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Pilonidal Cyst Page 6 of 7

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Yes, he has actually had a busy week of basketball w/his high school team. However, after today he is done for a while so hopefully he can rest and get this healed.
knodes last decade
Please tell him to rest and do not exert himself. As you know, his wound was deep and big in size. Please continue with Calendula and Berberis Vulgaris as before, then, we will have to repeat Silicea 1M in 5-6 days.
nawazkhan last decade

My son has been taking the Calendula & Berberis on alternating days for the last 5. The cyst has been getting quite irritated and yesterday was bleeding a lot. He has been resting the entire time w/no basketball and almost no physical activity. Should he take another dose of the Silcea 1M ?

knodes last decade
Hi, Yes, it is now the time to take Silicea 1M dose. Please stop other remedies.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 16:16:33 BST]
nawazkhan last decade

He took the silicea 3 days ago. The cyst has been quite active... the bleeding has slowed but there seems to be some puss coming out. The wound doesn't actually look bad, deep red in color but looks clean. The biggest issue he has right now is the rash that has developed around the area...

I just wanted to keep you up. Please let me know what the next course of action should be.
knodes last decade
Hi, it is very important that you keep me in the loop. What is the color of pus, how many drops approx. and its thickness?

Also, the amount of bleeding will determine the next course of action?

What else he took since the last 5 days?
nawazkhan last decade
The puss was a whitish yellow(more white than yellow though). It was thick and I'd say about 10 drops. The bleeding is down from before he took the Silicea, its really not much at all right now.

In the last 5 days he's taken Calendula 5days ago, Berberis 4 days ago, and the Silicea 3 days ago. Nothing since.

knodes last decade
Thanks Ken, please keep taking Calendula as before.
nawazkhan last decade

I hope all is well. I haven't updated you recently b/c of the hurricane. I just got my power back. Anyway, The cyst has been calm over the past week, no real irritation and just a little blood. He has be taking the calendula regularly.
Should he try anything else, the Silicea again?

knodes last decade
Please give him Berberis Vulgaris Q, 3 times a day, for 2 days. Stop all other remedies.

What state are you in? Sorry to know about the impact of hurricane in your area.

May God bless you and your son.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks Nawaz,

We are in New Jersey, got hit pretty hard but we are all healthy.

I have Berberis Vulgaris in 30c and 1x. I believe we were taking the 1x. Is that what he should take now?

knodes last decade
Thanks God you guys are OK. Yes, I watched on TV, there is still a great impact on NJ.

Please let him take BV 1X as before for 2 days. Then, we will see the need for Silicea 1M. But, is the size of the wound decreasing?
nawazkhan last decade

The size of the wound does not seem to be changing at all.... He has taken the BV 1x for the last two days, the bleeding is extremely light. The cyst is somewhat itchy and the rash seems to come and go. The rash isn't really near the wound though, its a few inches away...

What do you recommend?

knodes last decade
Let's take Silicea 1M dose today any time. Please post symptoms after 2 days.
nawazkhan last decade

My son took 1 dose of Silicea 3 days ago. The area has been quite irritated since then. There has not been much blood at all but a little bit of white puss.

The real irritation comes mostly from the rash. Is there anything you could suggest to help w/that?

He has been quite inactive over the last week or so but doesn't seem to see any improvement.

What do you suggest we do?

Thanks for all your help!
knodes last decade
Please describe the rash in detail. It is really good that there is no bleeding! White color pus is a very good sign of case moving forward in the cure direction!
nawazkhan last decade
What potency of Thuja do you have?
nawazkhan last decade
Unfortunately none. Should I buy some?
knodes last decade
Yes, please get 200C asap.
nawazkhan last decade

I just recieved the Thuja 200c. Should he take it now. What dosage?

knodes last decade
Good, please give him only one dose of Thuja 200C tonight at bed time. That will be 4 drops/pills mixed/dissolved in 1/4 glass of mineral water.

Good Luck
nawazkhan last decade

Update; My son took one dose of the Thuja 3 days ago. The cyst has been feeling a little better, not much irritation, minimal blood, just a drop or two.

knodes last decade
Hi Ken, Sorry for the late reply as I was out attending a seminar all day.

Thanks for the good report.

Please give your son Berberis Vulgaris Q, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you and your son.

nawazkhan last decade

My son has taken the BV for the last 3 days. Things have been pretty good, very little blood and no irritation. Please let me know if there is something else we should do.

knodes last decade
Please continue with the remedy until bleeding stops.
nawazkhan last decade
Also, please let him take Calendula as before, 2 times a day, one dose when gets up and one dose at bed time.
nawazkhan last decade

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