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heart prob., indigestion, sneezing Page 4 of 14
He said to me, 'Well, this belching and the things of stomach continue dear....but of course you have ordered some medicine so we have to wait till then....I mean...ok....'.
This shows that it would be good to give him one dose of something.
Several days have passed since I ordered but Calc. carb. LM1 and LM2 have not yet reached. I hope I receive the medicines as early as possible.
Just to update you Dr. Sahab about my father's response.
arb_all last decade
I do not know how long it takes for medicines sent by Helios long back on 15th Jan. to me in a city in India.
I am impatient but I do not know what to do of it. More than that I am disappointed sort of.
I have observed that when my father has belching, it has still got a 'bilious smell'. It is always there. He hardly has gas and belching that is odourless. It is always a foul bilious smell.
So I shall write back when medicine comes.
arb_all last decade
This is an update.
I contacted Helios for mediciness since nothing reached me even till date.
They have agreed to send them again.
Just because my father hasn't shown any new or severe problems I have managed to be patient but otherwise re-order of medicines has been quite frustrating.
Still, I may say that my father's sneezing has increased a little more, almost 75% of earlier. Stomach troubles are about the same after the last dose of Calc. carb. 1M. Not increased but not reduced sufficiently.
He recently had the back ache again. Not sure what he did of that. May be just applied ointment I suppose.
I will post message as soon as LM1 and LM2 medicines come.
In the mean time I will try to post my mother's case and kindly request you help her.
arb_all last decade
I am happy that today the two medicines Calc. carb. LM1 and LM2 have arrived from Helios UK finally.
Kindly let me know how to administer the dose of the medicine(s) to my father.
Waiting eagerly,
arb_all last decade
Report in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
I read your post but decided not to give my father any dose late night. Also in morning it wasn't possible.
So I decided to give him Calc. LM1 in the evening.
But surprisingly, when he came at bus stop to pick me up after office, he started complaining that he was highly troubled by gases and pressure in abdomen and acidity and all that. I said to him that it had all reduced....He replied that still it had been there to trouble him.
Today morning he had a severe bout of sneezing. (There is a season change here. Some winter rains and cloudy weather 4 days ago. Then foggy mornings and now improved but hot in afternoon.)
It seems that such a long gap of homeopathic medicine(s) has almost caused a relapse of his problems.
Anyway I feel that luckily the LM1 has just arrived. I have given him Calc. Carb LM1 in the evening today as you told. I hope the same remedy is suited and shall bring him back from the troubles that have almost relapsed.
I shall report on the third day.
arb_all last decade
Here is the feedback after 3 days of taking Calc. carb. LM1.
0. Day -1(day minus 1, that day Tue. 16th before taking Calc. LM1 in the evening): My father expressed that he had great trouble that day of gases, heaviness in abdomen and all the usual discomfort. Intensity of symptoms was high. Had had lot of sneezing too.
1. Day 1: I gave him LM1 at 7:30 pm on Tue. 16th. Lot of sneezing like earlier after getting up in the morning on 17th. He said on 17th evening, 'Trouble has reduced somewhat but yesterday was terrible.....I still do not feel sufficiently hungry, the appetite has anyway been missing (since long).'
2. Day 2: 18th morning he again had a lot of sneezing. He had gone somewhere and after he came back at about 12 noon, he again had severe bout of sneezing. The change of air after entering the house has always troubled him. Again he expressed that with respect to his stomach/abdomen problems the day was almost the same except maybe a little better.
3. Day 3: From yesterday eve till today evening (19th Feb.) things are about the same. Lot of sneezing and the stomach problems in some intensity. When I asked how was it compared to the state before the (LM1) dose. He said that there is no appreciable change. It is about the same.
My father has expressed this today evening: 'I have observed that my problem of stomach pressure, heaviness, etc. (including some bilious belching, acidity, etc.) occur between 1 pm afternoon to about 4 or 4:30 pm. This is what I have observed about the time of occurrence.' It should be noted again that he takes meal at about 11 am or 11:30 am at most. Then he reads a little, does some house works, putting clothes for drying, etc. Then he rests including a short nap from about noon to say, 12:40 pm. Then he goes to the office in ten minutes to reach there at about 1 pm. (About the same time his trouble starts though it is hard to find a fault with lifestyle.)
I asked him how did he feel as compared to when present homeopathic treatment was not started. He said that the problems have been there as they were. When I said, 'But you have been saying that there has been about 40-50% improvement...', he replied, 'Well, that has been there, about 40-50% improvement is there but NO MORE. Keeping apart some improvement, all the problems have kept troubling'. There were two things in his expression today. One, his recent trouble puts him in an 'off' mood and his expressions are accordingly. Two, when he talks/agrees of 40-50% improvement, his way of expression is not convincing.
Dr. Sameer please advise further.
arb_all last decade
This is the next evening here of 20th Feb.
My father has returned back from office.
He expressed that nothing worse happened than yesterday. Relatively stable.
arb_all last decade
1)Hit the LM1 bottle hard 8 times
2)Wait for 2 minutes
3)Take out 3 drops from bottle in 250 ml spring water in a fresh cup, stir with a spoon and give a spoon from there. Throw the rest of 250 ml solution away
Report after 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
I gave the (2nd dose of the)remedy Calc. LM1 as you told.
Dose given on Sunday 11 am.
Today is Friday 11 am. So it is 5 days now.
The report is:
He felt better in 1 day. He expressed in the next 4 days that there was 15% improvement in the problems. Then he said things have frozen there (means improvement saturated).
Yesterday night when I asked what was the overall imrpovement, he expressed '60%'.
My father also expressed the following:
There was a reduction of problems by 15% (the afternoon time) from the time the recent troubles came up 10 days ago.
The belching has increased a little but shifted to evening.
But both of us observed that now the belching was slightly lighter and somewhat easy which is good. Earlier he had to pause and let the gas release awkwardly and uncomfortably as if it got trapped.
Finally it is also seen that sneezing has reduced. But let me point out that season is moving toward summer and that does make a difference. (The test would be when rainy season comes in July or there is sudden change of weather.)
Sameer ji, I think the direction is right. Since it is LM potency I would think that let the dose be repeated with slight changes.
Then maybe we can wait till further substantial changes.
But that is just a hunch with some homeopathic background. I do not have proper scientific idea about dosing of LMs (or anything else for that matter).
Kindly advise.
arb_all last decade
2)Wait for 2 minutes
3)Take out 3 drops from bottle in 250 ml spring water in a fresh cup, stir with a spoon and give a spoon from there. Throw the rest of 250 ml solution away
Repeat a dose with above method every 4 days for 3 more doses.
sameervermani last decade
I gave 3 doses of Calc. LM1 as you told - 27th Feb., 3rd Mar. and yesterday 7th March.
After first dose he again had aggravation, pressure in abdomen, etc. and sneezing. It subsided in 2 days. After 2nd dose not much aggravation but just about the same. Benefits saturated sort of.
After 3rd dose yesterday night, he has had a lot of sneezing throughout the day. Maybe 100 times. In the evening when I met, he said he had a lot of sneezing. I did not pay much attention. But as we reached home in 2 minutes, I was already sneezing in the small car. It continued with abnormally high frequency, so much so that all of us got disturbed.
My father was so troubled, he asked me (pleadingly), 'Can we not have that 'Aconite'?' Actually I used to give him a dose or two of Aconite 200 long back when I felt that the sneezing attack had come on suddenly in few hours. He would get immediate relief in 50% or more of such episodes.
I too was so disturbed by 9 pm that I finally asked him to take 1/2 Cetzine if he felt so. I guess I has taken it. He has caught cold with change of weather - 'summer but with cool mornings, increased dust...'. His voice was changing by 8 pm and there is slight hoarseness. By 10 pm he started to have slight dry cough.
Dear Sameer ji, please tell any other medicine for present attack.
After the less benefit of first LM1 dose itself (of the 3), I started to feel that LM1 is saturating. But some aggr. of indigestion made me continue the other 2.
Dr. Sameer, please advise.
arb_all last decade
Any accompanying symptom in any other body part
sameervermani last decade
These are the responses from my father:
1. Symptoms of acute are lots of sneezing throughout the day yesterday. He said he has some 'sardi' (cold) and 'khaansi' (cough). Slightly changed voice accordingly. I see that cough is dry and not much.
2. He says nothing really has changed since the attack. Just constant sneezing was there. (Since he was compelled to take 1/2 Cetzine yesterday night, today morning he did not have sneezing.) No specific digestion complaint as such but he said there was no change with respect to any other thing either mental or physical.
3. Location: I can say his nose and throat are affected. Like I saw yesterday, his nose was sort of tickled, irritated (or excited) by every little thing. In the car on road by dust, at home by change of ambience, then by mosquito repellent and even by steam from hot food on the dining table....and then again...without apparent reason just sitting and watching TV (nothing special on TV)....
Most characteristic is that when he starts sneezing, he pulls breath constantly inside with short jerks like sniffing every 2-3 seconds. He says that he wants to prevent running nose. I kept on saying that for comfort do not sniff too often, just let whatever liquid be there come out of nose - and there is none is psychological....
but he could not help sniff-up again and again tilting the head slightly upwards as if something would leak out of nose. During the same time the nose would tickle and 'chhhooooo' there went the sneezing....not 5 or 10 times but as my father said, about 100 to 200 times....
3. Sensation and Modalities are perhaps what I explained above in such detail.
4. No accompanying symptom in any other body part as expressed by my father.
Kindly advise. I do not want to give him even Aconite without your consultation.
arb_all last decade
When he does too much I try to force him not to do so...I say, 'What is coming out of nose...? Water...? Perhaps not. Even if watery liquid will come out, just let it come. You can dab it with cloth. Let us see.' And then what I see and feel is nothing really comes out. Definitely since he feels so, there must be very small amount of water, a small drop that may come out but nothing like he reacts and tries to prevent it.
It is cool mornings here with normally hot summer throughout the day. Even during his morning walk at about 6:45 am it is somewhat cool for him (and all of us due to our consitutions).
He was exposed to air-conditioner in a programme on Sunday though he said it was comfortable.
Please note and important point that he added yesterday or the day before. 'I can stand the air-conditioner somewhat but not to the direct air from a fan'.
Yes his mother was extremely averse to draft of air. My father too as shown this symptom time and again. And so is the case with me -his son. I cnanot stand draft of air though I am ok with a constant cold temp. in winter (with protection of course).
None of us can stand air-conditioners much; direct air flow or not.
arb_all last decade
When I had searched Open Rep yesterday and when I did some search earlier, these words are seen on softwares-
Hayfever, Allium Cepa, Pulsatilla, etc.
I have attached image. Please see. Strangely there are hardly any other symptoms of my father at present.
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arb_all last decade
1)Hit the LM1 bottle hard 8 times
2)Wait for 2 minutes
3)Take out 6 drops from bottle in 250 ml spring water in a fresh cup, stir with a spoon and give a spoon from there. Throw the rest of 250 ml solution away
sameervermani last decade
It is 11:30 in the morning here.
I gave him the 6 drop dose today morning at 6:30 am in the morning.
I guess we should observe for 4 days now.
Sameer ji, why do we use 6 drops? Is it that earlier doses did not work properly? If possible kindly tell.
arb_all last decade
This is 10:35 at night now on 10th March.
My father expressed in the evening that the day was ok. No sneezing. Digestion was also ok. No problem of gases/pressure as such.
arb_all last decade
As usual I met my father on bus stop at 6:10 pm and I asked, 'How was today?'
He replied that he had the problem of gases again. Later I asked him to repeat what exactly he felt when he meant that 'pressure...gases, etc....'
He moved his hand up and down from neck and chest to lower abdomen and said that he felt 'gases', 'pressure' and 'fullness'. I think that by 'fullness' he also means that something swells up.
I mean I must have already told this -
My grandfather, my father and myself, we have one big common problem and an important physical characteristic symptom. It is that the person feels that something like air or gas is filling up the blood vessels in the abdominal region esp. in the chest to neck region. If you ask me (and if you would have asked my grandfather) I feel that somebody has taken the cycle tube filling pump or similar thing and trying to force air/gas into the blood vessels and the gaps in between the muscles in the outer areas of upper chest and neck region. When it is at max. I feel like catching the (lower) neck region with both hands (as if in a hindi film) and doing something with it so that there is relief. That is why there is tendency to rub and/or massage the neck portion with pressure. That is what my grandfather required and somebody would do that for 15-20 minutes.
As I am aging to late 30s, I sometimes even feel the pressure much inside, maybe in oesophageal region. I had portal hypertension problem with varices few years back (and I had bled).
The point is:
I think my father feels something very similar all around in the abdomen, that 'pressure'. It is some sort of blood circulation problem.
Whatever the mental aspects, but since a long time this (pressure and gases) has been one of the most important physical symptoms of my father, and - sneezing on change of season, etc. - when he catches a little cold but it is not apparent.
I think there might be some other layer than Calc. Carb.
Please advise.
arb_all last decade
1)Hit the LM1 bottle hard 8 times
2)Wait for 2 minutes
3)Take out 6 drops from bottle in 250 ml spring water in a fresh cup, stir with a spoon and give a spoon from there. Throw the rest of 250 ml solution away
Report after 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
In the morning at around 9:30 am I gave the LM1 dose to my father as instructed.
Thanks Dr. Sameer.
arb_all last decade
This is Sunday morning 10:40 am. One week has passed since the last 6 drop LM1 dose.
Though I asked his feedback tentatively during the week and not when he was alone yet it seems that he was relatively well during the week after the dose. On 3rd day the morning sneezing had started but not much. And he did not complain of 'pressure' in stomach.
When I had asked once or twice, 'How are things?', he had replied, 'Things are ok'.
Should we repeat the dose now? Please advise.
arb_all last decade
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