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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chronic Insomnia

Hi I'm 34 year old mother and have been suffering from chronic insomnia for about the past 10 months. I have recently tried a homeopath who found out my constitution is sepia. She prescribed sepia lm18 to be taken daily. I started sleeping better after a few days and she told me to continue taking it. Anyways after 2 weeks of taking it my sleep was much better. I finished my liquid bottle. She told me to make the same dose again. and to continue. That's when I started feeling progressively worse. Finally a few days after the second bottle I started feeling horrible. I am now back to square one. The sleep problems are back. I wake at 2.30 am and am unable to fall asleep again. It's been a 2 days I stopped taking the remedy. Will this bad feeling wear off? Even the homeopathic sleeping pills she had given me dont work anymmore. What to do from here?? I'm sure sepia was the right remedy, but how to get it to work for me??
I am desperate for help.
  1starfish on 2009-11-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sepia 1 M every day for sleep problems ??

stop tkaing anymore of it.

After one week post detailed symptoms for a review of the case.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
If Sepia 18 LM has no more effect, I suggest you to go to Sepia 20 LM or Sepia 200CH.

Albert last decade

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