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Pilonidal Cyst Page 2 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks Ken,

Please wait a couple of days, then, post your son's full symptoms.

Many prayers for your son.

nawazkhan last decade

My son hasn't taken anything since Friday. His symptoms now are relatively unchanged... He did not bleed for two days but had a very little blood yesterday. The holes are basically the same size, about the size of a pencil eraser and his discomfort has gone down a lot. His discomfort had basically disappeared on Friday and Sat. but had some minor discomfort yesterday.

Let me know if you need more info and what we should do next.

Thanks again!
knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

Please give your son a dose of Merc. Sol. 200C, 4 drops/pills nicely dissolved in 1/4 cup of mineral water. Only one dose.

When would you be getting Calc Sulph 200C?

A bundle of prayers for your son's good health.

nawazkhan last decade

I should have The Calc Sulph 200C tomorrow afternoon.

knodes last decade

I just received the Calc Sulph 200c. Should my son start taking it?

He last took Merc. Sol 200c last night.

knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

How does your son feel now?

Please post his symptoms including mental and physical.

Let's hold on to Calc Sulph 200C for now.

Many prayers for your son.

nawazkhan last decade

My son feels fine, both mentally and physically. He is quite active physically playing basketball and working out. Mentally he is fine, very level headed. His only real issue is this cyst.
The cyst is pretty much the same. He has two holes at either end of the scar from his previous surgery. They appear to be getting a little larger. The bleeding is less than it was a week ago, but still a little bit there. He still has some discomfort but mostly when there is direct pressure on it.

Let me know if you need more information.

knodes last decade
Thanks Ken,

Please post his condition in 2 days, then, we will decide on the remedy.

nawazkhan last decade

Kyle's cyst is about the same. No noticeable changes, still some slight bleeding, mild discomfort.

knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

Please give your son Calc Sulph 200C, 4 drops/pills dissolved in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 doses with a gap of 4 hours.

Good Luck.

nawazkhan last decade

My son only took 2 of the 3 doses of Calc Sulph on Friday before he fell asleep early that night and he slept until mid morning Saturday. I couldn't wake him up to give him the 3rd dose and didn't want to give him anymore b/c he had a basketball tournament on Sat. and Sunday and I wasn't sure if the calc sulph made him so tired so I figured it was best to wait.

Would the Calc Sulph make him tired? What do you suggest we do now? repeat the 3 doses?

There is no real change with the cyst, still some bleeding but no that irritable.

Thanks for your help!
knodes last decade
Please describe tired? What do you really mean?
nawazkhan last decade
I mean he came home around 9:30, I asked him why he was home so early and he said he was tired, he went to his room and when I checked on him 15 mins later he was fast asleep and didn't wake up till 10am Saturday morning. He said he felt fine he was just really tired on friday night.

Him being asleep by 9:30 on a Friday night is not the norm so I thought that maybe it was the Calc. Sulph. Maybe not.
He was fine, in a good mood and felt real good on Saturday.
knodes last decade
Thanks for the clarification.

No, Calc Sulph will not make him tired, but, to relax his mind with a good sleep. So, what were his activities on Friday?

I see an improvement in his condition by reading your posts, so, let's not take Calc Sulph 200C anymore. Please let the remedy perform its functions.

Please be patient.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 16:59:29 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
Ok thanks! He didn't really have any activities on Friday, just school and he hung out w/some friends. Friday is pretty much his only day w/out physical activities so he may have been tired from the long week and than had a relaxed mind which allowed him to sleep so well.

I do think there has been some improvement especially w/the irritation and itching being reduced. The holes are about the same size and there is still some blood however.

I be back to report his condition at the end of the week..... ok?

knodes last decade
nawazkhan last decade

I hope all is well. The following is my sons current condition....
The cyst is very irritated, sore to the touch. There has been a lot of blood the last few days and there seems to be more tiny wholes opening up along the scar from his surgery. (looks kind of like the scar is ripping open). However on the good side, the two orignal, bigger wholes don't seem as deep, almost looks like they may be closing somewhat.

Also to note he has been sick the last 3 days with a slight fever, upset stomach and very fatigued and sore all over. Must have caught a bug..... He is feeling a little better this morning.

Thanks for your help!
knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

Now is the time to repeat a dose of Calc Sulph 200C, 4 drops/pills dissolved in 1/4 small bottle of mineral water, hit the bottle 11 times on your left hand palm, drink the whole thing, only one dose please.

Good Luck.

nawazkhan last decade
Ok, will do. I'll get back to you in a couple of days w/ his symptoms.....

knodes last decade

My son took the dose of Calc Sulph. yesterday afternoon. The cyst area is very irritated and bleeding alot. The irritation is becoming a problem. It hurts him just walking around now, this is the worst its been in a while. Is there anything else he could be doing?

knodes last decade
Please be patient and do nothing. He needs to take rest and let the short term thunder storm pass quickly.

Please post his symptoms tomorrow.
nawazkhan last decade

My son's cyst area has completely opened up. The entire scar from the previous surgery, about an 1 1/4 inches long, is now opened and exposed. It doesn't look good and is very painful! There is some bleeding and some whiteish discharge which I assume is puss.

We are starting to get uncomfortable with just leaving it alone. I'm worried about infection. Why would this wound completely open up like this?

What are your suggestions? Can you please give me your thoughts on what to expect as far as treatment for this will be?

As always, thanks for your time and patience!

knodes last decade

Please do not worry at all as the cyst will close by God willing!

Please start taking immediately Hypericum 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 2 days.

Do you have Calendula Q or 6X?

Please give me update by evening?

Many many prayers for your son.

nawazkhan last decade

Thank you. I do not have Calendula Q or 6x. I will head to the store and see if I can pick some up. Is there a preference as to Q or 6x?

knodes last decade

I was only able to get a 'Calendula Ointment' which the lable says; Calendula officinalis 1X HPUS- 4%. Will this work or should I order Q or 6x?

knodes last decade
I am sorry Calendula Ointment will not work. Therefore, please get 6X asap.

How is your son doing now? No need to worry about infection as the remedy is there to handle.

Were you able to give Hypericum dose?
nawazkhan last decade

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