Hello. I have been suffering from the past 6 years with extreme insomnia. I have underwent heavy psychiatric treatments but to no Vail they simply made matters worse. Currently I am undergoing homeopathic treatment but not having any benefit from it. I rarely sleep for even 1/2 an hour and feel completely unconscious everytime, low feel of entire body and mind. And i dont almost feel my mind at all. i have extreme difficulty in understanding things as my coginition is very low due to it. Also i feel acidic type of stools in my stomach right after 20 mins after food. This has been since the prob started, gas bloating as well.
Current Medications :
Baryta carb 30 (3 times a day)
Argentum nitricum 30 (3 times a day)
Opium 30 ( 3 times a day)
Cannabis sativa mt and cannabis indica mt ( 3 times a day)
Passiflora incarnata mt ( 2 times a day
Valerian officianalis mt( 3 times a day)
Chamomilla mt ( at night)
Early these medications used to work a little. But now nothing works. I never sleep and i am not getting any deep rest. Lucky if i get even half an hour of sleep.
I would be deeply grateful to any of the diligent doctors present here who would help me get rid of this nasty problem as other doctors have failed to do. Thank you very much [Edited by athav90001 on 2020-10-03 17:54:42]
athav90001 on 2020-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
My suggestion would be stop all medicine. you are taking it will make you worse
start Piscidia 30 only single remedy
4 drops in half cup water thrice a day
report after 10 days
you need good diet,meditation & exercise
Dr.Jitesh Sharma [Edited by drjitesh on 2020-10-03 18:11:51]
♡ drjitesh 4 years ago
Thank you very much for your response sir. Will order it and tell you after some days. [Edited by athav90001 on 2020-10-04 08:46:41]
athav90001 4 years ago
Hello doctor Jitesh, had taken piscidia 30 for 4 days but to no Vail got zero results. Started taking piscidia my 15 drops 3 times a day. Worked for first night but not working now. Please help me I am very desperate and broken down due to this condition.
athav90001 4 years ago
Start COFFEEA 30
Three times a day for 10 days
Report after 10 days
Dr.Jitesh Sharma
♡ drjitesh 4 years ago
Hi dr jitesh. Used coffeea 30 for 10 days it worked only for 4 days,again I'm having extreme sleeplessness! Tried so many medicines even Kali phos 6x (didn't give any result) why isn't anything working? Please help me doc. [Edited by athav90001 on 2020-11-14 17:01:18]
hello dr jitesh, been using coffea 200 for 4 days, it didnt work even 10%, insomnia is horrible and i cant sleep even for 2 hrs continuously, sleep is of very poor quality and disturbed between every half hour. please help, also mention dosage. thank you very much.
athav90001 4 years ago
Ok now Give me complete history since which day and how it started back
♡ drjitesh 4 years ago
I Suggest Stop all the homeopathic medications you are taking...
Start Nux Vomica 30 , 5 Drops in a half cup of water three times a day, half an hour before the meal.
Report me after a week..
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♡ razaraza 4 years ago
Hi doc, it all started back in 2015 I was in 9th grade and everything was well. I slept deeply enough than any child and was the most active and energetic child in school, took A1 in all cocurriculum activites and good grades. Suddenly my sleep started being disturbed due to my mother, she would scold me during the night and I would keep wake up until 5am, after some days my sleep worsened and I got chronic insomnia, I wouldn't sleep for days, then weeks, then it turned out to be months. As far as I remember those stupid anti-psychotics, anti anxiety and antidepressants made my life worse than hell than this insomnia problem. Believe me, if I hadn't received any psychiatric treatment, I wouldn't have been suffering from it, insomnia would eventually get solved by itself, I also got 6 ECT treatments, which took my life to a extreme point of life near death experience. Due to these things even today I am suffering, today I'm on homeopathic treatment. But I can't say much of before symptoms because they erased all my memory I hardly remember anything before a year. Currently I am suffering due to all those negative side effects those medicines gave me, I am looking for ways from which I can clean wipe away everything which is causing this chemical imbalance which is causing extreme poor cognitive function, little or no memory at all, I get lucky even if I remember a previous event. I entirely feel as I am not conscious at all as I am not alive or the force of life is low as a insect in me. As my mind is caged inside a unconscious shell. Not now but before due to the medications I don't know what they did to me but I had such terrible anxiety at such terrible level that a million thoughts would cross my mind each second. Now I am struggling to feel my mind at all. but when I get light sleep, sleep is 95 percent full of dreams. I can't even read a book at all or feel any sensation, even that of my genitals is gone. My arms and legs don't feel much and my chest and stomach don't feel at all. I just want to feel how a normal persons feels and lives a life. Full of various moods and thoughts in his own world, lest of which is not possible get my old life back. I have wasted nearly 50 lakhs on hospitals including homeopathic, doctor, please help me wash this all out from my body, all the toxins, chemicals imbalances and hormonal imbalances which those medicines have left on me and simply feel normal. Thank you very much.
athav90001 4 years ago
Thank you for replying doctor, I will keep your recommendation in mind but currently I am on dr.jitesh's treatment. Will keep you updated.
athav90001 4 years ago
ok no problem.. you can continue with him....
♡ razaraza 4 years ago
dr. jitesh please reply.
athav90001 4 years ago
♡ drjitesh 4 years ago
Thank you very much dr jitesh. will wait.
athav90001 4 years ago
One common symptom I've been having since the start of insomnia and even today is pale yellow thin stools and foul sweating also poor digestion and very very dry hands and body.
athav90001 4 years ago
thank you very much for the reply dr.jitesh will buy it tomorrow from the store as sunday shops are closed. will update you after a week.
athav90001 4 years ago
Hello dr Jitesh I am reporting early because I have no option, after using ignatia 30 for 6 days I noticed these changes,
1) stools are okay now but lots of gas in stomach.
2) sweating prob is now less but still
3) insomnia is still worse as hell
Doctor I am losing hope very much, I am staying awake entire night till 6 am out of desperation
at night 11:30 pm I used to take a combination of mother tinctures of valerian root, passiflora , chamomilla etc. And get 2-3 hour sleep, even they stopped working after 3 days.
Doctor please help me with this, my mind is entirely relaxed but whenever I try to sleep I don't just feel tired and drowsy enough to doze off. Please help, I want just sleep to maximum, only then I believe I will get my old brain and body back after a year I believe. Because I've searched for the story of people's life after anti-psychotics, it took them more than 4 years to recover. Thank you
athav90001 4 years ago
athav90001 said Hello dr Jitesh I am reporting early because I have no option, after using ignatia 30 for 6 days I noticed these changes,
1) stools are okay now but lots of gas in stomach.
2) sweating prob is now less but still
3) insomnia is still worse as hell
Doctor I am losing hope very much, I am staying awake entire night till 6 am out of desperation
at night 11:30 pm I used to take a combination of mother tinctures of valerian root, passiflora , chamomilla etc. And get 2-3 hour sleep, even they stopped working after 3 days.
Doctor please help me with this, my mind is entirely relaxed but whenever I try to sleep I don't just feel tired and drowsy enough to doze off. Please help, I want just sleep to maximum, only then I believe I will get my old brain and body back after a year I believe. Because I've searched for the story of people's life after anti-psychotics, it took them more than 4 years to recover. I just want my brain to secrete sleep hormones so I get some sleep.Thank you
athav90001 4 years ago
The most important thing you have to do is, stopping all medicines. Don't take any homeopathic medicine in high doses. If you take just you have to take very subtle dose. Just stop all medicines for at least one month. Meanwhile you can take one single dose(just one globules) of NuX vom 30. And wait steadily for some days. You have to give a very detail case history for true single medicine. Have patience, there is a cure, for every diseases, except death.
♡ kamrul 4 years ago
Will keep this in mind sir,
athav90001 4 years ago
Dr.jitesh please reply
athav90001 4 years ago
Dr.jitesh I am waiting for your reply please help me.
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