be changed...for a healthy and long life.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Cardiac surgeons do not give you that guidance...coz ...they will go out of business then !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I have gone through your details and realize your feelings.You are very desperate and nervous also.
I am suggesting a medicine which is in your Kitchen and covers all of your symptomss.

You take Two pieces only of a garlic and after removing cover,swallow with water without chewing,in the morninga, in empty stomach.

You do not make mistake of consuming two whole Garlics, only two pieces of a garlic is to be used. This Garlic part is called Joe in Hindi.

Do not drink much water at the time of swallowing. You can drink water after 30 minutes to 1 hour.With in one-two days you will feel improvement.

Garlic is a hot spice and when you feel heat in the stomach , discontinue for a few days and continue again for long term.
This will be useful for your father and you both.
pushpi last decade
Okay, well, I am not inclined to think that he is 'Lyco', and no person is ever 'Lyco' , there are only times of life when someone can go into a Lyco state. His remedy is not Lycopodium.

Please give him 3 doses of CALCAREA CARBONICA 30c equally spaced by 30 mins for one day only.

2 drops are to be dissolved in 120 ml filtered water, and 1 spoon from here is 1 dose. Three such doses are to be given for one day only. After that, just wait and watch.

Report in 10 days after the 3 doses.

sameervermani last decade
First of all I thank everybody for their kind hearted responses.
I agree with Dr. Pankaj Verma.
I thank pushpi for the nice tip.
I won't elaborate, I can feel from heart how I agree with you people.

I can mention again that my father never had cholesterol and diabetes problem. Though of course one can talk of narrowing of blood vessels.

I agree equally well with Dr. Sameer that no person is ever a 'Lyco' or some such remedy.
Please bear with my inaccurate descriptions as ways of describing.

I shall try to give him Calc. carb. 30 at the earliest and report.

Thanks to all. I am cooled down now a bit.
arb_all last decade
I felt I should report changes in 4 days. A flow would also be maintained.
On 17th Diwali I was lucky to get Calc. Carb in the morn.
I am really sorry Dr. Sameer, that in spite of this being a serious matter to me, I did not read your instructions properly.
So I gave him Calc. Carb 30, 2 drops in 120 ml filtered (by below virus size membrane but without UV) water and 1 drop from that. But I made a mistake that I gave him 3 doses spaced equally through the day. One at 11 am, another 6 pm and last one at 11 pm.
I hope I have not done a very bad thing. Please let me know if I need to do anything about it.
From that Sat. 17th to this Tue. 20th, these are the things:
1. On the very afternoon of 17th at 4 pm (after taking first dose of Calc.) he went to toilet. This he had never done since a very long time. Whereas I used to feel he should sometimes (once in few weeks) feel the need to go a 2nd time depending on the food eaten and state of digestion. Clearing bowels twice a day is good provided there is no other prob. or/and esp. when we eat differently.
I thought this was a good sign.
2. My father has continued sneezing as usual, in the morning and at night.
3. I asked my father today how he felt. He said that he did not have that much problem of gases after the medicine. He did not feel much prob. of acidity. Then I asked, 'But how do you feel, I mean....your apprehensions, worries...?' and he said, 'That's about the same, I guess it will take time...'

I do not see any other change in him.

Dr. Sameer please advise what to do, esp. if anything is to be done for the fact that I did not give three doses in 30 min interval but on several hour intervals.
arb_all last decade
Sorry it was '1 spoon from that' and not '1 drop from that' in the 6th line.
arb_all last decade
That is fine.

Update me in 10 days from now.

Keep Calcarea Carb 200c at hand when you update me next.
sameervermani last decade
I will try to arrange Calc. Carb 200c and keep ready.
In between I shall report changes. Because we have too see if Calc. is really working.
Presently the changes were not enough probably for me to say that Calc. was really suitable. Though I really hope that it is and in fact I myself wrote of certain changes and some improvement in digestion.
Anyway. Let us see.
arb_all last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,
I thought I should update once.
I am going to bring Calc. 200 tomorrow (Sat.)
I again asked my father how he was feeling since it was 7 days now since he took Calc. 30.
He told that the 'pressure' sort of thing in digestion was returning back. He further added to a bit of my surprise that actually he was feeling quite better with respect to digestion and improved appetite and was hoping that this would all continue. (Earlier he probably did not say much since it was only about 3-4 days after the doses. Also when persons like us have faced the problems for too long and the problems have come back repeatedly even after not expecting them, then we lose confidence and are never sure if any improvement is a real improvement.)
Well, so he had been better but he told today that things are deteriorating.

Today I was also surprised about another thing. He was taking supper much slowly. I even enquired with other family members if this was the thing. It was a little too positive to believe (if it is true). It may have been just a coincidence or just a false impression to me. I do not know. But if there is this change in even a small percentage then it is a very good sign that there has been some reaction to the remedy.

But another thing has been there. His sneezing has increased. He has got more 'sardi' now (cold sort of with blocked nose and sneezing now and then, esp. in morn. and evening).

Dr. Sameer please tell what to do. Wait a little? When should I give him Calc. Carb. 200? It is a bit difficult to handle his cold.

Just one more thing. I had given him Calc. 30 of Dr. Reckeweg and hope to get Calc. 200 of same company tomorrow.
arb_all last decade
I would wait for 1 more week.

Update at that time. Reckeweg is good.
sameervermani last decade
My father was able to avoid antacids like Gelusil or Zinetac or Pantodac. But he told that He has continued to take Antax at night for good sleep. I asked if he could avoid it. He replied that if he doesn't take it, he is totally sleepless. I just told him maybe he could try that once in next 3-4 days when he would have done more physical work.

Should he stop Antax altogether suddenly now itself? I do not think so since even one day of sleeplessness will surely spoil his stomach and other things for at least 4-5 days and cause a great scene in the house to aggravate problems further for all of us.

Dr. Sameer what do you suggest?
arb_all last decade
Don't stop it suddenly.
sameervermani last decade
Well Dr. Sameer, I do not dare to, right now.
I have bought Calcarea Carb. 200C bottle (Reckeweg) yesterday.
I just want to report that my father continues to have lots of sneezing, perhaps increased. I do not know your location but here in our city in India which is slightly colder, it has started to get cold in morn./night though day is hot. No sweaters, etc. needed. But weather is making everybody dry. All of us including my father are highly dry skin type.
Today went out for an hour at 12 noon. It was normally hot. But even then, my father's nose was blocked. His voice has been different accordingly. On returning he had some sneezing (after meals). Sometimes I feel the sneezing is after meals too.
arb_all last decade

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