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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Sameer, please help with my son (behavioral, speech, eczema) Page 3 of 6

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

He got the eczema, but now it's getting better. It scared me a bit because his eczema patch on his arm came back and this is where he had a horrible open eczema sore that was raw and painful. It was about the size of a half dollar. This was back when he was about 8 mos old. But this time it got about dime size and never got raw or open. It's drying up now and itchy.

Back when he had that patch was when I had given him that remedy that that homeopath gave him...the one I mentioned earlier. I don't remember what it was called, but it was what made that patch go away.

The past few days he's been procrastinating. Like if I say 'Eden, let's get your shoes on so we can go to the zoo.' He will reply, 'After I do this.' He will do this over and over and it's extremely frustrating. It's better today.

His appetite has not been as good as it was last time, but there was slight improvement, I think.

I really can't think of much to report, either way. His eczema is getting better now,but it's still there and did the same thing as last time. His behavior has been pretty typical of a 4-year-old.

Oh, his bottom lip is all dry and cracked. I'm not sure if that was from eating too many frozen blueberries yesterday. He also had a very bad rash around his anus and when I looked at it it seemed like it was pealing. I had to put some corn starch on it because he was in pain.

When he was a toddler he was very good about going to bed or realizing when he was tired. He'd sign sleep to me or grab my hand and walk to the bedroom. As he's gotten older I've noticed he's not able to do this. He tries to resist going to bed and no longer naps even though sometimes he clearly needs it. With the last dose I noticed he was able to go to bed easier. Not this time around. At least not yet. However, a few minutes ago I shut the TV off and told him it was time for bed. He refused to go in the room, but got a pillow and covers and was sound asleep within seconds. So he didn't resist or cry about me shutting off the TV.

He still wants to be fed or he will not eat. I think someone told me or I read it that this is likely caused by a sensory processing disorder. I don't know because I was the same until I was about 6 and I just felt too lazy to eat on my own and alternatively, too busy to stop and eat. My mother was telling me just a few days ago that she'd have to follow me around or walk me around the neighborhood and distract me to get me to eat (unless it was something sweet). I feel that Eden is very much like this.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

We should wait for 1 more week.
sameervermani last decade
I figured that much. : ) He's been doing great with eating today!

I'll report back then.

Thank you!
anabanana last decade
Excellent !
sameervermani last decade
Unfortunately, Eden has not been doing better. The few lbs he gained with the first dose are long gone and then some. :(

He has been doing this thing where he HAS TO touch my breasts and tells me he can't stop himself. I asked him to touch my arm/elbow instead so that he could have that outlet and he said, 'But I don't want to touch your arm,' in tears.

I don't know if I mentioned this before but he's always done this. I don't know if you remember me complaining about it a lot with my sensory disorder. It's ALWAYS been a battle...ever since he was about 8 mos old.

I feel violated and extremely angry. I don't believe in hitting children (or anyone), but that's exactly what I feel like doing. Tonight I went to pull his hand off and I swatted him away. I don't know if it hurt him or if I even got him (I didn't feel my hand slap him or anything and it was 100% impulsive), but he cried so badly and this is when we had the conversation above.

It's like this. If his head is near my breast he will try to feel on it with his cheek. If he's hugging me and his arms happen to be below my arms, then he suddenly will try to hug my breasts instead. If I'm not paying attention he will try to feel without me noticing.

Lately it's been worse.

And he hasn't asked to nurse for a while. I would let him nurse because I do natural-child-led weaning, but he's pretty much weaned, I think.

So it has nothing to do with me not letting him or anything like that...where I can see that it might cause some emotional issues.

This is really hard for me to deal with because it makes me incredibly angry. It's like something ignites inside me and I feel disgusted. It's not easy to let go of feeling that way.

Other than that, he's not eating at all and is having a really tough time when friends leave or it's time to end a playdate. And he's been going out a lot and friends are over daily, so it's not for lack of company.

He does this thing to my husband which is the equivalent of what he does to me and climbs on his back...like if my husband is standing near a table he will climb on the table and jump on his back. If my husband is on the floor he will sit up on his shoulders and not let go. This drives my husband crazy and he often just goes to bed early to get away. I think with him, however, it might have something to do with getting attention because my husband will zone out in front of the TV and just be lazy all day after work. It's like he doesn't see the joy of being able to come home every day and play with his child, read a book, etc. These things do not appeal to him. But he will do them sometimes so Eden is needy for more.
anabanana last decade
Oh, his eczema is almost all gone, except for a dime-sized dried up circle on his upper arm. But a couple days ago I looked into his mouth and he had a sore between his gums and his upper lip.
anabanana last decade
Do you have LM1 of Lachesis ?
sameervermani last decade
yes i do.
anabanana last decade
Okay, dissolve 3 drops of LM1 in 250 ml spring water, and give a teaspoon from there.

Report in 4 days please.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

I did this 4 days ago. It did not go well at all. He's been over-emotional/sensitive. Crying and getting very sad when his friends leave (they come over almost every day, but he wants them living here..lol). The morning after the dose he woke me up with 'Mama, I want to touch your babas...' : / This fixation is MUCH more pronounced while he's on this remedy, at least the past 2 doses. He has a lot of trouble focusing. He actually prefered to stay home one day to getting dressed himself. Can't eat by himself, at all. Will say he's hungry in the morning and afternoon, but that's it. He's losing weight and his skin is lose again. : ( His pediatrician is going to get him into a sensory processing specialist.

He keeps telling me he loves me...and this is awesome, you know, but it's like every 2 minutes. I take this as him expressing a need to feel loved, since children will demonstrate love most when they need it.

This time around I didn't feel good about this remedy at all. It made me very sad to see him acting out and having trouble concentrating and stuff.

Can we antidote this?
anabanana last decade
He's been very jealous, too. Like if he sees me looking at a picture of a baby he will act like he doesn't care, but will not want a hug from me or anything. And you can just see it in his face because he'll keep glancing over to the side, like he can't help it.

I HATE that he's feeling insecure because I'm so affectionate with him and there's nothing more I can do to be reassuring. I feel guilty complementing anyone because I don't want him to feel bad.
anabanana last decade
HI Ana,

Please wait for 3-4 days, and then report back.

Notice all his symptoms carefully in this period.
sameervermani last decade
Will do. Thank you. Today he's been eating A LOT and asking for food and eatin it himself. He even asked for lasagna for breakfast and ate it.

I forgot to mention yesterday that he woke up with a little cold. His nose is stuffy at night and a little runny during the day. He'll sneeze now and then. Nothing major. I know it's not because of the remedy because my husband got it last night and I'm sorta feeling it today.
anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer,

Nothing improved. In fact, it got a little worse. However, it seems as if the effect started going away a couple days ago and his eczema is coming back and is back to normal.

He got really bad with that last dose. Over-emotional and sensitive. Crying really bad when friends would leave and waking up and night crying for friends. Even when they've slept over...it's never enough for him.

Sorry it took me this long to reply, but I was just waiting it out to see if something would improve.

I'll await further instructions!

Thank you,
Ana : )
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Give him a dose of Medorrhinum 200c, and report after 2 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
I'll give this to him tonight.

anabanana last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

Just updating that I did NOT give this to my son when I said I would, but did so today. He's had a very stuffy nose at night that doesn't let him (or me!) sleep well, so I was waiting for that to clear up some. I gave it to him today and forgot that I was going to ask you about the stuffy nose and persistent cough, first. It's quite bothersome and really disrupts his sleep. He was doing better today, though.

anabanana last decade
Now that you have given him the dose, we should wait for 10 days or so.

sameervermani last decade
Last night his nose got stuffy again and his cough came back. He's been coughing all day.
anabanana last decade
That's ok. It will take 10 days or so before we can make any assessment.
sameervermani last decade
He's sick with a fever and cough. I gave him Motrin so he could rest. But the cough is not letting him. It's a cough that makes him gag.
anabanana last decade
Notice the symptoms carefully, as to what makes the cough better/worse, times of aggravation, and what else has changed since this cough started ?
sameervermani last decade
He coughs when he gets upset, cries. He also chokes a lot on his saliva. Up to today it was throughout the day and random. He has told me that cold drinks make him cough.

The cough he has now is different, though. It's the type that you get with colds and feels a little asthmatic. It's been happening since I posted, but got better a while after the Motrin. Now he's doing it maybe once every half hour and so far it's been quick. Like a strong cough from a quick spasm.

I'll watch his symptoms.

The stuffy nose happens after bed and gets better around 3am.

He's been having bad dreams, too, and he will mumble or cry/whimper. They are around the same times as the stuffy nose.
anabanana last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

He was coughing ALL night long. We haven't slept at all.

I let him go on a sleepover and of course, they called me to pick him up, which is what I knew would happen. He's never been away from me and is still too little, so I knew when bedtime came around and all the kids were asleep, that's when he'd want to go home.

He started crying over there and my friend called me to go get him. (They live next door) When we got home he started crying very emotionally. I guess because he thought he was going to HAVE to stay over there... I rocked him to sleep.

He was coughing after that all the time. It was an asthmatic cough.

His cough had improved a lot, but I'm thinking the crying made it spike or maybe something my friend fed him...they eat junk food over there. She also uses synthetic fragrances and stuff and I'm thinking it was this because last time he was over there he had a similar effect, but with stuffy nose.

Can I give him anything for this? I'm hoping he'll be better tonight, but we NEED to be able to sleep.

BTW, yesterday morning I woke up to him touching my breast, again. Then he was 'sad' because I wouldn't let him continue to do it. I gently moved his hand away and rolled over to my other side (he was doing it super soft, as for me not to notice lol) (I honestly wouldn't care if it wasn't so physically unbearable to me because I really don't want to make a big deal of it and make him feel bad about it) Then I feel him fumbling around and since I was still trying to sleep I looked at him and he had an erection and was 'pushing' it down. I'm thinking this is normal since he was breastfed and that releases oxytocin, which is a 'bonding' chemical that also occurs during labor, orgasm, and sex. So it makes sense that having contact with my breast would release the oxytocin and cause an erection, especially since he breastfed until recently when he self-weaned.

(I'm mainly explaining because I know people read this thread and it's for anyone thinking, 'EW, a an erection from feeling your mom's boob!' It's normal. And in case it makes a difference in homeopathy)

Thank you,
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

What is the current status ?

This choking on saliva and erections in children are extremely strong indications of Lachesis which is expected to work better after Med.

I am inclined to wait longer though if possible, because that will give Med more time to work though the miasmatic blockage.

sameervermani last decade
The cough is better now, but was still bad during the night and horrible yesterday.

He says he's sad because of the cough. He hasn't been himself. Normally, even if he's sick he's up and about, but he's been pretty drained and sitting around more than usual. Not that he's laying around, but not as hyperactive.

He's getting worse with the breast thing. It's VERY annoying.

Let me say that I know many children who have been breastfed until the natural age of weaning, which seems to be anywhere from 4-6 (or after). Anyways, they all maintain a sort of relationship with the breast after the weaning. It's like they wean from it physically, first, but the emotional attachment takes a little longer. Well, I think with me haivng sensory issues and not allowing certain kinds of touch, this likely turned his natural attachment into an obssession because I never allowed the natural emotinoal weaning. That's how I see it.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but he tells me he loves me and hugs me very often. Like every few minutes. At least 20-30 times a day. Except when he's with his friends, then it's mainly when I hug him. I think it might be out of boredom.

I should have mentioned the erections thing before because he gets them a lot and always has. I just figured it was normal.

OH, I almost forgot something I've noticed for days now! He's grinding his teeth at night. And I mean, it sounds like he's grinding them away he does it so hard. It's mainly after cough, like when he's swallowing. It doesn't let me sleep because I think he's going to damage his teeth, so I wake and massage his jaw to try and get him to stop.
anabanana last decade

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