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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

For Pankaj Sir: suffering from a first time pilonidal sinus

Hi Pankaj Sir, i m ajay. I m suffering from pilonidal sinus since last 2 weeks. The cyst has been growing in size, but is yet to brust. I ve read u helping a lot of patients here, so i need ur help as well. The allopathic doc has advised me FASTCLAV 500 and a paracitamol. i m nt sure if it is helping me. i ve 8 hours a day working hour daily, though as u ve advised in one of the forums, HEALTH IS EVERYTHING.I believe it. So please please help me.
  nit4ajay on 2010-11-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please sir take a notice. i m trying to keep the post visible.
nit4ajay last decade
Please sir take a notice. i m trying to keep the post visible
nit4ajay last decade
I noticed your post just now. Will help you ..pray to Sai baba and you will be well soon.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I ask every one having this problem to read my old posts so that they can get a complete picture of the problem and how and why surgery is not a permanent solution.
Also, by reading those posts you get to know how many people have benefited from my homeopathic advice in respect of this problem. That helps to increase the person's confidence.

Important thing to know is that the pus comes on to the surface of the skin from 3 or 4 maybe 5 different channels created by the body to expel the pus.

The homeopathic treatment is in three stages:

1. To expel all the pus (this needs patience)

2. To heal the wound

3. To ensure that further pus formation by the body is stopped.

Medicines you have to order are:

0. Nux Vomica 200

1. Myristica 200c

2. Silicea 6c ..if that is not available then Silicea 30c

3. Silicea 200c

4. Calcarea Sulph. 3X

5. Belladona 200c

6. Calendula cream

When the meds arrive... start with two doses of Nux Vomica 200 in gap of 2 hours at nigth time.
(since you a person allopathic meds and have a life where you have to sit out a lot).

Next morning take one dose of Myristica 200c on empty stomach.

(Myristica works as a homeopathic 'doctor's knife' to yank out the pus.) So pus will flow...allow it, wipe it clean and apply Calendula cream externally on the area.

Brushing teeth, eating , drinking anything only after 45 minutes of taking the dose.

No coffee, no tea, no colas, don't use perfume, don't smell camphor, no garlic etc.

Watch progress with that dose for next 72 hours and after that post feed back here.

Will keep an eye on this thread...and guide you.

Best wishes,

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Correction: * (since you are a person taking allopathic meds and have a life where you have to sit out a lot).
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
i ve read a lot of ur previous replies, so I ve got all the medicines u ve suggested here other than 'Nux Vomica 200'. I ll get it this evening and use it tonight and ll take the myristica 200c tomorrow morning.

I ll post the feed back in 72 hrs.
nit4ajay last decade
thank u for replying so soon, as i realise this is a very busy forum n i ll definitely follow the precautions u ve suggested.
nit4ajay last decade
Fine !
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
hi sir, the flesh below the skin is a pretty solid lump and pain is increasing day by day. I ve used Nux Vomica 200 and Myristica 200c as per ur suggestion, but please advice can i use Belladona 200c now, because pain is really too much to bear now.
nit4ajay last decade
Take three doses of Belladona 200c in gaps of 1/2 hour each.

I expect the sinus to burst in a day or two.

When it does, clean up the area and apply Calendula cream around the area. Not on the spot of the rupture.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
thank u sir. i very dearly needed to use belladona 200c
nit4ajay last decade
I came back to the net by chance ...this time of the day.

Good for your sake.

Normally, I read posts in the morning or post dinner time.

Bell...will take care of the pain.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
hi sir, i m having some mild fever today. i had fever 2 days ago as well, but i was takin allopathic tht time, so used paracitamol. i think the fever is due to pain. Belladona somewhat helped, but it is still considerable. So wht should i do ?
nit4ajay last decade
Take Bio-combination no 11 also called Fever No. 11.

Take 4 pills six times a day on day 1
then reduce to 4 times a day after that.

You will be okay soon.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
thank u sir, for suggesting fever no. 11. Though I ve nt yet used it as the fever is gone and the whole day today, i didnt ve much pain, so didnt use Bell... at all today, the cyst is still a big solid lump n i skin above it is pretty thick as well, so i dont think its going to brust any time soon, though its only 38 hrs. of me taking myristica 200c.
nit4ajay last decade
It can burst in the next 7 days any time...so patience is the mantra to follow.

I am watching your thread regularly.

The pain and fever went away with Belladona.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
hi sir, now this is 72 hours after me taking Myristica 200c. The current situation is the pain is very little in last 2 days, no fever, the cyst is still like a big lump of flesh and skin above is pretty thick, so what should i do ? Should I start with some other medicine or wait for the Myristica 200c to show its effect.
nit4ajay last decade
Wait another 3 days..things will happen.

By repeating the med that early...you will be reversing the process...so patience is needed.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
ok sir, i will inform you any further development.
nit4ajay last decade
hi sir, now its 7th day of me taking myristica 200. The pain is surprisingly low and the cyst is still like a big lump of flesh with a pretty thick level of skin on it. But one change is that, there is like a level of skin coming off the cyst portion. The skin is dry and it is coming out painlessly.
So sir what should be my next step ?
nit4ajay last decade
2moro morning ...take another dose of Myristica 200c.

Report progress after 4 days of that.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
ok sir, i shall do just that.
nit4ajay last decade
hi sir, i m reporting after 53 hrs of me taking myristica 200c as suggested by you. the pain is low, though has increased slightly (mostly pains when i touch it), but the swelling has increased and the surface is like hardened or something. i mean u can feel another distinct hard thing (cyst which is like a big lump of flesh)under the hardened upper surface.
nit4ajay last decade
Keep observing for another 3 days. If there is pain..take Belladona again...few doses.

The cyst will burst. Probably another opening is also developing.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
ok sir, i will keep informing you the changes.
nit4ajay last decade

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