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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal Cyst Page 4 of 7

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Dear Ken,

How many drops of blood is coming out? Does your son encounter any pain? Any burning?

Please post all symptoms, mental and physical.

nawazkhan last decade
Not sure how to quantify 'drops of blood', He wears a guaze pad inside his shorts and its basically a line of blood on the quaze at the end of the day. Its not heavy, when it was heavy the whole pad would be filled. This is just a line of blood, probably between 5-10 drops a day.
There is no burning at all and he wouldn't classify it as pain, just a discomfort (he notices it when he sits a certain way).

Physically and mentally he's fine, actually the best he's been in a while. He's a very active kid and this isn't slowing him at all right now.
knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

Thanks for the update.

Please start giving your son Calendula 6X, 4 pills nicely dissolved in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Please let me know when you get BV?

A bundle of more prayers for your son.

nawazkhan last decade
Thanks Nawaz,

I started him on the Calendula this morning and we also recieved the BV today.

Please let me know when he should start taking the BV.

knodes last decade
Dear Ken,

Is the BV you purchased is Q or 1X?

Let's take the both remedies on alternate days.

Monday - Calendula 6X

Tuesday - Berberis Vulgaris, 3 times a day as your son took before.

Wednesday - Calendula 6X

Thursday - Berberis Vulgaris

Friday - Calendula 6X

Saturday - Berberis Vulgaris

Please let me know his condition in 3 days.

Many prayers for your son.

[message edited by nawazkhan on Mon, 30 May 2011 13:33:40 BST]
nawazkhan last decade

The BV I have is 1x. Should he take 4 pills dissolved in water 3 times a day?

knodes last decade
Yes, please take 4 pills 3 times a day.
nawazkhan last decade

The cyst is slightly less irritated and there is less blood than 3 days ago. Thats about the only change. He has been doing the BV and the Calendula on alternate days.

Should he continue this course?

knodes last decade
Ken, yes, please continue with these remedies as suggested.
nawazkhan last decade

I hope all is well. My son has be taking Calendula 6x and Berberis Vulgaris on alternating days for about 2 weeks now. I just wanted to let you know that there hasn't been much change. There is still some blood and it get slightly irratated from time to time. It doesn't really look like the whole is closing at all.

Should he stay w/ the current medication?

knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

Please give him a dose of Merc. Sol. 1M, 4 drops/pills nicely dissolved in 1/4 glass of mineral water, only one dose please.

Stop all other remedies for the time being.

nawazkhan last decade

I have Merc Sol 200ck and 30C. Will either of those do?

knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

It seems your son's P. Cyst is a big and stubborn hole. These are the real remedies at the last stages of healing. But, I see from your post some improvement 'There is still some blood and it get slightly irratated from time to time.'
So, is there any pus? How much is the pain?

Merc Sol. 200C or 30C will not do the job, therefore, please try to get the higher potency as soon as possible.

[message edited by nawazkhan on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 02:42:45 BST]
nawazkhan last decade

I have order the Merc. Sol 1M.

There is no pus, just some blood. The pain isn't bad, he doesn't really classify it as pain, just irritable sometimes.... It is better than it was, but it seems to have just stalled in its healing process.

knodes last decade

Then, let us give him an intercurrent remedy. Please give him a dose of Sulphur 200C, 4 drops/pills nicely dissolved in 1/4 glass of mineral water, only one dose please.

Report progress in 2 days.

nawazkhan last decade

Since my son has taken the Sulphur two days ago the cyst has been more irritated. There was a little more blood yesterday which seems to have caused a rash on the surrounding area but the blood is less today and the cyst area actually looks a little better today than it did two days ago. There was also a slight smell from the cyst area today which I haven't smelled in a while. It wasn't bad but it was there. I thought this would a sign of infection, but there is no puss.

I recieved the Merc. Sol 1M today. Should he take one dose?

knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

So, the remedy has moved your son's case forward. The rash is a good healing sign. Let the remedy Sulphur perform its functions.

Please wait and hold on to Merc. Sol 1M at the moment.

Please post his symptoms in detail in a couple of days.

Many prayers for your son.

nawazkhan last decade

How are we doing today? What is your son's condition at the moment?

Please update me when you get a chance today?

nawazkhan last decade

Thanks for checking in. My son seems a little better today. Very little blood, less irritated and the rash has just about subsided.

knodes last decade
Hi Ken,

Nice to hear about your son's improvement. Well, looking at the current symptoms, please let him take Arsenicum Album 200C for 3 days. Daily one dose. As usual, prepare his dose by pouring 4 drops/pills of the remedy into 1/4 glass of mineral water. Then, dissolve nicely with a spoon.

I am sure that this remedy will help in the healing process and reduce bleeding.

Many prayers for you and your son.

nawazkhan last decade

My son has finished his 3 day dose of Arsenicum. Friday was the first day, on Saturday there was no blood at all and the cyst felt good, on Sat. night there was a lot of blood and some irritation. Sunday and today there has been a little blood and no irritation.

Is there anything else he should be taking now?

knodes last decade
Please have him a look at the color of the cyst and around?

Your son should take Calendula 6X, 3 times a day, for 1 week.
nawazkhan last decade

The color of his cyst is bright red. It is an open wound so it as basically always been that color. The direct outer skin around it is pink.

I have given him 2 doses of Calendula 6x and have run out so I have to order more. Should I wait for it to come in and than give it to him for a week?

knodes last decade
Please tell me about the blood position and pain, then, we will go from there.

Please go ahead and order Calendula Q.
nawazkhan last decade
I'm not sure what you mean by 'blood position'... The pain isn't bad. What really bothers him is when he gets the rash which is usually after he bleeds a lot. Now is one of those times, he bled a lot today and now he has a rash that really irritates the area... If thats not the info you are looking for, please let me know.

knodes last decade
How many drops of blood today?
nawazkhan last decade

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