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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Sameer, please help with my son (behavioral, speech, eczema)

Hi Dr. Sameer!

Back when you were helping me out you advised me to not give my son anything until we were done breastfeeding. As irritating as it was at times, we just finished a few weeks ago and he's nearly 4-years-old (next month)!

As he gets older and his speech improves, I notice it's easier to prevent tantrums, since he's more understanding.

He is a very thin boy with dark 'devil's curly,' hair and big dark eyes and striking features. I figure I'll enclose a photo and photos of his skin issues since it will be easier for me to describe...

He is extremely loving and affectionate. However, alternatively, when he is angry, he can become violent (hit, bite, throw things, etc.) He will tell me he does not love me when he's mad (he's never learned to say 'I hate you,' so he expresses unlove). I understand he wants to hurt with words or physically to express his own frustration and pain.

He has a tendency to feel very guilty, for a long time, when he feels he's hurt someone. He will apologize, repeatedly, every time he remembers. I wish he was more able to let things go and not burden himself with them.

He becomes self conscious when he is caught doing something (singing, dancing, pretend-play, etc) where he was not expecting to be watched. Like say he's singing and we hear him and look over at him, he becomes mad, hides or hits us, yells for us to stop looking at him. It's almost as if he feels like we're making fun of him or just becomes embarrassed.

He's extremely shy, however, this varies. He is shy when he's calm and outrageous when he's excited. He is socially...a mess. We were at a play place the other day and two kids came in. He began yelling at them ('No! You can't play with this!'), yanking toys away, and when all else failed, he began 'singing,' at the top of his lungs, 'HAYEYUYAH!' Which he recently had heard on TV. I tried to redirect him into a less abnoxious activity, but after a few tries and realizing that it was a downhill battle, I just told him we needed to leave. I'm not into punitive measures, so I said that, 'daddy is waiting at home for us!'

So we're having a real hard time when we're out, in the presence of other children his age, because he gets too excited that he just wants to jump in there. He continues to call the children 'HEY BOY! HEY! HEY!' and when they don't pay much attention or try to get away from him, he gets really angry and reacts.

Lately, he's been telling me he has no friends. He really is alone with me a lot and I'm trying to become more social myself, but I'm a little paranoid to have him around other kids because I just never know how it's going to go. Around one child, he's perfect, but around more than one, it's a mess. He also is jealous of other children's relationship and needy of closeness with other children or pets.

He does GREAT with pets. Is very gentle and affectionate. Even when other children are around...if there is a dog he can pay attention to, it's like he becomes so balanced and mature. Pet owners have always been amazed by this, because likewise, animals gravitate toward him...especially the ones who are normally very nervous around people...like small dogs (chihuahuas) and cats.

A few months ago he started not wanting to do things for himself (brushing teeth, hair, eating, cleaning up his toys) and wants me to do everything for him. He says it's too hard. Getting him to sit still to eat is impossible. He takes a bite of food and then has to be physical and run, jump, do headstands!

He's afraid of being alone, like going to the bathroom alone. He would prefer it if someone went in there with him. He will ask me to sing so he can hear my voice and this helps him a bit. Alternatively, I will ask him to sing. I think this started after Halloween...because stupid stores have completely inappropriate gore as displays! To prevent the element of shock and trauma, I introduced them to him and let him know they were mask. Had him feel them, wear them, poke them, make fun of them, etc. It was still impacting for him.

Well, that's some of his personality.

Physically, he has eczema. He is the pickiest eater ever. He will not eat for days, go through a spurt of eating well for a few days (where he regains the weight he'd lost) and then goes on another food strike. He has a complete food aversion.

Craves sweets. Loves them...he would live off sweets if I let him. Sometimes, when he's had too many sweets, he will ask for 'real food.' He will not even try anything green. I got him to try a green pear by peeling it, first, then he liked it. He will eat some stuff (rice, beans, eggs, chicken, fish sticks, turkey, etc.), but everything has to be prepared just right and kind of bland. If he sees the food as being messy, he will not even want to look at it.

He's losing weight. He used to be WAY bigger than other children/babies when he was an infant or a mainly breastfed toddler, but now he's at the lower average. So his growth has also slowed. He will go through growth spurts when he eats and then he'll catch up.

He's addicted to watching TV or computer. I limit these, but it's a battle every day. We only have peaceful days when I shut the power off these at night and then the next morning tell him it's broken. But sometimes someone puts it on before they leave for work and neglect to shut it back off.

We have great days when I can manage to keep the TV/computer/video games off. If I try to limit them without doing this, it's a tantrum. But no normal tantrum that lasts an hour or two, but it's an all day thing. And an all-next-day thing.

He is incredibly strong willed. Which I see as a good quality, but can also be difficult to deal with.

He has eczema. I think most of it is on his torso, rib cage, belly, on his left side. It's almost like ...scrapes or dry skin. It covers a very large area. I'll see if I can get a picture of this. The eczema is like small scabs all over the place. Sometimes he gets it on his forearms, near his wrists, near the nape of the neck, or near his ankles/legs. But these are more like eczema trying to come out. I see them start to form and then dissipate.

He has a dairy allergy, but does eat dairy. He gets bad eczema if he eats too much. The allergist tested him and he came back allergic to peanuts, dairy, dogs and cats... I think that was it. But only the dairy allergy was serious (5 on a scale of 1-6)

He gets colds a lot. They are never severe or last more than a couple days, if that, but they are often...all year round. Mainly he will start with a stuffy nose and fever, then nose runs, discharge for a few days. Fever doesn't last longer than the first day. Annoying cough, mainly during sleep during the night for a couple hours. You can set time by the pattern!

Right now he has that, in fact. He has a stuffy nose and is whiny (moreso the first couple hours of sleep), which is what got me to post here. You had recommended Pulsatilla 6c and/or Nux Vomica, but I couldn't remember which. This was why I was posting, actually...

He has a speech delay. Stutters sometimes (which I've read is normal at this age), especially when he's tired, excited or nervous.

That's about all I can think of right now. I hate to see him struggle with so much, so I'm hoping you can help me.

Thank you,
  anabanana on 2010-12-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Will respond on jan 2. On vacation right now.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you! I'll check back around then. Happy holidays!
anabanana last decade
Just adding:

My son went to bed around 9:30 or 10pm. It is now 2:00am and he's having a real tough time sleeping. He wakes up whining, crying and complaining. I can't make out what he's saying. At one point he was complaining about his belly hurting and gagged a bit. I was able to calm him by holding him and patting his back. He's woke like this several times and it's really hard to calm him. He did the same last night and I just thought he was getting a cold. Tonight I thought he was having night terrors (which I also suspected last night and we've never dealt with this before), but then he coughed as if trying to clear something and then gagging. I'm thinking digestive issues...maybe he ate too much, too late. He ate shrimp, which he's never had before and really liked them. I don't think he chewed them down very well. I kept reminding him to chew and take smaller bites.

He wakes suddenly and complaining. Saying, 'no...' and that whiny cry when children are trying to cry but they won't let it out...he's doing this right now as I'm writing and my husband is trying to comfort him. ...And now I'm going in there.
anabanana last decade

The past few nights have been tough. He spent the 28, 29, and 30th waking at night in pain. On the 30th I was able to wake him enough to tell me what was wrong and it was abdominal pain.

We took him to the ER. He had x-rays and they said it was from constipation. He does go to the bathroom every morning, but when he was breastfeeding he would go after every meal and now he only goes once a day, so it seems he's backed up.

He had one good day (the 31st-New Years day) and tonight it's been tough, again. It's 4:00am and he's still awake, complaining periodically.

Things that help, holding him upright and swaying side to side. Walking with him helps. I just layed him down after walking with him for 2 hours and thought he was fine, but now he's whining.

It starts at about 1am and can last anywhere from 2 to 3 hours...tonight it's been longer than other nights.

He's also had his eyes swollen with pus. They're mostly better now. It was first the right eye and then shifted to the left. On the night I took him to the ER his right eye was swelled shut, but better in the morning.
anabanana last decade
So, regarding the eczema, only the left side of his body is affected ?

When he says he has no friends, does he really feel lonely ?

Also, with his eyes, where exactly is the swelling ?

What date will he turn 4 on ?

You say he feels guilty a lot; can you tell me how soon does he apologize after hurting someone ?

sameervermani last decade
Not necessarity, regarding the eczema, but for a while now I have mostly noticed it on his left side. On his trunk. He has a tiny scab here and there, like on his arms and legs.

I couldn't finish my post last night because he started crying and I had to go to him. I was going to say that ever since the stomach stuff started, the eczema has cleared almost completely. He does have two dry patches of skin that look a bit like goosebumps on his left AND right side, near his hips/lower belly.

He does really feel lonely. He's mostly with me all the time. I'm trying to find more ways to socialize, but it's only for him because I have no desire to.

The eye swelling was at the bottom and top lid. It basically looked like he got bopped in the eye, but without the bruising. The bottom has been a bit worse than the top and longer lasting. It started with the bottom and ended with the bottom, kwim.

January 5th, he will be 4.

If what he does is truly accidental, he apologizes right away. If it was intentional or impulsive then it takes him a half hour or so, sometimes longer.

Last night was really rough, so I gave him Nux Vomica 6c. Sorry, I was desperate to somehow alleviate him. It didn't work...at least last night. It was the only remedy I had that said something having to do with the stomach on the bottle, so I took that chance. I was up with him until about 6am.

Also, during the day he has no stomach pain and is normal. I think it's becoming more painful because he will wake fully and remember the next day, whereas initially he would not. Last night he said, 'Mai, I don't want this to hurt anymore,' as he was crying. : (

This morning he went poop, but a lot more than usual. He's been eating a lot more lately, too.

Thanks for your help.

anabanana last decade
I know I said I'd take a pic of his eczema, but it's really not noticeable anymore since the stomach stuff began. In fact, after the first night of the pain, most of it was gone. : (
anabanana last decade
Please give him a single dose of Sulphur 30c, as follows:

1 pellet in 250 ml spring water, and give a teaspoon from there.

Report after 72 hours.

sameervermani last decade
Thank you! I actually have that on hand! : )
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I gave Eden the sulphur that same night at about 11:00pm my time. So January 5th at 11:00pm was day 3.

Here's the thing. Yesterday (on the 4th, past 11pm) my husband used some Vicks because he has a horrible cold. When I walked into the room I could smell it. Eden was already asleep (we co-sleep) and was exposed to it all night. It smelled strong. I don't know if the effects of the sulphur were affected by that.

Day 1 and 2 were really nice, I think. He was calmer and ATE a LOT! He asked me for food all day long on both days and tried things he normally would not. His temperament was better..in that he wasn't just running around trying to hit us and do other things to cause attention. He also wasn't SO needy of attention and being entertained.

His rash returned on his torso, but VERY light and the rash on his abdomen got worse. There are also some spots on his wrists.

He went to the bathroom a lot more than normal. He actually went morning and night on day 2. I'd been giving him probiotics for the past few days, but I'm thinking it was the sulphur because today he did not go at all. Not sure there.

Today, he was his usual self. Trying to get attention by hitting my husband and mother, being impatient, active in a disruptive way, only ate sweet things (pancakes, cereal, and some whole wheat crackers), though he did eat a lot.

Another thing is that we were ALL sick today. So my husband and I have the flu. My husband has been sleeping since yesterday. I don't really want to move around much, but I'm pretty easy going and never too miserable to at least play ninetendo and watch TV, play games, etc. My husband has been a complete grouch. As has my mother, though for different reasons.

So I'm not sure if he's reacting because of the environment and the sulphur is still effective or because the sulphur stopped working with the mad fumes the vicks was letting off. Or if it's just part of his cycle. : /

We did have two really nice days, though. I even noticed a change in his speech. There was a lot of stuttering today. The first two days he was more calm and articulate.

anabanana last decade
1 pellet of Sulphur 30c in 250 ml spring water in a bottle, and give the bottle 4 hard hits.

Then give him a teaspoon from there.

This time, keep the above bottle with the solution in it. Report in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
4 hard hits? Like against something or just 4 hard 'shakes?' Do you mean like bang it against my hand 4 times?
anabanana last decade
Yes, bang it on your palm as hard as possible 4 times.
sameervermani last decade
Okay, tonight would be the end of the 72 hours. However, this time the results were NOT like the first. He has been REALLY out there. Like I have 3 of his little friends over right now and all the kids are playing, calmly while watching a movie and he is just running around like a wild man. He keeps yelling in the children's ears and trying to get their attention. It's like he's not getting what he needs from them. He seems in need of direct attention, which is usually better accomplished when there is only one friend. So I think his main issue with in groups. He is doing anything and everything to be disruptive.

Also, he's been yelling a lot. Like if he calls me once and I don't hear him or I'm having a conversation with someone else, he will yell, 'MAI! MAAAAIIIII! MAAAAAIIIIIIII!' This morning he was also yelling a lot, 'I AM HUNGRY! I AM HUNGRY!' while food was being made, the entire time.

He's pretty obnoxious right now. That's the best word I can use to describe him. Normally, it's not this bad, so I'm pretty positive it's the remedy. In fact, I'm wondering if those first two nice days we had with the first round were really just coincidence and the 3rd was really the remedy kicking in because he's acting more now like he did that third day.

His eczema had gotten worse those first two days and then on the third it was a bit better. This time around his eczema has improved, again.

Should I continue to wait?

anabanana last decade
Just now he stood in the living room and was doing what seemed like aerobic excersize. Just moving around really fast as if jumping rope, swinging his arms around, as if there were a swarm of bees around.
anabanana last decade
Please give him a dose of Lachesis 200c, just 1 single dose.

Dissolve 1 pellet in 250 ml spring water, and give a teaspoon from there.

Report in 7 days please.
sameervermani last decade
Will do. I think I already have this on hand.

We've been having really rough nights where he just wakes complaining, but not fully crying. He will do this off an on from about 1-3am. He did this just now and I asked him what was wrong and he just wanted a drink. Gave him some water and he took a couple sips and then relaxed again after a bit more complaining and turning. He's never really been a good sleeper and has always needed some comfort (nursing) to stay asleep.

Anyways, I just got your message, so will try to do the remedy tomorrow night.

Thank you! : )
anabanana last decade
I just checked and what I have is Lachesis Mutus 30c, so I'll need to get some 200c tomorrow. Lachesis M. is the same as Lachesis, right?
anabanana last decade
I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but he also gets these swollen glands on his neck, a lot. He has them right now and has for a while. Usually he gets them with colds...
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

You can give him a single dose of Lachesis 30c instead using same procedure.

sameervermani last decade
Great. I'll give it to him in a bit. I need to give him lunch and then I'll wait a little while.

Thank you.
anabanana last decade
Tonight is the third night. I can't tell if there's really a difference. : / We've had some very normal 4-year-old behavior with very few tantrums, but nothing exceptionally new. I mean, we've had our good days in the past, too. So I'm not sure if it's part of his cycle. Nothing really stands out right now.

His rash on his torso is really pronounced now and feels like little scabs all over the place. They're anywhere from 1/8 of an inch to half an inch round, but doesn't seem itchy or uncomfortable. Mainly to the left, but also has it on the right.

Okay, I just thought of this... our nights have been pretty peaceful. That's a big thing, but I almost didn't notice. He's been falling asleep easily and hasn't woken up complaining. Another thing is that he's more willing to go to bed. I will notice he's getting sleepy and I'll get him ready for bed, read a book or tell a story and before you know it, he's asleep.

Oh, and this morning he was complaining about his right ear hurting or as if he had something inside. He would say it felt weird and uncomfortable.

Thank you,
anabanana last decade
There is something else I forgot to mention. The other night, during the 3 days of Lachesis, Eden did go to the fridge and get himself a raw carrot and started eating it. This is extremely odd. He has an aversion to trying almost everything, but he did this on hiw own. He only had about 3 bites of it, but still...this is big.

His appetite has been good, even now, after the Sulphur. He tells me he's hungry a lot. He's still extremely picky and prefers bland foods, but at least he's eating!

His eczema is still pretty bad, but non-itchy and it's on the right side of his torso also, where it feels like little scab dots, but still much worse on his left side. I'd say he's back to normal now, but he's better than he was before any remedy, if that makes sense. Like improvement has stopped, but I feel there has been some permanent improvement (like eating, and he's okay with me shutting off the TV during the day, more cooperation with getting dressed, brushing teeth, and going to bed (though last night was tough, but that was my fault since I was really sick and wanted to go to bed earlier than he was ready for).
anabanana last decade
Excellent, this is a perfect response. It seems to be the correct remedy.

Please procure Lachesis 200c, and LM1 and LM2 potencies of Lachesis from Helios UK in 30 ml teat dropper bottles.


Do not apply anything on the eczema.
sameervermani last decade
Just to clarify, you mean I can get 200c locally, right? And then get the LM's from Helios?

Because I could only find LM's in the '30 ml teat dropper bottles.' But the 200c in oral liquid, capsules, granules, etc.
anabanana last decade

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